Time flies, and June has arrived.

After school, Chen Bo did not go home to make Gu, but instead carried a machete on his back and headed out of the village.

The machete is used to clear the way in the jungle.

For a long time, he has developed a habit of going to class every day, going home after class to make Gu first, and then practicing. Today's move is unusual.

The black pig Gu on him has been used up, giving him a pig's strength, and then handed it over to the pre-orderer and received the balance.

Those who need black pig Gu in Guyue Village are generally first- or second-level Gu masters, but not all first- or second-level Gu masters have a demand for this Gu. Only 20 to 30% have a demand.

Roughly speaking, there are only about 20 people.

There are only about 100 first- or second-level Gu masters in Guyue Village.

These 20 people naturally want to find Chen Bo to make Gu.

But before they find Chen Bo, Chen Bo was found by the elder of the Refining Hall.

It was because Chen Bo had refined the Gu at least ten times and claimed to have succeeded three times.

A 30% success rate was not low, and many people in the family had cast their eyes on him, and some even visited him.

Chen Bo performed quite well.

The elder of the Liantang family immediately paid attention to him and asked Chen Bo to meet him, intending to cultivate Chen Bo.

Chen Bo was naturally happy to see it succeed.

The elder of the Liantang family told Chen Bo to stop refining the black pig Gu, otherwise the price would be difficult to control if the quantity increased. He suggested that he could wait until February or March next year when the caravan was about to come to refine it and sell it to the caravan.

The family had plans and controls for the circulation of each type of Gu worm in the mountain village.

Why did they have to start refining the black pig Gu and selling it to the caravan in February or March next year? It was because if they were refined now, they would have to be fed, which was also an expense and increased the cost.

Chen Bo took the opportunity to say that he could try to refine other Gu worms.

The elder of the Liantang family naturally agreed, but said that he would not provide the Gu recipe for free. He needed to make Gu in exchange for family contributions. Chen Bo could first look at the Gu recipe and make Gu, and then deduct the family contribution after making it.

And he would join the Liantang after graduating from the academy and become the family's Gu master.

As for the Gu materials Chen Bo needed to make Gu from now on, the Liantang would provide the first three Gu materials of each kind of Gu insect for free, and then sell them to Chen Bo at half the market price. The Gu insects made must be controlled by the Liantang and must not be sold to the clan members privately, giving Chen Bo a certain family contribution.

However, Chen Bo could also keep a small amount to sell to the caravan, and the family would not care. Anyway, the family would tell the caravan that our clan members sold it to you, so don't sell it all to me and make money from my clan. Sell it somewhere else.

With the attention of the Liantang, many people no longer asked Chen Bo to make Gu, and gradually, his family returned to the previous tranquility.

Chen Bo has not graduated yet, but at this moment he has been recruited by the family Liantang in advance.

After the attention on himself decreased, Chen Bo stepped into the forest again.

As dusk approached, many wild animals began to move, and the howling of wolves could be heard faintly.

Chen Bo knew that when winter came, there would be a small wave of waves crashing into the village.

The family Gu Master would issue a large number of tasks to eliminate the wolf pack in a while.

In addition to wild animals, there were hunters in the forest. They were villagers living around Gu Yue Village. They knew more about the mountain and set up many traps.

However, Chen Bo had already spent money to buy information, which could effectively identify traps in the forest and avoid them.

Chen Bo and Fang Yuan did things differently. Fang Yuan directly killed a hunter and robbed his map...

Each hunter set a trap and had a mark to avoid being trapped himself or his peers.

It would be bad if someone was killed in a trap. The Gu Yue clan had its own rules to severely punish the murderer or directly behead him.

And the Gu Master who killed a mortal would at most compensate him with a few Yuanshi.

This is a world where the strong prey on the weak.

Not to mention that Gu practitioners are superior to mortals, in the eyes of Gu masters, a Gu worm is more valuable than a mortal's life!

Chen Bo lacked experience, and the weeds in the mountains and forests blocked the way, hiding poisonous insects and beasts. He had to swing his knife to clear the way, so he walked slowly. After a while, he saw a pig hoof print.

During this period, he encountered snakes, deer, pangolins and other wild animals more than once.

[There are indeed wild boars nearby. The hunter didn't lie to me. ]

Chen Bo paid for information and naturally asked where the wild boars were. However, whether what the hunter said was true or false, Chen Bo could not judge, and it was impossible for him to learn from Fang Yuan to kill directly and find someone's map to use.

At present, Chen Bo can do it without burden in his heart to kill some wild animals, and kill people slowly.

After all, he lived in a big city in his previous life, and he was powerless.

Chen Bo followed the footprints and slowly moved forward, looking for wild boars.

With wild boars leading the way, Chen Bo saved a lot of effort to swing his knife to clear the way.

Soon, he saw a wild boar in the distance, it was eating.

Chen Bo's luck was good, sometimes seeing footprints may not necessarily find the beast.

The wild boar had already discovered Chen Bo's approach, his nose was not covered, and his eyesight was better than Chen Bo's.

But in the eyes of the wild boar, Chen Bo was just another beast, it just raised its vigilance and issued a warning sound.

This is not its territory, it is normal for other "beasts" to appear, and today is not the first time it has encountered other beasts.

The wild boar hummed, indicating that you'd better leave, I'm eating, I'm in a good mood, otherwise I will hit you to death as soon as I see you.

Chen Bo stopped and stopped moving forward. After seeing the size of the wild boar, he decided that this was the target.

Looking at the surrounding environment, well, the jungle is deep and the sky is dark.

He thought, 20% of his true energy was consumed, and a palm-sized black thing flew out of his hand before he could see what it looked like, and flew towards the wild boar.

The wild boar was naturally not a timid beast like the camel chicken that would escape. It felt the threat and hostility and immediately rushed towards Chen Bo.

He didn't pay attention to the black thing flying out of Chen Bo's hand, and only had Chen Bo in his eyes.

The sky was dark, and the black thing was not clear, blending into the night, and there was no breath.

The wild boar rushed dozens of steps, still far away from Chen Bo, but with a thud, as if it was hit by its own wild boar father, the world spun, and the body rolled to one side for dozens of times, and then lay on the ground, dying.

After knocking over the wild boar, the black thing quickly flew to its body and pressed down at a high speed.

The wild boar suddenly felt like it was being crushed by its own wild boar father. A huge force came, and it was already dying, and was instantly crushed to death.

This was an ordinary wild boar. If it was a head-on battle, Fang Yuan would not dare to fight it. He could only constantly use the moonlight to fight a war of attrition and fly a kite.

But Chen Bo threw out a black thing, hit and pressed it, and directly harvested the wild boar.

Chen Bo walked forward, looked at the wild boar from a certain distance, and was overjoyed.

[I didn't expect this "豕" character to be so powerful. Such an adult wild boar was killed in two strokes. ]

That's right, the black thing was a word, a palm-sized word.

This was refined by his own Yan Bing Danqing body, and he called it the 豕 character pill. This time, a total of ten 豕 character pills were refined.

This is a consumable. It lasts for a quarter of an hour after being used once, and then it's gone.

This is the esophagus and the human way to make the elixir, and the elixir is formed after the combination of the power of the painting channel. It is mainly the means of the channel and the simulated power, and finally becomes a semi-god text killer move.

Chen Bo prefers to call it: Danwen Killing Move!

Just the day before yesterday, Chen Bo finally condensed it, and the elixir body was black.

Pig character pill: after taking it, a "pig" character can be produced, which lasts for a quarter of an hour.

It looks like a "pig" character, but in fact it can be understood as a wild boar, the size of a palm, and a pig that grows into the appearance of a character.

The "pig" character has an advantage over the Gu worm, which does not need to be fed and does not consume true essence.

The disadvantage is that it is a consumable.

In the later stage, Chen Bo can also use the character as the main material, add more advanced Gu material pen and ink, and the essence of the wild boar king, so that the "pig" character can be improved.

In terms of current power, this "pig" character is rarely matched in the first turn, and the second turn is also in the upper level.

With the slight increase in the channel traces on Chen Bo's body, he can also be ranked in the second turn.

There is still a certain gap from the divine text killing move that Chen Bo imagined, and this is a consumable.

This is the characteristic of the elixir.

If you want to keep this 豕 character forever, it is like a killing move that you can combine with the poisonous insects.

Moreover, according to Chen Bo's idea, it should be that after offering this divine text, it can condense into a black pig phantom to fight, simulating the force with the channel.

It is similar to the totem killing move created by the wild demon lord, but his does not look like a beast, but a word.

The advantages and disadvantages of the totem killing move are generally the same as those of the divine text killing moves.

Once the "豕" character is used, in fact, there is no wild boar phantom, only a "豕" character.

However, this also has an advantage, the "豕" character is small, and the target is small.

But there is also a disadvantage, you can tell at a glance that this is a channel method.

The impact is not great, it can be improved later, and it is better to be able to change or not.

Chen Bo took out a pill, a Duntun pill, and after collecting the wild boar corpse, he put the Duntun pill back into the pill heart.

In the future, he will learn from Fang Yuan to come here to develop wild resources.

He finally has the capital to enter the mountains and forests around the mountain village to make a living.

After more than two months, he finally has a little fighting power, which is not easy.

This "豕" character is sacrificed, and Chen Bo feels that it is invincible in one turn, but this is a consumable, which needs to be continuously refined, stored, and used in battle.

The cost is undoubtedly greater than that of the Gu worm.

However, this also has its advantages. As long as the pill is taken, the Gu worm character can be condensed to fight, without consuming true essence, and without spending thoughts to urge the Gu worm to form a killing move.

You must know that activating a killing move will also fail, and if it fails, you will suffer backlash.

Now, this "豕" character should be able to fight the wild boar king.

This is normal. After all, it takes a lot of materials to refine this text, and there are two Gu worms.

In total, the cost exceeds one thousand yuan stones.

It is equivalent to a second-level Gu.

The pig character can last for a while. After Chen Bo tested the strength of the pig character for a while, he found the way he came, and finally walked out of the forest.

Fortunately, he bought the information. Some places were engraved with signs to guide the hunters to return to the mountain village when they couldn't see the road clearly at night.

Spending money naturally means thoughtful service.

Back home, it's just refining Gu and practicing daily.

Chen Bo practiced for a while, felt the emptiness, nodded secretly, and was already one step away from the high level. Tomorrow, he could try to break through the high level after producing Shengyuan Pills.

His previous practice progress could keep up with the B level.

With the addition of Huiyuan Pills, he could surpass the B level.

Now with Shengyuan Pills and Jingyuan Pills, he not only surpassed Fang Zheng, the A level, but he also felt that he was as fast as the Ten Absolute Body.

[Currently, one Jingyuan Pill every three days, Shengyuan Pill and Jingyuan Pill are taken together every five days, and two Huiyuan Pills are taken every day during this period. The pills are consumed a lot, and the practice is also fast. 】

Such a large consumption resulted in him storing very few pills, and he had to use Yuanshi to restore his true essence from time to time to practice or speed up his alchemy.

[It is very likely that I can reach the second level before graduation! ]

Currently, Chen Bo's pill production is different from the beginning.

One Huiyuan Pill a day, using Yuanshi can increase three, and using Yuanshi again, it is impossible to have more Huiyuan Pills.

From this inference, it is obvious that refining pills not only requires energy and Dao marks in nature, but also requires Chen Bo's body to endure.

It takes two days to condense a Peiyuan Pill, but Peiyuan Pills are basically kept useless. No matter how many Yuanshis are used a day, at most five can be produced.

One Jingyuan Pill every three days, using Yuanshi can speed up, one every two and a half days.

One Shengyuan Pill every five days, no matter how many Yuanshis are used, it cannot speed up the production of Shengyuan Pills.

Stock up the pills, one a week, no matter how many Yuanshis are used, it cannot speed up the production.

Other pills have never appeared again.

Unless one absorbs a lot of poisonous materials and poisonous insects to refine the pill like the pig pill, some pills cannot be refined just by consuming true essence.

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