Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 339: : The strongest natural person

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CE·41, June 3rd——

'——The key factor that determines the evolution of seeds! ’

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'It can allow humans to exert particularly excellent physical abilities. In battle, even natural people can show the ability to surpass the adjusters. This may be that humans do not need to perform artificial genetic manipulations like adjusters to achieve evolution. possibility. ’

'Although there is no concrete evidence of SEED's existence, it is an undeniable fact that humans have been recorded with this ability-'

'What kind of existence is it? ’

'Can you control it? ’

'But everything is a gene, and maybe one or two can be reflected in the genetic sequence—'

'What if I could find it and attach it to the adjuster? ’

'But it's too elusive, in what form does it exist—'

CE-44, August 19 --

‘The experiment failed, I can’t find it, I can’t find the genetic sequence related to it, why is that? Where is it hiding? ’

CE/46.April 8 -

'I finally found its posture, and I can finally do it! ’

'I will be the man who will make the history of mankind—'

CE47, January 7th -

‘Failed, why? I have already found it, but why can't I adjust it successfully! ? ’

'money! I want funds! I want sufficient funds, and a large enough genetic sequence to choose from—’

'I don't know where that conceited fellow in El da Flagg got the news, but it's ridiculous for a father to despise his son—'

CE47, July 8 -

'I compromise! In order for human beings to evolve towards a higher level, I have compromised! In the face of the possibility that humanity can move to a higher level, I compromised—'

'Humanity should have a better future! ’

'The ground genetic data extraction laboratory has also begun to be established, I hope everything is well--'

CE47, September 3 -

‘Damn, why do clones have shortened telomeres and incomplete chromosomes! How can such a thing come out! Looks like it needs to be re-adjusted—'

"Still aging abnormally-"

November 18—

'Sure enough, clones can't regulate genes alone, and embryonic development is still more stable-'

'Don't this madman Flagg know about the problem of telomere shortening, his 'child' won't live long-'

CE48, June 11 -

'Still not, the cloning problem with Flag cells is still unsolvable--'

CE48, July 12 -

'I quarreled with Flagg, what a stubborn guy, I hope there will be a solution to the aging problem in the future, what a poor child-'

'I may be a sinner—'

CE49, April 1st --

'Damn, why did no one tell me that LOGSO was involved in the ground genetic database! Don't they believe in the supremacy of the natural person! ’

CE49, June 15 -

'The experiment still didn't go well, the embryonic genes began to collapse... Could it be that I asked for too much? ’

‘No, no, human beings have infinite possibilities, it must be that I have not found a suitable embryo carrier! ’


CE51, July 7 -

‘I found it, I finally found it, and sure enough, the possibility of human beings has always been there! ’

'Siva Cassia - who would have thought that this ordinary guy could have SEED and that his wife's embryo could take on the adjustment! ’

'I must find them! ’

CE54, January 3 -

'Patrick Sara is here, he wants a perfect child who can inherit everything from himself, but the experiment is not going well-'

CE54, February 7 -

'Siegel Klein is here too, what a hypocrite—'

"But for the sake of the child..."

CE54, June 6 -

"I found them, really, with such a good genetic sequence, it is impossible to get pregnant, but think about it, he and her wife are too special-"

'Just one test tube baby... eh, pity the hearts of parents in the world, that's fine, I've killed too many people, the situation is getting more and more chaotic, and it's too late to continue—'

'This is my last fight! The contradiction between the natural person and the adjuster - eh'

CE55, February 5 -

'I made it! ’

'Lacus Klein, what a beautiful name—'

'Sure enough, once the correct method is mastered, it is possible for anyone to breed the seeds of SEED——'

CE55, April 4 -

'Noel Cassia...what a lovely child. ’

'Although he is only a child of a 'natural person', his appearance means that my assumption is correct! Everything is right! ’

‘No matter whether it is a natural person or an adjuster, they can all have a future! All have the potential to go higher! ’

"Actually, if you can, you are the future and attitude that an adjuster should have—"

'But a natural person might be another possibility—'

'The strongest natural person - hehe, it seems to be good, and it is worthy of the expectations of Shiwa and the others! ’

CE55, May 10 -

'Today is my happiest day! ’

'Kira, the strongest adjuster - my child! born! ’

'The strongest natural person - the strongest adjuster, I can't imagine that both are from my own hands! ’


CE58 years——

'The situation is getting worse and worse, the LOGOS guys are still showing their minions! I hope the destruction of the data is completed, otherwise—'

CE60 years——

'Have you been discovered yet, Siva, my dear friend, you must live--'

CE61 -

‘Damn, why can’t natural people and adjusters get along in harmony! We are all human! ’

'Am I doing everything wrong? ’

'Why can't we live in harmony! ’

CE62 years——

‘ Damn blue cosmos! ’

'Sothes is wrong! ’

'Siva is still dead, but the good news is that his child is alive! I will definitely find him for you! ’

CE62 years——

'Siva, I found your child, brought it back with Uzmi's help, you can rest in peace--'

‘But why, why are the natural and the adjuster so hostile? ’

'Am I doing everything wrong! ’


CE65 years——

'Perhaps, I am a sinner—'


As the last diary turned over, Noel slowly closed the notebook.

He stroked the signature on the notebook - Yulian Hiang.

Noel didn't know what expression to face for a while.

He is a natural person, yes, but a special natural person.

If this diary hasn't been tampered with, then—

"The strongest natural person, hehe-"

Noel smiled silently. He had always wondered what facility could help people carry out IVF for free.

And why was he able to board the shuttle to go alone back then, a child under ten years old was able to run from the East Asian Republic to Orb alone under the circumstance of being wanted by the whole country——

It's clear now that I'm not ordinary from the beginning.

"So, everything that happened to me was—premeditated?"

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