Chen Wei originally thought that his words and Gu Yuepeng's death would make his son change his mind and no longer be obsessed with being the first person of the Gu Yue clan, but Chen Bo said with a gloomy face:

"It's not enough, it's not enough. This is a rare opportunity. The wolves have broken up. Let's continue the pursuit!"

"Wha, what?" Hu Lai couldn't believe his ears. What did he hear?

Brother, I'm so injured, do you think I can still fight?

Chen Bo twisted his neck and looked back at Hu Lai and Chen Wei.

"Follow me, otherwise if you return to the family, I will declare that you two violated my decision and evacuated without permission. What awaits you will be severe punishment from the family."

"Chen Bo!" Hu Lai was angry, "Who do you think you are? Do you think your words can convince the family?"

"You simply don't care about my life, and you don't even care about your father's life!"

Hu Lai roared angrily. He was seriously injured and immediately coughed violently.

However, Chen Bo was unmoved and said: "Why? Just because I am the team leader. By the way, let me tell you a secret. I am about to be promoted to the third rank. If you tell me a word, will they believe it?" ?”

"So, keep up with me."

Chen Bo wanted to kill these people today.

The time is coming. As soon as the wolf tide ends, it will be the time of the war. These people have almost finished their benefits. It is most appropriate to hit the road now.

But as soon as Chen Bo finished speaking, a wolf howled in the distance.

"Wolf Tide, the wave broke out!" Chen Wei exclaimed.

"Shit, retreat quickly." Hu Lai stood up with difficulty.

Chen Bo looked around and said, "It's too late, the wolves are coming!"

It turned out that at this time, it was getting dark.

"Huh?" Chen Wei was startled and looked around, "When?"

He suddenly discovered that at some point, a pack of wolves had appeared in the surroundings, surrounding the three of them.

"Bo'er, you, what have you done?" Chen Wei shouted angrily, "Wolves are surrounding us, didn't you detect it?"

"You are kidding with your life!"

Chen Bo sneered, "No, Chen Wei, the mere king of thousands of beasts, can't keep me."

"That's the King of Thousand Beasts, Bo'er. I know you're very powerful, but you are no match for the King of Thousand Beasts."

After Chen Wei finished speaking, he saw that Chen Bo had a calm face and had no intention of replying, and then said:

"Okay, even if you can escape as you said, what about me? Where's Hu Lai," Chen Wei scolded: "You have to lead the two of us to break out. It's not easy. Hurry, call for help. This is the only hope for survival."

"Hehehe, Chen Wei, why did I take you two to break out?" Chen Bo asked back.

In this case of certain death, there is no need to reenact it.

"What? Chen Bo, what do you mean?" Hu Lai's eyes widened angrily, "What are you talking about? Do you know what you are talking about?"

"You actually plan to leave us two here?"

"You're not stupid, show some strength, you two, otherwise, you will die here." Chen Bo replied:

"Don't worry, I will collect the bodies for you, kill all the wolves, and avenge you."

Chen Wei was already in a daze. He couldn't believe that his son actually said such cold-blooded words.

Also, it’s so arrogant, Thousand Beast King, this is a pack of thousands of wolves, how can you, a Level 1 or 2 Gu Master, be able to defeat them?

In his opinion, it is normal for his son to work hard for the rankings, do radical things, and race against time for a long time.

But, now he actually wants to give up his father?

"You, it's impossible. With so many wolves, how did you break out? Chen Bo, call for help quickly. The three of us can resist together to delay time and get the family's rescue." Hu Lai shouted.

"How to break out of the encirclement?" Chen Bo said with a smile: "You don't need to worry about me, you should worry about yourself." After Chen Bo said that, he rushed towards the wolves in the darkness at high speed.

[Damn it, Chen Bo actually did this, leaving me and his father behind and running away alone. ] Hu Lai struggled to keep up and follow behind.

With Chen Bo supporting him in front, the pressure on him from behind will be much less.

However, he just took two steps, staggered and was about to fall.

At the critical moment, Chen Wei supported him.

"You..." Hu Lai said.

Chen Wei actually did not break out with Chen Bo, but stayed behind.

"Old team leader, it's because of my poor discipline that I actually taught such a cold-blooded and ruthless son."

"I can't believe what he did, but for now, we should cooperate. When we return to the family, there will be a family who will decide what he did."

"You just had a chance to break out with Chen Bo," Hu Lai said.

"Haha, let me correct my son's mistakes."

Chen Bo rushed into the pack of wolves, surrounded by flames. Wherever he passed, the electric wolves were forced back by the high temperature.

However, within a few steps, a lightning wolf with the level of the King of Beasts rushed towards him.

In the dark night, the fire in Chen Bo's place was so dazzling.

Ordinary electric wolves are afraid of fire.

But the lightning wolf is not afraid.

Chen Bo, however, took out a pill calmly.

The word "豕" is Dan.

He didn't swallow it, but crushed it directly.

It turns out that Chen Bo suddenly discovered not long ago that this Zi Dan can also be directly crushed and used. It turned out that it was because his hands were now masters of painting.

The pig-shaped pill was crushed into pieces by Chen Bo, and the crumbs were scattered.

However, during the falling process, it quickly formed the character "豕".

The pig character was only the size of a palm, flying quickly along the ground towards the lightning wolf.

Wherever it passed, it knocked away a bunch of electric wolves, clearing a path for Chen Bo.

Under the cover of darkness, the Hao Electric Wolf could not see the approach of the pig character. In its eyes, there was only Chen Bo wrapped in flames.

The Hao Electric Wolf ran straight to Chen Bo, but the next moment, it felt that it was hit by a huge force, and its entire body was blown away.

Its ribs and internal organs were all broken.

The Hao Electric Wolf fell to the ground, seriously injured, and the surrounding electric wolves were all stagnant.

Chen Bo took this opportunity to speed up.

His appearance was covered with flames, but he had no defense against flames.

If he used the Fire Clothes Gu, the flames would not burn him.

So, he had already used a Jade Pill before.

It's not that the Jade Gu is unaffordable, but the Jade Pill has more outstanding defense.

This is made from several kinds of Gu materials, plus a certain ratio, and refined in Chen Bo's body. The defense is directly comparable to the third-level excellent Gu worm.

It barely resisted the scorching of Chen Bo's body.

Otherwise, he had no traces of the flame path on his body, and he used the fire-breathing Gu to form flames around himself, and he would roast himself before he could hurt the enemy.

Haodian Wolf wanted to get up and lead the electric wolf pack to besiege Chen Bo, but before it got up, the pig character was controlled by Chen Bo and ran over its body.

Chen Bo, who followed closely behind, picked up the wolf corpse and put it into the Dun Dun Dan.

Then, Chen Bo took out another horse-shaped Gu.

The horse-shaped Gu was crushed to form a horse character, which was stepped on by Chen Bo.

Although the horse character was small, Chen Bo stepped on it steadily.

The pig character opened the way, the horse character moved, and the jade character defended.

Chen Bo ran far away, so he stopped using the fire-breathing Gu.

After all, this was too conspicuous, and the wolf pack would definitely run towards him continuously.

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