In return, the Xue family case, which had been backlogged for many years, was settled. Xiao Xue learned on the sickbed that the adopted son's high school, her parents' family was rehabilitated, and she passed away with a smile.

In recent years, conflicts between the DPRK and China have become more and more frequent, and since Mr. Cheng was seriously ill, Cheng Yuanjing wrote a letter requesting to return to Beijing. The emperor saw it, and of course allowed it.

Cheng Yujin said earlier that Huo Chang Yuan had entrusted the crown prince's blessing, which was true. Cheng Yuanjing was grateful to the Xiao Xue family, and the emperor ordered the Xue family case to be re-trialed for the sake of the Xiao Xue family saving Cheng Yuanjing's life. After the Xue family's case was rehabilitated, the Huo Xue family smelled the movement and tried to have someone re-submit the book to make the prince a marquis. The emperor also asked Huo Changyuan at the banquet to solve the problem for them. about the title.

Cheng Laohou has enjoyed everything in his life, and he was able to protect the prince before he was old, and he had no regrets in death. The two things he couldn't let go, one was the Cheng family, and the other was the prince. When the prince is there, he will always take care of the Cheng family. The Cheng family does not ask for glory, and their children and grandchildren will always be wealthy and healthy for the rest of their lives. Old Marquis Cheng has no doubts about this. What he really can't feel at ease is Cheng Yuanjing's business.

Old Marquis Cheng said: Xue Lan is dead, and it will not be long before I know the truth. Now there are only your Majesty and His Royal Highness. The Yang family is powerful. That girl also gave birth to the second prince. Your Highness, you need to think about yourself. If all the insiders die, once His Majesty is shaken, no one will be able to prove your identity!

Old Marquis Cheng said these words to remind Cheng Yuanjing of the danger of punishing the nine clans. These words alone are enough to seize the Cheng family and seize the house. Old Marquis Cheng stared at Cheng Yuanjing earnestly. He knew that this would be alienating, but he took the risk and said it. Old Marquis Cheng was really doing his best for Cheng Yuanjing at this moment.

Cheng Yuanjing didn't answer, his eyes seemed to drift away, and he quickly regained his calm. Cheng Yuanjing looked at Old Marquis Cheng's eyes, and after a long time, he said, Don't worry, Marquis, I understand your concerns. I know in my heart. As long as I am here one day in the future, I will not let the Cheng family be implicated.

But that's all.

Old Marquis Cheng was relieved, he knew that His Royal Highness, whom he had placed high hopes on, was not blinded by family affection, and that the descendants of the Cheng family could also enjoy wealth and honor. Cheng Laohou has done his best to achieve this. If the descendants can't keep it like this, then the Cheng family's anger is exhausted, and when they meet their ancestors in the future, Cheng Laohou can also calm down.

Old Marquis Cheng smiled and closed his eyes. He was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes. Cheng Yuanjing watched for a while, and when he saw that Old Marquis Cheng had fallen asleep, he stood up slowly.

Old Marquis Cheng's room was dimly lit, and the medicine was heavy. He walked in the room without any footsteps. Cheng Yujin was forced to hear a secret story about the palace, and now she doesn't even dare to breathe. She saw Cheng Yuanjing stand up from the gap, clenching his hands even tighter, using all his strength to hold his breath.

Cheng Yuanjing looked like he was going to go out. He walked past the mahogany closet and stopped for a while for no reason. Cheng Yujin was so nervous that her heart jumped out, she almost thought she had been discovered, but Cheng Yuanjing walked over as if nothing had happened.

Cheng Yujin breathed a sigh of relief, she moved her body slightly, and after being tense for so long, her legs were numb.

However, Cheng Yujin had just put her legs away when she suddenly heard someone say, Aren't you coming out yet?

Chapter 25 Your Highness

Cheng Yujin was shocked, and her pupils suddenly enlarged. Cheng Yuanjing What does this mean? Did he find her?

Did he want to kill someone?

Cheng Yujin quietly took a deep breath, trying to calm her mind. She hid in the closet long before Cheng Yuanjing came in. This closet was surrounded by thick red wood planks with gauze on it. The outside world couldn't see the scene inside. It was specially reserved for storage. Cheng Yujin was confident that she hadn't left anything outside. Logically, Cheng Yuanjing should not have found out that she was.

Could it be that the superiors are suspicious, he is testing?

In the blink of an eye, Cheng Yujin had already turned around a lot of thoughts, but she didn't say a word, she planned to stay still and watch the follow-up. If it was said that she was still afraid of her ninth uncle, now, it is pure fear. Cheng Yujin didn't want to know at all why he hid in Cheng's house, what he and Old Marquis Cheng reached in private, she only knew that she was just an ordinary girl who was going to get married soon, she must not be involved in these whirlpools inside.

Anyway, she pretended not to know, and she didn't admit it.

Cheng Yujin hid inside, holding her breath, listening nervously to the outside world. It was quiet outside for a long time, as if Cheng Yuanjing was really cheating. Cheng Yujin waited patiently, heard him sigh, and said casually, People are already coming outside. If you don't come out, you really won't be able to leave.

Cheng Yuanjing fiddled with the incense in the corner of the room, and the room was silent, as if everything was his hallucination. After a while, the closet creaked softly.

Cheng Yuanjing shook his head and smiled, not even bothering to turn his head back. The man behind him seemed to be very hesitant. After dawdling for a long time, he slowly moved to the door: Ninth Uncle.

After Cheng Yujin finished shouting, she gritted her teeth, lowered her head and said, Ninth Uncle, I just helped my grandfather, but I fell asleep accidentally, but I didn't find the ninth uncle coming in. What a negligence, please forgive me for the ninth uncle.

Cheng Yuanjing smiled lightly, he turned his head and glanced at Cheng Yujin, Cheng Yujin stood beside the mahogany door with drooping eyes, staring at the ground quietly.

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