In the previous content,

Fang Yuan introduced Poland's military strength.

Because of Jiang Wen and Xiao Lizi's reminder, everyone gradually realized that

Hitler wanted to quickly take over Poland.

Not to say it was easy, but at least it was a pipe dream.~~~

So, is that true?

In the room,

Fang Yuan sorted out what he was going to write next.

In the war started by Hitler, the blitzkrieg on Poland was undoubtedly one of the most well-known parts.

In this battle, the German army used a tactic called blitzkrieg.

It started on September 1, 1939 and ended roughly on October 6, 1939.

It took only 36 days to conquer Poland.

It gave countries around the world a huge shock!

After the war, when people in later generations mentioned this war, when they mentioned the blitzkrieg on Poland, they often had an illusion that Poland was too weak.

But, is Poland really weak?

Not necessarily.

In fact, people have a lot of misunderstandings about the strength of the Polish army.

Before World War II,

Poland's national armed forces included regular army, reserve forces, and armed police forces.

The regular army is the main force of Poland's national armed forces.

It is composed of two branches of the army and navy.

Yes, the air force is not an independent army.

Even though Poland's air force is quite large, it is composed of the army and navy aviation.

In 1939, the Polish Army's combat forces included 30 infantry divisions, 11 cavalry brigades, 1 mechanized brigade, 2 engineering brigades, 11 artillery regiments, 4 medium bomber squadrons, 11 light bomber squadrons, 15 fighter squadrons, 11 reconnaissance observation squadrons, and 13 liaison aircraft squadrons.

And one attack aircraft, torpedo aircraft, training and transport squadron.

The ground combat forces in these forces were organized into 6 groups and deployed in 10 military regions.

By August 1939, the Polish Army had a total of 500,000 officers and soldiers and 1.25 million reserve troops.

Looking at the world, such military strength can definitely be called a military power.

So, before starting to create the Polish Campaign,

Fang Yuan laid out on paper what he knew about Poland's military strength.

And when they saw these, and saw Poland's powerful military strength, everyone became more determined in their ideas.

"Judging from the strength on paper alone, Poland's army is undoubtedly very strong.

Jiang Wen nodded and analyzed

"Hitler's hopes may be dashed"

"Poland was not the soft persimmon he expected."

"He is likely to fail at the first step of his military operation."

"Thus falling into the dilemma of fighting on two fronts"

"If Poland resists stubbornly."

Miyazaki took over the conversation.

He smiled and said

"Poland will naturally resist stubbornly"

"As mentioned in the previous content, Poland's attitude is very tough."

"And with the statements of England and France, there is no doubt that he will resolutely stop Hitler's invasion."

As he said,

Miyazaki looked at the screen.

At this time, he was even less optimistic about Hitler's military action.

"I think Hitler was too hasty."

"He could have been more patient and continued to advance the armed plan."

"That way, he can buy himself more time."

After saying that,

Miyazaki shook his head slightly.

Obviously, he was not optimistic about Hitler's plan to attack Poland. He seemed to have seen the scene of his frustration.

Not only Jiang Wen and Miyazaki, but also countless viewers online and offline at this moment, mostly held the same view.

——"The judges are right. Poland is not Austria. Their army is too strong. If they attack rashly, they might lose a tooth."

——"Although Germany, under Hitler's leadership, had lifted the shackles imposed after World War I, it was obviously not enough to challenge the entire European world."

——"A two-front war was inevitable. Poland was invaded. Once the war broke out, Britain and France would inevitably join the war. By then, Hitler would have to face not just Poland, but three countries to serve him alone."

——"Isn't there the Soviet Union? Hitler signed an agreement with the Soviet Union, so he should get help, right?"

——"Oh, I thought too much. Didn't you see what Yuanshen wrote just now? The Soviet Union actually had no friendship with Germany. They didn't care who invaded Poland, as long as they could protect their own interests."

——"Indeed, if Hitler could not crush them on the Polish battlefield, I believe the Soviet Union would not help them."

——"It depends.......Well, I don't know what kind of person Stalin is. If Yuanshen could write more about Stalin and let us know what this person is like, we would be able to better predict the Soviet Union's thoughts."

——"Anyway, I don't like Hitler."

——"Maybe failure is here."

The audience was talking about it.

If there was a voting option for the approval rate at this time, it would not be difficult to find that

Hitler's approval rate has been declining.

In the eyes of the audience, it is almost equivalent to a certain defeat.

After all, no matter how strong Hitler is, no matter how strong Germany is, can it resist the three countries of Britain, France and Poland?

That is impossible.


Will the story go on like this?

After everyone was curious and had a clear vision of the follow-up of the plot, the story about the Polish campaign was told slowly.

In the room,

Fang Yuan started writing.

【After signing the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact with the Soviet Union, the two German armies began to gather on the German-Polish border.】

【Hitler's Southern Group Bureau has set Warsaw as the direction of the general offensive】

【The goal of the Northern Army Group was to open up the Danzig Corridor and reconnect East Prussia with the German mainland.】

【On August 26, Hitler used his tried-and-tested trick again - using nationalism to instigate riots among the Germans in the Danzig region.】

【To this end, Hitler's Gestapo infiltrated Danzig......】

When writing this,

Fang Yuan suddenly paused.

At this time, he found a problem.

He tied the main line of the story to Hitler's grand strategic direction and the route of Germany's rise.

As a result, he abandoned a lot of things.

For example, he never introduced the Gestapo.

This way of locking the perspective on Hitler and making the storytelling vertical and linear is good.

But it also caused another problem.

That is, there is a sufficient sense of substitution and a clear main line. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But to a certain extent, it sacrifices the breadth and depth of the story.

For example, the Gestapo.

Fang Yuan knows what he is.

But the audience is completely in the dark.

"The writing style needs to be adjusted"

"After all, what I want to write is not just a simple Hitler story."

"Rather, the entire World War II was exciting!"

"In addition to Hitler, there are Stalin, Churchill, Roosevelt......Even......The red star in the east!!!"

"These are characters that do not exist in this world, and they are also indispensable characters in the story of Hitler!"

"Showing their stories will definitely make this story more amazing!"

Fang Yuan thought so.

He determined the direction of his future writing.

The framework of the story has been established.

The perspective has been raised from the simple development of Hitler to the pattern of world hegemony.

Therefore, it is time to increase the breadth and depth of the story and make it more realistic!

Using the stage of World War II, show more stories of the big guys in the previous life and give the world a big shock!

So, here, he deliberately added a sentence

【Gestapo, the German abbreviation for the State Secret Police, controlled by Hitler】

【At the beginning, it was just a secret police force under Hitler's control, but due to the needs of Hitler's regime, the Gestapo gradually developed into an omnipresent and all-powerful terror ruling organization, infiltrating and controlling all areas of German society. 】

In just one sentence.

After a brief introduction to the Gestapo,

Fang Yuan returned the story to the main plot.

【On August 27, as the situation in Danzig was getting out of control, the German warship Herstein anchored in the port of Danzig on a courtesy visit.】

【On August 31, German SS soldiers disguised themselves as Polish soldiers and attacked a German radio station on the German-Polish border, and used Polish to insult the Germans.】

【Immediately, all German radio stations broadcast the news of the so-called Polish surprise attack on Germany.】

【While the German radio was still shouting about the truth, the German army of 1.36 million officially launched a general attack on Poland! 】

1.36 million troops!

Officially launched a general attack!

When seeing this part, countless people's attention was attracted!

And the same

���Teller's various tactics on the battlefield also confirmed their previous speculation.

——"Hitler is so sinister!"

——"It was obvious that they were going to attack the Netherlands, but they let their own troops disguise themselves as Poles and attacked their own border radio station first!"

——"Good fellow! This is clearly the thief crying"stop thief"!"

——"And more! They also sent the Gestapo to the Danzig area to incite the crowd. How sinister!"

——"It seems that Hitler had no confidence in himself, so he did so many small actions."

——"Yes, if you really have confidence, you would have pushed forward in one go!"

——"After all, Poland is still strong!"

——"In the face of absolute strength, what's the point of doing these little tricks?"

——"It is not difficult to imagine that Hitler is going to be in big trouble!"

Because of Hitler's various petty actions, countless people were more certain.

In fact, Hitler himself was not sure about this attack.

They looked at the screen and imagined the scene of Hitler being defeated.

Poland would teach Hitler a severe lesson.

Almost no one would be surprised by this.

However, the next content written by Fang Yuan on the big screen completely shocked them!

【The German invasion begins】

【However, when the disaster was imminent, the Polish command still naively believed that with Britain and France in the west to contain Germany, Hitler's army available for fighting in the east would not exceed 20 divisions.】

【However, under the cover of night, quietly approaching the border were 62 fully equipped German army divisions!】

【Among them, the Northern Army Group has 21 divisions, the Southern Army Group has 36 divisions, and there are 5 divisions in the general reserve force.】

【They had 2,800 artillery pieces, 1,700 tanks, and were supported by 2,300 aircraft.】

【The battle was started by Helstein】

【This German warship, which was docked in Danzig Harbor on a friendly visit, slowly turned its main turret in the dawn light.】

【The city of Danzig is peaceful and harmonious under the sunlight. The residents there have not yet gotten up and have no idea of the impending disaster.】

【In an instant, the four guns of the Helstein opened fire at the same time! The first shot of the battle broke out!】

【The loud noise shattered the peaceful dawn】

【This ancient warship that traveled through World War I reminded the world of the horror of war with its roar.】

【Not only in Danzig, but along the long German border, the German army launched a tidal-like attack!】

【Hitler's pre-war military reforms were put to the test in actual combat】

【The painful experience of World War I made Hitler strongly opposed to trench warfare. He preferred a quick victory and was quite disdainful of the generals' conservatism.】

【When he saw the motorized troops led by Guderian in 1933, he said with joy: This is what I need.】

【He let Guderian take charge of all the organization and training of the armored forces, vigorously promoted the mechanization of the army, and invested a lot of resources in areas that could subvert the rules of the game..】

【Such as tanks, paratroopers, submarines and dive bombers】

【All this eventually evolved into a military revolution, putting the German army at the forefront of the times】

【They realized earlier than the armies of other countries that future wars would no longer be trench warfare with slow battles for positions, but mobile warfare with tanks and fighter planes that would quickly tear through enemy lines.】

(Zhao Lihao) [The flat western part of Poland became an excellent place for the German armored forces to show their prowess】

【In the early morning of September 1, the German army launched an attack on Poland】

【The German Air Force first attacked 21 Polish airfields and intensively bombed Poland's command system, transportation hubs, and industrial bases.】

【In just 48 hours, the Polish Air Force was destroyed】

【Most of the 500 combat aircraft were destroyed at the airport before they could take off.】

【Under the cover of the air force, the German ground armored forces quickly broke through the Polish defense line.】

【Their armored forces concentrated on one point and easily pierced the Polish army's defense line with overwhelming firepower, and then quickly advanced deep into the rear.】

【Before the Poles could react, a large number of assembly points, headquarters, communication centers, and railway hubs had been completely destroyed! The Polish troops on the front line were divided and surrounded in chaos.】

【The Germans achieved amazing results. They won the battle in just 36 days and captured 700,000 Polish troops.】

【And the Germans? Only 10,000 were killed.】

【When aviation and armored forces were combined, the world learned for the first time what blitzkrieg was all about.】

【This was the first time Hitler had exposed his ambitions so clearly to the world.】

【36 days to defeat a military power, the sixth-ranked military power in the world】

【The whole world was shocked by the German army's performance!】

【They finally realized that after the Treaty of Versailles was torn up, what stood up was not a tool controlled by the great powers, nor a flag that they could manipulate to maintain the so-called situation.】

【This is a demon】

【A demon that no one can control! 】

Conquering Poland in 36 days!

It was completely opposite to everyone's previous speculation!

Not only was the world shocked at that time.

At this moment, when seeing this scene written by Fang Yuan, all the audience inside and outside the studio, online and offline, were shocked! And after a moment of silence, the whole audience was boiling!!!

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