Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 291: : Towards the endless battlefield of tomorrow - Covenant VS Freedom

"Found that MS is approaching - it's a covenant!"

Inside the Eternal, Dagosta suddenly found a machine coming straight from the battlefield. When he saw the opponent's machine clearly, Dagosta couldn't help screaming in astonishment.



Mariu, Lux, and the others who were discussing the situation through a teleconference couldn't help but look puzzled.

It is not surprising that Covenant Gundam appeared on the battlefield, but why did he approach here?

Or why would they ignore other Earth United organisms?

Incomprehensible, completely incomprehensible.

"The direction of the covenant - is Genesis!?"

Da Costa has been watching the movement of the covenant, but as the covenant approached, he suddenly found that the direction of the covenant was actually - Genesis, Genesis without any enemies!

No, not without any enemies—


"Freedom Gundam!"

Lux and others suddenly reacted. The direction of the covenant is not Genesis, but the Freedom Gundam and God's Will Gundam fighting next to Genesis!

But know how.

The Eternal, or the battleship's ability to reach this position is already the limit. Before you want to move forward, you have to remove all the bodies in front.

"Found a large heat source close - it's the Earth United fleet!"

Inside the Archangel, Sai discovered the unusual movements of the Earth United Fleet.

"What exactly is going on?"

Lax and the others couldn't figure it out at all.

Even if the Covenant Gundam is approaching in the direction of the Freedom Gundam, why is the Earth United also approaching here?

The battlefield of Genesis is not just here.



A location about a hundred distances from Genesis.

The Destiny Gundam radar found the signal of the body that was approaching rapidly behind him.

"Noel Cassia?"

Cruze drove the Heavenly Will Gundam sideways to avoid the Freedom Gundam beam, turned to look at the Covenant Gundam, and said, "What are you doing here?"

How did this guy suddenly appear here?

And Noel's performance on the battlefield of Genesis is too -- too eye-catching.

Protected from nuclear bombs, destroyed the flagship of the Atlantic Federation, shot down the Archangel, beheaded Murta, and then faced six Earth United aircraft alone.

If it was before, this guy would have been looking for a place to fish.

But now-

"For Speaker Sarah! Long live Zaft!"

The answer to Cruze was the public channel broadcast from Covenant Gundam, and Noel's sincere roar.


Cruzer was stunned, and Noel couldn't straighten his voice directly.

He was really confused.

For Speaker Sarah? Long live Zaft?

Is this really Noel Cassia?

However, what happened next made him even more puzzled, and even subverted his understanding of Noel.

I saw the only remaining two dragoons on the back of the Covenant Gundam launched, and rushed towards the Free Gundam floating not far away during the rotation.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】


There was no greeting or foreplay, and almost the moment it reached the attack range, six beams shot out from the muzzle of the dragoons, targeting the Freedom Gundam.

Between the beams, the Free Gundam flips and shifts, avoiding all six beams.

Covenant Gundam passed by God's Will Gundam.

Raise the remaining left arm, and the built-in muzzle of the shield attack system activates.

Aiming at the beam burst, paired with two dragoons to start strangling the Freedom Gundam.

"Noel! You—why!?"

Kira sat in the Freedom Gundam and asked in an echo while avoiding the attack.

He only felt that there were countless reasons why it was difficult for him to understand!

"I once said that we will be enemies next time we meet!"

Noel was heartbroken when he spoke, and a beam dagger popped out of his right leg, and at the same time, the engine on the back of the covenant roared.

Under the huge thrust of the covenant, the beam saber on the left arm popped out and rushed towards the Freedom Gundam.


During this period, the attack of the Dragoons never stopped.

In the Freedom Gundam, Kira has been on the defensive, and the limit acceleration of the Covenant Gundam is higher than that of Freedom.

Freedom Gundam quickly entered Covenant's attack range.

beep beep-


A piercing alarm sounded in the Freedom Gundam, and Kira, who entered SEED mode, turned around subconsciously to avoid the covenant's slash in the six beams.

Nuoer had expected this for a long time, and in the chaotic eyes, the needle-sized eyes were watching all the actions of the Freedom Gundam.

It was almost at the moment when the Freedom Gundam evaded the saber and the two MSs intertwined.

The Covenant Gundam side-mounted engine roared.

With the support of the huge thrust, the Covenant Gundam lifted the right leg equipped with the beam dagger, and rotated towards the Freedom Gundam.


The beam dagger crossed, and although the Freedom Gundam tried to retreat to avoid it, a leg was cut off by the beam dagger at the toe of the covenant.

However, Noel's attack did not stop.

He, who can predict all the actions of the enemy with a 90% probability, has already envisaged a variety of ways to resist the Freedom Gundam.

It was almost at the same time that the Freedom Gundam retreated, breaking away from the beam dagger and the dragoon attack.

The Covenant Gundam, which was lying flat and rotating, retracted the beam saber of the left arm shield attack, and raised his hand to aim at the Freedom Gundam with the help of inertial flip.

bang bang-

Two beams popped out of Covenant's left arm.

In Freedom Gundam, Kira felt bad when he found that the covenant arm raised his hand.

At the same time as the beam burst, Kira also had a decision in his heart.


The red light of the beam saber fell diagonally.

Accompanied by two fire bursts, the Freedom Gundam cut off the two deadly beams at the same time.


In the firelight, the blue and white Freedom Gundam turned its back on Genesis, and the engine roared and roared.

Kira, who has experienced a desperate fight with a friend, can handle the same situation more proficiently.

In addition, at this time, he already had the idea in his heart and the mission he was willing to give his life for. In the face of Noel's repeated attacks, Kira had already made up his mind.

beep beep-

In the cockpit of the Covenant Gundam, which had not fully adjusted its posture, an alarm sounded harshly.

Feeling the 'killing intent' Noel from Freedom Gundam, there is no fear in his heart, but only excitement and excitement from his heart.

The strongest adjuster?

Then look at the difference between me, the strongest natural person, and the strongest adjuster!


Roaring and roaring, the dragoons took off, and the one-armed and one-legged Covenant pulled out the beam saber around his waist and charged towards the free Gundam who had lost one arm.


Hearing the roar from Noel, Kira couldn't help roaring, and Freedom Gundam's arms were staggered from both sides of his A double beam saber appeared in Freedom Gundam's hands.




The vibration of the heart filled Noel's brain, and the blood roared between the blood vessels.

There was a little blood in the chaotic white eyes.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer...

Nuoer, who was highly concentrated, seemed to be in a trance as the whole world slowed down, and every move of Freedom Gundam gradually became slower in his eyes.



Between the roars, the covenant and freedom meet in short armies.


The light unique to the beam saber flickered suddenly.


Covenant raised his left arm to block Freedom Gundam's beam saber.

click -

At the moment when the slash was frustrated, the high-energy beam cannon on the back of the Freedom Gundam flipped and started, and the muzzle was pointing downwards towards the covenant.

The roar of the left engine of the Covenant Gundam drove the MS to deflect, trying to escape the aiming of the high-energy beam.

However, almost at the moment when Covenant Gundam was about to move, Nuoer felt a palpitation in his heart for no reason.

Without thinking, the conditioned reflex started the right engine, forcibly stabilized the body that was about to move to the right, and pulled the trigger at the same time.



Two high-energy beams shot from the rear muzzle of the Freedom Gundam, melting the head of the Covenant Gundam.

However, in this fire, two beams suddenly appeared from the shield attack, and the beams flew out from the back of the covenant's hand.

boom -

The sound of an explosion sounded farther away than before.

The high-energy muzzle of the Freedom Gundam's head and back, which had not been turned over, was pierced by the beam and exploded. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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