Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 559: : The old fox overturned? Noel's hesitation

"Unknown ships found! Number one, orange two and five, number eight B, distance two or three 00!"

Hearing the operator's report, the commander became suspicious.

"So close?"

Almost right in front of Armory One.

"'Phantomized Particles'...?"

An officer blurted out the possibility he had in mind, and everyone in the room immediately looked surprised or indignant.

A cold light flashed in the commander's eyes, and he shouted and ordered: "Attack! Dispatch the battleship! And MS!"

Upon receiving instructions, the various Lauracia-class warships anchored in the port area immediately launched and departed from the front of the command area at a medium and slow speed.

However, just as the first battleship passed through the port, two mobile suits that appeared out of thin air suddenly jumped out.

Without giving the officer time to react, the MS raised his hand and shot at the bridge.



The first Laurasia-class had just confirmed the body, and was beaten into scrap iron by the beam.

The two black MSs didn't even glance at it, the three shields in their hands were already aimed at the successor battleship in the Zaft port passage.

bang bang bang —

In the blink of an eye, four armor-piercing bullets shot out from the front of the Three Shields attack.


In a blink of an eye, the narrow alleyway was filled with explosions of flames and rumbling sounds.

The two N daggers and N bodies activated the phantom particles again after shooting the missiles and disappeared in the alley.

At the rear, two daggers L equipped with AQM/E-M11 "double-barreled" combined recoilless gun backpacks appeared in the port.

2k novel

What's more deadly is that three mobile suits emerged one after another from the gate of the Jiadi Lu.

Dark Assault, Emerald Storm, and Azure Duel.

The inner port of Armory One.


The explosion in the port roadway reached the interior of the Minerva, which was preparing to sail.

"What happened!"

Deputy Captain Arthur looked around with a puzzled expression on his face.

However, because there is still some distance from the roadway, and the port headquarters was also destroyed, no order was conveyed for a while.

"Don't look around, get ready to sail immediately!"

Thalia couldn't help but scolded when she saw the bridge that stopped for a moment.

These people are all recruits, although after a period of combat training, but that is only training.

Moreover, in the current situation, even veterans of hundreds of battles have to be confused, so many things have become procrastination.

The vibration of the base also spread to the base.

"Huh? Is it time?"

After Sting raised his hand to force Aslan back, he said to the other two, "How are you two preparing? Preya can't wait!"

Unconsciously, Preia got the approval of the three of them.

The thought of completely disregarding everything, and the detached fighting strength made them have to obey, although they were still a little dissatisfied.

"Wait a minute, I'll fix this annoying bug right away!"

Stella heard the words and replied.

She is getting more and more excited now.

This guy is obviously not strong, and he is very immature in battle, but he can't kill him!

While there are other reasons for Zaft MS to help, but — upset!

"Do you want me to help you?"

Or asked Stella while blocking the Zaft MS units flying from a distance.

"No! I killed him myself!"

After Stella finished speaking, the Gaia Gundam rushed up again.

On the other side, because of the relatively long distance, the hangar on this side did not suffer much damage.

However, due to the shock wave of the explosion, the MS that was docked inside fell to the ground.

"Hurry up! Just drive until I can get in!"

Lunamaria Hawke was standing under the base and screaming in exasperation.

Although all the operators and soldiers were dispatched, the rubble was cleared from the machine that could still be used.

But seeing Pulse Gundam being suppressed infinitely in the distance, and Dean and Kean being knocked down by the opponent, it was inevitable that he was anxious.

Although Lei Za Barel was anxious, he knew that it was useless to be anxious, and just stood quietly watching the soldiers who were cleaning up the ruins.

Relative to the anxiety of the two.

Nuoer on the side put his gaze on the suppressed Pulse Gundam in the distance.

If I remember correctly, Gaia Gundam seems to be the machine that Stella drives.

But the Gaia Gundam and the others in the original book seemed to be able to suppress Asuka only by combining three units.

But now, what kind of situation is that a Gaia pressing the bird to the ground and beating it violently.

I don't remember how strong Stella was.

Whether the effect of this gene expansion is good is a bit too much.

If this is the case, then the old fox's plan seems to be in trouble, if these three machines cannot be solved.

Forget about the armory, it's a question of whether the Minerva can get out of port alive, and even his own little life is in danger.

And if Durandal accidentally dies here—

Who is the next Speaker?

What about the war?

What about Lux?

What should I do myself?


Thinking of this, Nuoer couldn't help taking a deep breath.

In fact, his plan is very simple and very rough.

Blocking is worse than sparseness, and the war between the earth and the world is bound to begin.

The contradiction between the natural person and the adjuster is impossible to reconcile, at least not by conventional means.

So since we want to fight, let the adjuster and the natural person fight enough at a time, and by the way, use the power of war to reshuffle the high-level forces of both sides.

In this way, peace or something is not impossible.

In addition to this, because the peace of nature and adjusters is difficult to maintain.

Contradictions exist naturally, so it is impossible for natural persons and adjusters to automatically merge together.

Of course, this is normally the case.

But what about abnormal situations?

And war just happens to be abnormal.

It is also a way to bring the natural and the adjuster together.

Isn't it about war?

Then there will be a war that will make all human beings terrified and terrified.

Let them start to hate war and fear war from the bottom of their bones, and let the fear of war be deeply branded in the souls of all people.

Then clean up those guys who want to make a fortune through war. In this case, I dare not say how long the world will be peaceful, but at least there is no problem in peace for a hundred years.

At least until this generation is dead, no one dares to touch the taboo of war.

As for a hundred years from now—

Lao Tzu is dead and it doesn't matter if you fight or not.

But now-

"That's it!"

Noel's thoughts were interrupted by the call of the soldiers.

When he turned his head, he saw a white-painted Zaku warrior being cleaned out by the soldiers. Although the body was still covered by collapsed stones, the position of the cockpit had been cleared out.

Lei Wenyan put his hands down and rushed straight up, jumping into the cockpit and starting the machine.

"Get down early if you don't feel right—"

The soldier said something hastily and then turned around and jumped off the fuselage.

Ray closed the hatch immediately.

The screen lights up, reflecting the people climbing down the fuselage.

After confirming that everyone had left, the remaining rubble of the fuselage slid down one after another, and Lei drove the love machine to stand up.

"Luna Maria, get out of the way."

Lei Dandan ordered.

Seeing this, Lunamaria hurriedly ran away with the operators.

Soon, with the help of MS, the reinforced concrete blocks that could not be moved by manpower were pulled away.

Seeing this, Lunamaria immediately ran towards the body happily.

"Wait a moment!"

Suddenly, just when Lunamaria walked to the side of the machine, Noel suddenly stopped the two of them.

Facing Lunamaria's suspicious gaze.

Noel pointed to the MS that was buried not far away, and said, "I think it's a bit of a waste to lie here, what do you think?"

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