Gundam SEED’s Final Destination

Chapter 266: : friendship

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In the communication device, Durandal didn't speak, just waited quietly for Noel.

He even took time to take a sip of tea. He recently found that drinking tea is more interesting than drinking coffee.

"What is the purpose of telling me all this, so you are not afraid that I will betray you?"

When Noel's eyes flickered, he suddenly thought of another question, why did Durandal tell himself this.

There is no hate for no reason in the world, and naturally there can be no 'love' for no reason.

What is gained must be lost.


"Do you think they would trust you or me?"

In the face of Noel's naive question, Durandal quickly gave an answer.


Noel smacked his tongue in surprise, yes.

In the eyes of others, he is an iron and iron Sara faction, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a loyal supporter of Speaker Sara.

After all, even the Covenant Gundam was ordered by President Sarah himself.

In addition to the special period now, the people of Klein's faction will not listen to you at all.

Even the only Sara faction that could possibly help him was suppressed in the ensuing events.

"And I know you won't do it."

Before Noel could think clearly, Durandal gave a surprising answer again.

"Oh, I thank you for believing in my character so much."

Noel smiled and listened to it as a joke.

A politician told you that I believe in you, can you believe it?

"No, I don't believe in your character."

Durandal shook his head to deny Noel's guess, and then said slowly in Noel's stunned eyes: "I found a way to get you back to the way you were."

Just as Noel guessed, Durandal wouldn't really trust anyone.

In other words, since he set foot on this road, he has lost his trust in others, not because he is unwilling, but because he cannot.

With Sarah's lessons learned, he cannot afford the price of trust.

"you sure?"

When Noel heard this, his first reaction was surprise, but his second reaction was - doubt.

The third reaction is - shyness, boredom.

He's tired of feeling pinched.

"It can't be guaranteed to be 100%, but at least it can slow down the speed of your genetic collapse." Durandal explained.

Noel was confused.

The bait given by Durandal is very attractive, after all, this is what Noel has been pursuing for a long time.

But now when it appeared in front of him, Noel didn't have much joy in his heart, but more vigilance and doubt and a trace of anger.

Maybe the pie will really fall from the sky, but it will never fall in front of me.

He didn't know what Durandal's purpose was.

Out of sympathy for yourself?

Or is it out of the reward of 'loyalty' to yourself?

Or - what does he need to help him continue to accomplish?

Inexplicably, Noel prefers the last option.


[First-level combat readiness! 】

[Please all combatants take their places immediately! 】

[Repeat, please take all combatants to their positions immediately——]

The sudden sound of the air defense siren interrupted Noel's thoughts.

In a trance, Noel made a decision in his heart. Although he was a little uneasy in his heart, he still smiled and said to Durandal: "This thing-maybe not enough now."

Although this decision is somewhat absurd and a little over-the-top.

But it was really the decision that was best for him and the one he wanted the most.

Durandal raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the words, and looked at Noel thoughtfully. Obviously, Noel's answer was beyond his expectations.

After a little silence, facing Nuoer's firm eyes, Durandal slowly put down the teacup in his hand and asked Nuoer, "It's a regrettable choice. Have you thought about the consequences of doing this?"

"Although the road ahead is uncertain, I have a little mental preparation."

Noel is well aware of the consequences of all this.

But he's had enough of it, so he's going to cut it off.

That's right, as long as you do what Durandal said, you can get the potion, and Durandal will definitely give him the potion.

Although there is no way to 100% guarantee to solve their own physical hidden dangers, it can at least prolong the arrival of death.

It looks beautiful.


How is this different from what it used to be?

It's still the same lingering, but after two more days of living, it's not the same as being controlled by others.

Haven't the days of being choked by people every day and being calculated by others have not been enough?

As for danger, where has it been safe in this war-ridden world?

Moreover, he is not without the power to fight back.

"Tell me what you want."

When Durandal spoke, the expression on his face gradually became gentle, and his tone was as refined as a modest gentleman.

But Noel knew that this was the attitude Durandal should have.

"Maybe this should be a question for you to think about. After all, I don't know what you want me to do for you now."

Nuoer resisted his uneasiness and forced himself to remain calm.

"Do you still choose to go the road that deviates from me in the end? Mr. Knoll."

Durandal felt a little complicated after hearing this. Although he had expected all this, when it really happened, he would inevitably feel a little sad in his heart.

"Are you surprised?"

Noel asked back, he didn't believe Durandal would have thought about this possibility.

"It's because I know that I don't want to face it. After all, I'm a human, not a machine, and I also have human feelings that I want to pin."

Durandal used the most gentle and elegant tone to speak words that were completely different from the tone.

In his life - he really had no friends.

Initially, Cruze was his friend, the two met and met each other and understood each other.

However, as their aspirations diverged, the two could no longer be friends.

Later, Noel appeared, and Noel's experience and his ideas allowed Durandal to see a familiar self.


"For that, all I can say is sorry."

Noel knew what Durandal meant between words— or rather—friendship.

It’s ridiculous to say that friendship, something that every ordinary person can easily have, is a secular rarity among politicians.

In an instant, Noel even wanted to go back on it. After all, playing tricks with Durandal is really dangerous.

But after thinking of everything that happened after his arrival, Noel pressed back the timidity.

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No breaking, no standing, this kind of being calculated and used as a gun every day makes him really fed up with life.

Resistance may fail, but without resistance it will never succeed.

"Ha ha--"

Durandal shook his head and smiled when he heard the words, looked at Wei Lan in the distance, and said slowly: "Go get what you want, and I will give you everything that matches you."

Durandal's voice fell, and the communication device fell into darkness.

The matter has come to this point, there is no need for the two sides to continue to chat.

"Go get it yourself - that's 'generous' enough."

Looking at the darkened computer, Nuoer murmured to his feet and picked up the awakening agent beside him.

The transaction has been established, and the next step is to see how far you can do it.

Ignoring the uneasy atmosphere along the way, and the call from Yitzhak——

Noel came to the foot of the Covenant Gundam alone like a ghost in another world.

Looking up, the blue and white Covenant Gundam stood in front like a giant.

As he stretched out his hand, feeling the cold touch of steel, Nuoer's originally restless heart gradually recovered.

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