The countenance of Qingfu County changed, and even Cheng Yuanxian was unhappy: Only the second room? How is it possible!

Cheng Yuanxian doesn't care that he is a scumbag in his life, and he can't go up or down, but he absolutely cannot accept that the second room is better than himself. Qing Fu was even more so. She felt uncomfortable just thinking of Nguyen's future success.

Of course. Cheng Yujin smiled and said slowly, Who asked the second sister to be engaged? I don't want to say far, just say that the grandfather will give the second uncle and the second aunt one for the sake of the second sister's marriage. It’s not a small amount of money. I heard from the maid in my grandmother’s courtyard before that my grandmother planned to give all my dowry to my second sister. At that time, my grandmother will subsidize a sum of money from the public, plus what my mother once prepared for me, and then The grandfather secretly gave it a sum, didn't the second sister help the parents and brothers to earn a large sum of money back?

The Qingfu County Lord stood up with a squeak, his face ashen. Cheng Yuanxian also scolded secretly, why didn't he think of this before! Seeing that Old Marquis Cheng died soon, if the second house secretly ran to Old Marquis Cheng to sell the pity by saying that he wanted his daughter to marry, how much money could he get out of Old Marquis!

Cheng Yuanxian couldn't even sit still when he thought of this. Qing Fu was also very angry, and turned around in circles on the ground: Damn, this is obviously the marriage of the eldest girl, and now they have taken all the benefits. The eldest girl can't talk about others for a while, what can I do!

Confused! Cheng Yuanxian scolded, The elders are orderly, the elder sister is not married, what is the reason for the younger sister to go out early? If the eldest girl has not booked a day, the second room will have to wait for me! Besides, even if the eldest girl does not say good husband's family, The dowry can also be prepared in advance. While Dad is still here, let him add makeup to his granddaughter and be happy, maybe his illness will be cured.

The more Cheng Yuanxian said, the more he felt that his idea was reasonable, Qingfu was immediately persuaded, and praised repeatedly: What the uncle said is true. And the mother is also confused, it is whoever belongs, how can she be dismissed because of the eldest girl? , and gave the dowry that originally belonged to her to others. I think this is the couple in the second room who said in front of their mother, and tricked the mother into doing what they wanted. As children, we can't say the fault of the elders, but this family is the father who said it after all. Forget it, why don't you go talk to your father about this, uncle?

Cheng Yuanxian complied, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that time was waiting for no one, so he flung his robe and walked out. Qing Fu was not prepared for Cheng Yuanxian to go so fast, she chased after her and shouted twice, leaning on the door frame, anxiously not knowing what to do.

Cheng Yujin smiled and called the Lord of Qingfu County, stretched out her hand and took out an embroidered bag: Mother, father is in a hurry and forgot to take his purse. Go and give it to father.

It was as if someone brought a pillow when he was dozing off, and Qing Fuzheng didn't know how to chase him out. She asked the maid to take the purse, and she looked a little hesitant, but Cheng Yujin said what she said to her: Don't worry, mother, I will take good care of Enbao. On the contrary, my father has no pocket money, I am afraid it is not right. You go and give it Father, bring something!

Princess Qingfu's face looked better again. She followed Cheng Yujin's steps and said, You look at your brother, I'll go see your uncle.


Qingfu finally got his wish and went out, and went to the house of Old Marquis Cheng to ask for the family property together. After the others left, Cheng Yujin suddenly became the only master in the house, and the maid of Qingfu County Master saw Cheng Yujin and was very respectful.

Cheng Yujin arranged things for them, and sat in the room to watch the tricks. Seeing that there was no one left or right, Forsythia lowered her voice and asked, Girl, don't you have to go to the front and stare?

No. Cheng Yujin said calmly, How can I do such an ugly thing as asking an old, sick elder for money? Don't worry, the excuse for me to prepare a dowry is easy and convenient, and they will do it for me. Get enough property.

Forsythia admired her to the ground: The girl is divine.

Where does it matter? Just their brains. I know them too well. Cheng Yujin took a sip of tea leisurely, enjoying the dense tea fragrance, and nodded deliciously. The sun is so warm that Cheng Yujin stays at home, just needs to quietly watch others noisy and noisy, and then he can sit back and enjoy the success and have a huge dowry.

Quarrel is such a laborious and hideous thing, why do you have to do it yourself.

Chapter 28 Brother

Cheng Yujin was sitting in the middle of the tree, drinking tea and looking at the new patterns this summer just sent by Xiu Zhuang. After a while, a plump woman in a dark green short jacket came in and kept looking inside. Cheng Yujin saw it and said, Is she the nurse of the third young master? Come in.

The nanny walked to the top of the room with a smirk, and saluted Cheng Yujin: The slave maid greets the eldest lady, Miss Jin An. The eldest lady looks so pretty today. The same gold-painted clothes on a white background make you look better than others.

Cheng Yujin was too lazy to pay attention to this kind of superficial flattery. She closed the booklet and glanced at the nurse: What's the matter?

The nanny laughed even more embarrassedly: It was the third young master who woke up and refused to get up, so the slave servant came to ask the eldest wife for advice.

It's been a while, and he still refuses to get up. Cheng Yujin smiled lightly and asked, Why doesn't he want to get up?

Yesterday, the third young master saw that the prince of Cai Guogong's mansion was leading a very majestic and small dog. It was dark and dark, and there was no stray hair. The young master liked it and wanted to have one. I was thinking about it yesterday, and I still miss it today. …”

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