Guardian of the Star Cyclones

Chapter 325: : Energy Hedging

From Gossola's self-detonation to energy impact, it was actually only five seconds before and after.

The starship of the Star Doom was still shocked by shock waves. After the command room reacted, it immediately checked the playback.

Replay shows that Gosola exploded!

"The leader, the leader exploded, this!"

"How is the Ohra Star Pirate Group?"

"I don't know, what should I do?"

At this time, the communicator was forcibly opened, and a figure appeared in the command room.

This is a Tianhe star, and he is wearing a noble purple gold royal dress.

"Gossula has sacrificed, the new leader has been dispatched, and Turing is temporarily acting as the acting leader, and the war against other star robbers, continue!"

After the talk, the Tianhe star directly hung up the communication, and everyone in the command room was at a loss.

Some people have speculated about the forces behind their star robbers, and they vaguely know some, but the truth is now clear.

"Then, was it just the royal family of Tianhexing?"

"It looks like it is."

At this time, the communicator rang again, and Zhinao quickly received it, this time it was Turing.

Tulin said: "I already know the battle situation, I am also saddened by the sacrifice of the leader, but the war is still going on, and I am doing my utmost to reinvent these star robbers and continue to fight according to the previous plan."

"Large, leader, what about the Ohra Star Pirates?"

Turin pondered for a moment and said, "Care closely, haven't they also been affected by the explosion?"

"Yes, please follow my orders!"


Tulin hung up the communication, and he was actually watching the battle simultaneously. It was also unexpected that the result would be like this.

He had thought that Gosola would die, but he didn't expect that armor in this way.

If you remember correctly, that armor was given to him by the royal family as a gift from the leader, what about yourself now?


On the other side, due to the early warning of Marshin and Linger, the impact of the explosion was not serious. The most serious one was Ye Yun alone.

When Liang Hong dashed out of the sea of ​​explosive energy, she had time to turn her head to look, but found that the leaf cloud shape at the moment was like bones!

"How could this happen! Ye Yun!"

Ye Yun's cells are healing themselves, but due to the powerful energy hedge, the body's healing speed is very slow, only 1 / 10,000th of the speed.

Body and internal organs were even exposed on many body surfaces, and half of the head was full of bones.

Maru Star said: "Don't worry, this is nothing. Wolf Race said that the captain had been cut into eight pieces by the robot Zhao Qing. It should be just a serious injury and coma, and he entered a state of self-protection.

Liang Hong nodded with tears in his eyes, and accelerated towards the flying fire meteor.

After a moment, Maru said: "Then what, Liang Hong, why did you just deceive the captain?"

Liang Hong froze for a moment, then blushed and said: "I, I just want him to survive."

Just now Liang Hong shouted that the phrase “has children” is false, just want to make Ye Yun ’s willpower to survive stronger.

Maru Star said: "It is really difficult to understand your humanity, is deception sometimes also a manifestation of love?"


Flying Fire Meteor also broke away a large number of meteorites, the two sides joined together after ten minutes, and then Tamba immediately gave Ye Yun a comprehensive inspection.

Swept around Ye Yun with his mind, and combined with the detection effect of medical equipment, said: "The energy hedge is very powerful, start the life-sustaining chamber, increase the nutrient solution, in addition ..."

Everyone was worried, Liang Hong said nervously: "What else?"

Danbo pondered for a while: "In addition, I suggest that it is better to go to Beja Star first. The nutrient solution of our starship is too low. According to the current process, the captain will need to heal at least half a month.

"Half a month ..."

Everyone saw each other, Ding 18 said: "That's too long"

Ding Eighteen looked at Xiaowu.

Xiaowu said nervously: "Don't eat me, I'm not good, and I won't be able to recover Ye Yun after eating."

Everyone is covered with black thread, who wants to eat you.

Danbo said: "This is a good way, hehe."

"Ah ~~ The owner is the worst, I thought about killing Xiaowu all day long, wooing, Xiaowu is so pitiful ~"

Xiaowu said that animal life is extremely miserable ...

Ding Shiba smoothed its hair and said: What a stupid animal is this, but how spicy and cute?

Joke is a joke, and finally everyone still has to make a decision. Everyone first looked at Liang Hong.

Because in their view, Liang Hong has become a deputy captain.

But Liang Hong looked at Zhao Qing. Zhao Qing nodded at her and encouraged, "You make a decision, Ye Yun's health is an important thing."

Liang Hongdao said: "Then go to Bei Jiaxing, Linger, how long will it take?"

"Five star days can be shortened to 1 day and 13 hours if a super-distance space jump is performed."

Liang Hongdao said: "No, jumping in super-distance space is too dangerous. Based on safety, we head to Bejaxing."

"Understand, target Bejastar and move forward at full speed!"


Without Ye Yun, the Ohra Star Pirates entered a slightly chaotic state, and they didn't even notify Dunke.

Until she left the Hukou galaxy group, Liang Hong returned to the command room, she did not think of this matter.

She asked Zhao Qing: "Zhao Lao, should I notify the Tsunami Star Pirates?"

"Um ~ ~ this is necessary, it is best for them to help look after Z Buster and Xue Weixing."

Liang Hong nodded, and Linger immediately dialed Dunker's communication.

Dunke was overwhelmed. He commanded the starships to continue to attack the Destroyer ’s defense line. The Destroyer was continuously losing its commander, which caused the battlefield to fall into a passive situation. Dunke was taking advantage of the opportunity to gather enemy ships.

"The leader, there is communication from the Ohra Star Pirates."

"Take in"

The picture is connected, and the villain is no longer Ye Yun, but Liang Hong.

Dunke was taken aback, but Liang Hong had seen him, and said with a smile: "Brother and sister, how are you this time? Brother Ye Yun is busy."

Liang Hongdao: "Brother Dunke, Ye Yun has been injured a little bit. He is currently in recuperation and we need to leave for a while."

Dunke froze for a moment and immediately waved a hand, and an isolation mask rose up around him, turning the communication into a private state.

"Brother Ye Yun, what happened? Was he seriously injured while fighting Gosola?"

Liang Hongdao said: "Yes, Gosola has a powerful outer armor. He exploded, and Ye Yun was affected. We need to go to Beja Star, and I will hand it to Dunke.

"Here, Gosola blew up? The energy shock was the guy's self-detonation reaction before? Brother Ye Yun, didn't it matter?"

"No problem, it is estimated that it will take ten days and a half months, the planet we currently occupy will be pleased to Brother Dunke, is it okay?"

"No problem, although my brother and sister are at ease, I will protect those old brothers who will fight for their lives. Are there any requirements?"

"No more, I'm having trouble with Dunke."

"Where do you speak? Brother Ye Yun recovered, please let me know. I am also worried about it."

"Thank you"

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