Grotto-Heaven For All: I Created The Supreme Immortal Domain

Chapter 189 I [Zhu Xian Demon Soldier] Need Talents Like You

Chapter 189 I [Zhu Xian Demon Soldier] need talents like you

Kyushu Continent.

Sui Dynasty, southern suburbs of Luoyang City.

Here is a magnificent and resplendent small town.

This small town is even more luxurious than the palace.

This is the residence of Jing Nian Zen, one of the leaders of the righteous path in the Sui Dynasty.

The total number of buildings in the Jing Nian Zen sect totals more than several hundred rooms. All buildings are covered with three-color glazed tiles and look like new. In front of the bronze hall there is a platform square that is as wide as 100 feet, made of white stone and surrounded by white stone railings.

In the middle is a bronze statue of Manjusri Bodhisattva riding a golden lion. Next to the niches are the Medicine Master, Sakyamuni and Amitabha Buddhas. The colorful sculptures and gold ornaments are quite impressive. In addition to the four stone steps at the entrance and exit, there are five hundred Arhats evenly distributed, all made of gold and copper, and each one has a lifelike expression.

The residence of Jing Nian Zen Sect is even more luxurious than Yang Guang's palace.

It can be said to be a country within a country!

In a magnificent hall, senior officials of the Jing Nian Zen Sect gathered together, and everyone looked very ugly.

Two people sat cross-legged on the two golden futons on the first seat.

One is a young monk wearing a bright red cassock, with a handsome face and a handsome face.

This young monk looks like he is only about ten years old, but in fact he is an old monster with good looks.

He is the Zen master of this generation of Jing Nian Zen, Liao Kong!

Sitting on his left hand was a middle-aged woman dressed in white with snow in her hair, her hair in a bun, and as beautiful as a flower.

This middle-aged woman is Fan Qinghui.

"Junior Brother Liao Kong, the entire Sui Dynasty is now talking about our Cihang Jingzhai and your Jing Nian Zen Sect. The centuries-old reputations of our two major sects have been ruined in one day!"

Fan Qingyin turned to look at Kong and said in a deep voice: "What should we do now?"

Thinking of their Cihang Jingzhai's centuries-old reputation being ruined in one fell swoop, Fan Qinghui wanted to tear Fang Yu into pieces.

Although she knew that these things were spread by the magic sect.

But if Fang Yu hadn't told Wanwan, how could Zhu Yuyan know those secrets.

The real culprit is Fang Yu.

Liao Kong turned to look at Fan Qingyin, his eyes were deep and his face was calm, showing no emotion or anger: "Senior sister, what is the strength of the World Master named Fang Yu?"

Liao Kong was calm on the surface, but very angry inside.

Because it was Fang Yu who ruined his decades-long practice of "shut-up".

The so-called silent meditation means to reduce the karma of speaking, eliminate sins and avoid disasters, and reduce one's own sins.

It is said that human beings are destined to be in this world. As a human being, how can we commit sins if we are speechless?

As the saying goes, opening one's mouth is a sin, but closing one's mouth in meditation is exactly when one opens one's mouth to the extreme, and one's mind also has enlightenment. Only then can one practice closed-mouth meditation. Only by closing one's mouth can one achieve great results!

"Keep your mouth shut" When there is no Great Accomplishment, once you open your mouth to speak, your Gong will be broken!

He knew that after hundreds of years of reputation of Jing Nian Zen Sect was ruined, he spoke directly, and decades of hard work were in vain!

How ironic is it that the founder of their Jing Nian Zen sect took the lead in violating the sexual precept?

Now, in the eyes of people all over the world, their Pure Thought Zen Sect is no longer a Buddhist Gate, a place of pure practice, but a place where filth and evil are hidden.

People from the Demon Sect even slandered him for having an affair with Fan Qinghui!

At this time in the past, pilgrims and believers had already come to offer incense, and the place was bustling with people.

But today, not a single pilgrim or believer came, and the place was deserted.

Without pilgrims and believers, their Jing Nian Zen sect would have no source of income.

Fang Yu not only ruined his way and their reputation, but also cut off their money.

He wanted to tear Fang Yu into pieces.

However, he had managed to hide his joy and not show his emotions.

Fan Qinghui said in a deep voice: "I don't know his specific cultivation level, but according to Fei Xuan, he can stand on nothing!"

"Standing on nothing is a sign of the Core Formation realm. He must have at least a Core Formation realm cultivation level!"

His eyes were filled with angry fire.

Liao Kong was silent for a moment and said faintly: "Senior sister, let Ning Daoqi test his strength first. If his strength is higher than Ning Daoqi's, we won't go to slay demons!"

Fan Qinghui nodded, stood up, and walked out of the hall: "Okay! I'm going to find Ning Daoqi now!"

After Fan Qinghui left, Ling Kong's deep eyes glanced at the senior officials in the hall, "Notify all disciples to return to the sect!"

"After the alien race has been wreaking havoc for a while, we will go out to kill the demons and save the common people!"

After hearing Kong's words, the eyes of the four Dharma Protectors lit up.

As expected, the Zen master was scheming and cunning.

The four Dharma Protectors are all old monsters who have become mature with age, and they all understood the profound meaning of the Zen Master's words.

If they go to slay demons at this time, others may not necessarily think of them well!

But if they wait until the alien race has been raging for a period of time and the people of the world are in despair, and they go out to slay the demons at that time, the people will definitely think of them.

By then, won’t the money for sesame oil be rolling in!

Thinking of this, they all got up and left.

Perhaps, after they wipe out all the alien races that descended on the Sui Dynasty, their reputation will be even higher.

After all, no one has ever made a mistake!

Buddha said, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately!

The first Zen master of their Jing Nian Zen sect only violated the sexual precept.

What Liao Kong didn't know was that it was because of his decision that the Jing Nian Zen Sect was wiped out in one fell swoop.

Luoyang City, in the imperial palace.

When Yang Guang learned that the reputations of Jing Nian Zen Sect and Ci Hang Jing Zhai had plummeted, he raised his head and laughed, and immediately summoned a dozen beauties to celebrate.

Other forces had mixed reactions.

Some forces applauded.

Some forces take pleasure in others' misfortune.

Some forces are even secretly adding fuel to the flames.

at the same time.

Within the Sui Dynasty.

On the plain north of Rongcheng in Shu, there is a small mountain range no more than a hundred feet high.

A figure wearing black robes, with a very ugly appearance and long blood-colored hair flew into the mountains.

This figure is none other than Li Xiao.

As Li Xiao flew, he looked at the mountains below him.

This mountain range is not high.

However, the mountains on each mountain top are majestic and dangerous, stretching for dozens of miles.

The main peak is higher than the mountains, rising from the ground like a phoenix spreading its wings and about to fly.

This mountain range was called Phoenix Mountain by local people in the Sui Dynasty.

Phoenix Mountain is covered with ancient trees and luxuriant weeds. There is also a river flowing through the mountain. The water is clear and fish and shrimps can be seen playing in the water from time to time.

On both sides of the river, large maple forests have naturally formed.

It is midsummer at this time, but the maple leaves have begun to turn green as jade, and the scenery is pleasant and refreshing.

Li Xiao flew all the way over the river, searching for the whereabouts of Demon Race.

Just after flying over the maple forest, the mountains are steep and the river flows through the mountainsides.

Behind the maple forest, the mountain terrain changes abruptly. It turns out that the river flows through the mountainsides, forming several waterfalls.

After flying over the waterfall, there is another dense ancient tree in front, and then a small valley is formed between the mountains.


"Jie Jie Jie, I am very lucky. I didn't expect that there is a gorgeous little beauty here!"

Suddenly discovering something, Li Xiao raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of greed.

After being captured by Fang Yu, he had not touched a woman for more than a month.

Li Xiao discovered that there was a small courtyard in the small valley.

There is a peerless beauty in the courtyard who will captivate the whole country.

In addition to the stunning beauty, there was also a sneaky middle-aged man peeping in the dark.

If Fang Yu were here.

You must know that this small valley is the secluded forest house of Shi Qingxuan, a famous master of the Sui Dynasty.

Just when Li Xiao was about to capture the stunning beauty in the wooden house to satisfy his greed.

He suddenly thought of Fang Yu.

When he thought of Fang Yu, Li Xiao's body trembled, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him, and the lust in his heart was instantly extinguished.

Li Xiao knew that if Fang Yu knew what he had done, he would definitely kill him!

He has now been transformed into [Heavenly Demon Dao Body], and he has practiced supreme skills, and he doesn't want to die.


"I can give this little beauty to the master!"

Thinking of this, Li Xiao's eyes lit up and he murmured in a low voice: "Little beauty, it is your honor to serve the master, it is an advantage for you!"

After saying that, Li Xiao flew directly towards Xiaogu at high speed, and the aura on his body burst out.

Just when Li Xiao was still more than two hundred meters away from the valley.

A middle-aged man hiding in a corner of the wooden house suddenly turned his head.

Seeing Li Xiao flying towards him at high speed, the expression of the middle-aged man with simple clothes, handsome appearance and evil temperament suddenly changed.

This middle-aged man is Shi Zhixuan, the evil king of the Demon Sect, and is also Shi Qingxuan’s biological father.

Shi Zhixuan turned back to the wooden house and shouted loudly: "Qingxuan, there is a strong enemy coming to attack, run away!"

It turned out that after Shi Zhixuan accidentally beat his wife to death, he became crazy and schizophrenic, sometimes sober and sometimes crazy.

He was ashamed of his daughter and did not dare to see her, so he hid in secret to protect her.


"Can you run?"

Li Xiao has arrived in front of Shi Zhixuan.

Shi Zhixuan looked at Li Xiao not far away and asked in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

Li Xiao glanced at Shi Zhixuan and said with some surprise: "I am Li Xiao!"

"Boy, you actually possess both demonic and Buddhist powers, and combine them into one!"

"Your talent is pretty good, but it's a pity that your soul has been severely damaged!"

"I [Zhu Xian Legion] need talents like you. As long as you surrender to me, I will heal your injuries!"

Shi Zhixuan said coldly: "Who are you [Zhu Xian Legion]? I have never heard of you, and you want me to surrender to you!"

Shi Zhixuan is the evil king and has been proud all his life. How could he surrender to others?

Li Xiao was not angry, and smiled: "Haha, if you ask me what the [Zhu Xian Legion] is, I will tell you now!"

Speaking of this, Li Xiao looked proud: "Boy, listen carefully, I [Zhu Xian Legion] is the first legion under Fang Yu Saint Emperor, and the lowest among them are Core Formation realm existences!"

"We [Zhu Xian Legion] dare to kill the immortals that others dare not kill, and we [Zhu Xian Legion] also dare to kill the gods that others dare not kill!"

"I will give you another chance now. If you surrender to me, I can let the woman behind you go!"

After a pause, he added: "Of course, you can resist, but can you bear the consequences of resisting?"

After hearing Li Xiao's words, Shi Zhixuan's expression turned gloomy.

He is the Evil King, and he has never been threatened like this before.

He wanted to take action.

But when he thought of his daughter, he endured it.

Shi Zhixuan couldn't see through Li Xiao, but he could sense that Li Xiao was very dangerous.

He is not afraid of death.

But he was worried that his daughter would be buried with him.

(End of chapter)

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