Chapter 77 Qin Family’s Decision

the other side.

Imperial Qin Family.

The spacious hall is brightly lit.

More than a dozen people were sitting on one side, each with a solemn look on their face.

An old man sitting at the front seat, wearing a blue Chinese tunic suit, tall, with a face like a baby, not angry and self-respecting, glanced at everyone with his majestic eyes, and said lightly:

"From the news just returned from Qin Zhan, that boy killed seven Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layers of the Wang family and one Qi Condensation Realm Fifth Layer of the Linjiang Wang family with just one sword."

"Judging from the combat power he has shown, his true combat power has now reached the Core Formation realm, and it may not be the early stage of the Core Formation realm yet!"

"What do you think about this?"

This old man is the current head of the Qin Family, Qin Jian.

Sitting in the first position under Qin Jie's right hand, an old man with half-white hair and triangular eyes said immediately: "Brother, judging from the information Dao'er investigated, before he opened Grotto-Heaven, his cultivation level was Body Tempering Realm Sixth Layer.”

"But after opening Grotto-Heaven, it took less than a month to break through to the Qi Condensation Realm. The real combat power is comparable to the Core Formation Realm."

"Before he opened Grotto-Heaven, it took him more than ten years to practice to the Body Tempering Realm Sixth Layer, which means his qualifications are very poor."

"So I dare to conclude that the quality of the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure that he got when he opened Grotto-Heaven, which can condense the 'spiritual liquid of life', must have reached legendary or even Mythical quality."

"Only the epic Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure with High Grade quality can have such an effect."

“I, the Great Xia Dynasty, don’t own any of the epic Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure of High Grade quality. Such a precious treasure would be like a pearl covered in dust in his hands. Only I, the Qin Family, are qualified to possess it!”

"Dao'er promised to give him half a million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones during the day, but he didn't appreciate it and was greedy. So don't blame us for being rude!"

"My Qin Family currently has thirty-five Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layers, but judging from the fact that he killed seven Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layers from the Wang Family with one sword, if we don't attack with all our strength, we won't be able to kill him at all. !”

"But if we all move together, even if we kill him in the end, we will suffer heavy losses!"

"So, I don't recommend assassinating him!"

"He killed seven members of the Wang family, and Wang Bi is the commander of the 'Black Tortoise Legion'. Killing the royal family and high-ranking military officials is treason. We can kill him first and then attack him with the 'God-Destroying Cannon'!"

An old man wearing a gray tunic suit and exuding evil spirits said: "Brother, I agree with the second brother. There has been no news from Qin Zhan for so long. I'm afraid he has been killed by that boy!"

"Since that kid dares to kill members of my Qin Family, he already has a way to kill him!"

"The treasure he carries is very important to us, no matter what, we must get it!"

"He has not joined any force. In other words, before he entered the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, his Grotto-Heaven level was only First Grade."

"The level of the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure cannot exceed the Grotto-Heaven level. His Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure is only First Grade and has such effects. After we get it, we can upgrade its level to Fifth Grade."

"Every time the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure reaches First Grade, its efficacy will double. By that time, the efficacy of the Life Spirit Liquid will definitely increase five times."

"As long as we get his Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure, it won't take long for us all to break through to the Core Formation realm, and the strength of our Qin Family will also be greatly increased."

"Although Riverside City will sacrifice many innocent people by using the 'God-Destroying Cannon', these sacrifices are worth it for this important treasure!"

"So I agree with the second brother's opinion and directly use the 'God-Destroying Cannon'!"

An energetic old man with a goatee echoed: "Brother, I also agree with the second and third brothers. If the ants in Riverside City die, they will die!"

"Even if it sparks heated debate among the people, we can calm the discussion as long as we reveal the evidence of his crime of killing the royal family. After all, only the 'Destroying God Cannon' can deal with a 'hell' traitor whose combat power is comparable to that of the Core Formation!"

"Besides, after we all break through to the Core Formation realm, we will definitely be able to wipe out all the alien races at the border!"

"As many as 100 million soldiers have fallen at the hands of aliens over the years. The millions of people in Riverside City are nothing compared to the 100 million people. We are thinking about the overall situation. For the sake of the overall situation, it is inevitable to make sacrifices!"

"As long as our Qin Family destroys all alien races, our Qin Family will be the heroes of the Great Xia Dynasty, and the common people will understand our painstaking efforts!"

An old man wearing a blue tunic suit with a gentle temperament said: "Brother, I don't agree with the opinions of the second brother, the third brother and the fourth brother!"

"Because once we use the 'God-Destroying Cannon', Riverside City will definitely suffer heavy casualties!"

"There's nothing wrong with the others, but don't forget that the Xiao family is also in Riverside City!"

"The Xiao family is the natal family of the little queen. The little queen has always been dissatisfied with our Qin Family. If we have no intention of killing the Xiao family, she will definitely take the opportunity to remove our military power from the Qin Family!"

"In addition to the Wang family, the other three royal families are secretly supporting the little queen. They will definitely take the opportunity to attack our Qin Family!"

"Besides, the 'God-Destroying Cannon' is a strategic-level weapon. If we use the 'God-Destroying Cannon' without permission, other families will definitely trace it. That kid's information is not encrypted. If they want to check it, they can easily find it. !”

"As long as they are not fools, they will know why all the masters of the Wang family went to Linjiang tonight."

"Although we are famous, they will definitely guess that our Qin Family is coveting that boy's treasure!"

"We used strategic weapons secretly, and with the valuable treasure on that kid's body, other forces will definitely join forces with other families to attack us!"

"No matter how strong we are, we can't defeat so many forces joining forces. I'm afraid it will be all in vain!"

At this moment, a handsome and burly middle-aged man sitting in the first seat to the lower left of Qin Jie said to Qin Ba in the first seat: "Father, I have something very important to tell you. !”

Qin Jie looked at the middle-aged man with deep eyes, "What's the matter?"

The middle-aged man said: "The little queen privately awarded that boy a 'Guardian Medal' today!"


"That little queen actually awarded him a 'Guardian Medal' privately?"

"Damn it! What qualifications does that boy have to get the Guardian Medal?"

"This little queen didn't even discuss such a big matter as issuing the 'Guardian Medal' with our Qin Family. What on earth does she want to do?"

"I think the little queen's wings are hard now and she wants to kill her. I suggest you give her some color!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions became very ugly and they started to make noise.

At this moment, Qin Jian said majestically: "Okay, you all have high positions and powerful positions, but now you are like a group of shrews cursing in the street, how unbecoming you are!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone stopped talking and looked at Qin Jie in the first seat.

Qin Jie's eyes were slightly narrowed, his face was calm, and he could not see any emotion or anger. He said softly: "I didn't even discuss such a big matter as issuing a guardian medal with me. It seems that the little queen has really grown up!"

He looked at the burly middle-aged man and asked calmly: "Feng'er, tell me how that little guy got the 'Guardian Medal'?"

The middle-aged man said respectfully: "Father, it is said that that boy has mastered that skill, and he took the initiative to make a deal with Grotto-Heaven in Riverside City. That skill contains four Fifth Grade skills, and the Queen gave it to him. A 'Guardian Medal' was issued!"

Qin Jie raised his eyebrows, "Really? He actually mastered that technique. It seems that the little guy has a pretty good talent. Such a talent should have been used by my Qin Family. What a pity!"

"The four Fifth Grade exercises are practiced. This contribution is indeed worthy of a 'Guardian Medal'."

"With the 'Guardian Medal', as long as he does not treason, no force dares to touch him. If we touch him, we will break the rules!"

"The 'God-Destroying Cannon' cannot be used, but we are bound to get the important treasure. If you have any other methods, you can tell us."

Standing behind Qin Jie, Qin Wudao, who had been silent all this time, broke through and said, "Grandpa, my grandson has three options."

Qin Jie turned to look at his grandson, with a rare smile on his face, "Oh, tell me."

Qin Wudao nodded and said respectfully: "Grandpa, there are only nine guardian medals since the founding of the country. If you want to convict him, you must get the Queen's approval. We, the Qin Family, cannot convict him privately."

"So the first thing we have to do is to ask the Queen to take back his Guardian Medal!"

"The Royal family is a royal family and they also have a 'Guardian Medal'. Whether it is killing the royal family or the holder of the 'Guardian Medal', it is a serious crime and is equivalent to treason!"

"Even if he has a Guardian Medal, he is still to blame. We can impeach Her Majesty the Queen that he killed the royal family and Guardian Medal holders. As long as the evidence is solid, even if the Queen wants to protect him, the worst outcome will be to withdraw his Guardian Medal. "

Qin Jie frowned slightly, "Dao'er, it's raining heavily tonight in Riverside City. I guess the traces of the battle have already been washed away by the heavy rain. How can we convict him without evidence?"

"Besides, the Wang family ran from the imperial capital to his house in the middle of the night. Anyone with a discerning eye can guess that they are coveting something in that boy."

"Once this matter is revealed, other families will definitely investigate his information, and they will definitely compete with our Qin Family."

Qin Wudao's expression remained unchanged and he said with a smile: "Grandpa, please listen to me first. What I mean is to bribe the people living near him first, so that they can say that they saw him kill someone and the body was hidden in his Grotto." -In Heaven.”

"We use our own people to arrest him. He is an orphan and has no power. It will not be whatever we do with him!"

"If he dares to resist, we will add 'assaulting the police out of fear of crime' to him to fully convict him of the crime of killing the royal family, and then you will use the evidence to petition the Queen to take back his Guardian Medal!"

The conversation changed and he added: "Grandpa, in fact, my grandson's purpose is to let our people enter his Grotto-Heaven to investigate under the pretext of searching for evidence."

"Third Grade Grotto-Heaven Divine Seed, his initial Grotto-Heaven area reaches ten square kilometers. I feel that his Grotto-Heaven must not be simple. Maybe the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure that condenses the life spirit liquid is not at all the most precious."

Qin Jie nodded with satisfaction, "Keep talking!"

Qin Wudao: "The second way is to kidnap Tang Xiyue, threaten him with Tang Xiyue and force him to confess!"

"According to Lu Hongliang's report, Tang Xiyue has already had a relationship with him, which means Tang Xiyue is now his woman!"

"Judging from the information we have investigated, he values ​​​​love and justice and will definitely not watch anything happen to Tang Xiyue. We threatened him with Tang Xiyue's life to hand over the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure and admit to killing the royal family! "

"As long as he admits it personally, we can convict him!"

Qin Jie's face was calm: "White cats and black cats are good cats if they can catch mice. Heroes don't have to follow the rules, that's good!"

Qin Wudao continued: "The third way is to kidnap him with morality and force him with righteousness!"

"From the fact that he took the initiative to come up with the cultivation method of "Extreme Profundities Sutra", it seems that he has a righteous heart. We can take advantage of this and let him hand over the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure!"

Qin Jie nodded with satisfaction: "Daoer, you are very good! It seems that grandpa has not taught you in vain all these years!"

After a pause, he said earnestly: "Dao'er, I heard that you value Concubine Ji Meng of the Ji family very seriously. You can find a woman if you want, but grandpa doesn't want to see you trapped in love. Children love each other!"

Qin Wudao said calmly: "Grandpa, don't worry, a mere Concubine Ji Meng can't shake my grandson's Taoist heart. I'm approaching her just to take advantage of her!"

"After all, her Ji family is in charge of the 'Penguin Consortium' and the 'Heavenly Treasure Pavilion'. Although her strength is far inferior to that of our Qin Family, it has the strongest financial resources. As long as our grandson can take her down, for our Qin Family , it is undoubtedly more powerful than a tiger!"

Qin Jie nodded with satisfaction.

He withdrew his eyes from his grandson, glanced at everyone in the hall, and said calmly: "You follow the method Dao'er said. My suggestion is to do the three methods together!"


Everyone responded in unison.

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(End of chapter)

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