Gu: It’s broken. I’ve become an alchemy furnace.

Chapter 20: Peak of the First Transformation

Three days passed in a flash.

In the forest, the wild beasts welcomed the uninvited guest.

"Quick, quick, stop it."

"Look at me, look at me, hit it!"

The students were hunting wild boars.

Qingmao Mountain is very large, and there are many wild boars in the forest. Before the mid-year assessment, the family sent Gu Masters to encircle all the wild boars in the surrounding area.

"For this mid-year assessment, the family has spent a lot of effort." In secret, a family Gu Master looked after the students.

"Yes, this class of students has Gu Yue Fang Zheng, and the family has indeed spent a lot of money to train them."

"Young man, this is also a family activity. It is not only for the students to hunt wild boars, but also for you to send tasks." An older Gu Master said.

"Don't tell me, the quality of this class of students is relatively high. Except for some panic in the early stage, they all performed very well later, cooperated well, and remained calm in the face of danger."

"Hmph, I know this, it's all thanks to that Gu Yue Fang Yuan, who robbed and extorted his classmates with his own strength, causing these students to work hard and always pursue to defeat Fang Yuan."

"I heard that the class leader of this class is a C-class. I really didn't expect that we C-class would also have a day to be the class leader."

"Wow, don't underestimate this C-class. Not only does he practice quickly, he sprinted to the first-turn high level in half a year, but he also has the ability to refine Gu, and was recruited in advance by the elders of the Liantang family."

"This class is really weird. One A-class has already attracted attention, but I didn't expect two C-classes to come out and overshadow the A-class."

In the dark woods, the Gu masters used Gu insects to communicate and tried not to disturb the students hunting.

The Gu insects they used were channel Gu insects.

"Is that Chen Bo?" A Gu master saw Chen Bo running on the ground.

"He actually acted alone, and chased an adult wild boar."

"The wild boar was actually scared... In my impression, wild boars will not easily run away. They are the kind of beasts that fight to the end."

"Who said it wasn't? This Chen Bo is something."

At this moment, Chen Bo was chasing the wild boar, and the Moonlight Gu in his hand emitted a faint blue light, ready to go.

When he found the opportunity and angle, Chen Bo flew out with a moonlight, directly cutting off the wild boar's hind legs.

The wild boar was unstable and rolled out under the action of inertia.

Chen Bo rushed forward and hit the pig's eyes with a palm.

In his palm, the Moonlight Gu shot a moon blade directly through the wild boar's eyeball and rushed straight to the brain.

Before, even if Chen Bo killed the wild boar, he didn't dare to get too close.

Now, he rushed over and killed it directly.

"This kid is amazing. The wild boar's skull is so hard, and he actually shot the moon blade from the eye, killing it with one shot. He is very smart."

The Gu Master who secretly followed Chen Bo sent a message to his companion beside him.

The two were specially called by the elder of the Liantang family to watch over Chen Bo, so as to prevent Chen Bo from having any accidents. After all, Chen Bo was the one he liked.

The purpose of the elder of the Liantang family cultivating Chen Bo was to let his son have a capable subordinate to inherit his Liantang.

Chen Bo wanted to get promoted, but there was no way.

After Chen Bo took the fangs, he took a look at the wild boar corpse and retreated helplessly.

He knew that there were family Gu Masters watching secretly, so he did not use Dun Dun Dan to collect the pig corpse.

After collecting the fangs, he immediately continued to move forward.

There were dozens of wild boars gathered nearby, enough for the students to hunt.

At this moment, Chen Bo suddenly heard the sound of fierce fighting coming from the front.

"Huh?" Chen Bo immediately moved in the direction of the sound. It should be other students hunting wild boars.

Chen Bo chose to go and take a look. After passing through the dense forest, he took a closer look and saw that it was not a battle between humans and pigs, but several family Gu Masters who were chasing and intercepting a Gu Master in tattered clothes.

Demonic Gu Master!

Chen Bo was startled and quickly retreated. This person should be the son of the hunter that Fang Yuan killed, and he took this opportunity to seek revenge on Fang Yuan.

Chen Bo retreated while observing the surroundings. Sure enough, Fang Zheng was not far away and had not yet reacted.

The magic Gu Master's actions were silent, but the Gu Masters who surrounded and blocked him were shouting and shouting, trying to attract the family Gu Masters to come to support.

The Gu Master who was looking after Chen Bo showed up and immediately scolded: "Quickly retreat, this is not something you can get involved in."

Chen Bo nodded repeatedly and retreated at a very fast speed.

Fortunately, the target of the magic Gu Master was not him, but Fang Zheng.

This magic Gu Master was powerful, with a second-level cultivation. At this moment, he had killed two people in a row. Seeing that his whereabouts were exposed, he was desperate to kill Fang Zheng.

Fang Zheng heard the shouting and killing behind him, and then he reacted. He was fighting a wild boar, so he attracted a lot of attention, and only reacted at this moment.

But as soon as he turned his head, the figure of the magic Gu Master was already in his eyes.

The next moment, Fang Zheng was approached by the magic Gu Master, and his claws had already pierced his skin.

At the critical moment, Fang Zheng did not let down, and the Jade Skin Gu in his body was activated instantly.

The black nails of the magic Gu Master made it difficult to get close.

And behind him, a family Gu Master came to kill him, and killed him on the spot without mercy.

Fang Zheng was frightened by this sudden scene, and his body was slightly poisoned, and he immediately fainted.

The family Gu Masters were very anxious and rushed forward to treat him, and someone immediately went to report to the clan leader.

Chen Bo did not stay here for long, and turned back to continue hunting wild boars.

At the same time, Fang Yuan had already gone deep into the mountains and forests and found the lair of the magic Gu Master.

He looked at his portrait in the bamboo house and was shocked.

"So someone in the dark wants to kill me?"

"That's not right. It should be Fang Zheng who should be killed. I'm not worthy of being killed by outsiders."

Fang Yuan didn't know that this man was the son of the hunter he killed.

"Is it the Bai family or the Xiong family?" Fang Yuan was puzzled.

He chose to evacuate immediately. Now that he knew about this, he had to be extremely careful.

Whether the other party killed him or Fang Zheng, the two looked very similar. He was very dangerous. He might be the target of assassination or the target of scapegoating.


The sun was setting and the mid-year assessment was coming to an end.

Fang Yuan arrived late, bringing a large number of wild boar teeth and claiming that he had found a bag of wild boar teeth.

The family did not say that this was against the rules and still counted the Yuanshi for Fang Yuan.

Chen Bo secretly took out a few wild boar tusks obtained from hunting not long ago as trophies.

The elders of the school turned a blind eye and did not care.

In the end, Fang Yuan ranked first, Chen Bo ranked second, and Mobei ranked third.

Originally Fang Zheng was at least the third, but he was attacked and killed, and now he has fallen into a coma.

As a result, the clan leader who came to watch the mid-year assessment also left early.

Fang Zheng is related to the future of the Gu Yue clan, so he must be taken seriously.

The mid-year assessment is over, and everyone has entered into normal practice.

The students are working hard to prepare for the end-of-year assessment.

Fang Yuan continues to explore his flower wine collection.

Since Fang Zheng was attacked, he has been less talkative and has become more hardworking.

Chen Bo has entered his virtuous cycle.

Refining Gu, embezzling Gu materials, swallowing Gu materials, and refining pills.

Refining Gu worms, selling them, exchanging for Yuanshi, and continuing to buy Gu materials to refine Gu.

With the attention of the elder of the Liantang family, Chen Bo got several Gu recipes for the first-level Gu worms, but the elder of the Liantang family only showed them, not copied them.

Chen Bo is now very easy to refine the first-level Gu, but he still maintains a certain "failure" rate.

His ability to refine Gu has been noticed by the clan leader and most of the clan members.

Many people came to Chen Wei and secretly asked him to refine the Gu.

Because they were looking for Chen Bo in public, Chen Bo could only charge them according to the rules of the refining hall.

Summer passed and autumn came.

Outside the mountain village, the number of wild wolves gradually increased, and the wolf howling could be heard occasionally at night.

In the morning, Chen Bo opened his eyes, his eyes full of joy.

After two days of full-scale charge, he broke through the peak of the first turn.

His aptitude is still 40%, and it will not be a problem to break through the second turn in the future.

Breaking through the third turn is difficult, because there is too little true essence, and he must use several Shengyuan Pills in succession.

And his Shengyuan Pills have a low output and are used up quickly.

"When I reach the peak of the second turn, I will slowly accumulate Shengyuan Pills, and then sprint to the third turn when I have enough Shengyuan Pills."

"During the second turn of cultivation, it would be best to buy a relic Gu to help me practice."

The relic Gu allows the Gu master to break through a small realm without side effects.

The relic Gu cannot be refined artificially, and can only be found in nature.

Chen Bo looked at the Danxin.

Stock up ten pills.

Two Shengyuan Pills.

Seventeen Huiyuan Pills.

Seven Peiyuan Pills.

Five Jingyuan Pills.

Forty-seven Pig Pills.

Forty-nine Horse Pills.

Twenty-two Jade Pills.

The Jade Pill is made by swallowing Jade Skin Gu, Writing Gu, Text Gu, Jade and other Gu materials as well as dozens of Yuanshi. It was just made last night, and condensed twenty-two pills at a time.

The Horse Pill was successfully made three times.

The Jade Pill was successfully made seven times.

He did not succeed every time he made the Danwen.

It took him a week to make it once. Sometimes, if the Gu material was not right, the refining would fail. Chen Bo did not have a clear pill formula, and he did not swallow it correctly every time.

Success once meant that he got a pill formula that was not very satisfactory to him.

Sometimes, he would take the time to deduce the Pig Pill formula, striving to achieve his expectations one day, turning it into a permanent Danwen that could condense the phantom of a wild boar and other effects.

The effect of the word "horse" is similar to that of the word "pig".

The word "jade" can make the skin as hard as jade or generate a jade wall out of thin air, which lasts for half an hour.

After activating the word "jade", the defense is much stronger than the jade Gu, after all, it costs a lot to refine it.

This is equivalent to a killing move, but it is a consumption killing move.

Before the school starts, Chen Bo goes to the forest and tries the word "jade" after confirming that there is no one around.

Swallow the Jade Text Pill.

In front of him, a two-meter wide and three-meter high jade wall is immediately generated, which is very conspicuous.

The word "jade" is embedded in the middle of the jade wall.

This wall can also be covered on the skin.

Take another pill of the word "pig".

The word "pig" is generated, retreats a distance, and moves forward at a high speed at a height of one meter from the ground, and collides with the jade wall formed by the word "jade".

The jade wall moves back a little, but there is no damage at all.

The word "pig" is bounced to the ground by the reaction force.

Chen Bo immediately recalled and saw that there were slight cracks on the word "豕".

The word "玉" condensed and swallowed more poisonous insects, so it was stronger than the word "豕".

High defense and low attack.

Chen Bo's thoughts moved, and the jade wall moved forward and backward, up and down, left and right. It was like a shield. At present, it can also be used to push people...

The jade wall can also be retracted, leaving a palm-sized green jade word attached to his body, like a tattoo, and it will dissipate when the time is up.

"It's really an accident that I used the means of Dan Dao to make a channel version of the totem killer move."

The mind moved again, and the Jade character left the body and attacked and defended against the Pig character again, until both sides’ time was up and they disappeared into nothingness.

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