Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 586: : Young people should pay attention to moderation

The starry sky at night is no longer as bright as it once was.

In the quiet mansion, Noel, who had sent Aslan away, came to the balcony of the room where he once lived alone, staring at the dim sky.

The world has undergone a lot of changes, so can you change yourself?

The desire to live seems to have been fulfilled.

Although I haven't gotten an accurate answer yet, at least I haven't experienced the torment of gene collapse for a long time.

After living, should I do something?


The door keyhole twisted.


Lux walked into the room, looking at Noel standing by the balcony with a puzzled expression.

"Lux? Don't you rest?"

Noel heard the sound and looked at Lux who entered the room with a puzzled expression.


Lux nodded and replied.

"then you-"

Noel was stunned for a while.

However, with Lux's actions, Noel seemed to have found the answer to the question.

His gaze moved with Lux, and under Noel's gaze, Lux opened the wardrobe on the side, where the clothes that Lux had worn were neatly placed.


Nuoer was stunned for a moment, and an immature thought appeared in his mind.

This room-

"I'm going to wash up first, Nuoer, you should rest early too."

As Lux spoke, she took the bathrobe and turned around and walked into the bathroom.


Noel looked at Lux who walked into the bathroom on his own, with a wonderful expression on his face.


You occupied my room, and you didn't tell me where to sleep tonight!


It seems that Cagalli hasn't come back yet.

Aslan, who had left the mansion, parked his car in Cagalli's manor.

Looking up at the unlit window, Aslan was vaguely anxious.

What happened to the people in the Executive Yuan, they didn't even care about the return of the chief, especially Yuna Loma.

Thinking of this, Aslan became even more angry, and got out of the car with a gloomy face subconsciously.

In the eyes of others, he knew that he was an unsightly existence, and the problem of the adjuster alone was big enough.

It's that Patrick Sara's son again, and more trouble.

There must be someone out there who is alarmist about what bad influence he will have on Cagalli.


However, as soon as Aslan walked into the entrance, a door opened, and Mana stuck out her face.

She is a maid serving the Ashar family, but to Cagalli, who lost her mother since childhood, her status is like a mother.

"You're back, Mr. Aslan."

"Sorry Aunt Mana, I seem to have woken you up."

"I can't sleep until I see Miss Cagalli's healthy and lively face!"

Mana said with an angry expression. "What kind of work is the government or the government! After finally returning to China, she didn't even give her back to her home, and she left people behind so late! Her Royal Highness is a girl!"

She usually shows her life to Aslan, but at this time she probably has the mentality of "the enemy of the enemy is the friend".

In fact, not only Aslan, but all men who are close to Mana's "baby princess" are the objects of strict inspection by this nurse.

Aslan listened to her grumbling for a while, then bowed slightly to her and walked towards the stairs.

At this time, Cagalli was probably struggling with a complicated position. alone...

Aslan walked into his room wearily and sat on the edge of the bed in the dark.

He wanted to try to find out what he could do, so he went to visit Mr. Marchio and Lux ​​and others.

But after talking with him, Aslan still couldn't figure out the way he should go. There seemed to be nothing around him that needed Aslan's help. At best, he was still his personal bodyguard.

So in the end, it was the same as staying with Cagalli.

Although Lux didn't say anything, he understood Lux's will - not to fight, to do nothing, just to keep watching.

But in the current situation, the silent means of non-war may not be enough to change anything.

He wants to do something.

No, I seem to have to do something myself.

The world has started to go downhill at a rapid rate, and if you continue to let it go, things will only spiral out of control.

Aslan had seen it with his own eyes, how could he just sit and watch.

He wants to end this sin before the war, not only out of a desire for peace, but also because of his responsibility.

Because he's that Patrick Sarah's son—

The last roar of those terrorists, and the heavy weight wrapped around their feet, still blamed Aslan for not giving up, as if they wanted to drag him into the abyss of the Yellow Springs.


the next day.


After breakfast, Aslan was turning to the news channel to browse the news, when he was drawn back by a hasty call, and saw Cagalli hurriedly rushed into the dining room, so fast that it didn't look like she had just woken up.


Aslan said calmly, and then turned his eyes back to the computer screen.

"I was so sorry yesterday,"

While defending, Cagalli slapped around the dining table and ran to his side: "—I have been dealing with matters in the Executive Yuan since then, and today is also a cabinet meeting early in the morning, so I don't have time to talk to her. You have a good chat...but that..."

"It's okay, I know, don't worry about it."

Aslan saw Cagalli come to comfort him early in the morning, but he felt that Cagalli was a little pitiful.

Yuna Loma Shenglan was her childhood playmate and now her fiancé.

Although Cagalli was very reluctant to this marriage, when she lost her father and had to rely on Unat to help her, she should not be tempted to reject the other party.

"Sorry, I-"


Cagalli wanted to continue to say something, but Aslan interrupted her and changed the subject: "How is your side? How is the situation in the Orb government."

He personally did not want to discuss too much on the previous topic.

However, as Aslan's question appeared, Kagalli, who had been shouting just now, fell silent.

"…I understand."

Cagalli turned her back desolately and said the situation of yesterday's cabinet meeting: "...I also know that some things are inevitable. There are still some ... so it is normal for the people to have opinions on this."

When Cagalli said this, she suddenly clenched her fists and said, "But they said they wanted to share the pain - that shouldn't mean hating the colony with those who shouted revenge!"

Aslan heard the words and fell silent.

He knew that Cagalli was right.

But I don't know why, these big principles don't work.

But what can you do?

Just a mere bodyguard?


Seeing that Aslan didn't speak for a long time, Cagalli couldn't help asking.

"I'm fine."

Aslan reached out his hand and turned off the news while he was speaking. With a decision, he slowly got up and stood in front of Cagalli: "I plan to go to the colony."

His sudden words made Cagalli's eyes widen.

Aslan said his determination calmly: "It's a bit unreasonable to leave Orb at this time, but I can't do nothing here by myself."


Cagalli hesitated, not knowing what to say.

Aslan continued to emphasize his thoughts: "I am very worried about the situation in the colony, although Speaker Durandal should not choose the worst path... But some things cannot be decided by guesswork and probability."

"There are many people in Zaft who have been brainwashed by my father's words, and as his son, I cannot turn a blind eye to this."


Cagalli's eyes were clearly disturbed. To her, Aslan's existence was like her harbor and a pillar behind her. The sudden loss of Aslan would make her uneasy.

Seeing that Aslan's face was full of complicated emotions, Cagalli couldn't bear to object.

Aslan continued in an excited tone: "If the colony is in conflict with the earth again... Then I really don't know, what is the point of what we have done before!"

The giant wheel of the world has begun to turn in a dangerous direction, and it may be unstoppable, but if he wants to just sit back and watch, he can't do it.

Knowing that Aslan had made up her mind, Cagalli just bit her lip and didn't speak. Tears seemed to form in her eyes, but she quickly blinked hard.

Aslan gently stretched out his hand and hugged her in his arms, feeling unspeakable apologies in his heart, but he couldn't change his decision.

He fought side by side with her all the way, and it will not change in the future.

It's just that they have to fight in different places for the time being.

With a decision, the progress of many things will be accelerated.

A helicopter lands on the private tarmac of Ashar's home.

Aslan walked out of the room with only a few paraphernalia in his briefcase.

Cagalli was already waiting at the entrance, looking at Aslan's outfit, Aslan's eyes darkened.

"...I know about you and Yuna Loma, I know,"

Just when Aslan was about to leave, he suddenly stopped and said this for no reason, causing Cagalli to be stunned for a moment.

Aslan looked away, took out his hand from his pocket, and said, "But I still don't like this kind of thing in my heart."

As he said that, he grabbed Cagalli's left hand and quickly took out a ring and put it on her ring finger.

Cagalli raised her left hand blankly and looked at it for five seconds before she came to her senses: "...Hey hey hey~!"

Aslan was still looking away at this time, and it took a while before he dared to peek at her expression. Seeing her staring at him in shock, he instantly felt embarrassed and avoided her eyes in a panic.


Cagalli herself was stammering, er, she couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time, and finally she finally said it, but it was this sentence: "Why... how could someone give a ring like this!?"

Aslan didn't know how to answer for a while: "...I'm really sorry for that!"

Such a conversation is really out of context.

The two finally looked at each other, and then burst out laughing.

Aslan was born unable to say romantic love words, otherwise the mansion he once used to be Lux wouldn't have been filled with hello.

Cagalli is not a girl who will return tenderness.

Maybe this is more suitable for them.

However, Cagalli still blushed and stared at the ring in her hand, then raised her head to look at Aslan and smiled: " have to be careful, remember to keep in touch!"

Hearing this, Aslan didn't speak, just stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly, bowed his head and kissed her gently before picking up the briefcase, turning around and walking towards the helicopter.

Cagalli watched him go away intently.

The propellers turned, and the ground whistled.

Aslan finally saw Kagali still with an uneasy look, standing alone in the strong wind and looking up.

Her hair fluttered in the wind, and her right hand carefully covered the ring on her left, pressing it against her chest.

"wait for me-"

In a murmur, the helicopter flew Aslan towards the mansion where Lux lived.

He's not a fool, and as Patrick Sarah's son, he knows something even if he has no political talent.

Although it's a bit ironic, as Patrick Sarah's child, his popularity in Sarah's faction is not comparable to that of Yinzak and Noel.

So to stop all this, Noel's existence and attitude are more important than himself.

And in the Lux mansion at this time.

Nuoer, who had barely slept all night, walked out of his former room tiredly with bloodshot eyes.

"Noel? Didn't you go out?"

Downstairs, Mu, who had been sleeping until the sun was up because he had nothing to do, had just woken up at this time.

Naho Maryu was going to help the Minerva repair the battleship, so he had to come to Lux's side to find something to eat because he didn't get a snack.

But unlike Noel's exhaustion, Mu La Flage is more leisurely.

"Do you look like I've been out?"

Hearing that, Noel walked down the stairs, pulled out the stool and sat down. UU Reading


Mu La Flage was stunned, how does this look like—

"Noel, what would you like to eat?"

Lux, who had never left the manor, found Noel and asked with a smile.

"Whatever you want, it's all you can eat."

Noel waved his hand, he had almost no requirements for food at this time.

If it wasn't for the thought of not eating... I don't know if this counts as breakfast or lunch. Anyway, I'd better eat some.

"I Have a Scroll of Ghosts and Gods"

"Then wait a moment."

Lux heard the words and smiled, then turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

Mu La Flag sat aside and watched Lux's Noel's brows gradually wrinkle.

After sniffing his nose, Mu La Flage suddenly seemed to have discovered something, and the expression on his face gradually changed from doubt to surprise and astonishment.

Then it gradually turned into relief and emotion—

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Seeing that Mu La Flage's expression was as exciting as a roller coaster, Noel couldn't help but ask.

When Mu La Flag heard the words, he didn't answer the first time. He just watched Nuoer pat him on the shoulder with emotion, and said in the tone of someone who had come over: "Young man, you should pay attention to moderation."

"What's the meaning?"

Noel was a little confused.

"There are only exhausted cows and no ploughed land. The days will be long in the future. Don't overdraw yourself."

Mu La Flag said solemnly.

Noel was stunned now—

"It's not your fault though, Lux after all—but you'd better keep it in check."

After Mu La Flage finished speaking, he patted Noel on the shoulder, got up and left the dining table.

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