Gu: It’s broken. I’ve become an alchemy furnace.

Chapter 61: The defense line is broken

With the third-turn family elder joining the battle, the pack of 100 wolves led by Hao Dianlang no longer poses a threat.

The battle line has been stabilized, and no electric wolf can break into the stronghold and massacre first-level Gu masters or mortals.

At this moment, most of the mortals in the village are people named Gu Yue who are unable to practice, as well as some people with other surnames who have good connections.

Ordinary people, after this wolf tide passes and the gap is big, just contact the outside world and buy it.

Although the battle line is temporarily stable, the number of electric wolves is still not small. From a height, it is still full of mountains and plains.

Even under the howling of the crazy lightning wolves, more and more powerful lightning wolves led the group and appeared in the sight of the Gu Yue clan.

The battle continued until dusk, and there were no shortage of wolves. They were endless, countless, like a mountain of wolves and a sea of ​​wolves.

Fang Yuan rested three times and Chen Bo rested twice.

The two of them are the mainstay and the source of confidence for the surrounding Gu masters.

At this time, they couldn't escape, they had to fight, they couldn't hide under the covers and sleep.

Gu Yue Yao Ji held in her hand the casualties of the Gu Yue clan's Gu masters during this wolf wave.

It is not optimistic, the casualties are huge, the highest in history.

"There are too many electric wolves!" Gu Yue Yao Ji looked ugly.

On the side, the elder of the Liantang family said: "This is the second wolf wave this year, and it is already so large that it is simply unimaginable."

He was full of worries about the future.

"It seems that the fighting will continue until night. At night, our casualties will definitely be greater."

"There is no way. The electric wolf has good vision at night, and we can only rely on luminous Gu and torches to illuminate the surroundings to fight, and cannot detect the situation in the distance in time." Chen Bo replied, "I can light up the forest and illuminate the surroundings, but there are The wolf king has water channel worms on his body, which can extinguish my flames."

The elders who were resting were talking about the situation, and they all looked embarrassed.

Before you know it, the sun sets and darkness comes.

Countless torches have been set up on the cottage for lighting.

There are also logistics Gu Masters who regularly shoot balls of light towards the wolves.

Once the Light Gu is turned on and the Gu is consumed, it can only provide lighting and has no other effect.

Electric wolves are coming in a steady stream, and the Gu Master is exhausted.

More and more electric wolves crossed the village wall and broke into the village.

Many family elders took action one after another without taking any time to rest.

Fortunately, there are no clouds in the sky tonight, and the bright moon hangs high. I can see things under the bright moon, but the visibility is not high, but it is better than total darkness.

Suddenly, a crazy electric wolf stood up from the woods in the distance. It was as big as an elephant, and its every move was eye-catching.

The Gu Yue clan instantly became nervous.

Gu Yue Yao Ji quickly arranged an orderly retreat. She knew that the first line of defense could not stop them and it was time to give up.

The Crazy Lightning Wolf stood up without taking a step. It opened its huge mouth, and a ball of thunder quickly condensed and grew in size.

"Attention!" the elder of the Zhantang family reminded loudly.

"I'll do it!" The elder of the Lian Tang family stood up and activated several level three Gu worms in his body, using them in combination.

A huge moon blade was condensed and shot out by him.

At this time, the Crazy Lightning Wolf also sprayed out thunder balls.

The two quickly collided in a straight line, causing huge damage in the aftermath. The surrounding electric wolves died instantly, and even the powerful electric wolf was affected and ran out howling.

"Don't let its thunderballs shoot into the cottage, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." The elder of the Zhantang family shouted again.

After firing the moon blade, the elder Rentang panted slightly.

This move of his used three level three Gu insects and seven level two Gu insects in succession, which was barely considered a killing move, making the Moon Blade's attack even more powerful.

Use attack against attack to strangle the thunder ball among the electric wolves.

If the range of the two fighting was within Guyue Village, you can imagine how many tribesmen would be killed or injured in an instant.

After the old Zhantang family roared, he saw a mad lightning wolf shooting out from the left front and charging towards the mountain stronghold.

He immediately shouted: "Chen Bo, hurry up and stop him!"

When Chen Bo heard this, he immediately stood up.

But a figure, faster than him, passed him from behind and went straight to the Crazy Lightning Wolf.

"Gu Yue Qing Shu?" Chen Bo recognized the person.

Gu Yue Qingshu activated the Gu worms in his body, and his body instantly expanded. The fingers of his hands turned into vines and snaked out.

Because of Chen Bo, Bai Ningbing did not encounter Gu Yue Qingshu, so Qingshu was not dead at this moment.

"Chen Bo, go to the other side!" Zhan Tangjia Lao gave the order.

Chen Bo glanced at him and walked to the other side.

The Crazy Lightning Wolf rushed towards the stronghold and suffered a huge blow. The attacks from various Gu insects hit it.

But the thunder was loud and the raindrops were light, so Crazy Lightning Wolf broke into the village without any injury.

The elders of the Zhantang family immediately went there and cooperated with Gu Yue Qingshu, and the two of them worked together to resist the Crazy Lightning Wolf.

This crazy electric wolf obviously has a defensive Gu insect in it.

It charged with great power. The old Zhantang family was mortal and did not dare to resist it head-on, so they had no choice but to run into the village.

Fortunately, Gu Yue Yao Ji had already issued a retreat order, so the casualties caused by the Crazy Lightning Wolf were not large at this moment.

Fang Yuan was currently standing on a village wall, looking at all directions and listening in all directions.

In front of him was just a powerful lightning wolf, not very dangerous.

Boom boom boom, three explosions in succession fell on the battlefield.

The elder of the Zhantang family immediately looked away and saw that a piece of the village wall had been blown up. The wall was shattered and fragments were flying, including broken corpses.

Many Gu Masters of the Gu Yue clan died tragically in an instant.

The elder of the Liantang family only blocked two thunderballs, and the third one fell on the wall of the village, tearing a big hole instantly.

The lightning wolves swept in like a raging tide.

The few remaining Gu Masters had no courage to resist, and they all ran wildly, fearing that they would be pounced on by the wolves and die in the mouths of the wolves if they fell behind.

Fang Yuan immediately flew over and landed in the crowd.

"Don't panic, I'll do it!" At the critical moment, he actually came to block the gap with great righteousness.

The crazy lightning wolf that released the thunder ball also ran at this moment and charged towards the Liantang family elder.

Along with his charge, several powerful lightning wolves and hundreds of lightning wolves surrounded him.

With such a battle, how could the Liantang family elder dare to fight.

"Who will help me?" He shouted loudly.

"I'm here, don't be afraid!" The school elder Gu Yueshi hurried over at this moment, "Your situation is really critical."

He came from the north side of the village wall to support, and also brought a fresh force.

Gu Yueshi joined the Liantang family elder, who had already had several second-level Gu Masters, to resist the huge impact brought by the crazy lightning wolves.

Fang Yuan was inside the village wall, but the lightning wolves were swarming around him.

There were only a few people around him who mustered up the courage to stand beside him and fight against the wolf tide.

Chen Bo had also turned back at this moment. The village wall he went to had been lost.

"Retreat, retreat!" Gu Yue Yao Ji shouted while running. She had no desire to take action at all.

Under her command and dispatch, most of the tribesmen had evacuated.

Only Gu Yue Qing Shu and the elder of the Zhan Tang family resisted a crazy lightning wolf.

Fang Yuan and Chen Bo resisted a huge gap.

The elder of the Lian Tang family and Gu Yue Shi resisted the crazy lightning wolf that could release thunder balls.

"Let's retreat too!" The elder of the Zhan Tang family judged the timing and shouted loudly.

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