Chapter 17 Meeting Wang Teng by chance

After receiving the information from the Demon Soldier Tower, Fang Yu instantly lost interest.

Although the Magic Soldier Tower will become more powerful after being strengthened by Primordial Tree.

But once he changes his profession to become a Demon Soldier, he will become as bloodthirsty, cruel, and ruthless as Demon Race.

Although Fang Yu does not think that he is a good person, he also has his own bottom line. He cannot do such a thing as letting the subordinates who follow him change their jobs into bloodthirsty demon soldiers for the sake of strength.

Of course, if they were from a different race, he wouldn't mind turning them into demon soldiers and controlling demons with demons.

Anyway, after changing his profession to become a demon soldier, he will be under his control, and he is not afraid that the demon soldier will bite him back.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu did not destroy the magic tower, but put it into the inventory.

When the captives are captured by the alien race in the future, they will use the alien race to create a magic army and let them kill the alien race.

After putting away the magic weapon tower, Fang Yu transferred all the Grotto-Heaven sacred stones and Grotto-Heaven Divine Seed in the space ring to his own Grotto-Heaven.

As for the space ring, he planned to reward it to Dian Wei.

Although the space ring was very valuable, Fang Yu felt a little uncomfortable when he thought of the Demon Race leader using it to hold human corpses.

He bent down to pick up the body of Demon Race leader and walked towards Dian Wei.

He was carrying the body of the Demon Race leader, intending to burn it.

It’s not that Fang Yu was kind enough to give the leader of Demon Race a “warm” cremation package for free.

But they know that Demon Race cultivates demonic energy, which is very corrosive and corrosive. If it is not burned and accidentally eaten by wild beasts, the beast will be corroded by the demonic energy and turn into a bloodthirsty and cruel monster.

If ordinary humans are corrupted by demonic energy, they will also become Demon Race.

Arriving at Dian Wei's side, Fang Yu threw the Demon Race leader's corpse toward the corpses of other demon soldiers, took out the human corpses from the space ring and piled them with the Demon Race corpses, and then counted the trophies Dian Wei had gathered together.

Thirty-nine black swords and 2,250 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones.

“I don’t know when we will be able to collect the Grotto-Heaven sacred stones needed to upgrade Second Grade Grotto-Heaven?”

After collecting all the loot into Grotto-Heaven, Fang Yu felt a little melancholy.

Although his Grotto-Heaven is powerful, it requires a lot of Grotto-Heaven sacred stones to upgrade.

In the two battles, he obtained a total of nearly 5,000 Grotto-Heaven sacred stones, but the 100,000 needed for upgrade was still a drop in the bucket.

Shaking away the distracting thoughts in his heart, Fang Yu looked at Dian Wei and said with a smile: "Dian Wei, this is a space ring, which contains space. I reward you with it. You can use it if you shed your blood to recognize its owner."

After saying that, he handed the space ring to Dian Wei.

Dian Wei has no spiritual power. If he wants to use the space ring, he must shed his blood to recognize its owner.

The space ring will become ownerless only after its owner dies. Otherwise, others cannot open it unless they use violence to erase the mark left by the previous owner.

"Lord, such a precious treasure..." Dian Wei was shocked and quickly refused.

"Take it, I don't need it!" Fang Yu interrupted Dian Wei directly.

"Thank you, Lord, for the reward!"

Dian Wei didn't delay any further. He clasped his fists in thanks and then reached out to receive it. He was very touched. He didn't expect that his lord even rewarded him with the legendary Law Treasure of the Immortal Family.

"Dian Wei, here are gasoline and lighters. Pour the gasoline on the corpses and burn them all, lest humans and animals accidentally eat their flesh and become monsters."

Fang Yu took out a barrel of engine oil and a lighter from the Grotto-Heaven and handed them to Dian Wei, and showed Dian Wei how to use the lighter.

Speaking of gasoline, we have to say that Great Xia Dynasty is really very humane. Even the methods of dealing with alien corpses are compiled into texts and taught to students.

If it were another country, this knowledge would not be taught at all, for example, the Japanese country would not.

It is said that in other countries, most of the Grotto-Heaven masters killed foreigners, and after collecting the trophies, they patted their butts and left directly.

As for the Grotto-Heaven Master of Great Xia Dynasty, after collecting the loot, he will also receive a free alien cremation package.

Of course, the Great Xia Dynasty also has Grotto-Heaven masters who don't deal with alien corpses, and there are quite a few of them.

After all, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

Seeing Dian Wei pouring gasoline, Fang Yu ignored him and walked straight towards Cai Yong and his daughter.

The two of them had gathered the bodies of more than a dozen servants together.

"Mr. Cai, I suggest burning these corpses on the spot because they have been eaten by Demon Race. If they are not burned, they will become Demon Race if they are accidentally eaten by animals or humans."

Fang Yu looked at the depressed Cai Yong and said.

"...Then just follow what the lord said."

Cai Yong pondered for a moment and nodded slightly.

Those servants died fighting for their father and daughter. Originally, he wanted them to be buried in peace.

The hair and skin of the body are influenced by the parents. Even cutting off the hair is a great disrespect to the parents, let alone burning the corpse.

But after hearing what his lord said about the consequences, he also knew the seriousness of the matter.

Seeing Cai Yong's agreement, Fang Yu took out a barrel of engine oil from the Grotto-Heaven, poured it on more than a dozen corpses, and then lit it with a lighter.

"In troubled times, human life is like a piece of grass!"

Seeing Cai Yong and his daughter bowing to the burning corpse, Fang Yu felt something in her heart.

Although the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm came to Earth Star, and there are many alien races in Earth Star, the order of the Great Xia Dynasty has not collapsed, and the laws are even stricter than before the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm came.

If you move, you will be shot, and only the hard-headed people dare to touch the law.

After a while, Fang Yu and his party walked to the carriage.

"Mr. Cai, you are too old to travel and travel. You should enter my world."

Fang Yu turned to look at Cai Yong, waved his right hand, and the Grotto-Heaven gate appeared in front of him.

After Cai Yong warned his daughter, he stepped into the door of Grotto-Heaven.

"Dianwei, come and drive."

Fang Yu closed the Grotto-Heaven door and looked at Dian Wei.

"Here!" Dian Wei got on the horse and sat in Che Shi's seat.

"Miss Cai, could you please show Dian Wei the way?"

Fang Yu looked at Cai Yan and motioned for her to get on the carriage.

Cai Yan nodded and entered the carriage.

"Mr. Fang, the space inside the carriage is very spacious. can come in."

Seeing that Fang Yu did not enter the carriage, Cai Yan whispered. At the end of the sentence, his voice was so low that it was inaudible.

"Ms. Cai, I just need to sit in front of the car."

Looking at Cai Yan who bowed his head shyly, Fang Yu shook his head. This was the Three Kingdoms period, when women valued honor and integrity very important. A man and a woman alone were in the same carriage. He was worried that Cai Yan would think too much.

After hearing Fang Yu's words, Cai Yan felt relieved but also felt a little disappointed.

"Dianwei, let's go."

Fang Yu leaned against the frame and said to Dian Wei.


Dian Wei nodded, holding the horse rope with his right hand, and raised the whip with his left hand, whipping it on the back of the big red horse.


The red horse felt pain and started running.

More than half an hour later.


Dian Wei pulled the horse rope with his right hand and let out a long shout. The carriage stopped in front of a hill.

Fang Yu jumped off the carriage.

It was his first time to ride in a carriage, and it was bumpy for more than an hour. Even with his current level of cultivation, he still felt a little dizzy.

"Master Fang, the golden light I saw last night fell in the valley behind this mountain."

Cai Yan walked out of the carriage, pointed at the hill more than ten meters high in front of him, and said to Fang Yu.

"Ms. Cai, thank you for your guidance. Please enter my world now."

Fang Yu nodded and said with a smile. After that, he summoned the Grotto-Heaven Gate.

"Mr. Fang, please pay attention to your own safety."

After Cai Yan finished speaking, she stepped into the Lord of Grotto-Heaven, because she knew that she was just a burden to Fang Yu if she stayed.

After Cai Yan entered, Fang Yu closed the Grotto-Heaven gate and invited Dian Wei to go up the mountain with him.

Soon, Fang Yu and Dian Wei climbed over the hill and came to a small valley of about ten acres.

The valley is overgrown with weeds and deserted.

"Da da da……"

Just as Fang Yu was about to search for the golden light Cai Yan was talking about, he suddenly heard a roar.

"Who's coming?"

"'Teng', could it be Wang Teng's Shaobao?"

Fang Yu frowned, looked up, and saw a helicopter flying towards him in the sky less than a hundred meters away from the ground.

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw the huge red word 'Teng' on the fuselage.

"Whether it's him or not, I hope someone comes to understand. Otherwise, I don't mind snatching the helicopter."

Fang Yu murmured softly.

Although the laws of the Great Xia Dynasty are very strict, they cannot control the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

Some people dare not kill people in Great Xia, but after entering the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, they specifically attack other Grotto-Heaven Lords and rob other Grotto-Heaven Lords of their treasures.

No matter who comes, Fang Yu will not be afraid.

Because with his current level of cultivation, as long as he doesn't meet masters above the Qi Condensation Realm, he won't be afraid.

Not to mention that Great Xia Dynasty does not have experts above the Qi Condensation Realm. Even if they did, they would not enter the one-star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm to hunt for treasure.

Moreover, even if they want to enter, they can't because the Grotto-Heaven Office has very strict control over the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, and people from the Qi Condensation Realm and above are not allowed to enter the one-star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

It is said that the reason for this rule is that more than ten years ago, a Qi Condensation Realm master entered the one-star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm to hunt down the peerless genius of the hostile forces.

That peerless genius survived with the life-saving measures provided by his family elders. After that incident, the senior management of Great Xia Dynasty did not allow masters of Qi Condensation Realm and above to enter the one-star Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm.

A few minutes later, the helicopter stopped steadily in the middle of the valley.

The cabin opened instantly, and then eleven teenagers and five girls jumped out of the helicopter one after another.

The young man who got off the co-pilot was Wang Teng who had threatened Fang Yu.

"Looks like it can't be any better!"

Seeing Wang Teng, Fang Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Wang Teng looked at Fang Yu and said with a half-smile: "Boy, do you still remember what I said to you before entering the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm? You'd better pray that you don't meet me. I didn't expect us to be so fast." We just met, it seems like your luck is not good!"

Second update, please recommend and collect!

(End of chapter)

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