Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 616: : Kira's decision

The beam saber swings and jumps.

The beams of the Eclipse Gundam hitting the Destiny Pulse were all cut off.


Chenji Hawley drove the Eclipse Gundam to instantly change his form, and the beam saber in his hand fell directly towards the fate pulse.

Looking at the rapidly approaching beam saber, Nuo Er Tong Kong shrank suddenly.

There was a momentary pause in the world.

The two machines staggered in an instant.

With a burst of frustration and a scattering of sparks.

Fragments painted in blue and white fell scattered in the air.

Chenji Hawley frowned, gritted his teeth and urged the Eclipse Gundam, who had lost half of his arm, to turn and retreat.

Destiny Gundam also reached out and grabbed the beam boomerang on the shoulder at this moment, and threw it towards the Eclipse Gundam.

Drop drop —

Listening to the radar reminder from the rear, a sharp look flashed in Chenji Haoli's eyes.

Turning around, he threw his shield towards the beam boomerang.


The two connected in an instant, and the beam boomerang was hit and flew away.

However, before Chen Ji Haoli was happy, in his shrinking hole.

A body painted in blood red raised its hand, knocked off the shield and slashed a knife and appeared on the screen.


The beam saber's unique red light flashes from the left and bottom of the screen.

stab -

The body throbbed and trembled.

Destiny Pulse grabbed the flying beam boomerang with his backhand, turned and flew to another Eclipse Gundam that was exhausted under the muzzle of the Freedom Gundam without looking back.

And the distance between Chenji Haoli and Destiny Gundam was getting farther and farther, until the sound of rumbling water came from the back.

The Eclipse Gundam, who lost his limbs, was also submerged by the surging sea water.


Listening to the screams from the rear, Ken Noland Sousse, who had just blocked the beam of the Freedom Gundam, subconsciously shouted in surprise.

But the next second.

A huge scarlet shadow appeared in front of him, filling the screen.

Red light flashed across the screen.

The Eclipse Gundam driven by Ken Noland Sousse also lost its center of gravity and fell into the deep sea.

Glancing at the two mobile suits engulfed by sea water.

Noel turned and rushed towards the MS army that was surrounded from a distance.

The strength of some Orb pilots is still very good, at least there is no problem in familiarizing them with the body.

It is hard to find an MS who comes to your door as a test item, so you must cherish it.

In the beam of light like a dense rain, the pulse of fate flipped and drifted, and the beam sabers in his hands were swung staggered.


Every time the beam saber slid, mixed with frustration, an MS belonging to Orb lost a part of its body.

Except for a few MS that barely persevered, the rest of the ordinary M1 Heresy Gundam could not even withstand a round of attacks in the hands of Destiny Pulse.

the other side.

Freedom Gundam didn't hold back either.

The muzzles of the whole body rang in unison.

The beams of beams, beam cannons, magnetic rail guns, and multicolored cannons hit the surroundings as if they were free of money.



With the last Murakami and the M1 Heresy being shot down the ocean by beam saber and magnetic railgun.

In less than two minutes, the sky on the edge of this Orb territorial sea.

Apart from Freedom Gundam and Destiny Pulse, there is no longer a floating object.

The MS encirclement and suppression troops that came from the Orb MS base were shot down by both of them.

The Orb Ocean Fleet below was all busy salvaging the wreckage and rescuing the wounded.

Although there are still some MSs in the rear, moving towards it.

The number of MSs that Orb dispatched this time was no more than a hundred or ten.

In addition, this time it is not to kill the enemy, Nuoer even feels a little unfinished.


Make sure that there is no 'enemy' around, the muzzle of the Freedom Gundam is slowly contained.

Cooling steam spewed out from the back of the Freedom Gundam.


Looking at the muzzle of his own Gundam slowly containing, Nuoer suddenly had an immature idea in his heart.

Compared with the long-range means of Freedom Gundam, Destiny Pulse seems to be too thin, and the beam cannon alone always feels a little bit worse...

"I'll take you here."

Standing over the sea full of gunpowder smoke, Kira said to Nuoer with a calm expression: "Although you may not need me to send it."

"Ha ha."

Noel smiled dumbly when he heard the words, looked at the Aube MS troops that were gradually approaching behind him, and asked, "You stabbed such a big basket, what are you going to do next?"

Kira now is different from before, he is the ace pilot of the Earth United.

"Assist the terrorists to hold the representatives of the Allied countries", such a move will undoubtedly bring some troubles to him and the forces behind him.

"Go back, go back to where I belong."

Kira heard the words and looked in the direction of the main angel, where there was a girl waiting for her to return.

Today, I have finally found a place to place my soul.

If the former Kira followed Freydo because of ideas and debts, now he truly recognizes Frey.

Burning text

"Yes, then next time we meet, we may be enemies."

Noel was a little complicated when he heard this.

Kira's faction change should be the biggest butterfly effect he caused.

"The enemy, it shouldn't be counted."

Kira objected to Noel's answer.


Noel was stunned.

"We are all fighting for the same idea, but the paths we choose are different. This can't be called an enemy, can it?"

Kira replied with a smile.

Nuoer was stunned when he heard the words, then shook his head and smiled, and said, "Hehe, I don't even know how to answer you when you said that."

The path is different, but the idea is the same, so it is not the enemy—

Perhaps only Kira would have such an idea.

"Next time we meet, I won't hold any hands, but you will always be my friend."

Kira said something serious.

He also said words that his character should not have said.

But because of the different environment, Kira has also changed.

During the peace period when the Junius Treaty was signed with the Earth Union, Kira saw too much death and cruelty.

That is different from the cruelty and bloodshed of cosmic war.

Whenever he closed his eyes, the pungent smell of blood and the broken corpse were vividly visible, reminding him how cruel the war was.

That's a less dignified and shocking battle scene than the MS battle.

It was also in that, Kira found his own idea - to protect justice and peace!

Although now he still does not know who is right and who is wrong with the earth union. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

I don't know who is right and what is right.

Don't even know how to actually end this war.

But war has emerged.

So he had to choose to join one of the sides to fight.

And he is now a soldier belonging to the Earth United, so he has to fight for the Earth United.

In fact, the initial reason for fighting is often so simple.

Of course, maybe Kira doesn't do anything, and after determining right or wrong, acting is also a way to find peace.

But do nothing and just let the war rage on, is it really correct?

Can you really find the right path by doing nothing?

He didn't know what the answer was.

But now Kira is more willing to move forward on the path that he thinks is correct, to find and verify whether the path he has chosen is correct.

At least that gave him more peace of mind than letting him stay away from the fighting and be a bystander.

"As you wish, but remember to protect the cockpit when you fight with me next time, it will be troublesome if you die accidentally."

Listening to Kira's answer, Noel didn't know what to talk to Kira.

His philosophy and determination have been established, and anything in this situation is pale.

What is right, what is right—

Different positions will have different answers, but as long as there is a heart that truly yearns for peace, like-minded people will one day gather together again - this is what Lux said.

"Oh, I will."

Kira smiled and nodded.


After Noel finished speaking, he drove the Destiny Pulse and flew in the direction where the Archangel left.

As for the MS and the battleships below—

Just ignore it.

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