The fog in the mountains was like a blanket, quickly covering the mountainside and passing away.

On the mountainside, the cliffs were steep and the roads were rugged, making it difficult for mortals to walk.

Occasionally, someone would fall, and either be rescued by a Gu Master or fall into the cliff, ending their lives.

The area around Chongyu Mountain has been washed by heavy rain all year round, forming a stone forest landscape.

Chongyu Village was built in the stone forest deep in Chongyu Mountain.

Suddenly, Shang Mujiao stood up from the back of the mountain spider and raised his right arm.

Under the command of many Gu Masters, the entire caravan stopped in an orderly and quiet manner.

A figure, from the middle of the caravan, landed beside Shang Mujiao in a few leaps.

"Here they come, a herd of beasts, Captain Pan, first do a good job of defense, and then find an opportunity to kill the Eagle King of Qiaoshan." Shang Mujiao whispered.

"Yes, in my opinion, there are about 7,000 mountain eagles. There is no big problem, and we can even make a small profit." Pan Pingan replied confidently.

If you can't beat the wild beasts, it's a crisis. If you can beat them, it's a resource.

"Prioritize the goods, and then the Gu Master." Pan Pingan turned around and his voice spread quickly.

"You go back to the middle section to defend, and let Chen Bo take action. You gave him a water cover Gu, so he will naturally return the favor. Afterwards, give him a complete Thousand Eagle King, including the Gu worms on the Eagle King. The price of an Eagle King corpse is at least tens of thousands of stones. I believe he is willing to take action." Shang Mujiao said to Pan Pingan.

Pan Pingan nodded and turned back quickly.

"Brother Chen Bo, we encountered a herd of beasts, and the scale is quite large." Pan Pingan came directly to the tree lizard Gu where Chen Bo was and said.

"I'll be there right away." Chen Bo knew what the other party meant and immediately prepared to take action.

"Brother Pan, is it a herd of thousands of beasts or a herd of ten thousand beasts?" Chen Bo walked out of the tree lizard Gu and bowed to Pan Pingan.

Pan Ping'an also bowed in return and said, "There should be five thousand eagle kings and one ten thousand eagle king in the herd of beasts, but don't worry, brother, with Lord Shang Mujiao and Lord Shang Fei'an here, there is nothing to worry about."

Shang Fei'an, deputy leader of the caravan, has a fourth-turn initial level of cultivation. He got the four-winged centipede seized by Chen Bo.

Shang Mujiao, a fourth-turn high-level cultivation, is the leader.

Although Pan Ping'an is also the deputy leader of the caravan, he is only a third-turn cultivation and is not from the same family.

"Don't worry, brother Chen Bo. Lord Shang Mujiao has asked you to help, and he will pay you. He promised to give you a Thousand Eagle King, and the Gu worms on it will also belong to you."

"There are two most likely Gu worms on the Thousand Eagle King. One is the Eagle Power Gu, and the other is the Gu worm that assists flight or directly flies. Most of them are Eagle Wing Gu."

"If you are lucky, you will have both."

"Brother Pan, what are you talking about? At this moment, how can I stand by and watch? Even if you don't give me anything, I will help." Chen Bo said with a smile.

As the two talked, a huge flock of eagles flew over from the horizon, with the Ten Thousand Eagle King in the middle, rushing over with many of its kind.

Ninety percent of the caravan Gu masters can't fly, and they are at a disadvantage against the eagles.

Even those who can fly have few flying skills and dare not fly into the sky to fight with the eagles.

The eagles of Qiaoshan came in an overwhelming manner, like a tsunami, with a momentum that could drown everyone.

Shang Mujiao stood on the back of the mountain spider and did not attack immediately.

A figure stood out in the caravan. It was Shang Fei'an. He was covered with golden light. In an instant, hundreds of golden rays shot out and shot down mountain eagles one after another.

Afterwards, the Gu Master used his own means to salvage the bodies of these mountain eagles.


The Eagle King screamed, and the eagles were completely enraged, rushing down with boundless power.

At this time, many Gu Masters took action one after another. For a while, the offensive was colorful and dazzling.

Chen Bo did not write the word "yin", but the word "huo".

One by one, fire whirls formed in front of him, rotating and turning into fire drills and flying out, killing the eagles.

A thousand eagle king flapped his wings, and suddenly a strong wind blew, sweeping the caravan.

In the caravan, a third-level Gu Master immediately took action. He opened his mouth and exhaled boundless cold air. After touching the hurricane, he froze the hurricane directly and then fell into the cliff.

Another mountain eagle screamed, flapped its wings, and the feathers on its body flew off, turning into thousands of iron feathers, attacking the caravan.

After its feathers fell off, they grew again in an instant, restoring it to its original state.

I think it has a recovery Gu worm and an iron feather Gu worm

Pan Ping'an roared and urged the three third-level Gu worms in his body. A huge bone shield appeared instantly, standing in the air, blocking countless iron feathers.

However, some of them finally penetrated into the caravan, and the other Gu Masters took action to deal with them.

It was just that some mortals were unlucky and were pierced through the flesh by the iron feathers and fell in a pool of blood.

In an instant, the battle between the two sides entered a white-hot stage.

After a long battle, Shang Fei'an shouted angrily, his momentum increased, and his body was covered with golden light. He lifted him up and flew into the sky, killing a Thousand Eagle King.

The Thousand Eagle King was not a pushover. He used all his strength, flapped his wings, and tried to blow Shang Fei'an away.

However, Shang Fei'an remained stable and remained unmoved.

However, many mortals in the caravan, even some first-level Gu Masters, were blown off the cliff.

"Hurry up and save people!" A third-level Gu Master shouted.

Shang Fei'an flew through the eagles at high speed, knocking a bloody path through the eagles, and instantly arrived in front of the Thousand Eagle King. When he crossed with the Thousand Eagle King, the Thousand Eagle King was severely injured by him and fell off the mountain.

"Hurry up and salvage the body of the Thousand Eagle King and capture the Gu worms on his body." The Gu Master who had just ordered to save people saw the Thousand Eagle King falling dead and immediately changed his order.

Many second-level Gu masters also changed their behavior and used long-range means. Instead of rescuing people, they salvaged the Thousand Eagle King and captured the Gu worm.

Shang Fei'an ignored what was happening behind him and rushed towards another Thousand Eagle King.

However, he hit a wall.

The Thousand Eagle King flapped its wings and flew. In the sun, its body reflected silver light, which was dazzling. It collided directly with Shang Fei'an and knocked Shang Fei'an back to the caravan.

For a moment, the goods flew and people were upside down.

The Thousand Eagle King took advantage of the situation and pounced on the caravan, crashed into it fiercely, and began to wreak havoc.

"Chen Bo!" Shang Mujiao was still staring at the Ten Thousand Eagle King, not daring to attack casually.

Chen Bo responded, stepped forward, jumped directly to the side of the Thousand Eagle King, and shook his body with his fists.

The Thousand Eagle King was the same size as a human. It flapped its wings, flew off the ground, and greeted Chen Bo with a pair of eagle claws.

"Be careful, it has Eagle Power Gu!" Shang Fei'an roared.

The Thousand Eagle King was already very powerful, and with the addition of an Eagle Power Gu on his body, he was even more powerful. When the eagle claws pressed down, Chen Bo was actually pressed directly under it.

You should know that Chen Bo has four kinds of beast power.

Chen Bo was full of power, and flames swept around him, fighting fiercely with the Thousand Eagle King.

Shang Fei'an didn't care about this, he stood up, and looked around. He saw that this place was hit by him and suffered heavy losses. He roared and took off again, killing the Thousand Eagle King.

He was not injured, but was just knocked away by the huge force of the Thousand Eagle King just now.

Chirp chirp——

The Ten Thousand Eagle King roared again, flapped his huge wings, and instantly his body was shining with golden light, rushing towards Shang Fei'an.

Seeing this, Shang Mujiao also attacked brazenly. His whole body was covered with jade color, turning into a jade body, and a pair of jade wings spread out behind him, driving him to fly quickly towards the Ten Thousand Eagle King.

As soon as he took off, he pushed with both hands, and a jade pot appeared instantly and smashed towards the Ten Thousand Eagle King.

The three of them fought, and the King of Ten Thousand Eagles fought one against two and was not at a disadvantage at all.

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