On the seventh day, Gu Yue Hu Lai's team killed enough wild wolves and returned to the family to hand over the mission.

Each person's performance will be assigned by the team leader.

Chen Bo received as much contribution as Jiang Bao, which was a sign of care for him.

The one with the most is naturally Hu Lai, and the second is Chen Wei.

Machine muscles are always the lowest.

These family contributions can be exchanged for Yuan stones, Gu materials, Gu worms, food fed by the Gu worms, etc.

Hu Lai then took out the wolf corpse, sold it to the family, obtained the Yuan Stone, and distributed it to each team member.

Chen Bo was allocated more than forty Yuan stones.

Earning forty yuan stones in one week, plus a little family contribution, is not bad.

However, Chen Bo didn't like it. If he went to the training hall and refined a Gu, he could earn more than this.

It is compulsory to participate in group tasks, and the family cannot let go of these beasts.

Chen Bo went home to rest for a day, and the next day he went to the training hall.

He was familiar with the family and met the elder of the Liantang family.

"Why did it take so long to register after graduation?" asked the elder of the Lian Tang family.

"Reporting to the boss, I went on a mission with the team."

"Team Hu Lai? I'll take you out once for a week. Are you still used to it?"

"Get used to it, my lord."

"Okay, let's not say more. This is your Gu refining task this week. Recently, the number of wolves has gradually increased, and the damage rate of Gu insects of many family Gu masters has greatly increased."

The Liantang family elder handed Chen Bo a list with tasks written on it.

Add the damaged Gu insects to the Gu material and re-refine them to repair them.

Chen Bo took the list and went deep into the refining hall to collect the injured Gu insects.

These Gu worms contain the will of others, temporarily lent to the family to facilitate the family's repair.

These human Gu insects were injured and they could not repair them themselves, so they handed them over to the family, handed over some family contributions, and asked Liantang to repair them.

Liantang distributes these tasks.

What Chen Bo got were twelve injured Gu insects and some Gu materials.

There are three second-level Gu worms and the rest are first-level Gu worms.

He needs to repair these Gu insects, and three copies of each Gu insect are provided free of charge.

If the free voodoo materials are used up and the voodoo insects are not repaired, it is Chen Bo's problem, and he will have to pay for the next voodoo materials himself.

If the Gu insect dies during the repair process, it is also his problem and he must compensate.

[This kind of treatment has become harsher than when I was in school. 】

In the past, it was preferential treatment for Chen Bo, but now, it is normal treatment.

But Chen Bo also has advantages. To repair the voodoo bug, he needs to know the voodoo prescription. He can check the voodoo prescription for free, but of course, he cannot copy it.

After the restoration, he will receive family contributions.

Chen Bo put twelve Gu insects into the hole and took them home.

The second-level hollow hole can hold up to fifty or sixty Gu insects.

However, no second-level Gu master would raise so many Gu worms. Firstly, the true energy is limited, and secondly, it is difficult to feed them.

Fang Yuan was in his second turn, and there were only a dozen Gu worms in his body.

Chen Bo's second turn, only two Gu worms...

He was preparing to refine his fourth Gu, the second-level walking Gu. This Gu moved at an average speed but turned around very quickly.

Chen Bo repaired the Gu bugs this time intermittently. During this period, he also had to follow the team to complete tasks.

One day after half a month, Chen Bo was refining Xinbu Gu.

This was his fourth time refining it, and he had failed the first few times.

The second-level Xinbu Gu sells for about 800 yuan stones.

The corresponding Gu material costs about two hundred per portion. Chen Bo failed to refine the Gu three times this time, so he really suffered a loss.

All his savings were suddenly wiped out.

This is the "beauty" of refining Gu. Sometimes it can make you rich, sometimes it can make you bankrupt.

"This is the last step." Chen Bo exhaled a breath of thick air.

This time, he finally reached the final stage of refining the Gu and was about to succeed.

The next moment, the fire ball in front of him slowly dispersed, revealing the second-level Xinbu Gu inside.

He used the method of refining by fire.

The method of refining by fire is most suitable for him.

Chen Bo took Xinbu Gu in his hand and looked at it.

This Gu insect is shaped like a water spider, with a flat body, white-gray body, and six tentacles.

This is Chen Bo's first level two Gu.

Originally, he had thought of refining the Xinbu Gu and then refining the three first-level Gu, the Moonlight Gu and the Jade Skin Gu, but unfortunately his savings were now insufficient.

Chen Bo was looking at Xin Bu Gu when he suddenly heard an alarm coming from outside.

"There is a small group of wolves attacking the mountain stronghold. All Gu masters quickly gathered to resist."

Chen Bo doesn't want to go. After all, the current wave is small in scale. No one will tell him whether he can go or not.

Unless the wave hits the mountain stronghold, he will be punished if he doesn't leave.

Just when Chen Bo wanted to take a rest, his father opened the door and said, "Bo'er, let's go. The team leader has taken over the task of resisting the wave. Let's go and meet up. The rewards this time are huge."

Chen Bo sighed, sometimes he couldn't help himself.

He had no choice but to move forward.

Hu Lai's group quickly gathered and walked side by side with many other groups toward the outside of the village.

Many reconnaissance Gu Masters were in the front to detect the wolves, and guided the Gu Masters behind to change formations or cooperate with each other.

After receiving the message from Jiang Bao, Hu Lai immediately said: "There is a group of family Gu masters ahead who are surrounded by wolves. Let's go quickly to support them."

Everyone had no objections and followed suit.

Not long after, they saw a group of wild wolves in their field of vision, besieging a group of Gu Masters.

"It's Jiang He's team." Jiji said.

Hu Lai already knew this and did not respond, but moved forward faster.

Jiang Bao and Jiang He are cousins. Jiang He is under siege and Jiang Bao comes to support at the right time.

Hu Lai's group was like a steel knife, instantly piercing the wolves.

The green moon blade in Hu Lai's hand fired frequently, leading the way.

Chen Wei was taking care of him from one side.

Chen Bo was dealing with the remaining wild wolves in the back. He activated the Jade Skin Gu, punched left and palm right. The wild wolves were invincible. He was very strong. Every time he hit the wild wolf, he was knocked away directly and hit three more. Two wild wolves behind.

Today, his melee combat abilities have improved a lot.

It's just that there are many wild wolves, and he can't defend him. He is always caught and bitten. Fortunately, ordinary wild wolves can't break his defense at all.

Jiang Bao did not rush in, but observed from a high place and provided timely and reliable intelligence.

The machine muscle is beside Jiang Bao.

"No, another pack of wolves is coming. Quickly open the gap, join Jiang He and others, and quickly break out to the south."

Hu Lai received the message and immediately stepped up his offensive and increased his speed.

"Quick!" Hu Lai shouted.

Chen Wei and his son did not reply, but responded with practical actions.

Not long after, the two teams merged and began to break out.

But during the breakout, a new pack of wolves had rushed up, making the breakout more difficult.

"Hold on, I have found the Chishan team and am asking for their support."

Gu Yue Chishan, a second-level high-level player, is much stronger than Hu Lai.

Chishan led his team and had already achieved a lot. At this time, he suddenly received a distress message from Jiang Bao. Chishan immediately led his team to come to the rescue.

"Although today's wave is not big, it comes very suddenly. Many family Gu masters are surrounded. We must rescue them quickly." Chishan said.

"I received help from Gu Yue Jiao San here. He is in the northeast, two kilometers away from us."

The reconnaissance Gu Master in the team received the distress letter.

"Hu Lai's group and Jiang He's group are close at hand. Help them first. Our three groups will join together and we can break up this wave of wolves."

After Chishan gave the order, he led his team members to rush towards the location of Hu Lai's group.

Hu Lai's group and Jiang He's group broke through more and more slowly. Fortunately, the Chishan group had arrived.

When the three parties join together, the wolves cannot stand up to the enemy.

After leaving a pile of wolf corpses, they scattered and ran away.

"Stop chasing, follow me to rescue Gu Yue Jiao San and the others."

【Jiao San? ] Chen Bo was stunned, [Fang Yuan’s team? 】

Chen Bo immediately remembered something and followed the Chishan group.

On the way, another group met up. The four groups joined forces and were so powerful that the wolves fled wherever they passed.

Finally, they saw the Jiao San group from a distance.

"No, it's actually a lightning wolf." Someone exclaimed, this kind of wolves can release lightning.

"And there are two micro-electric wolf kings!" Someone's voice trembled.

"Don't be afraid, our four groups can completely cooperate to kill." Chishan said.

When Chen Bo heard the word "Hai Dian Wolf", he was very happy. Isn't this the best Gu material for refining Leiwen Dan?

It would be even better if the wild electric discharge Gu could be caught on the electric wolf.

He was not worried about his own safety at all and could not take the pill.

When everyone was killing the lightning wolves, no one in Jiao San's group at the scene was standing. They were all lying on the ground with horrific wounds.

Chen Bo looked around and didn't see Fang Yuan.

[Where is Fang Yuan? According to the original text, he should be hiding in a wolf corpse. 】

Chishan took a general look at the scene and said, "It's too late to be sad. Go forward quickly and see if there are any survivors."

Gu Yue Jiji stayed behind, cleaning the battlefield to see if there were any survivors.

Because Chen Bo was a newcomer and Chen Wei was protecting the calf, he suggested that he stay and protect Gu Yue Jiji.

The two began to check if there were anyone alive.

At this moment, Fang Yuan stumbled over and the team member holding him cried violently.

Gu Yue Jiji quickly stepped forward to comfort him and asked him to see if he could still be rescued.

But he was pushed away by Fang Yuan.

Chen Bo watched from the side and knew that Fang Yuan was acting again. That person must not be dead, and Fang Yuan was planning to harm others.

"Sister Jiji, let him stay alone for a while." Chen Bo assisted.

Jiji nodded and worked with Chen Bo to clean up the battlefield.

After a while, Fang Yuan stood up with an indifferent expression, glanced at Chen Bo and the others, and walked towards the family alone.

Chen Bo looked at Fang Yuan's leaving figure and thought to himself: [Fang Yuan is free, no longer bound by Gu Yue Jiao San. 】

However, at this moment, shouts of death and wolf howls came from the left.

Gu Yuejiji's face turned pale and he immediately said: "Chen Bo, let's retreat quickly!"

Before Fang Yuan could go far, he immediately started running towards the direction of his family.

Chen Bo and Ji Ji followed behind.

However, although the three of them were fast, they could not outrun the wolves.

Dozens of millielectric wolves have appeared behind them.

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