Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 629: : Roan Green Pass Breakthrough Operation (1)

The rock wall was dyed red by the setting sun.

Originally it was just gray and bald, but at this moment, its appearance changed suddenly in the afterglow of the sunset.

The protruding rock formations are reflected red like fire by the sunset, and the shadows in the depressions make the outlines more distinct.

As if human beings are not allowed, the scenery in front of you makes you really feel the vivid and intense harshness of nature.

the next day.

The rocky and rumbling rocky mountains seem to be blocking their way, and the dunes are half hidden, which is a typical desert landscape.

In this extremely dry and green scene, the land ship Lesseps-class Desmond and the medium land ship Petrie-class Bagley led the way.

The Minerva followed, flying very low to the ground.

Since the meeting yesterday, Radoer Commander Zuo Kim and Thalia and others quickly made a battle plan.

And depart from Mahamur base.

"Arriving at location A soon."

Barto reports so.

Thalia glanced at Arthur. "Is the cargo lift ready?"


An integral element of their battle plan is the presence of "local facilitators".

After Carnahan was occupied by the Earth Alliance Army, the local area actually revolted to resist the tyrannical rule of the upper classes, and one faction offered to assist the Zaft Army.

Now Radore has been notified that a liaison officer with important information will be dispatched.

Although I don't know whether the intelligence of the other party is useful, I can see it without many better options.

"After passing point A, the whole ship issued a red alert, and all the combat pilots gathered in the briefing room."

After receiving Thalia's instructions, Mi-ling communicated to the ship.

When they arrived at the designated spot, an off-road jeep jumped out from behind the rocky mountain. There was only one driver in the car, and the figure looked extremely thin.

Wear standard desert clothing with goggles and a mask.

The Minerva slowed down and lowered its altitude until the bottom of the ship almost touched the ground, a cargo door opened downwards, and the speeding jeep made a quick turn and went up the elevator smoothly.

After putting the cart inside the ship, the Minerva rose and accelerated again.

The bridge gradually sank, and Thalia sat back in her seat, sighing silently.

She understood the suffering of the inhabitants under occupation.

Now they are secretly assisting the enemy in this way, and if they are not found, they will suffer even more torture than before.

Now she can only hope that the information brought by this local helper is indeed useful.

"The local facilitator they the rebel army?"

On the way to the briefing room, Shin Asuka couldn't help asking Luna Maria.

He also just heard that the local militia will be involved in this combat operation.

"Hey, isn't that the case? I heard that the people of Carnahan seem to be living miserably!"

Luna Maria replied with a frown.

Listening to Zhen Asuka's ears, I always feel that this kind of thing is not real.

The story of the regular army and the rebel army working together to fight the enemy seems to only appear in movies or novels.

the other side.

Noel and Aslan walked side by side in the direction of the briefing room.


Just when the two were about to arrive at the briefing room, Aslan suddenly stopped Noel.

Noel stopped when he heard the sound and looked at Aslan.

"I want you to do me a favor."

Facing Noel's eyes, Aslan made a request.


Noel was stunned—

After a while.

Just when Shin Asuka was a little impatient waiting in the briefing room.

Noel and Aslan walked into the briefing room one after another.

The drivers saluted together.

"You are finally here."

Deputy Captain Arthur looked at the two who arrived later than the scheduled time, with an expression that wanted to complain but did not dare to complain.

Seeing the speechless expressions of Zhen Asuka and the others.

The typical bullying is not afraid of hardship.

"There was a slight delay on the way."

Aslan smiled back, and then his eyes fell on the girl standing beside Arthur.

However, the girl's eyes did not fall on him at this time, but kept staring at Noel, who was preparing to be a passerby.

Nuoer was already about to sit down, but he felt uncomfortable by the girl's 'hot' eyes.

The girl had fluffy, thick brown hair tied in a bundle with a rubber band at the back of her head, and the clothes she wore seemed to have been sanded.

But when Noel was about to ask, the girl turned her gaze to the front again.

When Noel turned back, the girl glanced at him again.

After two consecutive times, the Nuoer people were all numb.

At this moment, Shin Asuka also found the girl, and subconsciously complained: "Isn't this guy just a child!"

I don't know if I heard what Zhen said, the corner of the girl's mouth stubbornly pursed down, her thick eyebrows showing her strong temperament frowned slightly, and she looked at Asuka unhappy.

Small actions did not affect the normal conduct of the meeting.

After the pilots took their seats, Arthur stood up and said, "Everyone, the operation is about to begin. The 'Karnahan Roanglin Pass Breakthrough Operation' jointly carried out with the Radoer team will now explain the details."

Loanglin is the name of the Earth Union Army Yang Electron Cannon, and its distance is the same as that of the Minerva's Yang Electron Cannon, or both can be said to be Yang Electron Cannon.

"But, as you all know, this level is very tricky, and the Radoles tried to break through before, but, uh...the result ended in failure."

Arthur faltered and seemed a little dejected, but then he added, "So, this time—"

Having just said this, he suddenly turned to Aslan.

"Aslan, it's your turn! It's up to you to report next."

"Ah, yes-"

Aslan's face showed a doubt, but he still picked up his briefing folder.

Nuoer glanced at Aslan in surprise, recalling the conversation just now - Nuoer looked a little strangely at True Asuka, who had been staring at the girl in dissatisfaction.

Aslan, who had been prepared, turned off the indoor lighting and projected the bird's-eye view on the screen.

"This valley is what we call the 'Carnahan Roanglin Pass'. There is a town behind the cliff, and a fire factory behind it."

Pointing to the end of the slender and winding valley, Aslan explained: "If we want to reach this city, this is the only possible route."

Light strokes on that lonely ravine and then under the pseudonym to the high ground in front of town, where there is a rocky mountain.

"However, the enemy's yang electron turret is located on this high ground, and the range is enough to cover the entire valley, so that there is no place to take cover in this area."

While listening to Aslan's smooth and unmistakable explanation, Arthur nodded in admiration.

"In addition, the enemy has deployed MS here, as well as MA equipped with positron reflectors, plus the ultra-long range of the fort, even if our army occupies the rock wall directly under the high ground, it may not be able to cause an effective blow. ."

"It can be said that the existence of this MA is extremely important, and because of its positron reflector, this MA is also very tricky, and the average driver cannot break through it at all."

Speaking of this, Aslan suddenly turned his head to look at Ma Asuka and said, "—You have also encountered MAs with the same equipment in the Orb Sea area, right?"

Real Aslan was hesitant for a moment when he realized that Aslan was looking at him.

But thinking of what Aslan had just said, Shin Asuka forced herself to calm down and answered hastily.


Aslan smiled when he heard the words: "So, in this battle"

But before Aslan finished speaking, Shin Asuka interrupted him with a provocative tone: "Just blow up that MA, blow up the turret, and advance to Karnahan?"

On his left and right neighbors, Luna Maria and Ray Za Barrel sighed deeply at the same time.

Noel looked at Aslan in surprise.

True Asuka himself suddenly felt that something was wrong, and subconsciously looked in the direction of Noel and Aslan.

Why do you use such a bold tone again.

Having said that, when I ran into that strange MA before, it was really Asuka who shot it down alone.

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