Guardian of the Star Cyclones

Chapter 372: : The catastrophe of the Batman!

Eknaido shelled out, and the powerful particle cannon made the sky bat star instantly disintegrate.

Their bodies began to shatter, and finally turned into endless particles of ashes.

Aike Naiduo said: "The process is a bit slow, it seems that these guys are quite powerful."

At this time, Dan Bo said: "It's enough to experiment a few. Isn't the extra body said to bring it back, my cloned materials are still scarce."


The killing of the Pradis star lasted for 22 hours, until no one on the planet was declared to end.

Ye Yun and others did not stay much, Maru Star used the starship of the Sky Batman to send a message to Batstar, indicating that they were attacked by the Ohra star robber group, and the whole army was wiped out!

Doing so naturally wants to attract the attention of Batstar.

Ye Yun said lightly: "Next goal!"

Krue is acquiring the memory of Captain Batstar, and they are also acquiring materials for manufacturing hetero-dimensional isolator.

It needs a special energy of other worlds, which is actually very simple, Ye Yun has.

It's just that they need a container to carry this energy. Secondly, they must continue to output energy steadily. They feel that there will be a war. If the prophet's ability is restored in time, they will multiply the pressure.

Eighteen hours later, Tianbat Star received a report that another star robber group had been attacked.

"Abominable Ohra Star Pirates, they are enemies with our Bat Star, endless enemies!"

"How about the king's will?"

"Wang is a little worried, but there seems to be no better way. The Ohra Star Robbers are currently attacking Star Robbers, although it is ..."

"Understood, can it be faked, saying that they attacked civilians, or made a group of slaves of other races pass."

"Don't even think about it, you know how many federal agents are staring at us now!"

"So what should we do, let the Ohra Star Pirates eat our power step by step ?!"

"The king will have a way, we just have to wait for the will of the king."

Ye Yun and others are clearing the peripheral forces of Batstar. The memory obtained shows that there are not many star robbers outside Batstar. These are the vanguards of plundering resources.

Cut off these minions and make the Batman wince to the native star before starting the next plan!

At the same time, the king of the bat star, Glaris Sky sickle, he was communicating with a black mind body.

"You should not contact me at this time."

"But my people have suffered huge losses, and have lost three star robbers, that is a lot of resources!"

"Would you like to lose the entire bat star, if you are caught holding the handle, or anger them, it is not just the star robbers! You should know this!"

"I know, but is there no way to stop them?"

"Relax, I have thought of a way, your sacrifice is worth it, waiting for my news, to gather all the fighting power, you have to show a gesture of fighting against the Ohra Star Pirates!"

"Understood, I will leave the rest to you, otherwise I will not give up!"

"Hum, you better not threaten me, otherwise I don't mind letting your family disappear completely in the galaxy!"

Communication was interrupted, and Glaris severely smashed the throne armrest.

Ordered to the communicator: "To gather all the fighting power of Batstar, we must guard Batstar."

"Yes, king!"


Three hundred light years away, in a field of stars

A planet here was destroyed by a meteorite, and the star was in a semi-destructive state.

This week's aborigines have already migrated and become the base of a star robber group.

Eight days ago, here came another group of star robbers, the Zmera Star robber, which is a star robber group of the sky bats.

They wanted to attack this Karpa star robbery group. The two sides fought for eight days. At this moment, the sky bat star has broken the star field defense line and entered the broken star.

"Boss, let's surrender, we can't hold it, their strength is too strong."

"Hold on, I got the gossip, the Batstar offended the star robber group, they will not last long, as long as we hold on, the reinforcements will arrive."

"Yes, but we sacrifice too much."

"Don't you surrender? Take out all the family members, and use those robbed weapons, use them!"

"Chief, that's federal, we will be arrested."

"At this time, is there a difference!"

"Okay, let me go now."

In the interstellar base, the members of the fighting Karpa Star Pirates were defeated, and the Batman used only two roars to repel their attack.

"The weak, you should all be slaves to our Sky Batman!"

"Damn, I can't hold it anymore, reinforcements!"

"Come here, let go!"

A squad of ten rushed in. They held a special weapon in their hands, which looked like a laser gun, but the shape was more unique, black and red, with sharp edges and corners, and layers of energy transmitters looked powerful. !

"Go to death crawler!"

Button off, a dark red spiral beam shot out, the body of the Batman dodged the beam.

"Stupid, missed!"

"Come again!"

This time, a whole team fired at the same time. Bat-stars unavoidably avoided in the narrow passage. The bat-stars rushing to the front were directly penetrated through the armor, and the huge body fell down to the ground!

Not only that, the bat starmen who followed followed were penetrated by several people, until 100 meters later, they were resisted by the bat star armor ~ ~ But looking at the dead row of companions in front, the bat star people were angry !

"Go to death, the thunder growls !!"

"Shoot and shoot, kill them!"

With these ten special laser guns, the Karpa Star Pirates launched a counterattack.

But they have n’t been excited for a long time, or because they were too excited and neglected the strategy of the attack. As a result, they were attacked by Batman from other directions. At the same time, the Batman who launched the attack attacked this team.

"The ants are ultimately ants, bite them!"

A group of Bat-stars surrounded the remaining three warriors. The three men were holding a special laser together. They were in fear, and they didn't know what to do.

At this moment, these huge Batstars suddenly stopped together, then looked up at the sky.

Intermittent sounds came from the three soldiers' communicators.

"Fixed, lived, increased ... to ..., it's Ola Rasto ..."

The three of them looked up and saw a violent explosion in space. The fiery energy was spreading around, and a large number of starships were being destroyed!

Those starships with a wingspan of more than 10,000 meters are the bat starships. At this moment, a blue energy penetrated the galaxy and a series of explosions occurred!

The Batman people around are in fear, they are screaming at the sky, that is angry, but more is fear! !

"Oh !!! Ohrah !!!"

"It's that star robber group, damn, why are we!"

"Leave, leave!"

The batman is covered with interstellar armor, and at the same time, it turns into an interstellar dragon flying towards space.

It's just that they haven't flew so high, several fighter planes rushed into space, and the cross asterisk entered the battlefield!

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