[Didn’t Fang Yuan follow? ] Chen Bo looked around, Danfeng blinked, but Fang Yuan was not detected.

[Follow me all the way. Now, it should be Bai Ningbing’s idea. 】

[Should I go and mess with him? 】

Chen Bo was a little confused.

He understood that Fang Yuan could not be killed, at least not before the battle at Yitian Mountain, no, before the destruction of Fate Gu.

Even if the fate Gu is destroyed, it will be difficult to kill.

In short, it's just one sentence. I've skipped the other books and started working on it directly. I can't really work on it here.

His Holiness has been planning for millions of years, but Chen Bo has to eat it now?

I want to eat shit!

Now, do you want to give him a beating to let him know how powerful you are and stop thinking about yourself?

Chen Bo looked at the newly formed elixir in Dan's heart, thought about it, and decided to forget it.

Pillow Pill - After taking this pill and leaning on the pillow, you can enter the dream of the person who has slept on this pillow, and enter your own dream with the ability to be buried.

Thin burial: After being fatally injured in one's own dream, the soul's foundation is reduced to one soul, and then it will no longer continue to decline, ensuring that the soul will not be weakened again, but forced to wake up, sleep well for a week, and then it will slowly recover.

Pillow Pill, Third Turn Pill, have special functions, involving the dream path that has not yet developed, and exploring one's own dreams, and it can also have a life-saving effect. It will not be said that the soul's foundation has been cut away and you will die directly, but you will be given a thin burial. As a result, with a drop of blood left, Chen Bo could forcefully wake up from his dream.

This is a new elixir. Chen Bo has not had the opportunity to observe its refining process. He will have to wait and study it later.

Now he has only derived the formulas of Peiyuan Dan and Huiyuan Dan by himself.

The timing of this elixir's appearance was truly a coincidence.

Dreams contain true meaning.

And you can also indirectly know other people's lives.

However, dreams are very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will fall into it. For him now, he is just a human soul. If he is injured, he will die.

Chen Bo's first thought was to go back now and take away Fang Yuan's pillow.

On Gu Yue Village, only the dreams of a few people would be useful.

Fang Yuan was the first to bear the brunt.

Bai Ningbing was second.

After that came the heads of the three major families.

For the rest of the people, forget it. Entering their dreams is a waste of time and pillow pills. There is no need to experience their lives.

After thinking about it, Chen Bo headed towards Guyue Village.

Fang Yuan was immersed in the joy of capturing Bai Ningbing. He never knew what Chen Bo was thinking. If he knew, it didn't matter. Anyway, my family is bare and everything valuable is on me.

Chen Bo returned to the village and first went outside Fang Yuan's residence.

Fang Yuan has his own house outside, and he doesn't hire a servant. He has always lived alone.

The door of Fang Yuan's house was closed, but what could he do? Chen Bo directly knocked on the door and pretended to come to see Fang Yuan.

It was a rare opportunity now. Fang Yuan was not in the village. Although it was daytime and there were many people, there was nothing that could stop him.

Fang Yuan is back, Chen Bo doesn't want to face this model worker, even if he knows that if he takes action, he has a greater chance of winning now.

"Fang Yuan, I'm asking for advice again!" Chen Bo knocked on the door.

Of course there was no response.

The passers-by around recognized Chen Bo. Seeing this, they secretly scolded Chen Bo for being shameless. You have turned three and you still come to Fang Yuan for a discussion.

This is not asking for advice, he is clearly bullying Fang Yuan and causing trouble for him.

I didn't expect Chen Bo to be so vengeful. I remembered that I must not offend him. He is the elder of the family. I can't resist revenge.

Chen Bo felt that he had performed well and shouted: "Fang Yuan, I know you are afraid. You used to blackmail me, but now I have broken through to level three. As the elder of the family, how can I bully you? I just appreciate your ability. I came here to have a friendly exchange with you, to discuss things with you, and to help you.”

Chen Bo knocked on the door again, "Fang Yuan, I know you are afraid, but don't be afraid yet, I am really here to support you."

After saying that, he quickly took action, broke into Fang Yuan's home, and went straight to his target, asking for nothing but a pillow.

Passers-by outside did not dare to stop him from entering, nor did they dare to follow him in.

Chen Bo broke in directly, not caring what Fang Yuan thought after knowing it. He didn't bother to sneak in and steal, and just broke in blatantly.

Anyway, now that he found out that Fang Yuan had evil intentions towards him, he simply did it blatantly.

Moreover, he is now a third-level cultivator and is the elder of the Gu Yue clan. There is nothing he dares to do on Qingmao Mountain.

Now as long as he doesn't steal family resources and doesn't cause damage to the interests of other family elders, the family will not take action against him.

Chen Bo easily obtained Fang Yuan's pillow.

He also searched it to see if there were any other pillows or objects that Fang Yuan might have slept on.

In the end, he only took a pillow and put it into the hoarding pill.

After doing this, he left Fang Yuan's house empty-handed.

Naturally, someone outside saw him going in and coming out.

Chen Bo came out, saw these people, and smiled slightly, "Fang Yuan is not at home, he must have gone out to hunt electric wolves. Yes, it is really good, contributing to the family."

"Since you're not here, then come find Fang Yuan another day." After Chen Bo finished speaking, he left with a smile.

The people around him laughed and agreed, not daring to say anything more.

I am speechless in my heart. You are the elder of the family, so whatever you say will be yours.

Chen Bo returned home smoothly.

I checked myself and found it to be in good condition.

Take out the Pillow Pill and observe it carefully. [To be on the safe side, I might as well enter my own dream first. Even if I can't get the true meaning and improve the realm of the school, I can still find the Dream Dao Gu material. ]

[If I enter someone else's dream and get hurt, it's over. Unless my soul foundation is improved to the level of a hundred or a thousand souls, I dare to try it. ]

He has read the original text and naturally knows where the Dream Dao Gu material comes from.

There are also some in the outside world, such as the Nightmare Demon Horse, but they are too difficult to find, and his strength is not worthy of it.

The best way is to find it in the dream.

After thinking about it, Chen Bo hung a sign on his door saying "Do not disturb" and went into the bedroom.

He took the Pillow Pill and lay down to sleep.

Not long after, he fell asleep.

"Gu Yue Chen Bo, three steps, no qualifications." As soon as Chen Bo fell asleep, he heard the voice of Gu Yue Master.

Looking around again, he immediately realized that this was when he had just arrived in this world.

He was very awake and knew that he was dreaming.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for people to realize that they are dreaming. The subconscious mind will tell you the background of the dream, allowing you to easily integrate into it.

When you realize that you are dreaming, you will wake up quickly.

Especially when you have a beautiful dream, it is really... I don't want to wake up at all.

[Don't you dream about your previous life? ] Chen Bo asked in his heart.

Putting aside his doubts for the time being, he looked around and began to look for dream-path Gu materials.

Dream-path Gu materials will appear in different forms in dreams, and he can only explore them by himself.

Chen Bo looked at the dim environment around him. This is an underground cave.

He looked at the small lights flying around. That is hope Gu.

Chen Bo shook his head. These are not dream-path Gu materials.

"Chen Bo, come back quickly, don't hinder others from opening their minds."

Chen Bo heard this and didn't reply. Although he was awake, he didn't want the people in the dream to talk, let alone act according to their words.

Otherwise, he would be led by them and fall into the dream step by step.

In short, in one sentence, I will do what I want.

Unless you are trying to capture someone else's dream, you need to follow some hints to complete a task.

In this dream, Chen Bo does not need to capture, he only needs to find the dream path Gu material.

Chen Bo walked around and started looking.

Master Gu Yue saw him doing this and cursed: "Gu Yue Chen Bo, get out now."

Chen Bo pretended not to hear.

Master Gu Yue was furious, "Come on, catch him!"

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