Grey Wheel Dancer of the Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 281: Lisbeth's performance on the commander

Letting them fall to the ground and roll slowly forward, seeing them clearly injured but persevering in support, so that Xingchan who hurt them feels a little bit distressed.

(I'm sorry~ I'm sorry...)

However, in order to prevent them from threatening other people's lives, she made up a few more arrows to deprive them of their ability to move, so that they couldn't move forward in pain.


‘Boom~Boom, Da~Da’


And there are also a few sparse ones that have advanced to Silica and the others, but Lisbeth, who came forward, did not have a trace of fear, facing each of these canines, using a one-handed stick directly to them. A large-scale sweep came, breaking his limbs directly into fractures, and then following the recoil force to make them fly upside down.

And she also hoped that they could escape Silica and the others obediently, or they would kill them ruthlessly.

"Cuckoo~Cuckoo~Cuckoo!!! x2"


But in this situation where almost all of them were repelled, and the recovery team was allowed to drag the wounded to retreat, suddenly two similar species that were two laps larger than these canines appeared from a distance. It's just this attacking Silica and the others, probably the leader of dozens of animal races, right?

Their fierce look and roaring appearance with open blood basins and mouths aroused Silica's highest vigilance for a while, because these guys almost evaded or even blocked Silica's with the scarce fur. The arrows, and the few crossbow arrows that Xingji shot out, it is obvious that their fur has a certain degree of strong toughness and defensive effect.

(No! Silica and the others will be in danger like this!)

Lisbeth, who was aware of the problem, suddenly flashed beside the two and prepared to entangle two canines.

"Goo~ Lu"

(Finally, the names sometimes show that these species have become very harsh, such as the giant python that we encountered yesterday without attacking, and the strange fish that did not appear even though they were killed!'Wild Dog King' and'Wild Dogs' The princess? And it's really been a long time since I saw such a long blood bar!)

After all, the recent other world always feels a bit of yin and yang. If you start with them, you only need to attack or lock and other simple operations, you may see the other party’s name and health bar, but now that there is an abnormal change, these things have At some point, certain conditions must be met before it can appear.

As a result, sometimes players and locals can only rely on the first impression, five senses to get information and give a more appropriate code name, to get a unified name.

And now that the Wild Dog King and the Wild Dog Princess met the conditions in this way, only then did Silica and the others see the name taboo and each of them had two health bars, which belonged to the existence of tiny elites!

(What to do? It looks like they might be difficult to deal with!)

(It's true that the fur is particularly unfriendly to the long-range weapons of Xingjiang and I. It is very likely that we will switch to close combat! At that time, Lisbeit-chan will command you! After all, you are better at melee combat than we are. Essentials! And Brother Yun also said that you must master this technique!)

(Agree! I have only learned the spear system and it should be able to suppress the opponent! What kind of melee weapon is Silica sauce? I haven't seen it yet!)

(Attention! They are here! I will block their charge first, and then attract their targets, but Silica-chan and Xing-chan note that they are likely to still be facing you!)

(Understand x2)

After seeing these two elite wild dogs, Lisbeth had a brief private chat with Silica and the others, and when she saw that the opponent was already close to her defense and attack range, she took the initiative to greet them.

‘Bang~哐, 嘡~嘡~嘡, dang~dang~dang’

I saw a large number of sparks following the opponent's teeth, rubbing Lisbeth's one-handed stick and shield, and it was just a moment for them to stick to each other.

(Actually mine is a dagger! But Wei Wei has learned some of these skills!)

(Eh~Eh? The dagger...could it be!!! x2)


And when Silica successfully cut off the opponent's attack in Lisbeth, she said lightly about her weapon type, and then disappeared suddenly.

(Assassination department! x2)

Based on the fact that this weapon and Silica's body skills accelerated to disappear, Xing and Lisbeth were suddenly surprised and thought of the possibility of being familiar with the sword skill series.

"DaDa~DaDa~DaDa, 嗞~嗞, 哐Da, 嗞La~La la"

Just when Lisbeth and Lisbeth came to this conclusion, the two wild dogs on either side of Lizbeth, one on the left and one on the right, just use this time to change the forward angle anytime and anywhere, and the weird twisted running way is vigilant. Lisbeth attacked, but something strange was that they didn't want wolves and dogs to attack with claws, which made Lisbeth and the others care about it all the time.

(Is there only charge and bite? It always feels a bit different from ordinary canines! Is it possible... They are actually...)

And every time the sharp fangs bombarded the shield's power, it gradually strengthened as if they were being attacked by Lisbeth, prompting them to be the best at biting attacks, making them slightly guessed.

(Silica-chan! If you can hide your breath! Can you confirm one thing for me?)

(What's the matter? Lisbet sauce? As long as I can do it! I can help you!)

(Then you...)

Since Silica disappeared from the sight of everyone and the Lisbet and Xing confirmed that Silica was indeed an assassination system, she obtained it based on the two wild dogs that she is now entangled. Some of his intelligence assumptions were told to Silica in a very simple manner, asking her to help her confirm the authenticity as promised.

(Fortunately, the sauce will not participate in the war temporarily! After the results of Silica-chan's investigation come out! I am giving you detailed instructions for fighting with Silica-chan!)

After receiving this non-stop physical impact, increasing the power and penetration of the biting attack time and time again, Lisbeth watched their combat habits and combat habits at close range after being attacked by the "Wild Dog King" and "Wild Dog Princess". Way, while secretly directing to Silica and the others.

Although she is still a little uncomfortable with this kind of on-site commander tower-like, multi-tasking fighting style, but because of what Yun said to her before, and seeing the commander experience that Xing and Silica have gradually developed, she From it, he gradually developed a prototype of his own commanding ability...

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