Chapter 10 Stay away from her

Although he had guessed that the Primordial Tree leaves could bring his power to the extreme, Fang Yu was a little surprised when he saw that his power had surpassed the extreme.

After all, Super Brain [Nu Wa] said that the ultimate physical strength can only reach one hundred thousand kilograms.

"It's only half a month until I enter the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm. Let's switch to the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" first. Fortunately, I haven't broken through to the Qi Gathering Realm yet, otherwise switching to the cultivation method will be a troublesome thing!"

Thinking of this, Fang Yu escaped into Grotto-Heaven again.

The first realm of cultivation is the Body Tempering Realm, and the Body Tempering Realm is the stage in which the foundation is laid.

Only Qi Gathering Realm can cultivate "spiritual power". Different exercises will naturally produce different spiritual power attributes.

Therefore, once you reach the Qi Gathering Realm and switch to martial arts, you must consider the conflicting "spiritual power" attributes.

Fang Yu sat cross-legged under the Primordial Tree, took out "Extreme Profundities Sutra" and flipped through it.

"Zhao Keman and Hu Ying, Wu Gou Shuang and Xue Ming.

The silver saddle shines on the white horse, rustling like a shooting star.

Kill one person in ten steps and leave no trace in a thousand miles.


Who can write to Your Excellency, Baishou Extreme Profundities Sutra. "

The general outline of "Extreme Profundities Sutra" is "Xia Ke Xing" by the poet Li Taibai.

There are a total of twenty-four pictures in the entire secret book.

The first twenty-three pictures correspond to the previous twenty-three lines of poetry, one line of poetry and one picture. There are many annotations below.

The last picture is a "tadpole essay". Fang Yu knows that it is not a "tadpole essay", but the "Acupoint Map" of "Extreme Profundities Sutra", which is the route of practice.

His eyes looked at the "Tadpole Article", and every time he read a tadpole article, a certain acupuncture point on his body would beat.

After cleansing the muscles and marrow of the Primordial Tree leaves, Fang Yu found that he could never forget anything. After he read all the "Tadpole Essays", he also memorized the practice route of "Extreme Profundities Sutra".


Fang Yu looked happy and immediately put the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" on his knees and prepared to modify the exercises.


At this moment, the Primordial Tree behind Fang Yu trembled slightly, and a purple divine light emitted, instantly covering him and "Extreme Profundities Sutra".

The "Extreme Profundities Sutra" secret book shattered directly and turned into many golden words rushing into Fang Yu's brain.

Fang Yu froze on the spot for a moment, and his consciousness was directly sucked into his brain.

The next moment, he "saw" many purple words pouring out of his brain, and then the golden words that entered his brain blended together.

After more than ten breaths, the golden text and purple text all disappeared, forming many new purple-gold text, and then dissipated in Fang Yu's mind.

The next moment, a huge amount of information was forcefully inserted into Fang Yu's brain, and then began to stir rapidly.

"I didn't expect Primordial Tree to help me merge the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" and "Purple Dawn True Scripture" into a more powerful practice!"

"This way I can fuse the techniques. In the future, I just need to find more techniques and let him help me integrate them. One day I will get the most awesome technique."

After digesting the information in his mind, Fang Yu looked ecstatic.

He didn't expect that Primordial Tree had the ability to fuse techniques!

Primordial Tree helped him integrate the "Extreme Profundities Sutra" and "Purple Dawn True Scripture" to complement each other's strengths and form a more powerful practice.

This exercise has not yet been named, it is a dual cultivation exercise of both body and law.

The dual cultivation of law and body here can also be called the dual cultivation of Primordial Spirit and physical body.

"Since this technique was integrated by Primordial Tree for me, and more techniques will be integrated in the future, then this technique should be called... "Hongmeng Ten Thousand Dao Sutra"!"

After pondering for a moment, Fang Yu murmured softly.

It is worth mentioning that he not only received the "Hongmeng Ten Thousand Ways Scripture", but also a set of "Extreme Profundities Boxing Techniques", a set of Qinggong "Extreme Profundities Steps" and a set of also unnamed sword techniques.

The unnamed sword technique is a fusion of the "Extreme Profundities Sword Technique" and the "Flower Mountain Sword Technique" in the "Extreme Profundities Sutra", and is just one style.

And that sword technique is the sword drawing technique.

After thinking about it, Fang Yu named that sword technique "Heaven Uprooting Sword Technique".

After Fang Yu adjusted his condition to the best, he immediately started practicing with unfamiliar marks on his hands.

As soon as the mark fell, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth with a radius of a kilometer swarmed toward him, instantly forming a colorless funnel-shaped vortex above his head, and then poured back toward his head.

As soon as the spiritual energy of heaven and earth enters the body, it begins to flow along the path of the "Hongmeng Ten Thousand Ways Sutra".

After running for a week, it turns into pure energy and is evenly divided into two parts.

A portion poured into Fang Yu's dantian, turning into purple-gold spiritual power and stored in his dantian.

A portion poured into his limbs and bones, strengthening his physical body.

Time passes quietly like sand between fingers.

Fourteen days passed in the blink of an eye.

During these fourteen days, Fang Yu spent most of his time practicing under the Primordial Tree in Grotto-Heaven.

The Grotto-Heaven attribute he named [Hongmeng Immortal Domain] has a cultivation speed of +500%, and [Primordial Dao Palace] also has a cultivation speed of +500%.

The double superposition of Grotto-Heaven and Dao Palace, coupled with his heaven-defying qualifications and life spirit liquid, in just fourteen days, Fang Yu's cultivation soared from Body Tempering Ninth Layer to Qi Gathering Realm Eighth Layer, catching up with him. Those talented disciples from big families.

This rocket-like speed of cultivation makes Fang Yu unable to stop and addicted to it.

In fourteen days, Fang Yu achieved far more results than in the previous fourteen years. In addition to qualifications, it can be said that the importance of the three elements of [Dharma, Finance, and Land] to cultivation is vividly demonstrated!

Not only that, during these fourteen days, Fang Yu also practiced the "Extreme Profundities Boxing", "Heaven Uprooting Sword Technique" and "Extreme Profundities Steps" to the realm of Great Accomplishment.

The reason why it is so fast is naturally because [Primordial Dao Palace]'s comprehension increase is related to his qualifications.

In the blink of an eye, the date agreed with Tang Xiyue came.

When it was first dawn, Fang Yu got up. After washing up, Fang Yu changed into a set of clean and tidy clothes and left the house.

The morning glow is brilliant, and the sun shines like broken gold, bathing your body in warmth.

Fang Yu did not take a taxi and walked towards the appointment with Tang Xiyue.

Riverside City is a large city with a population of several million.

After the Great Change of Heaven and Earth, although everyone can open up Grotto-Heaven, everyone can enter the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm to hunt for treasure.

However, people's lives have not changed much from before the great change. Those who should go to work still go to work, and those who should work still work...

The most obvious difference is that after the great changes in the world, cultivation has become an indispensable part of people's lives.

Half an hour later, Fang Yu arrived at the place agreed with Tang Xiyue.

It was a huge square.

At this time, there were hundreds of people in the square.

Fang Yu saw Tang Xiyue from a distance, and there were several people around her.

“I wonder what it’s like in the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm?”

Fang Yu walked towards Tang Xiyue with curiosity in her heart.

The liberal arts teacher gave information about the Grotto-Heaven secret book.

There are countless Grotto-Heaven Spirit Treasures in the Grotto-Heaven Secret Realm, including Demon Race, Feather Race, Zerg Race, Ferocious Beasts, etc.

But he didn't see it with his own eyes, so he was naturally curious.

Tang Xiyue also spotted Fang Yu and walked towards him quickly.

"Tsk tsk, Xiao Yu'er, I haven't seen you for more than ten days. You seem like a completely different person. I almost don't recognize you. It seems that you have gained a lot in these ten days!"

Tang Xiyue came to Fang Yu. After looking up and down with her beautiful eyes, a look of shock flashed in her eyes, and then she punched him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Tang Xiyue was very shocked, knowing that fifteen days ago, Fang Yu was only Body Tempering Sixth Layer, and now he has reached Qi Gathering Realm Eighth Layer.

Such a terrifying cultivation speed is simply unheard of.

"I'm just lucky, but I can't compare to you, Miss Tang."

Fang Yuxing looked at Tang Xiyue, who was a head shorter than him, his eyes lit up and he said modestly.

Tang Xiyue is wearing a white dress today. Her face is fair and delicate, her red lips are glossy, and her figure is tall. She looks like a fairy in a painting.

The only regret is that I can see my toes when I lower my head.

He knew that Tang Xiyue was the Ninth Layer of the Qi Gathering Realm. The Qi Gathering Realm had given birth to spiritual power. The spiritual power could see inside and detect the cultivation level of people who were not higher than himself.

Just now, Fang Yu felt a spiritual force exploring him.

Therefore, Fang Yu is not surprised that Tang Xiyue knows his own strength.

"Is this really luck?" Tang Xiyue rolled her eyes at Fang Yu. She did not believe the young man's words. She looked at the handsome young man in front of her with brilliant eyes.

Moreover, she was extremely familiar with the boy and found that he had something more than usual, which was...confidence!

This kind of confidence from the inside out was something she had never seen before!

Although he didn't know what adventure Fang Yu got, Tang Xiyue was really happy for him.

"You are brother Fang Yu, right? I often hear Sister Yue mention you!" At this moment, a handsome young man wearing expensive clothes came over and smiled at Fang Yu.

"Let me meet you, my name is Xiao Yan." After saying that, the young man stretched out his right hand.

"Fang Yu."

Fang Yu also politely extended his right hand and shook the boy's hand, but felt a little confused.

Xiao Yan?

I wonder what your expression will be when you meet Yan Emperor Xiao Yan in the future?

"You must be Fang Yu. Stay away from my fiancée from now on. My fiancée is not something someone like you can get in touch with."

At this moment, another richly dressed young man came over and said lightly to Fang Yu.

Although the young man's voice was weak, it was full of undeniability.

Fang Yu frowned and looked at the young man. He was about seventeen years old, tall and handsome, with a face full of arrogance. He looked at him with contempt and disdain.

This feeling of superiority made Fang Yu a little uncomfortable.

"Wang Teng, who is your fiancée? Who else asked you to talk to my friend like this?"

Tang Xiyue's face turned cold, she looked at the young man and said coldly.

"Xiyue." Wang Teng's eyes flashed with a cold light, he looked at Tang Xiyue and said with a smile.

"Wang Teng, please call me Tang Xiyue or classmate Tang, we are not that familiar." Tang Xiyue interrupted.

"Classmate Tang."

A hint of coldness flashed through Wang Teng's eyes again, but the smile on his face did not dissipate.

After saying that, he looked at Fang Yu with warning in his eyes, "Boy, remember what I just said, stay away from her!"

Before Tang Xiyue could get angry, Wang Teng turned around and left.

First update, the morning bird catches the worm!

Please recommend and collect!

(End of chapter)

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