Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 692: : Gibraltar base, Durandal arrives

"The Gibraltar naval port tower is calling. LHM-BB01 'Minerva', welcome to arrive."

The bridge received a communication from the Gibraltar base.

After so many twists and turns, the Minerva returned from combat operations and finally arrived at the original destination along their original voyage.

This military port is located on the protruding part of the coastline of the Iberian Peninsula. It is an important stronghold of Zavot. Many ships are moored in the port area, and they are still being assembled.

Minerva and the Persian Grove-class submarine surfaced side by side and entered the port together.

"The control tower will guide your ship to dock, Pier 1. Please confirm the signal."

"Minerva. Received. Confirmation signal."

Hearing Barto's answer to the control tower, the atmosphere on the bridge suddenly eased.

Their voyage has been interrupted several times, and they have made many detours, and now they have finally reached Gibraltar.

But Thalia had a calm face.

"Ah, it's so spectacular!"

In contrast, when Arthur saw the ships in the port area, he immediately shouted excitedly: "I only know that there is an order for all the nearby troops to gather here. I didn't expect it to be so spectacular!"

At this moment, he noticed Talia's expression, realized that he had shouted too much, and quickly closed his mouth.

The gathering of such a huge military force is indeed a rare and spectacular sight, but Talia is not willing to be simply happy about it.

"—If you want someone to hold a sword, the most important thing is righteousness."


Thalia's abrupt sentence, not only was Arthur confused, even Meiling, who was beside him, blinked in confusion.

"I also forgot who said this, anyway, it was said by the instructor during the commander's training. Hey, this is only right. If there is no target to be eliminated and an acceptable reason, who can fight... …”

Even if the superior's order is contrary to morality, as a soldier, he has to obey the order.

Speaking of which, the morale is really different when people believe they are uprising under the banner of righteousness.

Ultimately, wars happen precisely because people believe they are right.

Without high-sounding principles, raising an army is simply a matter of seeking fish.

"Now, someone has set a clear goal in front of us."

Ask for LOGOS.

Besides Zaft, many other forces are gathering under the banner raised by Durandal.

"If you don't crusade against LOGOS, you will be sorry for all mankind", the absurd words and arguments even become the truth at this moment.

Everyone joined the crusade against LOGOS under the trend of the general environment.

"Uh, oh..."

Arthur, who couldn't keep up with the topic, had to blink, and Talia couldn't help but smile bitterly: "—As a soldier, maybe we should be lucky...?"

Thalia no longer had any expectations for Arthur's IQ.

Arthur looked stunned.

Thalia did not continue to explain.

I don't know who told me that the world is about to be clearly painted in two colors.

People are distinguishing between enemy and self, good and evil.

I once felt that this concept was not quite right. Could it be because I am a person with a contradictory personality?

Thalia vaguely doubts that after eradicating the root of all evil and destroying the enemy, will this world become a paradise without war?

In fact, Thalia couldn't imagine a world without war at all.

Human desires will not stop, and when war is profitable, war will appear.

It may be difficult to accept such a statement, but it is the truth.

When the majority, or those who can represent the majority, feel that war is necessary, war will sweep the world under the slogan of justice.

No one likes war, but human beings cannot completely abandon war.

I have to say that human beings are really contradictory creatures. They obviously hate certain things and behaviors to death, but sometimes they yearn for their appearance.

"Attention to the whole ship! This ship is about to implement the port entry procedure."

While his mind wandered, the mothership was ready to enter the port area.

Meiling said loudly, "All staff members please take their places in the designated departments!!"

In the lounge.

Luna Maria buys drinks from the vending machine.

Beside him are Ray Za Barel and Shin Asuka.

"But the crusade against LOGOS... The Speaker himself said it's not easy..."

Luna Maria joined the conversation, and there was a bit of doubt and hesitation in her words.

The crusade against LOGOS is a slogan. How will the specific strategy be determined?

Lei's tone sank: "But I think, after seeing those tragic scenes, others should feel compelled to take action."


A tragic scene, the massacre in Berlin appeared in the mind of True Asuka.

There is also the inhumane laboratory, and Stella who is about to be transferred.

Stella, what's wrong with them?

She was treated so ruthlessly just because of her genetic matching, and she has been in pain every day.

If it weren't for LOGOS, I might not be able to meet Stella, but she should also be living happily somewhere—

Thinking of Stella on the coast, and Stella lying in the infirmary now, Shin Asuka squeezed the drink can in her hand.

Everything is the fault of the war - it's all caused by LOGOS.

Heine and others also showed more or less indignant expressions.

Ray looked at Shin Asuka's sudden resentment and smiled subconsciously.

"The Minerva is in port—time flies so fast."

The confinement room where Nuoer is located is not far from the port. Listening to the sound from the radio, Nuoer walked out of the door and looked in the direction of the port.

Perhaps because there is no evidence, Noel did not suffer any inhuman treatment at the Gibraltar base, and even if it wasn't for the order, he was guarded by soldiers 24 hours a day.

Noel is no different from a vacation.

Living in a villa with a sea view, I have a full package of food, clothing, housing, and transportation. I can order anything I want, and I can go shopping in the base every day.

If it wasn't for soldiers coming to watch every day, Nuoer almost forgot that he was still in Huh? "

Just when Nuoer was about to go back to his room and continue to lie down, out of the corner of his eyes he saw a large army coming not far away.

Perhaps sensing Noel's sight, Durandal, surrounded by the crowd, smiled and nodded at Noel.

Then he and his adjutant pointed to Nuoer and said something, and walked straight towards the villa with a few soldiers out of the crowd.

"Why are those two guys here?"

Noel's eyes didn't stop too much on Durandal's face. He found two other interesting guys in the crowd - Courtney Hieronymus and Lena Sera Miron.

The former was one of Noel's team members and was very strong.

At least in the red-shirt level, it is also a top batch. When he was on the South American battlefield, he had a relationship with Cruze.

As for Lina Sera Miron, Noel met him when he was testing MS in the Armory.

In addition to her being a rare female elite in red, there is another reason that she, like Courtney Hieronymus, is a rare person with the ability to recognize empty space.

Of course, this is not the key. The key is that both of them are members of the Unified Development Bureau. How could the logistics people suddenly come here?

Noel's doubts did not last long.

In the salute of the soldiers on the road, Durandal nodded with a smile and came to the front of Noel.

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