Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 303: :----Summarize

Summary of the first season of the Earth Alliance and the two sides——

Earth United Battle Damage:

The First Mobile Fleet: Participated in the World Tree offensive and defensive battle, and the main force of the offensive and defensive battle of Yakinduwei did not appear.

Second Mobile Fleet: Participated in the World Tree offensive and defensive battle, and the main force in the offensive and defensive battle of Yakinduwei did not appear.

The Third Mobile Fleet: Participated in the World Tree offensive and defensive battle, and was annihilated by the Zaft Army in the offensive and defensive battle of the Grimaldi Front.

Fifth Mobile Fleet: Participated in the first Yakin Duwei offensive and defensive battle, with a loss ratio of 30%, and the second Yajin Duwei offensive and defensive battle was on the edge of wandering.

The Sixth Motor Fleet: Participated in the first Yakin Duwe offensive and defensive battles and the Boyaz offensive and defensive battles. In the second Yakin Duwei space domain offensive and defensive battles, it was severely damaged by the Genesis of the Zaft Army and lost two-thirds of its troops. .

Seventh Motor Fleet: Participated in the offensive and defensive battle of Poyaz, and was severely damaged by the "Genesis" of the Zaft Army in the second offensive and defensive battle of Yakin Duwe, losing three-fifths of its troops.

The Eighth Mobile Fleet: Formerly known as the Fourth Fleet of the Atlantic Federation Space Force, led by Major General Louis Halbarton, it was annihilated by the Zaft Army in the low-orbit battle of the Eighth Fleet.

The Thirteenth Independent Force: One of the first MS test units of the Earth Alliance Army, deployed in Panama, but due to Zaft's Odin Gun (EMP) system attack, the unit's MS was completely paralyzed, and the driver survived. The soldiers were executed by hated Zaft soldiers, with a loss of nearly 100 percent of their troops.

Zaft's battle loss ratio:

The Battle of Alaska lost two-fifths of the total force deployed on Earth.

The Battle of Panama lost one-fifth of the total remaining troops on Earth.

In the offensive and defensive battle of Victoria Harbour, one-fifth of the troops were lost.

In the end, all the remaining forces on Earth were withdrawn to participate in the defense.

In the offensive and defensive battle of Boyaz, a quarter of the total troops were lost.

In the offensive and defensive battle of Yakinduwe, two-quarters of the total troops were lost.

On the whole, until the end of the war, the total strength of the Zaft Army was reduced by 50% compared with the eve of the war.

The overall combat losses of the Earth Coalition Force have decreased by 50%.

Among them, the total strength of the individual forces of the Atlantic Federation was reduced by 60% (Battle of Panama, Yakinduwe offensive and defensive battle.)

50% reduction in the total strength of the Eurasian Federation (Battle of Alaska, Battle of Victoria Space Harbor, Battle of Yakinduvi.)

10% reduction in the total force of the East Asian Republic (Yajin Duwei offensive and defensive battle)

90% of Orb's total troops were reduced (Ob's offensive and defensive battle)


The attribution of existing personnel, tentatively -

Phantom Pain (Phantom Pain):

Mainly for the rumored forces, the content of the animation version is - the appearance of the biological CPU.

Prea Refeli (Warrior Gundam), a clone of Kreuzer's homology, has a strong spatial cognition ability, and a rumored role.

Ashley Gray (Rebirth Gundam), a member of the special forces, a rumored character.

Cong Yungai (Blue Heresy), the former head of the Snaketail Mercenary Corps, a test sample of the adjuster for Sothis's former battle, and a rumored character.

Swin Karl Bayan (Slaughter Dagger) Phantom Pain pilot, special training soldier, captain of Joaquin's three-man squad, and a rumored character.

Samus Coza (Slaughter Shortsword) Phantom Pain pilot, special training soldier, one of the members of the Joaquin trio, and a rumored character.

Miutie Holcroft (Slaughter Dagger) Phantom Pain pilot, special training soldier, one of the members of the Joaquin trio, and a rumored character.

Sosis No. 6 (Sword Suit Calamity, Forbidden Blue) is a special combat adjuster, a special adjuster to deal with the adjuster's MS ace driver, the higher the number, the stronger his personal combat power - Gaiden Role.

Sothes No.3 (Sword Suit Calamity) Adjuster for special battle

Dana Snipes (Dueling Shortsword) Phantom Pain pilot, special training soldier - a rumored role.

Emilio Broderick (Dueling Shortsword) Phantom Pain Pilot, Special Trainer - Legendary Character

Eurasian Federation:

Karnard Pars (Hyberrian Unit 1), Unfinished Product (Defective) of the Most Adjuster's Trial - Legendary Character

Ivan Amboise (Hyberrian Unit 3) - a natural person, a rumored character.

Balsam Allende (Hyberrian Gundam No. 2) - a natural person, a rumored character.

Edward (Blade Calamity), The Ripper - Legendary Character

Reina Imelia (Storm Dagger), Earth MS Soldier Instructor - Legendary Character

Jane Huston (Dueling Shortsword, Forbidden Blue) - Legendary Character

Party Affiliation:

Noel Cassia (Covenant Gundam), the strongest natural person (gene mutation), with SEED ability and talent, red.

Itzhak Juer (Duel Gundam), adjuster, Juer squad leader, red.

Diaka Elsman (Storm Gundam), adjuster, red.

Nichol Amalfi (Thunder Gundam...destroyed), adjuster, red.

Shihe (beam weapon experimental type Sigu), member of Jiuer team, adjuster, red.

Heine Ellsman (Gates), Adjuster, Green - Legendary Character

Marlene Straw: (Gates), Adjuster, Green - Legendary character

Lika-Sita: (Gates), Adjuster, Green Clothes - a rumored character.

Lucas O'Donnell (Gates), Adjuster, Red - Legendary character.

Courtney Hieronymus (Seagull), Adjuster, Green - Legendary Character

Gist Evans (Beam High Mobility Genn), Adjuster, Green - Legendary Character

Three ships combined:

Eternal, Archangel, Pheasant—

Gaiden join - New Home (recycling house.)

Lux Klein (Eternal), singer, princess, leader of the Klein faction, daughter of Siegel Klein, owner of the SEED ability.

Maliu Ramias (Archangel), natural person, captain of a certain shake, belonging to the former Earth Alliance.

Aidonil Chisaka (The Pheasant), a natural person, belongs to Orb.

Kira Yamato (Freedom Gundam), the strongest adjuster, the owner of SEED.

Aslan Sarah (Justice Gundam—destroyed), adjuster, the only son of Speaker Sarah, owner of SEED.

Kagali Yura Ashar (Blushing Strike Gundam), a natural person, the owner of SEED.

Mu La Flage (Gundam Hunt), a natural person.

Luo Juer (red heresy), a natural person, belongs to the recycling house - a rumored character.

Ginger Kelly (M1 Gundam Heresy), Adjuster, Shining Maleficent - Legendary Character

Barry Huo (Assault Gundam), natural person, martial arts master - rumored character


Names of other forces and personnel lists:

Adukov Machinery Industry, Earth United Military Enterprise, MS, MA manufacturer.

Actaeon Industries, Earth United Military Enterprises, MS, MA Manufacturers, Representative Body: Hyperion, Jair Finite...

P.M.P Company, a military enterprise affiliated to the Atlantic Federation, designed a composite perfect raider backpack, representing the left arm: FX-550 Airmaster, composite raider backpack AQM/E-M1 (P202QX) I.W.S.P

Mount Fuji Company, a military industrial enterprise of the East Asian Republic.

Xiaolong Heavy Industry, a military enterprise in the East Asian Republic, MS manufacturer.

Dawning Club, Orb's military enterprise, MS, MA, battleship manufacturer, representative body: M1 Heresy Gundam, Sophia battleship, Archangel battleship, Izumo battleship,

Kenneth Ruchini, an intelligence businessman, has contacts with major forces and has his own sources of intelligence.

Valerio Valery, alias V.V, designer of Actaeon, is dismissive of natural persons and harbors malice.

Clan, Earth family.

Mattis, the head of the Earth Joint Intelligence System, likes to use intelligence to dominate the world, the owner of the Gadi Lu No. 1 battleship, and has an inextricable relationship with LOGS.


Death list:

Patrick Sara, president of the Supreme Council, founder and leader of the Sara faction, died in Genesis infighting.

Siegel Klein, member of the Supreme Council, founder and leader of the Klein faction died in a political infighting.

Uzmi Yura Asghar, the head of the United Nations of Orb, died of self-destruction in the attack and defense of Orb.

Murta Azrael, Angel of Death, Chairman of the Blue Cosmos, was shot and killed by Natal Bakiruru.

Major General Louis Halbarton, head of the Eighth Earth Fleet, died in low-orbit operations.

Lund Gena Sahak, the driver of the golden heresy, the leader of the Sahak of the five families of Orb, died of the blue heresy (Rebirth Gundam).

Shani Andras, Forbidden Gundam driver, biological CPU, natural person (enhanced person) fourth-stage enhancement, died of Itzhak (Duel Gundam).

Olga Sabnak, Calamity Gundam driver, biological CPU, natural person (enhanced person) third-stage enhancement, died of Noel Cassia (Covenant Gundam)

Clotte Buell, the original Hunter Gundam driver, biological CPU, natural man (enhanced man) third-stage enhancement, died of Noel Cassia (Covenant Gundam)

Mikhail Aiman ​​(Twilight Bullet), Adjuster, Green Clothes, Died in the Helipolis Incident, Kira Yamato (Strike Gundam)

Rusty, the adjuster, the red-clothed ————Hilipolis incident, died from stray bullets by unknown soldiers.

Dole Knich, natural person, MA Airmaster pilot, died of Aslan Sara (Justice Gundam)

Morgan Thubarière, natural person, Rabid under the moon, died in the Battle of Panama, Noel Cassia (Covenant Gundam)

Elijah Kiel, the adjuster, belonged to the snaketail mercenary group, died in the blue cosmos recovery mission, Noel Cassia (Gates prototype)


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