Gu: It’s broken. I’ve become an alchemy furnace.

Chapter 27: The Beginning of a Killing Move

Winter is gone and spring is here, everything is revived.

After a sudden wave of wolves in winter, the family increased the wild clearing, and the wild beasts in the later period were no longer large-scale. For Guyue Village, this winter was just a scratch.

They are also used to the outbreak of wolf tides in winter, but what they did not expect is that the wolf tides will be unprecedentedly large next winter.

In March, the mortals outside Guyue Village were working in the fields.

A caravan, however, followed the mountain road and turned into people's field of vision.

The caravan had already sent out the Gu Master to notify Guyue Village in advance.

The meeting between the two parties was inevitable.

"Brother Jia Fu, I really didn't expect you to come so early." Gu Yuebo said enthusiastically.

"Alas, the situation is urgent." Jia Fu replied.

He had a scar on his face, which seemed to be due to the open and secret struggles after returning to the family.

This scar could have been cured, but Jia Fu left it on his face to warn himself.

The caravan settled in Guyue Village.

Chen Bo walked slowly into the market. He saw familiar faces and new faces. He didn't see some faces. He thought that they either left the caravan or died on the road.

Overall, the scale of the caravan was larger than in previous years.

Jia Fu began to take radical risks. For the sake of his Jia family's property, he had to be radical, make better achievements, and get more support.

Chen Bo had saved up some Yuanshi recently. He asked Chen Wei for some and borrowed some from his team members to buy some needed Gu worms.

Moreover, he had many Gu worms he made and planned to sell them to the caravan!

In his mind, he already had a set of broken prototypes of the Divine Text Killing Move.

Since he decided to go through the channel and thought of the Divine Text Killing Move, he tried to refine Wendan with his own Yan Bing Danqing body, which was slightly effective, but Wendan was a consumable, powerful and costly.

After that, he took this as the foundation, added his own channel master and painting master realm, and began to deduce the Divine Text Killing Move.

In addition, he had read the original text, so the deduction process was relatively smooth.

Chen Bo did not choose to buy Gu materials to make Gu, because he did not know the Gu recipe. Gu Yue Village was not a passage, so there were basically no passage Gu recipes included.

The caravan should also have Gu recipes for sale, but they must be very expensive, and Chen Bo could not afford them.

So he went straight to an ordinary Gu house, where Gu worms were being sold.

This Gu house was a big tree, which was transformed from a three-turn plant Gu, and had three floors.

When the caravan arrived here, it urged the plant Gu to transform into an 18-meter towering tree, which could accommodate several people and buy and sell goods.

When leaving, you can just take back the Gu worm, which is very convenient. It would be perfect to have such a Gu worm when going out.

Chen Bo followed the flow of people and walked into the Gu house.

He saw an acquaintance, Gu Yue Fang Yuan.

But Fang Yuan did not mean to greet him, so Chen Bo pretended not to see Fang Yuan.

There are many counters inside, all filled with Gu worms.

Fang Yuan was standing by a counter, and there was a wine worm on that counter.

[It seems that Fang Yuan will need the second-level four-flavor wine worm next to refine the second-level true essence. ]

[I have Shengyuan Pills and Jingyuan Pills, and the wine worms can't compare at all. I don't need them at all. ]

Chen Bo doesn't need the wine worm, and he doesn't mean to intervene in the bidding for the wine worm.

It's very interesting to buy Gu here. Everyone will write down their bids and put them in the hole on the side of the counter. When the time comes, a Gu Master will come to collect the prices, and in the end, the highest bidder will naturally win.

This takes into account everyone's understanding of the price of Gu worms and their speculation on other people's bids.

Chen Bo was walking on the first floor and saw a You Gu. This is a very common Gu. The price is not high, and there are few people willing to buy it.

Chen Bo didn't bid either, he has it.

There are plenty of You Gu in Guyue Village.

As he walked, he saw the receiving Gu and sending Gu in the passage. He has them, so he doesn't need to buy them.

And he had a target for what he wanted to buy, which was the pen Gu, ink Gu and other Gu.

And the words written must be powerful. If it is thunder or lightning, he has to buy thunder Gu, electric Gu and other Gu to add to the killing move.

Killing move is to use two or more Gu together, the power and effect formed are far greater than one Gu.

After looking at the first floor, Chen Bo bid a price for a first-level ink Gu.

He went to the second floor.

Only the second-level Gu Master can go to the second floor. This floor sells second-level Gu.

There are much fewer people on this floor.

The "two" on Chen Bo's waist shows his cultivation, so naturally no one stops him.

Chen Bo strolled around the second floor, Mu Kui Gu, Jinpi Gu, Tieqiang Gu, Baiyu Gu, Heizong Gu...

Chen Bo looked and thought.

[At present, I already have the text Gu, writing Gu, and swimming Gu, and the ink Gu will be available later. 】

Although it was a bidding war, there were too few people competing for the ink Gu, and Chen Bo's bid was 20 Yuanshi higher than the market price, so he was sure that he could get it for 320 Yuan.

[I have the electric Gu, and I can try to write the word electric. ]

[So, what else should I buy from the Gu here? ]

Chen Bo didn't want anything, so after thinking about it, he decided to take the ink Gu back and try it out first.

After a while, Chen Bo returned to the first floor and bought the ink Gu.

He sold all the Gu worms on his body, and warned the caravan not to sell these Gu worms to Guyue Village, and then he took the ink Gu back home.

According to his idea, Chen Bo first activated the ink Gu to produce black ink, then used the writing Gu to draw the ink, slowly outlined the word "electricity", and then used the text Gu to fill it.

Then he activated the discharge Gu to release the current into the text.


The next moment, the word "electricity" turned into a pool of ink and exploded.


A very simple attempt ended in failure.

The word "electricity" could not withstand so much current entering.

Chen Bo's face was pale and he suffered a backlash.

Fortunately, he had taken many body-hardening pills and bone-refining pills for a long time, and his physical fitness had improved, so this backlash was not serious.

"The current is unstable in the word, and it is difficult to store it in the word electricity. We need to add a Gu worm to make the current and the word stably merge."

"No, no, it should be to put the discharge Gu directly into the word electricity, so that the word electricity can follow my thoughts and draw current at any time."

Chen Bo continued to try.

"Well, if this word "electricity" is a carrier, a storage, or a discharger, we need to add a Gu that can store current."

"The discharge Gu can discharge electricity, so it should be the switch of this word "electricity". Then we need other thunder Gu to deliver electricity to the word "electricity", and one Gu to store electricity."

"As for the last used "You" Gu, it can make this word "electricity" move..."

A night passed, and the killing move experiment failed.

But Chen Bo also got some results.

Before, he had tried it, and the result was that he needed ink Gu, and water can conduct electricity.

Now, he needs Gu that can store electricity and maintain the output current, so he needs to find it...

A day passed like this.

The next day, Chen Bo came to the Gu house again, walked around the first floor, and didn't have any Gu he wanted to buy, so he went directly to the second floor.

After walking around, he still didn't have the thunder Gu he needed.

But just when Chen Bo was about to leave, a flash of inspiration came to his mind.

"Iron Spear Gu? After using it, an iron spear will be born."

Chen Bo looked at the introduction of the Iron Spear Gu and muttered to himself.

[The killing move of the divine text I conceived is to create a word, and the iron spear Gu is to create an iron spear. ]

[The killing move is the Gu worm, and the Gu worm is the killing move. In fact, the iron spear Gu is a collection of killing moves, which includes the spear head Gu, the spear shaft Gu, the spear tassel Gu, etc.]

[Then I need to write a word for electricity, which requires generating electricity, storing electricity, and releasing electricity. I need to have a higher understanding of the thunder path to write the word for electricity well. It is to simulate the thunder path with the channel, not the thunder path simulating the channel. ]

[My thunder path is very ordinary. To write the word for electricity, I can only write it hard, and then put the thunder path Gu worm in it, and try one by one...]

[Why not buy an iron spear Gu and write a "gun" word? ]

So Chen Bo bid for the iron spear Gu.

At noon, he got the iron spear Gu, which cost him 900 yuan stones.

Chen Bo went home and began to think.

"In fact, the order of my attempts last night was wrong. What I am going to do now is to write with Dao marks. Yuanlian Immortal Venerable uses Dao marks to paint. Dao marks are created first and then used to paint."

"So, I should use the Iron Spear Gu first, then the Ink Gu and the Writing Gu and the Character Gu to change the generated long spear into the character "gun", and then use the Traveling Character Gu to move it."

"Then I have to add a Transforming Gu to change the long spear into the character "gun."

"This means that I change the appearance of the iron spear, and then use the Ink Gu and the Writing Gu to change an iron spear into a character, but it looks like It is a channel, but it is actually the Golden Dao."

"The Gu worm of the Changing Dao is a process of connecting the upper and lower parts, a transformer, which needs to change the Dao mark, but the effect remains unchanged!"

"This is the channel simulating the Golden Dao!"

"The channel must occupy a large proportion, otherwise the essence will also change."

"After that, I added the javelin Gu, and I can let the spear mark shoot the spear, which is much more powerful than throwing the spear after I generate the spear."

"Of course, you can also fight with a gun."

"You can also add the Law Dao Gu worms "one", "two", "three" and other Gu worms, Turn one spear into two, three, or even ten thousand spears."

"You can also write more spear characters and stack them together to achieve the goal of firing ten thousand spears at the same time."

"The entire killing move is based on the text Gu as the core, followed by the writing Gu, the iron spear Gu third, the change of the Taoist Gu fourth, and then the law of the Taoist Gu and so on."

"Although it involves many schools of Gu, the essence is still to look at the core Gu, which determines the school of this killing move."

"However, the Gu of different schools interact with each other, and the Dao marks repel each other, and the final power will be reduced to Even the Iron Spear Gu itself is not as good as it..."

"There should be fewer schools, and fewer unnecessary Gu worms, so that when multiple Gu worms are combined, the killing move can have the hope of reaching the power of a third-turn Gu worm."

"If the final power is only comparable to that of a second-turn Gu worm, then it's useless for me to work so hard to urge so many Gu worms to form a killing move."

Chen Bo thought of this and began to try. One day later, he got the result. He successfully wrote the word "gun" with the function of condensing the iron spear. However, the effect was not good. Although the word "gun" was successfully engraved, the power of the iron spear formed by the word "gun" was only comparable to that of a second-turn top-level Gu worm.

Such a combination of seven or eight Gu worms only promoted a little power. This killing move is obviously a failure.

It still needs to be improved, developed and strengthened!

On the fourth day, Chen Bo put aside the improvement of the word "gun" and came to the Gu House again.

After a walk, Chen Bo saw the second-turn fire-breathing Gu!

This Gu can spit fire, and the temperature exceeds 500 degrees.

He also saw the small fire Gu, which can release small fire.

[Use the small fire Gu and the writing Gu to write, and then use the fire-breathing Gu to spit fire? ]

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