Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 638: : Covenant Gundam?


In the cockpit of the Duel Gundam that had just adjusted the flight position of the body, Miudi subconsciously roared as he watched Storm Gundam hit by the beam cannon.


Hearing Maudie's roar, Swain subconsciously looked in the direction of the emerald storm.

I didn't know when, the emerald storm had turned into scrap iron residue and disappeared in its original position.

"Tsk tsk tsk, why are you so careless?"

Preya clicked her tongue, she really didn't know what to say.

"Damn you!"

After a brief stupor, Maudie felt nothing but anger inside.

Roaring loudly, Maudie drove the blue duel with tears in his eyes and rushed towards the prototype Destiny Gundam, which was entangled by the beam and the high-energy beam.

The Expansion Trio and the Phantom Pain Trio are two completely different units.

Although the Phantom Pain team is at the same time, the feelings between teammates are completely different.

Stella and their teammates are often deprived of their feelings, so they are more familiar strangers.

And Maudie and the others did not have the problem of amnestics.

Hear the siren ringing incessantly.

The killing intent in Nuoer's eyes seemed to be real, and he unknowingly came to the energy instrument panel with the green sign.

After the trial Destiny Gundam raised his hand to block the flying beam, his left hand directly touched the beam saber on his waist.


In the dazzling afterimage, the trial-type Destiny Gundam flipped and shifted, like a ghost.

Strictly speaking, this is the second time Noel has officially used the prototype Destiny Gundam's Shining Propulsion Device.

The first time was when it just fell from the sky.

In fact, Luanglin's beam cannon did not cause too much damage to the trial Destiny Gundam, that is, the energy aspect was directly emptied.

When the Yang Electron Cannon was fired, the trial Destiny Gundam avoided the deadliest position, only to be rubbed by a part of the body by the Yang Electron Cannon.

After spending about 90% of the energy, the trial-type Destiny Gundam finally escaped the attack range of the Yang Electron Cannon.

But it is also because the energy consumption is too serious, and it is uncertain how many ms the Earth Alliance has.

Nuoer simply climbed up 10,000 meters in the direction of the beam cannon, turned off the armor and all systems except the engine, and waited for the energy to recover.

This is also a major advantage of nuclear energy machines. Even if the energy is emptied in a short period of time, as long as the energy used by the body does not exceed the energy generated by nuclear energy, the energy will be replenished by itself.

The back is very simple. After the energy is restored, Nuoer directly uses the Radiance Propulsion Device to drop from the sky, and uses the impact force to directly chop the Roanglin Fortress with the ship-cutting knife.

bang bang bang-

The successive beams shot in the air, causing Preia to frown slightly.

Kanad Pals also looked a little dignified.

This kind of airframe ability, combined with the performance of the prototype Destiny Gundam and the driving skills of Noel Cassia, was extremely difficult for them to perform remote support.

The phantom particle colloidal holographic projection system is not only to confuse the line of sight, but more importantly, it can interfere with the radar lock to a certain extent.

In Maudie's stunned eyes, the prototype Destiny Gundam appeared in front of her instantly with a phantom.


The light of the beam saber suddenly lit up.


Maudie forcibly calmed his mind, raised his shield subconsciously along the opponent's offensive position, and successfully blocked the beam saber.

Drop drop-

However, before she could be happy, the alarm in the cockpit of the Azure Duel suddenly sounded.

At almost the same time as she tilted her head, a thigh with a beam dagger appeared in front of the screen.



In the fierce impact, the beam dagger cut through the cockpit, bringing up countless broken steel fragments.

Maudie didn't even let out a wailing sound, but flipped and fell with the body.

Drop drop-

Facing the falling azure duel, the prototype Destiny Gundam's muzzle lit up again.




Seeing the blocked high-energy beam and the blue duel falling into the desert, Nuoer couldn't help frowning slightly.

"You are really merciless."

Preya's voice sounded slowly from the cockpit.


However, this voice was so familiar to Nuoer's ears that Nuoer subconsciously exclaimed.

Although the tone of the voice is somewhat different, the essence of the voice is not exactly the same, but it is almost the same.

The free and easy and relieved tone with a hint of bewitchment and coldness is almost the same.

It can be said that, apart from the difference in tone, the meaning hidden in the voice is no different from that of Cruze.


Preia couldn't help being stunned when she heard this answer, and then smiled as if thinking of something: "Well, it seems that he and I are really similar."

"He? Who are you?"

Noel frowned slightly when he heard Preya's answer.

It is impossible for Cruzer to be alive now, not to mention that he was indeed killed by himself.

Even if he had a mercy knife at that time, it was impossible for Cruze to live until now with his physical condition.



Subconsciously, Noel had this guess.


Preia was stunned, how did this guy guess?

"Forget it, it doesn't matter what you are, I can kill Cruze, you-I can kill too!"

After Noel finished speaking, the pilot Destiny Gundam, which had returned to the full state again, accelerated and rushed up.

Do you really think that Lao Tzu is free to chat with you?

Besides, I can chop Cruze, so I am afraid that you are the same as him or a clone of Cruze?


However, in the face of the flying Noel, Praia shot a beam of light and quickly retreated to the rear.

"Run? Can you run away!"

After Noel finished speaking, the engine output was pulled to the highest.

While the afterimage flickered, the trial-type Destiny Gundam increased its speed again.

But for a moment, the trial-type Destiny Gundam came to the front of Fubuki Shenyi.

Preya frowned slightly and her eyes became solemn.


Nuoer roared in a low voice, the beam saber in his hand swung and flipped, and the ship-chopping knife also flipped and moved at this moment.


The light of the beam saber and the heavy blow of the ship-cutting sword sounded almost at the same time.


The next second, along with the flying fragments of the body, Fubuki Shenyi's arm that blocked the beam saber was instantly cut off.

Preya Tong's hole shrank suddenly.

The prototype Destiny Gundam turned around and raised his legs and swept toward the opponent's cockpit with a beam dagger.

Drop drop-


However, at this moment, a harsh alarm suddenly came from overhead.

When looking up, a touch of blue plunged straight down like an arrow.


Accompanied by the throbbing of the body.

On the verge of a close call, the left leg of the prototype Destiny Gundam that had just been raised was cut off at the knee.

The body was also directly knocked away by the opponent.

When Noel stabilized the body, a blue-painted body appeared between the two.

At the same time, at some point in the air, a battleship identical to the Gardi Lu appeared.

With the advent of this battleship, three battleships with mirages have appeared on the Earth United side.

Even more deadly, two more MSs flew out of the gate of the battleship that arrived behind this ship.

However, the appearance of these two made Nuoer subconsciously stunned in place.

[Discovering ms heat source-signal is this possible! ? 】

Inside the Minerva, Barto looked at the MS identification signal on the radar and was stunned for a while, and then shouted in disbelief.

"What happened?"

Thalia couldn't help but look over.

"The ms that came up was rgx-x-04, but—"


As Barto spoke, he directly projected the appearance of the two MSs onto the screen.

"how come--"


"Covenant Gundam and Savior Gundam!?"

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