Gu: It’s broken. I’ve become an alchemy furnace.

Chapter 2: Sub-Ten Absolute Forms (1/2)

Yan Bing Danqing Ti has helped Chen Bo determine the school he will follow in the future, which can only be Taoism and Alchemy.

Gu cultivating schools, the path of strength, the path of change, the path of air, the path of law, the path of wisdom, the path of stars, the path of wood, the path of humanity, the path of blood, the path of food, the path of light, the path of sound, the path of refining, to name a few, they are all diverse, a hundred flowers bloom, each has its own advantages inferior.

The passage and the alchemy path are just two of thousands of avenues.

From the perspective of outsiders, both paths are auxiliary streams and lack offensive attack.

But Chen Bo disagrees. As a demon from outside the world, he has new ideas, new routines, and other insights into this.

This may be the reason why the Gu world continues to absorb demons from outside the world, which can promote the development of the Gu world.

"Passage, Dan Dao."

Chen Bo murmured to himself:

"The Alchemy Dao is like a dream Dao if it is not visible to the outside world. Once it is used, it is difficult for outsiders to prevent it. I should practice it secretly and rarely expose it to the outside world. I should use it as a trump card. This is also to protect myself."

The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying the jade.

"Then, the passage is my main means of traveling to the outside world and showing it to the world."

Speaking of passages, what Chen Bo remembers most about the original work is the Chinese Cave Heaven, which is the world of Immortal Aperture left by an eighth-level Gu Immortal. It contains a special Immortal Killing Move called Ji Wencai, which covers the entire Cave Heaven. Most Gu masters practice by composing poems as a means of attack, treatment, and movement.

As a student who graduated from nine-year compulsory education, Chen Bo naturally memorized many ancient poems. As his age and experience increased, he gradually resonated with the artistic conception of ancient poems, so he also browsed some masterpieces that have been passed down through the ages in his spare time. To comfort the soul and communicate with the ancients.

But he didn't have the ultimate trick of writing, so he could write poems, which was of no use.

Oh, no, reciting poetry has a great, very great effect.

Because a Gu Immortal who cannot recite poetry is not a strong Gu Immortal, and only one who can recite poetry can break through the Venerable. Reciting poetry is the invisibility condition for breaking through the Venerable. (Bo Qing:???Bring your poem to the court.)

There is also Fairy Lishan. She is a rank seven Gu Immortal. She has a mountain alliance Gu, which belongs to the channel. With this Gu, all the major forces in Beiyuan will come to her when making alliances. Therefore, she has a wide range of friends and rich intelligence, and is known to the Beiyuan Gu Immortal world. Respect.

However, there is only one Immortal Gu, and Chen Bo is a first-level Gu master. How can he master such a delicious Immortal Gu? This can only be used as a reference and hope for the future of his cultivation path.

Chen Bo realized that if he was unable to practice like his original self and was reduced to a mortal for the rest of his life, he might as well die. Life was very painful. He didn't want to be a cow or horse in his life again.

In the past, he had no choice. He didn't dare to get sick or die, so he had no choice but to be a cow and a horse.

But now that we have opportunities, qualifications, and special physiques, we must practice hard and embark on a wonderful path.

Even if you don't dare to dominate the world like Fang Laomo and be the enemy of the whole world, you still have to develop in a humble way, fly to the sky and escape from the earth, travel freely in the world, and when you get to the back, you have to:

In the future, I will praise you and dare to laugh at the fact that there is no husband in the world!

Looking back now, when I first arrived, I just tolerated it for the time being.

The model worker next to me is reborn. It is difficult to fight against the enemy but I dare to see him.

If I have a plug-in, I'll be sure to do it first, and I'll learn from the example and work hard.

If people harm each other in the future, God will protect me and I will leave!

It's not bad to be a bystander and witness the wonderful life of Model Worker Fang. Anyway, don't get targeted by him, and everything will be easy.

Suddenly, something came up in Chen Bo's mind, which surprised him:

"Don't Fang Yuan have no protectors? If possible, I may be able to fill this gap. Who can say for sure what will happen in the future?"

This thought came to his mind for no reason.

He always felt that this idea went against his true intention, but he didn't feel it was inappropriate. On the contrary, the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it became. It was right to do this, and this is what I, Chen Bo, should do.

It seems that I should think this way and do this, so that the future will be more exciting.

I told you not to mess with him before, but now you actually think you can help him?

As an ordinary time traveler, why did he suddenly have such a mentality and decision?

Everything happens for a reason, and all changes in thinking do not come out of nowhere.

In his previous life, he had been struggling in society for decades. Whenever he saw something, he would think unrealistically, if only I had super powers.

“If I could fly, wouldn’t it save me the trouble of squeezing the subway to and from get off work?”

"If I could control water, wouldn't I not have to take a shower?"

"If I could see through, wouldn't I..."

"If I could control people's hearts, wouldn't I..."

Thoughts are gradually changing!

"If I were a practitioner, then I would definitely go to that island country and turn it upside down."

"If I am a practitioner, can I become a celebrity, establish a sect, recruit many disciples, stir up troubles, and dominate the world?"

Thoughts are getting crazy!

However, the older a person gets, the older his heart becomes. Gradually, he will accept the reality and become indifferent. He will find that he has never been the center of the world.

In fact, everyone is suppressed and depressed in their hearts.

A person with lofty ideals once said: "If the spiritual energy is revived, then we will be brothers inside the Ten Thousand Soul Banners, and we will decide life and death outside the Ten Thousand Soul Banners!"

This is a joke, but it is recognized by many people, which shows that this statement truly reflects an ideological direction.

The demons in people's hearts will grow or shrink with the passage of time, and they will explode or remain hidden according to their life experiences.

The devil in people's hearts never disappears.

Today, Chen Bo has conditions and opportunities. He does not deny that the demon in his heart will grow stronger as his cultivation level increases.

Without the qualifications, he would think that life is worse than death.

Having just obtained the qualifications for cultivation, he would think that it would be great to survive.

But in the future, he would think about witnessing Fang Yuan's wonderful life, thinking that I should further become his protector, and thinking that I should further surpass him and surpass him!

The desire in people's hearts will never become smaller.

He can have the idea of ​​committing suicide and returning to heaven, which shows that he is not afraid of death, but only afraid of a life of cattle and horses but unable to die.

Everyone wants to be the best.

"Poems can become a killer move and have various effects, so can words!" Chen Bo's mouth curled up slightly.

Words belong to channels, words are waiting to be developed, and the prospects are broad.

He remembered a book he had read before, which contained something called "divine text".

For example, the divine text: "blood".

Activating the divine text "blood" can make the target's blood boil, speed up, slow down, or leave the body!

Divine text: "thunder".

Activating this divine text can trigger thunder and lightning.

From this point of view, the channel naturally has all the means, just like the way of change, one channel seals thousands of channels!

"But to achieve this, you must reach the channel realm of the Grandmaster." Chen Bo shook his head.

He is starting from scratch at this moment with the condensation of the divine text.

At present, it can only be said that with a goal, you can slowly embark on this road and move towards the goal.

"Realm, this is the obstacle that restricts me from becoming a powerful person." Chen Bo sighed: "And at present, what restricts my practice is the family record of my predecessor's lack of qualifications, the lack of Yuanshi, and the lack of resources such as Gu worms."

You have to eat one bite at a time and walk one step at a time. Now the situation is to tell outsiders that I, Chen Bo, can practice.

"So, what should I do?" Chen Bo fell into thinking:

"A very simple method is to directly say that I slept at night and got up with empty orifices and qualifications."

This statement is groundless, but it is also feasible. The Gu world has never lacked rare treasures and strange things. Who can explain such a bizarre thing?

At least on Qingmao Mountain, no one, including Fang Yuan, could give a reasonable explanation.

But this method is too risky.

"The second way is to join the caravan, leave the family's sight, travel alone when there is a chance outside, and return to the caravan and say that you have encountered a Gu Master inheritance and your orifices have been opened by a special Gu worm."

"The third way..." Chen Bo looked at the bright moon outside the window with a dim gaze: "The remains of the Flower Wine Walker?"

Chen Bo shook his head and quickly cut off this idea. This was Fang Yuan's starting capital in Qingmao Mountain, and he couldn't snatch it away.

"Then, is there any Gu Master inheritance in Qingmao Mountain that has not been discovered?

Chen Bo's thoughts flew, flipping through the memories in his mind, "I got it, isn't that the hunter?"

"This hunter has little impact on Fang Yuan's development, I can use it. "

The first method is a bit radical and risky. Once it is said, it will definitely attract the attention of countless people. A person without qualifications, who goes home and sleeps, will have qualifications?


But they are destined to find nothing.

Because Yan Bing has a Danqing body, even Fang Yuan can't see any clues, let alone the Gu Yue family. Maybe the Gu Immortal will come to check his body to find something abnormal, but there is no Gu Immortal in Qingmao Mountain.

The second method was decisively abandoned by Chen Bo. At this stage, he is very weak, his cultivation has just started, and he has no Gu worms. It is too dangerous to go out and join the caravan. After all, the external environment of this world is harsh.

The third method is feasible and safe. In this way, he can push all doubts to the Gu Master inheritance, but it is also a bit risky. After all, the family will be surprised and will vigorously study the Gu Master inheritance."

But only by letting the family know that Chen Bo has qualifications and can practice, can he enter the threshold of the family Gu Master and get resources and Gu worms.

Otherwise, how can he start?

Does he have to go to the wild to find wild Gu worms?

That would be a real death sentence. Not to mention the difficulty of catching wild Gu worms, the fact that wild Gu worms usually parasitize on wild animals is difficult for him to solve.

If you ask outsiders to help you hunt wild animals, will they give you the Gu worms? And won't you be exposed in this way? You have to kill people to silence them, which is very troublesome.

If you do it yourself, Chen Bo thinks that he will have to practice hard for a few years, build up his strength, practice archery, and set traps before he can catch wild animals, and he also has to prevent the Gu worms from flying away.

After catching the Gu worms, you still have to see if it is suitable and useful...

In short, it is difficult to get Gu worms by yourself from scratch.

Without Gu worms, what is the difference between you and ordinary people if you only have cultivation?

Only when you have Gu worms can you exert the ability of Gu Master.

"It's really troublesome. Can't this opportunity come on time? The Enlightenment Ceremony is coming, so I can save this trouble, right?"

Chen Bo complained, but he was helpless.

Just like Fang Yuan said: Eight out of ten things in life are not satisfactory.

While Chen Bo was complaining, he suddenly felt something in his heart. It seemed that there was something extra in his heart. To be more precise, something was condensed and refined.

"What's going on?"

Chen Bo found that as soon as he thought about it, the thing in his heart slowly flew out of his body and fell into his hands.

"Is this... a pill?"

When he saw the pill in his hand, he immediately understood that this pill was called Pei Yuan Pill!

Pei Yuan Pill: a pill that strengthens the foundation and nourishes the essence. After taking it, the target's upper limit of true essence will be slightly increased.

In other words, it is to improve the qualifications.

"Ah?" Chen Bo was stunned. He was not thinking about how wonderful the effect of this pill was, but: "This... Is this alchemy in the human body?"

Chen Bo remembered that the original text mentioned that the Gu Immortal of the Ni family in Southern Xinjiang had reached the level of a quasi-supreme grandmaster in the Dao Refining Realm, so he created the method of refining Gu in the human body, so that his descendants could refine immortal Gu with their bodies!

In this situation, refining the human body is similar to refining Gu in the human body.

This is exactly refining the pill with Chen Bo's body, which directly shocked him.

"Oh no, I have become an alchemy furnace." Chen Bo smacked his lips.

To achieve this point of refining the human body, it is necessary to have a high level of Dao Refining and Alchemy to be able to do it.

He has read the original text, so his horizons are broadened.

This sudden situation made Chen Bo begin to examine his own realm.

It doesn't matter if you don't read it, but you will be shocked when you see it. After a dream, he actually has a good realm in the Dao of Alchemy, the Dao of Channels, the Dao of Refining, the Dao of Food, the Dao of Sound, the Dao of Painting, and even the Dao of Humanity.

He gained the true meaning from the dream and improved his realm.

The realm is divided into: ordinary, master, grandmaster, great grandmaster, supreme grandmaster!

Chen Bo is now: master of Dan Dao, master of Tong Dao, quasi-master of Lian Dao, quasi-master of Shi Dao, quasi-master of Yin Dao, quasi-master of Hua Dao, quasi-master of Ren Dao.

"Ah this..." Chen Bo suddenly felt that his future was promising.

The human body alchemy method obviously had nothing to do with his own realm. He couldn't do it, but his body could do it. To be precise, it was Yan Bing's Danqing body that did it.

Dan Dao involves the esophagus and the refining Dao, so Chen Bo has the master realm of Dan Dao, as well as the quasi-master realm of the esophagus and the refining Dao.

Similarly, the Tong Dao slightly involves the Yin Dao and also involves the painting Dao a little bit, so Chen Bo has the master realm of Tong Dao, as well as the quasi-master realm of the Yin Dao and the painting Dao.

And the quasi-master realm of Ren Dao should be due to Yan Bing's Danqing body.

Realm is a person's understanding of Tao and a person's accumulation of practice.

Chen Bo's understanding of Taoism is almost nothing, and his cultivation accumulation is directly zero, but he has read novels, which broadens his horizons.

How can Chen Bo have the realm of two masters and five quasi-masters? You know, his realm is already proudly standing at the top of the mortal world.

The reason lies in the dreams he had at night. He traveled in his dreams, obtained the true meaning hidden in the dreams, improved his own realm, and understood Taoism out of thin air.

This is standing on the shoulders of predecessors to see the world.

This will undoubtedly bring great help to Chen Bo's practice.

Especially the four schools of Dan Dao, Ren Dao, Hua Dao and Shi Dao, which are rare in the world.

Occasionally, one or two people can be seen practicing in Shi Dao, which is quite mysterious.

Human Dao is a school that great powers delve into, and it is wonderful and extraordinary.

Dan Dao is hidden by Ruan Dan and is not revealed to the world.

Hua Dao is hidden by Yuan Lian Xianzun, and the outside world does not know.

Chen Bo's starting point is high all of a sudden, very high, and it is ridiculously high for mortals.

Give him time and resources, and he will be able to dominate the Gu Master world.

As for the Gu Immortal world, that remains to be discussed.

However, Chen Bo has other surprises:

After taking the Peiyuan Pill, he felt a little cool, but Chen Bo's heart was burning.

He also realized that his aptitude was Yan Bing Danqing Body, and his heart had been transformed into Danxin!

Danxin: The final place where the pill is condensed and stored.

The body is the alchemy furnace, and the heart is the place where the pill is condensed.

Chen Bo looked at the Peiyuan Pill and couldn't help guessing that his body should be able to absorb the energy and Dao marks of nature to make pills, and finally condense into a pill in Danxin.

What kind of pill can be made and how to change the result of alchemy still need to be studied.

At present, he got the first pill, which is Peiyuan Pill.

Chen Bo looked at the Peiyuan Pill. This pill was light blue, the size of a lychee, with uneven particles on the surface, and a slight pill fragrance wafting out.

His master level of alchemy gave him a special intuition, which told him that he would produce more pills in the future, and the materials needed for pill refining were the various energies and Dao marks absorbed by the body from the outside world.

Refined by the body, it was finally condensed in the heart of the pill!

In this way, Chen Bo could enjoy the fruits of his labor and have a steady supply of pills for cultivation.

The only disadvantage was that if he did not study it in depth and his level was insufficient, he would never be able to deduce the pill formula! ! !

Only by mastering the pill formula could one take the initiative.

It is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish.

Chen Bo took it without hesitation. It tasted good and was relatively crisp.

Peiyuan Pill entered the body. The next moment, in Chen Bo's orifice, the level of the sea of ​​true essence slowly rose by two points and then stopped.

The true essence came to 40%. At this moment, he was no longer a D-level qualification, but had entered the category of C-level.

More than 80% to 90% of the true essence sea was a Class A qualification, 60% to 70% was a Class B, 40% to 50% was a Class C, and less than 40% was a Class D.

Satisfied, Chen Bo felt satisfied. If he continued like this, he would reach the category of Class A qualifications and become a genius!

On the other hand, Fang Yuan, who was a Class C qualification with 40% of True Essence, would be surpassed by Chen Bo sooner or later.

Fang Yuan suffered from his low qualifications, which led him to use True Essence carefully.

Chen Bo, however, would not be hindered by his qualifications!

At this moment, Chen Bo looked at the bright moon outside the window again, and his mentality had changed drastically.

"Ah, it's really 'fresh' air."

"This is the benefit that a time traveler should have."

"Gu world, let me venture into it."

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