Chapter 73 Rainy Night Attack

Hearing Fang Yu's question, Lu Hongliang's face was full of disdain, "That stupid woman Ji Mengfei has no chance of discovering me or doubting me, because my father is one of the elders of the 'Penguin Consortium'."

Fang Yu: "What information have you revealed to Qin Wudao about her over the years?"

Lu Hongliang gushed out: "That's a lot. I know her hobbies, what she likes to eat, who she likes to interact with, and even what color underwear she likes to wear..."


Before Lu Hongliang could finish speaking, he was hit on the chest by Ji Mengfei's palm, causing him to vomit blood and fly backwards more than ten meters away.

Ji Mengfei turned to look at Fang Yu beside her, her beautiful eyes filled with resentment, "Brother Fang Yu, you are so naughty!"

Then she glanced at Fang Yu with a charming look, and said in a seductive voice, "Brother Fang Yu, if you want to know what color underwear my sister likes to wear, I can tell you privately!"


Fang Yu said seriously: "Meng Fei, I am a gentleman!"

Then he immediately changed the subject, "He is yours, let you handle it!"

Ji Mengfei nodded, looked at Liu Yingying, and said lightly: "Sister Yingying, kill her!"

If Lu Hongliang betrays Fang Yu, Ji Mengfei will naturally kill him to give Fang Yu an explanation.

Even if Lu Hongliang didn't betray Fang Yu, but just betrayed her, she would not show mercy!

Liu Yingying nodded and walked towards Lu Hongliang.

Seeing Ji Mengfei giving orders with a calm face, Fang Yu glanced sideways at her.

As expected of the heir to a large conglomerate, he was decisive in killing and showed no mercy just because the other party was the son of a senator.

Lu Hongliang, who was lying on the ground, pointed at Fang Yu and Ji Mengfei, his eyes full of hatred, "Fang Yu, Ji Mengfei, you two, don't be proud, Young Master Wudao will..."

After being slapped awake by Ji Mengfei, he knew he was doomed and did not plead for mercy.


Before Lu Hongliang finished speaking, Liu Yingying's throat was sealed with a sword. He fell into a pool of blood unwillingly, and items exploded on the spot.

"Brother Fang Yu, although I didn't betray you, he is mine and I have an unshirkable responsibility!"

Ji Mengfei looked at Fang Yu, her face full of apology, and she bowed slightly and saluted: "Here, I sincerely apologize to you!"

Fang Yu waved his hand, "It's not your fault, you never thought he would betray you!"

Ji Mengfei turned her right hand, and an exquisite wine jar appeared in her hand, "Brother Fang Yu, this is the Fourth Grade spirit wine 'Drunken Immortal Brew'. It is my sister's apology to you. I hope you can forgive me!"

Fang Yu waved her hand and refused: "Meng Fei, you can help me find the culprit who betrayed me. I am very satisfied with this explanation. The Fourth Grade spirit wine is too precious, I can't have it!"

Knowing that it was not Concubine Ji Meng who betrayed him, he actually no longer blamed Concubine Ji.

Besides, Ji Mengfei is also one of the victims, and she has been kept in the dark.

Concubine Ji Meng stared hard at Fang Yu's eyes and said quietly: "Brother Fang Yu, you don't even want to accept my sister's apology. Do you not intend to forgive your sister?"

Looking at Concubine Ji Meng who was very determined, Fang Yu finally reached out to take the wine jar.

Ji Mengfei had already said this, and he knew that if he didn't accept it, she might think too much.

I have to admit that Ji Mengfei is really good at being a good person. She gave away Fourth Grade spiritual wine worth half a million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones as soon as she asked.

"Okay! Since you said so, it would be hypocritical for me to shirk it."

Seeing that Fang Yu was willing to accept the spirit wine, Ji Mengfei breathed a sigh of relief, with a bright smile on her face.

She knew that Fang Yu's willingness to accept the spirit wine meant that he had forgiven her.

Although the spiritual wine worth half a million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones is very precious, it is worth the money if it can gain Fang Yu's understanding.

This is also her compensation to Fang Yu, because she knows that "her own people betrayed Fang Yu and the troubles she brought to him have not yet begun."

Based on her understanding of Qin Wudao, he would definitely get what he wanted.

If Fang Yu rejects Qin Wudao, trouble will continue.

Or Fang Yu overthrows the Qin Family and knocks the Qin Family off the altar.

Or Fang Yu obediently hands over the Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure and compromises with Qin Wudao.

Although she had just met Fang Yu not long ago, Ji Mengfei was sure that Fang Yu was not the kind of person who was willing to compromise with others.

Fang Yu looked at Ji Mengfei and smiled: "Mengfei, let's go out!"

Ji Mengfei nodded, grabbed Fang Yu and Liu Yingying's shoulders, and led them out of Grotto-Heaven.

In the blink of an eye, it's night.

The weather in summer is like a baby's face, it changes at any time!

The sun was shining brightly in the afternoon, but it started to rain heavily in the evening.

Annan Villa, inside Fang Yu's villa.

The living room on the second floor is brightly lit.

"Meng Fei, you'd better go back. In the afternoon, there were two strangers near my villa watching my villa!"

Fang Yu looked at Ji Mengfei, who was sitting on the sofa to his right, and persuaded her: "I guess they are going to take action tonight. I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to leave after a while!"

After Ji Mengfei apologized to him just now, she stayed at his house and refused to leave.

He originally thought she would leave after dinner.

But after dinner, she still didn't leave.

He knew why Ji Mengfei stayed.

He knew that this smart woman must have guessed that someone would deal with him tonight, so she wanted to stay and help.

Although it was Ji Mengfei's people who betrayed him.

But he didn't blame Ji Meng.

After all, Concubine Ji Meng was also kept in the dark. Every wrong has its origin and every debt has its owner.

He did not transfer his anger to Ji Mengfei.

Besides, Ji Mengfei's apology this time was very sincere.

Not only did he help him find the culprit, but he also gave him a jar of spiritual wine worth half a million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones and a maglev sports car.

Ji Mengfei said firmly: "Brother Fang Yu, I didn't control my own people well. I have unshirkable blame. I won't let you face it alone!"

Fang Yu shook his head: "Meng Fei, not only did you help me find the person who betrayed me, but you also compensated me with a jar of Fourth Grade spirit wine and a sports car. It's enough. Listen to me and leave quickly. I can handle it myself!”

Ji Mengfei's attitude is still extremely determined, "Brother Fang Yu, you don't need to persuade me anymore, unless you drive me away, I will never leave!"

Then her face changed, and she looked pitifully at Fang Yu, "Brother Fang Yu, it's already midnight, and it's raining heavily outside. Do you have the heart to let your sister get wet in the rain?"

It’s weird if you get caught in the rain!

Fang Yu rolled his eyes and ignored her. He stood up and walked to the window and looked out the window.

It was dark outside the window and it was pouring rain.

The heavy rain was pouring, as if there was a big hole in the sky, and the raindrops hit the windows, making a "dong-dong" sound.

The loud sound of rain was like thousands of iron nails falling rapidly, piercing the eardrums and shocking.

Occasionally, silver lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

When the lightning disappeared, the whole world fell into darkness again.

Although it was raining heavily outside the window, Fang Yu felt calm.

He took out the 'Yuxi Sword', stroked it gently, and murmured in a low voice: "I don't know how many fat sheep will come tonight?"

His home is located in the western suburbs of Riverside City.

There are a total of fifty villas in Annan Villa, which are built next to mountains and rivers in a very beautiful environment.

Each villa is an independent villa, facing north and south.

His villa is at the innermost part of the villa complex. There is a 100-meter hill more than 1,000 meters behind the villa.

During the day, he found a burly middle-aged man observing his villa with a telescope on the hill behind his villa.

To the left of his villa, more than a thousand meters away, there was also a handsome middle-aged man in the uninhabited villa.

The middle-aged man was also monitoring his every move with binoculars.

He found that the handsome middle-aged man had several similarities with Wang Teng. Every time he looked at his house, the murderous intent in his eyes was undisguised.

From the appearance of the middle-aged man, as well as his performance.

He guessed that the other party should be Wang Teng's biological father Wang Fei.

Even if two people are not related, they may look similar.

But he didn't offend anyone else.

The person who looks similar to Wang Teng and hates him so much must be Wang Teng's biological father!

In other words, Qin Wudao had already told Wang Fei about his murder of Wang Teng.

He felt that Wang Fei would take advantage of the rainy night to attack and kill him tonight.

After all, he killed Wang Fei's biological son.

And from the details like Wang Fei walking around the room and looking at his watch, he felt that Wang Fei seemed to be waiting for help.

Although he guessed that Wang Fei was waiting for help, he didn't know who Wang Fei was waiting for.

He didn't know if the person Wang Fei was waiting for was his biological father, Lao Wang of the Imperial Capital.

Or maybe it was his stepfather, Linjiang Laowang.

As for the person hiding in the back of the villa, if Fang Yu guessed correctly, that person should be from the Qin Family of the Imperial Capital!

Ji Mengfei stood up and came to Fang Yu's right side, turned to look at Fang Yu's profile, smoothed her hair, and asked with a smile: "Brother Fang Yu, are you scared?"

Liu Yingying followed closely behind Ji Mengfei.

Fang Yu glanced at Ji Mengfei and said calmly: "I'm not afraid! It should be you, a charming and charming beauty, who is afraid!"

Ji Mengfei said with a relaxed face: "Sister is not afraid either, because I believe that brother Fang Yu will protect me!"

Fang Yu said with a smile: "You have such confidence in me? You must know that Lu Hongliang told Qin Wudao that my combat power is comparable to Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer. If they dare to come, they will be fully prepared."

Ji Mengfei smiled sweetly, "Sister, I believe you are not a fool. Since you dare to stay here and wait, it means you are already confident!"

After a pause, he sighed: "Nowadays, there are foreign races at the border who are eyeing us. It's just that we humans are not united, and we have to kill each other. In the final analysis, it's all because of the word 'greed'!"


Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly. He had already sensed that there were seven more men in black in the villa more than a thousand meters away.

After Wang Fei and the seven men in black met, they quickly rushed toward his villa.

Ji Mengfei retracted her smile and looked out the window.


A bolt of lightning pierced the night sky, illuminating the surrounding darkness. Ji Mengfei also saw eight figures in black, several hundred meters away, braving the pouring rain, passing through the heavy rain curtain, and rushing towards this direction. .

Before the big raindrops fell on them, they were bounced away by an invisible force!

First update!

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(End of chapter)

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