The Gu refining lasted for more than half an hour and ended in failure.

[It seems that next time, I can kill him directly and erase his will. ] Chen Bo summed up his experience.

This time, it was the will that struggled during the Gu refining process, which led to a great increase in difficulty and ultimately failure.

In the dream, he only got the Alchemist Gu. He still needs to accumulate actual refining experience step by step.

This is a good experience. Although it failed, I will continue next time!

The scene was directly destroyed, and most of the valley was destroyed. After ensuring that there was no trace, Chen Bo left with peace of mind.

Returning to the merchant city, he refined a few more prototypes of the Alchemist Gu this time.

The Gu material was on him, not in the wild, because the Gu refining time was quite long, requiring at least four hours. In the wild, under such a long time, accidents might happen.

The last step of adding the humane Gu material took half an hour. It is conceivable that the previous Gu refining time was only longer.

Another week later, Chen Bo left the merchant city with three Gu worm prototypes, and used up all the Gu materials he had bought for refining the third-turn alchemist Gu.

Outside the city, life-and-death battles were staged every day, and some territories and Feng Shui treasures changed owners every day.

This time, Chen Bo went out of the city in another direction. After hiding his appearance, he found a high-level third-turn Gu master on a mountain.

After searching around, he did not find a Gu master at the peak of the third turn.

After thinking about it, Chen Bo decided to take this person down and not waste time looking for a peak third-turn again.

He wrote two phonetic characters, one for "bu", and then went up the mountain.

After a meal, he carried people and rushed down the mountain to find a secret place to start the last step of refining the Gu.

This time, refining the Gu was much easier than the last time.

Chen Bo still used fire refining.

Half an hour later, the Gu refining came to the last step, and the last Gu material was needed, which came from Chen Bo himself, called heart blood.

Chen Bo had been prepared. He used the Gu worm to block most of the pain and took out the blood from his heart and put it in.

As the blood from his heart was put in, the blood light in the fire was bright, and a mysterious feeling rose from Chen Bo's heart.

Gu is done!

It succeeded the second time.

The master of alchemy and the realm of quasi-master of alchemy are not for show.

A new Gu worm was born in the Gu world. This Gu worm of humanity and alchemy appeared in southern Xinjiang for the first time!

After Chen Bo checked it and confirmed that there was no danger around, he urged his true essence and poured it into the Gu worm.

The next moment, the alchemist Gu turned into a red light and fell to the ground.

This Gu turned into a human form, and its appearance was exactly the same as Chen Bo.

Chen Bo looked at the alchemist Gu.

"I am the alchemist Chen Bo, please give me more advice." Alchemist Chen Bo said with a smile on his face.

Chen Bo nodded, "Do you have your own thoughts?"

Alchemist Chen Bo nodded and replied, "Yes, I have my own thoughts. I can help you make pills, but I need the recipe, the materials, that is, the Gu materials, and... the furnace!"

"I have the recipe here, and I also have the Gu materials, but I don't have the furnace." Chen Bo replied.

"Without the furnace, it is difficult for me to make pills for you, but I know the fire refining method. If you give me the Yandao Gu worm, I can also help you make pills. The Danhuo Gu is the best." Alchemist Chen Bo said.

Chen Bo felt like he was talking to himself.

The next moment, he followed the feeling in his heart and passed the recipe to the alchemist Gu. This was his Gu worm, which was filled with his will. Although it had its own thoughts, it could be controlled by the brain.

"Peking Yuan Pill, Huiyuan Pill, Jingyuan Pill, Shengyuan Pill, these four recipes, I have memorized them, do you need to refine them?" Alchemist Chen Bo asked.

Chen Bo did not reply again, but controlled by his will and gave orders directly to the alchemist Gu.

[I need you to deduce the recipe, refining the elixir is only secondary. ]

The alchemist Gu can not only refine the elixir, but also help Chen Bo deduce the recipe, and is very good at deducing the recipe.

This is the power of the human Gu worm, he can be regarded as a person, a person who is good at alchemy.

Not a real person, but definitely much stronger than the artificial intelligence robot in science fiction movies.

Alchemist Chen Bo nodded, indicating that he would obey Chen Bo's orders.

Chen Bo continued to study the alchemist Gu and found that it can not only refine the elixir and deduce the recipe, but also has a certain ability to refine Gu, and... weak combat ability.

Refining the elixir is actually refining the residual Gu, so in terms of refining, the alchemist Gu can also do it.

The alchemist Gu has its own empty cavity and can use Chen Bo's Gu worm, but its empty cavity cannot restore the true essence on its own. After turning into a Gu worm, it cannot store the Gu worm.

This is not a problem, Chen Bo has the Huiyuan Pill.

In other words, the Alchemist Gu can help Chen Bo fight, but it is not good at fighting, unless it refines a warrior Gu.

Chen Bo lent the Danhuo Gu to the Alchemist Gu.

Alchemist Chen Bo immediately used the true essence in the empty cavity to activate the Danhuo Gu and produce a ball of Danhuo.

The empty cavity in the Alchemist Gu is a high-level empty cavity of the third turn, and the true essence is 82%.

Chen Bo handed a Peiyuan Pill to the Alchemist Gu.

The Alchemist Gu took it and took it, and its empty cavity qualification immediately increased!

[It actually works! ] Chen Bo was shocked. If so, then he can completely raise the empty cavity in the Alchemist Gu to 98% of the height.

So on the spot, he took out a few Peiyuan Pills and gave them to the Alchemist Gu Chen Bo.

This is equivalent to refining the Alchemist Gu again, slightly improving its strength, and the number of turns is still three turns.

[Can you practice? ] Chen Bo asked in his heart.

Alchemist Chen Bo shook his head, [I can't practice, but I can improve on the original foundation. In this way, my Kongqiao cultivation will rise. When my Kongqiao reaches the fourth level, I will be a fourth-level alchemist Gu. ]

Alchemist Gu, nurturing and using in one.

In this way, the alchemist fairy Gu, wouldn't it have a fairy hole?

No, it's just a fake fairy hole.

[What is your food? ] Chen Bo asked again. In fact, he knew the answers to these questions, but at this moment, he was testing whether this alchemist Gu was really as smart as a human.

[It's elixir and human food. ] Alchemist Chen Bo replied.

Chen Bo wanted to continue the experiment, but he noticed someone approaching.

He immediately put away the alchemist Gu.

The alchemist Gu turned into a red light and was thrown into his Kongqiao.

He didn't want the alchemist Gu to be exposed to outsiders, let alone let it participate in the battle. What if it was broken?

The combat power of the alchemist Gu is only 30% of his.

But the alchemy ability is more than twice his!

Gu insects do not have realms, and the alchemist Gu does not have the realm of alchemy or the realm of alchemy.

After a few minutes, Chen Bo saw three people walking out of the cliff. Although the two sides were a thousand meters apart, they could see each other clearly.

A fourth-turn beginner Gu master, a third-turn high-level, and a first-turn middle-level.

"My friend, excuse me, we are just passing by here." The fourth-turn beginner Gu master is an old man.

At a glance, these three people seem to be the elders bringing the younger generation out for training?

Chen Bo was not polite at all, "Then I advise you to get out of here quickly, otherwise I don't mind having two more lives on my hands!"

"My friend, don't be nervous, listen to me, this is my grandson, he was just chasing a beast king and accidentally found here." The old man explained: "I also realized it later and found that my grandson had broken into the vicinity, so I came out and stopped him, and then I thought it might cause misunderstanding, so I simply showed up in person to apologize."

"Hmph!" Chen Bo snorted, "Who are you three?"

First ask clearly, it's not important people, then you can see if you can take down the other party's third-level high-level Gu Master, after all, there are still two Alchemist Gu prototypes on hand.

One Alchemist Gu can't satisfy Chen Bo.

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