Chapter 59 The Power of the World

Fang Yu's eyes flashed when he heard Wang Teng's last words. He really wanted to ask Wang Teng, which grandfather is yours?

Everyone looked at the gorgeous fireworks in the sky and were stunned.

Ji Mengfei looked away from the fireworks in the sky and looked at Fang Yu, who was standing next to her with a calm look, her beautiful eyes filled with brilliance.

She was not shocked by Fang Yu's Qi Condensation Realm cultivation.

Because she went out to Grotto-Heaven and had a late-night communication with Fang Yu the night before, she already knew that he had broken through to the Qi Condensation Realm.

Others might not be able to see clearly when Fang Yu moved his hands, but she could.

She could see clearly because Fang Yu was standing next to her.

Ever since Fang Yu appeared, her attention had been focused on him.

She just saw a sword suddenly appear on Fang Yu's left hand.

Then she saw Fang Yu's right hand suddenly holding the sword hilt.

Then she heard a crisp sound of being unsheathed.

Then he saw a purple sword light about a foot long rising into the sky and roaring towards Wang Teng's helicopter.

Although she could clearly see when Fang Yu moved, she could not clearly see the movement trajectory of the sword, and she did not even know when the Dao Treasure sword was sheathed!

From the time Fang Yu emitted the purple sword light to the moment Wang Teng and the helicopter were split in half, it was less than three breaths of time.

After reacting, everyone looked at Fang Yu and swallowed subconsciously, with disbelief and horror on their faces.

Although they didn't see clearly when Fang Yu moved his hands just now.

But since Fang Yu suddenly appeared next to Ji Mengfei, and Wang Teng's breakthrough made him furious, their attention was focused on Fang Yu.

Therefore, they all knew that the purple sword light that exploded Wang Teng's helicopter was sent by Fang Yu.

Release your spiritual power!

Qi Condensation Realm!

The spiritual power can be emitted close to 200 meters, which even the ordinary Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer cannot do!

"You don't have enough money, show your cards right now!"

Just when Fang Yu and Wang Teng's helicopter exploded, on the grass a hundred meters away from Fang Yu and others, a bald boy standing in front of the crowd, holding a blood-colored broadsword in his right hand, looked at Fang Yu warily, his head turned. Buhui said something to the honest fat man behind him, and suddenly there were four "Purple Thunder Talismans" in his right hand.

This bald boy is the Shi Wu mentioned by Wang Teng, and he is also the person in charge of the [Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm Development Consortium] this time.

Seeing that Tang Xiyue was here, he knew that he had fallen into Tang Xiyue's trick.

Tang Xiyue must have deliberately let people drive her helicopter to Luoyang City to paralyze them!

Ji Mengfei has joined forces with Tang Xiyue.

What they are waiting for here for Wang Teng is a conspiracy, a fishing and law enforcement against Wang Teng!

From the moment Fang Yu slashed Wang Teng, who was nearly 200 meters away, and the helicopter with one strike, Shi Wu knew that he had no chance with the Spirit Vein this time!

Although Spirit Vein is precious, one must have a life to get it.

Even if he had a trump card, he couldn't guarantee that he could kill Fang Yu.

Because the purple sword light gave him a feeling that surpassed that of the Qi Condensation Realm Ninth Layer strong men in the consortium.

Therefore, after he reacted, he immediately took out all his cards.

He was going to use all the purple thunder talismans to buy time to escape.

His attention was always on Fang Yu, and he did not dare to look back because he was worried that when he turned around, a purple sword light would fly towards him.

In fact, he already hates Wang Teng to death. Why didn't he tell about Fang Yu when they formed the alliance?

"Do it!"

A shout sounded from behind Shi Wu.


As soon as he shouted, Shi Wu felt a sharp blade piercing his body from behind. He trembled violently, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. He immediately saw a sharp and bloody knife tip on his chest.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at the fat man behind him with a simple and honest smile. His face was full of disbelief, and his eyes were filled with confusion, hatred and unwillingness, "Qian Kuaiji, why?"

The obese young man smiled honestly, "Mr. Shi, my name is 'Qian Qian Ji', 'Qian' means 'loyalty', and 'Ji' means 'Ji' from the Ji family. Do you understand now?"

"'Qian Zhongji', it turns out you are from the Ji family, me."

Shi Wu suddenly realized, his eyes full of unwillingness.

Qian Zhongji directly interrupted Shi Wu, "Historically, when you and Wang Teng wanted to take advantage of my young lady, Fat Brother, I kindly reminded you, I hope you won't regret it!"

"Look, if you don't listen to Fat Brother, you will suffer the consequences right in front of you!"

"You poof!"

Shi Wu opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, his eyes dimmed instantly, and then he fell to the ground and died, and items exploded on the spot.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

At the same time, just when Qian Zhongji shouted the word "do it", his people also launched sneak attacks on the people of the [Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm Development Consortium] around them.

The people in the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm development consortium were originally frightened because Wang Teng was killed by a purple sword light, and all their attention was focused on Fang Yu.

They never thought that their allies would suddenly attack them and be killed by the opponent before they could react!

Less than ten breaths of time.

All twenty-two Grotto-Heaven masters of the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm development consortium were killed. A large number of items exploded on the spot, and the blood instantly dyed the grass red.

This battle was full of twists and turns and drama.

From the battle to the end, it took less than fifteen breaths.

The masters of Grotto-Heaven of the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm development consortium could not understand until their death why their allies who had been chatting, laughing and chatting with them two days ago suddenly turned against them and attacked and killed them?

Why is [Heavenly Treasure Pavilion], which ranks sixth in terms of strength in the Great Xia Dynasty, actually a member of the tenth-ranked ‘Penguin Consortium’?

"Sister Meng Fei, I never thought that the 'Heavenly Treasure Pavilion' is actually a member of your Ji family. I'm afraid all the forces in the Great Xia Dynasty are kept in the dark. You are worthy of being the daughter of the first female God of Wealth in the Great Xia Dynasty. You are worthy of being the Great God of Wealth." Zhuge, the first daughter in the army, it’s so hard to hide it from my younger sister!”

Tang Xiyue turned to look at Ji Mengfei, who had a slight smile on her face and was both elegant and charming. She narrowed her eyes and smiled.

"Sister Xiyue, I never imagined that you could break through to the Qi Condensation Realm in just two days. You are worthy of the number one goddess in Linjiang!"

Ji Mengfei looked at Tang Xiyue with her beautiful eyes, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes, and she smiled.

Suddenly he discovered something, and a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

After a pause, he added: "Besides, sister Xiyue also has a very good taste, and she has found a good husband!"

Looking at the two women complimenting each other, Fang Yu shook his head.

At this moment, Ji Mengfei looked towards him and said, "Brother Fang Yu, this is your spirit bottle. Sister, it has now been returned to its original owner."

Fang Yu nodded and took the spirit bottle from Ji Mengfei.

Watching Fang Yu take the spirit bottle, Ji Mengfei pointed at the two dozen people at the "Heavenly Treasure Pavilion" a hundred meters away, and said with a smile: "Brother Fang Yu, these are my sister's people, you can't kill anyone." Silence you?"

Fang Yu glanced at Ji Mengfei and said, "Since they are your people, I will naturally not kill them."

Ji Mengfei smiled, and then said with a serious face: "Brother Fang Yu, don't worry, I will definitely make them keep secret about Wang Teng!"

Fang Yu took a deep look at Ji Mengfei and said, "I hope so!"

He believed that Ji Mengfei would not betray him, but he was not sure whether Ji Mengfei's people were loyal to her.

After all, human nature is complex.

Although he knew this, Ji Mengfei had no grudge against him and was his partner. He could not do anything like kill Ji Mengfei and her people to silence them.

Although he hates trouble, he is not afraid of trouble either!

Ji Mengfei smiled and changed the subject: "Brother Fang Yu, how will we distribute the spoils this time?"

But he was very determined in his heart, and he must keep his people tight-lipped about what happened today.

Fang Yu turned to look at Tang Xiyue beside him, "Xiyue, I have something else to do. You and Meng Fei should discuss the distribution of the spoils."

Tang Xiyue smiled and said: "Okay, go and do your work!"

Fang Yu communicated with the Grotto-Heaven mark and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When he reappeared, he was already standing under the Primordial Tree.

After taking a look at the sluggish Primordial Tree, Fang Yu immediately took out the Spirit Vein from the spirit bottle and bound it with Grotto-Heaven.

[Spirit Vein](+)

Without hesitation, he clicked behind.

The familiar purple divine light arrived as promised.

Just a few breaths.

The divine light dissipates.

Spirit Vein also transforms into Dragon Vein.

"hold head high!"

The dragon vein suspended above Fang Yu's head raised its head and let out a joyful roar, then plunged under the Primordial Tree.

Fang Yu's eyes were fixed on Primordial Tree.

"Huh? Why haven't you grown taller yet? Could it be that my previous guess was wrong and that Spirit Vein can't make Primordial Tree grow at all?"

After waiting for a while, Fang Yu frowned when he saw that the Primordial Tree did not grow taller.

Primordial Tree only restores the leaf that was given to Tang Xiyue before.


Just when Fang Yu was puzzled, the Primordial Tree trembled slightly, and a purple light shot towards him.

Before he could react, the purple light instantly disappeared between his eyebrows.

The next moment, a message appeared in Fang Yu's mind.

"The power of the world?"

After digesting the information in his mind, Fang Yu's eyes flashed.

The message that Primordial Tree just sent him is that what he needs is not the Spirit Vein, but the power of the world in the Myriad Worlds.

The power of the world can also be called the power of order.

Every world is filled with the power of the world, which is as endless as the sea water.

The power of the world is the manifestation of the order and rules of the Myriad Worlds. Every bit of the power of the world contains the order and rules of the Myriad Worlds.

All creatures or objects in Myriad Worlds contain the world power of that world.

For example, the people he recruited such as Zhao Yun and Guo Jia contained the world power of the Three Kingdoms world.

After he takes them into his Grotto-Heaven, the Primordial Tree can absorb the power of the world contained in them.

For another example, each world's Spirit Vein, magical secrets, magical weapons, etc. also contain the world power of that world.

Fang Yu dragged his chin with his right hand and murmured softly: "The Primordial Tree needs to absorb the world power of the Myriad Worlds in order to grow. This means that in the future I will not only recruit people, but also absorb the heavenly beings in each Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm." The treasures of materials and earth, magical weapons, and magical secrets are all collected, and the Primordial Tree can absorb the power of the world they contain."

The Primordial Tree is his reliance to reach the highest level. After knowing the nutrients that the Primordial Tree needs, he will naturally help him find them.

The stronger the Primordial Tree is, the stronger he will naturally be!

Fang Yu's eyes were extremely bright and he immediately escaped from Grotto-Heaven. He was full of motivation now!

Second update!

Thanks to [I Love Mi Meng] for the huge reward of 733 coins!

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Today is still a huge explosion of 10,000 words!

Now the average is 500, Xiaoling hereby promises to add a chapter for every 100 more, and save more manuscripts!

(End of chapter)

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