Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 634: : The Battle of Loang Green (6)


The burst of fire from the MS flickered in the air.

With the passage of time, the number of 130-odd dagger L units has dropped sharply to 20 units.

Drop drop —

Also at this moment.

Multiple radar lock-on sirens were heard from the cockpit of the Savior Gundam.

Aslan heard the sound and saw that the mountains inlaid with the Roan Green fort were clearly visible. It turned out that he had come to the defense range of the artillery of the opponent's base without realizing it.

The base automatic attack artillery system is activated.

Numerous cannons protrude from the cliff.

Between the beams, the dagger L troops retreated and escaped, and the Savior Gundam was enveloped by the dense beams.


Just as Aslan flipped to avoid the beam, his line of sight swept to the enemy's line, and the oddly-shaped MA wanted to retreat.

"Luna Maria, Ray, that guy is running away!"

As soon as these words came out, he saw that Lunamaria's Zagu warriors had set up a high-energy long-range beam cannon around their waists.


The artillery fire swept out, and the two daggers L couldn't avoid it and exploded in mid-air.

Because there was no disturbance of the short sword L troops, Ray's Zaku Phantom activated the missile pod on his back, and countless missiles flew towards the enemy.

When Aslan flipped to avoid the beam, the body changed to the MA form, and chased the MA in the siege of the beam.


The next second, accompanied by the sound of an alarm.

A short sword L suddenly blocked the front.

Without the slightest hesitation.

The Savior Gundam turns into the MS form while flipping the avoidance beam.

Facing the direction of the dagger L, he drew his beam saber.

Hu Hu—

Beam sabers flashed staggeredly.

The dagger L paused in mid-air for a moment and then lit up with an explosion of fire.

However, the Savior Gundam did not stop.

In a flash, he came to the back of the strangely shaped MA.

At the moment when the opponent turned around and opened the gun, the Savior Gundam avoided waving the saber in advance.


Savior Gundam wiped the beam that hit the door and swung the knife to the ground.

During the earthquake, the Savior Gundam jumped and flipped the deformed MA again, and charged straight into the sky accompanied by the beam of the artillery at the Luanglin Base.


It was also at this moment that the strangely shaped MA ended its life in a burst of fire.

at the same time.

Because of the approaching of the Savior Gundam, the Roan Green fort ended its energy storage, and the turret began to sink slowly.

As long as the existence of the Roan Green Fortress is guaranteed, this level will remain strong.


But right now.

The cliff wall directly below the fort suddenly exploded from the inside.

In a puff of dust, the core shuttle rushed out with two aircraft.

After going through what happened last time, Shin Asuka went through the fusion procedure immediately after he came out.

The core area is embedded with the two units, the hands, feet and head are stretched out, and a blue, red, and white MS instantly merges.

"Really! Fort!"

However, before Shin Asuka could check the situation, he heard Aslan's voice in his ears.


Shin Asuka looked subconsciously in the direction of the fort, and saw that the fort was almost halfway down.

Seeing this, Shin Asuka hurriedly drove the Pulse Gundam towards the fort.

If the turret was retracted, wouldn't I have been worrying about it in the dark for so long?

Aslan also pulled the trigger at this time.

During the burst of light beams, the defensive artillery of the Roan Green Base was destroyed one by one, clearing the obstacles for the Pulse Gundam.

Luna Maria and Lei fired long-range artillery fire, dragging the remaining Dagger L troops who were trying to return to support.

There is no interference from external factors.

Impulse Gundam quickly rushed to the front of the fort.


But at this moment, a piercing radar alarm suddenly sounded inside the Minerva.

"This voice - phantom particle signal found!"

Because of the elusiveness of the unknown battleship, the Minerva specially installed a system for detecting phantom particles during renovations at the Chuckantalia base.

I thought it would take a long time to use who I thought—



"Distance 80 - position... right in front of this ship!"

"Directly ahead, isn't that—"

Before Arthur and the others finished speaking.

On the screen of the Minerva battleship, a black and blue battleship slowly emerged from the empty sky of Roanglin.


Almost at the moment when the battleship appeared.

Two high-energy beams shot out from the muzzle of the battleship, hitting the Pulse Gundam directly.


"Flying bird!"


The beam fell to the ground, and the ground shook.

As the dust rolled, Pulse Gundam was knocked out by the shock wave generated by the explosion.

Seeing that Pulse Gundam was okay, everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, the opponent's goal is not Pulse Gundam.

However, this also exposed another fatal problem, the turret—

[MS signal detected - signal identification, chaos, abyss, Gaia...]

In the report of the Minerva radar detector.

Three MSs appeared one after another from the front battleship window.

"Is that what you want to do?"

"kill him!"

"Damn you..."

Sting, Orr, and Stella appeared and saw Impulse Gundam who had just got up at a glance.

Without the slightest hesitation.

The three MSs charged straight towards Pulse Gundam.


However, a beam of light that suddenly fell from mid-air forcibly interrupted the attack of the three.

"court death!"

Steen looked at the Savior Gundam in mid-air, and drove the Chaos Gundam to reverse the direction and rushed up.

The two armed barrels detached from the body and shot towards the Savior Gundam.

"Minerva, launch the Sky Shadow System!"

In Pulse Gundam, who was gasping for breath, Shin Asuka looked at the two mobile suits that almost appeared on his face, and hurriedly called out to the Minerva.

Because the cave is too small, Pulse Gundam is not equipped with a backpack system at all this time.


After receiving the communication, Meiling immediately instructed the preparation team to eject the air shadow system that had been prepared.

Inside the cockpit of the Savior Gundam.

Facing the flying Chaos Gundam, Aslan's eyes suddenly turned cold, and the Savior Gundam instantly changed from MA to MS.

While avoiding the beam, the Savior Gundam took out the beam rifle and pulled the trigger one after another against the Chaos Gundam. UU reading

The sharp attack made Sting stunned, and hurriedly drove the Chaos Gundam to flip to avoid it.

However, Aslan's target was not him. Seeing Chaos Gundam escape, the muzzle on the back and shoulder of the Savior Gundam aimed at the closed fort below and shot a beam.



The beam travels across the battlefield and hits the turret accurately.



The light of the fire and the rumbling sound made Orr and Stella, who were about to pursue the Pulse Gundam, stunned for a moment.

But when the dust clears.

The turret is still strong, although some damage has appeared on the outer shield of the turret.

But apparently Aslan's attack did not damage the turret inside the shield.

"Damn, why is it so hard!"

Seeing this, Aslan couldn't help cursing.

Drop drop —

Just as Aslan was about to attack again, the alarm sounded from the left.

Sting, who reacted, drove the Chaos Gundam straight to the Savior Gundam.

[The charging of the Yang Electron Cannon is complete! 】

Inside the Minerva battleship, Arthur, who was in charge of the offensive direction, called out loudly.

In fact, after confirming that the MA that could block the Yang Electron Cannon was shot down by Aslan.

Thalia did not hesitate to turn on the charging mode of the Yang Electronics City Breaker Cannon again.

The fact that the Savior Gundam could not break through the fort defense was actually expected by Thalia.

If it was really that easy to destroy the turret, then the Radoer troops would not have fought so hard.

After all, it's not that there are no heavy firepower weapons on Radaul's side.

But being able to block the beam cannon does not mean that it can block the yang electron smashing cannon.

Even if your hood is really that hard, but if I bombard you directly with the mountains, then you will be blind to any fortress.

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