At this time, the crew members gathered in the rest hall were also discussing the news of Julius VII.

"But how can it move..."

"It may have been hit by a meteorite, or deviated from its orbit due to other influences..."

Wino asked stupidly, while Yolan replied with a scientific hypothesis.

Shin Asuka couldn't help but ask with a dignified expression: "I heard that its travel route will hit the earth... Really?"

Meiling nodded: "Mr. Barto said yes..."

The first person in the ship to notice the abnormality of Julius VII's orbit was Barto who was on duty at that time.

It was almost the same time that Durandal received the notice from the council.

Lunamaria scratched her red hair, sighed and said, "The robbery of Armory No. 1 has not been resolved, and now it's here again? What the **** happened?"

Shin Asuka also felt that this series of accidents happened inexplicably.

Of course, there is no connection between these two events, but he has a vague hunch that there is an earth-shattering event brewing around them.

"—Then what should we do with the 'Julius VII'?"

When Lunamaria asked this question, everyone suddenly started to think.

At this moment, he saw Lei, who had not spoken all the time, and answered lightly at this moment: "It's only by breaking it."


"Break it?"

Lei's tone was still so dull: "In terms of its mass, since it has been pulled by the earth's gravity, it is impossible to change its orbit. If you want to avoid collision, the only option is to smash it."

"But...but that thing is very big? Although it has almost been smashed in half, the longest is still eight kilometers..."

Yulan said the actual situation without hesitation, and Vino also called out.

"It's so big, how do you break it?"

"But if it is allowed to hit, the earth will be destroyed."

Speaking of such terrifying possibilities, Lei still did not frown, and his face remained expressionless.

"There will be nothing left at that time - including all the creatures."

Shin Asuka couldn't help but hold her breath, and Vino, who likes to shout, also fell silent.

An asteroid with a diameter of one kilometer falls to the earth, and its explosive force is about one hundred billion tons.

If a nuclear bomb is calculated at 50 million tons, it is equivalent to 2,000 nuclear bombs.

According to this calculation, the Julius VII with a diameter of nearly ten kilometers collided with the earth, and I am afraid that it would release nearly one hundred megatons of TNT energy.

Of course, its impact speed should be slower than that of asteroids. It cannot be calculated in such a simple way, but—

At this moment, icy silence enveloped everyone around.


True Asuka quietly repeated.

Although it was the hometown that he had abandoned - but thinking of the sparkling sea and the wind in Auben, he couldn't help but feel tight.

Will that all disappear, and the billions of humans living on the surface, all together...

Vino couldn't bear the heavy atmosphere, and said deliberately jokingly: "So... the earth - perished?"


Yulan shrugged seriously, and then pretended to be relaxed: "Well... but, sigh, since it is impossible, then there is no way? Force majeure."

Shin Asuka secretly resisted his statement.

I don't know if Youlan wanted to break the dullness too much, but the more he spoke, the more vicious he became:

"However, those disputes that may or may not be settled may be easier. Our colony is—"

Suddenly, a sharp voice interrupted him.

"How dare you say that!"

Yulan jumped up in fright, and Ma Asuka and the others hurriedly looked at the source of the sound.

Cagalli was standing at the entrance of the rest hall at this time, her golden eyes seemed to be burning with anger.

Seeing that the person coming was Cagalli, Shin Asuka subconsciously sank her face and turned her head to look elsewhere.

Coincidentally, these words were heard by the people who shouldn't hear them the most.

Ray immediately stood at attention and saluted calmly, and the others also straightened their poses with embarrassed expressions.

"What can't you do? What's easy?"

Cagalli continued to roar in fury: "How serious will it be - what will happen to the earth, how many people will die, do you know? Was that intentional?"

There was a bit of boredom in the serious expressions of everyone.

She spoke righteously and sternly, but it sounded like boring preaching to people's ears.


Yolan bowed his head sullenly and apologized.

He also felt guilty for speaking too arrogantly, but it was just a joke, and now he was scolded by a foreigner who couldn't understand the situation.

Who wouldn't feel disappointed in their hearts?

Seeing the revolt on their faces, Cagalli's expression became even more ugly.

"Did you all think that way, Zavot?"

These words knocked over a boatload of people, and also provoked Shin Asuka's displeasure.

"Fighting so many wars...causing so much pain...! Haven't you changed at all under the administration of Speaker Durandal?"

"...Stop talking about Cagalli."

Seeing this, Aslan hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Cagallie, who was on top of her.

"Who would be serious, Asuka said something like this? Youlan was just joking, can't you even hear it?"

Asuka himself felt that what Yolan said just now was a bit too much, but Cagalli's arrogant attitude was even more irritating.

In his eyes, this princess who doesn't know the sufferings of the world and only speaks pretty words is an irresponsible person.

"True Asuka, pay attention to your words."

Ray rebuked in a low voice.

Hearing Lei's correction, Shin Asuka shrugged his shoulders contemptuously and said, "Ah—yes, this man is a big man, a representative of Orb!"


"Cagalli, have you had enough trouble?"

Seeing that Cagalli was provoked by his attitude, Aslan tried his best to stop her.

This reprimand was extremely rude, and Shin Asuka couldn't help being a little surprised. He thought that the "legendary elite" had been reduced to a pug that became a princess.

But at this moment, it seems that the relationship between the two people is not as simple as it seems.

Aslan intervened between the two who were glaring at each other, staring straight at Ma Asuka's face.

"You seem to hate Aub, why?"

Shin Asuka shifted her gaze and glared back at Aslan.

Aslan was unmoved, and continued to say in a deep voice: "I heard that you have stayed with Orb before, but if you deliberately contradict the representative for some irrelevant and boring reason, I will never go around you."


True Asuka just felt a heat on her forehead.

Everything that was taken away by the artillery fire appeared in front of his eyes.

He stared at the blonde girl in front of him again.

"Ashar killed my whole family...!"

Everyone around was stunned when they heard this.

In Ma Asuka's eyes, they couldn't see them, there was only that person in sight, the one who should take full responsibility for the lost life.

"They believed in the country, believed in your so-called ideals, and believed to the last moment, but they died in Shinengqilu...!"

Don't invade other countries, don't allow other countries to invade, and don't interfere in other countries' disputes - this is Orb's philosophy.

But this is just a mouthful to talk about, but what kind of country is it that sacrifices its citizens in order to implement this belief?

The state exists to allow people to live and work in peace and contentment.

Now, in order to protect that ridiculous justice, is it not putting the cart before the horse by allowing innocent citizens to suffer the slaughter?

In the end, these rulers only cared about their own lives, and after returning, they just wiped their mouths as if nothing had happened, took their old seats again, and continued to mislead the people with high-sounding justice.

The country died once under his own hands, and he dared to be flattered by others in the name of a hero, and even wanted to take those beautiful words down the same road.

This woman, he can never forgive.

"I don't believe you! I don't believe in that country called Orb! I don't believe what you said on the surface! What is the implementation of the country's justice... How many people were killed by what you said at the time, have you thought about it?"

"Do not invade other countries, do not allow other countries to invade, and do not intervene in other countries' disputes."

"What's the use of this kind of justice without practice? Without strength, it is impossible to resist aggression."

"Since the other party wants to attack us, we can only retaliate. In order to survive and protect, what people need is strength, not beautiful but empty words."

Shin Asuka roared furiously, her voice trembling.

Cagalli took a few steps back with a pale face, and Aslan, who was supporting her body beside her, also showed some obvious shaking on his face.

"A guy who doesn't know anything... Don't talk like you know everything!"

After spitting out the last sentence angrily, Shin Asuka ran past the speechless Cagalli and rushed out of the rest hall.

"Hey! Asuka! Really...!"

In the freezing still air, only Vino's panicked shouts caught up.

True Asuka didn't stop.

His fists were clenched and still trembling slightly.


Inside the Gadi Lu-class battleship - Buku.

"This is an unexpected development."

Matisse looked at the calculation track on the screen and couldn't help squinting.

Junius' movement was completely beyond her expectations, or no one would have expected Junius to move towards the earth.

This sudden change completely disrupted her plans.

"Mr. Mattis, what should we do now?"

Just as Matisse pondered, his soldiers couldn't help but look at Matisse.

"Let the Gadi Ru go to Junius to check the situation. As for our words—"

Matisse paused for a while when he said this, reached out and pressed the armrest control panel for a while.

With the appearance of a cosmic coordinate point, Matisse continued: "It's going to this place—"

Junius' question was inevitable, she didn't have the habit of asking 'why'.

Besides, instead of thinking about why such a thing happened, it is better to think about what to do after such a thing happens.


The rolling green hills are dotted with forests, pastures, and gorgeous old-fashioned houses.

This is a country in western Europe. This colonial-style mansion is extraordinarily imposing in the idyllic idyllic landscape.

In a room in the mansion, men all dressed in riding suits gathered, as if they had just finished an ancient hunting party.

"This time, things are serious."

As the old man said, he sat down on the Victorian chair, the cigar in his mouth lit a wisp of smoke.

In the center of the room was a marble table made of mahogany wood, surrounded by a few people holding cue sticks.

There are nine people in the room, including a few other people who are at their leisure.

"It's an unprecedented crisis, the script for the demise of the earth!"

Another person agreed, but his tone was not as heavy as what he said, and someone who was about to hit the ball scoffed.

"Humph! Has anyone written it?"

"In principle, this is what I'm going to call 'The Phantom Pain' to investigate."

The man, who was about thirty years old in total, answered directly.

This person's hair is almost white, and his face seems to be a little less bloody, and his impressive, sharp-edged eyes are particularly eye-catching among the crowd.

Lordo Gibril, the current theory of blue cosmos.

However, the old man who was the first to speak was suspicious: "I still spend time investigating, what use can it be used for?"

A smile appeared on Gibril's lips: "About this accident, frankly, I am also very shocked..."

Gibril pretended to say, looking up at the sky: "Julius No. 7 fell? How could there be such a thing? Why? - When I heard the news, this idea was in my mind."

He stretched out his arms and spoke with emotion, but someone stopped him angrily.

"The foreword is omitted. Tell us your purpose. After all, we are very busy."

Everyone present was a great family, and the fall of Junius would definitely have an impact on their industry.

If it weren't for Gibril's good performance in Europe and Asia, they would not have come to this pointless party at all.

Jibril turned his head when he heard the words, with a solemn expression: "No, that's the point."


Seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, Jibril explained coldly: "When the whole world knows about this, everyone will think so!?"

"Why? Why did Junius fall? Whether there is an answer or not, people will always ask this question."

"Then, we have to give an 'answer'."

As soon as these words came out, everyone narrowed their eyes and pondered each other.

Under their watchful eyes, Gibril announced another piece of information that only a few people knew: "The colony's Durandal has issued a warning to the countries of the earth, saying that they are also doing their best to study avoidance and countermeasures."

"It's so fast, that group of people panicked."

"That means this accident is really a natural disaster? But now..."

The remarks from another elder sounded extremely sincere and honest.

"No, it doesn't really matter at all. The point is what kind of answer are we going to give when the people sigh after this catastrophe, 'Why did this happen?'"

The crowd discussed again.

"Haha, have you thought so far?"

"You're really a surprising guy..."

But it wasn't surprise or indignation, it was a bit of a wry smile.

None of them were fools, and they all heard Jibril's implication.


Jibril's eyes flashed, and he spat fiercely: "Whatever the reason! That ugly and stupid piece of garbage is destined to fall on our heads anyway!"

He waved his hand to show his anger, the more he spoke, the more excited he became.

"What's the matter? For that kind of thing, even we have to endure fright and run around?"

As he spoke, inflammatory words gradually appeared in his tone.

"We have to get justice for this humiliation, and who should we ask? Of course the regulators who have been building that kind of thing in space, aren't they?"

"Well... I don't mind that."

"But now... After this disaster, I'm afraid we don't even have the physical strength to fight?"

The others responded to his anger with half-sneered expressions with unconcerned expressions.

"That's why I have to invite you all today."

Listening to them expressing their doubts one after another, Jibril announced gloomily: "Whether it is to take refuge or leave, after that, we will crusade them in one go - according to that plan... My purpose today is to hope that everyone Understand that and promise me it must be done.”

Compared to Jibril's firmness, those eyes cast towards him contained ridicule.

"I see... so tough!"

"Having hatred for adjusters should inspire a lot of people's strength, right?"

"...If there is anything left, industrial recovery is indeed a bit troublesome."

"That is to gather the remaining people, right? - Under the great love in the name of hatred."

After everyone reached a preliminary agreement, the first old man summed up his opinion: "Gibrill, I don't think everyone has any objection to the plan."

"Thank you for your support."

Jibril bowed respectfully.

Seeing this, the old man slowly stood up and ordered: "Then, the next meeting will be after the disaster - before that, you have prepared a specific plan."


Seeing that the conclusion had been drawn, the others also got up and left their seats.

"Speaking of which, I don't know how serious the damage will be!"

"Forget about the war, the natural disaster can be a bit nerve-racking."

"No matter what, you have to 'return my blue and pure universe'!"

"Where should I go to evacuate next? It seems that there is no way to solve it in a short time."

They walked out of the mansion while chatting, and there was still no sense of crisis in their tones.

Jibril leaned against the window, watching everyone leave with disgust.

——How could those old men be so virtuous...!

Those adjusters, those demons and monsters who are not qualified to live, have come out to threaten our human world again.

This is a major event related to the dignity and existence of all human beings!

But these bad old men still had an attitude of watching fire from the other side.

Jibril was furious, his hand holding the pool ball slammed, and a delicate Meissen porcelain in the corner of the room immediately shattered and instantly turned into a pile of worthless fragments.

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