Chapter 69 Forced Buying and Selling

As soon as he left Grotto-Heaven, Fang Yu took out his mobile phone and dialed Ji Mengfei's number.

Among the people he knew, apart from Tang Xiyue, Xiao Yan, and Qin Qingqing, only Concubine Ji Meng had a good relationship with him.

At least that's what Fang Yu thinks.

He had already had a relationship with Tang Xiyue, so he couldn't let Tang Xiyue lose face when he came to visit her for the first time.

The future father-in-law likes swords, so he prepared a Low Grade Treasure Weapon.

The future mother-in-law likes to practice, and he plans to give her Third Grade level life spirit liquid.

Future grandpa likes to drink, so he is going to give him a bottle of spiritual wine.

Originally, he wanted to ask his god-sister Qin Qingqing for help, but when he thought that his god-sister might have gone to the imperial capital with "Extreme Profundities Sutra".

Therefore, he thought of asking Concubine Ji Meng for help.

Ji Mengfei is the eldest lady of the Penguin Consortium. She has not only the Penguin Consortium but also the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion under her control. She must have what he needs.

Fang Yu looked happy when he saw that Ji Mengfei's phone could be dialed.

In the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, there is no cell phone signal.

If the call can be dialed, it means that Ji Mengfei has now come out of the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

Just after two rings, the call was answered by the other party, and a charming and enchanting voice came over:

"Brother Fang Yu, my sister just wanted to call you, but I didn't expect you to call me first. The two of us really understand each other!"

Fang Yu smiled and said, "I'm asking you to do a favor!"

Ji Mengfei: "Brother Fang Yu, I thought you called your sister because you missed her, but I didn't expect you asked me for help."

Fang Yu rolled his eyes, "I'm afraid Qin Wudao will cause trouble."

Naturally, he did not take Ji Mengfei's words seriously.

Ji Mengfei: "Brother Fang Yu, you really don't understand the style!"

After a pause, his tone became serious: "Tell me, there is something you need my sister to do for you."

Fang Yu directly stated his purpose, "Do you have a spirit wine that is comparable to Low Grade Treasure Weapon? I want to buy a jar!"

"There is a jar of Fourth Grade spirit wine, the price is 500,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones. If you want it, I can give you a 20% discount!"

"I want it! But I don't have the Grotto-Heaven Divine Stone with me, so I'll give it to you at a discounted price with my Life Spirit Liquid. My Life Spirit Liquid has now reached Third Grade, and its efficacy is tripled compared to what I gave you before."

"The efficacy has tripled? Doesn't it mean that the life liquid has now reached Third Grade?!"


"Well, since the efficacy of your life spirit liquid has been doubled, the value I will give you will also be tripled, 600 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones per drop, how about it?"


"Giggle, brother Fang Yu is so refreshing, my sister likes to do business with people like you!"

Ji Mengfei said resolutely: "Do you need it now? I'll have someone bring it to you!"

Fang Yu thought for a moment and then said: "Okay! Do you have a car there? If so, send me a 'Dragon Veyron' sports car. I want the silver one!"

"Yes! I guarantee it will be delivered to you within two hours!"

"Thank you, I have something else to do, so I'll hang up now!"

"Okay, bye!"


After hanging up the phone, Fang Yu murmured softly, "You just gave me a 20% discount. It seems that this Ji Mengfei is quite good at life!"

He naturally knew that Concubine Ji Meng gave him a 20% discount all at once in order to befriend him and continue to obtain the life essence liquid from him.

Ji Mengfei was so interesting, Fang Yu had a good impression of her.

At this moment, a pleasant cell phone ringtone rang.

Fang Yu frowned when he saw the call on his phone showing that the call was from an unfamiliar number in the Imperial Capital.

Has the matter of the life spirit liquid been exposed?

"Hello! Hello, who are you?"

After thinking about it, Fang Yu pressed the answer button and said politely.

As soon as Fang Yu finished speaking, a deep male voice sounded, "I am Qin Wudao!"

Qin Wudao?

Fang Yu's eyes flashed.

Qin Wudao and I have no intersection at all.

Could it be that Concubine Ji Meng has someone of his by her side?

It seems that the matter of the life spirit liquid has been exposed!

Does he also want to buy life essence liquid from me?

In an instant, many thoughts flashed through Fang Yu's mind.

Not many people know that he possesses life spirit liquid. Tang Xiyue is his woman, so naturally they will not tell Qin Wudao.

Although he has not known Xiao Yan for a long time, he believes that Xiao Yan will not betray him.

He gave Li Ying'er ten drops of life spirit liquid, but Li Ying'er was Tang Xiyue's cousin and would not betray him.

Besides, Li Ying'er didn't know about the life spirit liquid.

So he was sure that if Qin Wudao really came for the life spirit liquid, it must have been leaked by someone close to Concubine Ji Meng.

As for Concubine Ji Meng, he had no doubts.

Because Ji Mengfei is such a smart woman, she will never betray him!

Fang Yu was not surprised that Qin Wudao was able to find his mobile phone number.

Because if you want to check Qin Wudao's family background, it is very easy.

Fang Yu rolled his eyes, quietly operated on his phone, and then asked calmly: "What can I do for you?"

Although Qin Wudao is known as the "Number One in Great Xia" and Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer can kill early-stage aliens in the Core Formation Realm, he is not afraid of Qin Wudao!

With his current strength, if he really wanted to face Qin Wudao, he would not necessarily lose.

"If I'm not wrong, when you opened Grotto-Heaven, you should have obtained a Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure that can condense the spiritual liquid of life. Five hundred thousand Grotto-Heaven sacred stones. Your Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure I want it!"

Although Qin Wudao's voice was calm, it had an unquestionable tone.

Forced buying and selling!

Fang Yu has already heard that Qin Wudao wants to buy and sell by force!

A trace of ridicule flashed at the corner of his mouth, and he said lightly: "I'm sorry, I won't sell it!"

He wants to buy his legendary quality Sacred Spring of Life for half a million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones. This Qin Wudao is just thinking nonsense!

A drop of Life Spirit Liquid in the Third Grade Sacred Spring of Life can be sold for 600 Grotto-Heaven Sacred Stones.

The Sacred Spring of Life can condense a ton of life liquid in a day.

One drop is ten grams, and one pound is fifty drops.

One ton and two thousand pounds!

In other words, the Sacred Spring of Life can produce one hundred thousand drops of life liquid in one day.

If they are all sold, it will be 60 million Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

Therefore, to him, the life spirit liquid is like a hen that can lay golden eggs!

How could Fang Yu sell it?

Not bad, but Fang Yu himself was shocked. Originally, he was sitting on a treasure mountain without even realizing it!

It is worth mentioning that after unbinding Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasure and Grotto-Heaven, the quality will not change, but the grade will drop to First Grade!

Qin Wudao's voice sounded again: "I'll give you such a high price, just accept it when you see it!"

Fang Yu chuckled: "Haha, you actually said that the price of 500,000 yuan is high. I sold it to others for 600 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones. One drop can condense a ton a day. I think your math teacher should have taught you math. I need it." Can I help you, the great genius Qin, do the calculations?"

Qin Wudao's voice was still extremely calm: "Let me ask you one last time, do you want to sell it?"

"I have to remind you, before you reject me, you'd better think about the consequences of rejecting me!"

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, "Are you threatening me?"

Qin Wudao's voice was light, "I'm just stating the facts. Of course... you can think so too!"

Fang Yu: "Haha! They say that you, Qin Wudao, are so perfect. It turns out that everything you do in front of others is just a disguise. Are you talking about the consequences for yourself or the Qin Family behind you?"

Qin Wudao said lightly: "Haha! Ignorance is fearless. You can cultivate to the Qi Condensation Realm at such a young age, which can be regarded as a peerless genius, but in my eyes, you are still an... ant!"

"Only when people face despair can they realize that they are ants!"

"Believe it or not, I just need to say a word and you will never be able to enter the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm again!"

Fang Yu's tone became colder. Now that he had broken his skin, he didn't bother to talk nonsense, "If you come up with any tricks, I will follow them. Dogs that bite usually don't bark. You are worse than a dog!"

After saying that, Fang Yu hung up the phone directly.

"Haha, Qin Wudao!"

Looking at the mobile phone screen, Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, his face was calm, and he could not see any emotion or anger.

After Ji Mengfei learned about the life spirit liquid, he thought that the life spirit liquid would be exposed.

Therefore, he was not much surprised that Qin Wudao knew that he had life spirit liquid!

Even if he didn't take out the life essence liquid to trade with Liu Hong, once other forces investigated his information, anyone who was not a fool would think that he was opening up Grotto-Heaven from the earth-shaking changes in his cultivation before and after he opened Grotto-Heaven. -Amazing opportunities come to Heaven!

Therefore, instead of letting others speculate that he would have a better chance, he decided to take the initiative to expose the Sacred Spring of Life, intending to use the Sacred Spring of Life to cover up the Primordial Tree.

On the contrary, what surprised him was that the so-called "No. 1 Young Master in the Imperial Capital" actually wanted to buy and sell by force!

If Qin Wudao wanted to buy "Life Spirit Liquid" from him, he might consider it.

After all, everyone is selling to anyone!

But he didn't expect Qin Wudao to forcefully buy his Sacred Spring of Life.

Although he was not ashamed of Qin Wudao's character, he was secretly vigilant.

Qin Wudao knew that he possessed the life spirit liquid and his true cultivation level, which meant that his murder of Wang Teng had been exposed.

Qin Wudao might kill someone with a borrowed knife next, reveal his murder of Wang Teng to the Wang family, and use the Wang family's hand to deal with him.

"Human nature is really complicated!"

Fang Yu's eyes were a little complicated and he sighed lightly.

He did not doubt that it was Concubine Ji Meng who told Qin Wudao, because Concubine Ji Meng was a smart woman, and a smart woman would not do such a stupid thing!

But when he thought that it might have been leaked by Ji Mengfei's people, he still felt a little uncomfortable!

First update!

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(End of chapter)

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