Green Tea Tipping Guide

Vol 2 Chapter 52: Teacher she likes excellent 7

"What password do you want to use is your freedom, it has nothing to do with me." Mu Yang turned her head uncomfortably, avoiding Nan Feng's eyes. She did not dare to look at Nan Feng, she did not dare to look at Nan Feng at this moment. Look in the eyes.

"But Teacher Mu, Sister Mu, if you don't ask, how can I tell you that I like you?" Nan Feng tilted his head, just to stare at Mu Yang.

There was panic and confusion in Mu Yang's eyes. There is another kind of emotion, Nan Feng can't really see it.

"Don't say too much about your joke." Mu Yang took a deep breath, looked at Nan Feng's eyes, and said seriously: "If you just want to find someone to make a joke, then I'm sorry, you found the wrong person. I'm not the one who can play such jokes with you."

"Mu Yang, I'm serious." Nan Feng took her hand and said every word: "Isn't what I have done obvious enough for so many years? Are you acting stupid or I am not clear enough?"

Mu Yang looked at her eyes, those clear, gentle eyes. Once Mu Yang felt that Nan Feng's eyes were full of galaxies, but now it seems that Nan Feng's eyes are all of him.

"Since I saw you for the first time, I have liked you." Nan Feng knew that she couldn't lie to Mu Yang's eyes. She looked at her. They spent many worlds together. At this moment, it is like looking at each other in the past.

"You look at me smiling and care about me." Nan Feng squeezed her hand: "Looking at your every word, with a frowning smile, my heart clamored wildly: it's her, it's her, she is what you lost rib cage!"

"Mu Yang, after so many years, don't you want to know why I want to come back here?" Nan Feng's voice began to choke, and at the same time, Mu Yang's eyes gradually turned red.

"At that time, you said, as long as you look at me well, even if I walk far away, you will be satisfied." Nan Feng sniffed, with a bit of sadness in his voice: "But now, I'm back. Now, back to you, why can't you turn your head and look at me?"

"Mu Yang, as long as you are willing to turn your head, as long as you are willing to look into my eyes, you will know my feelings for you."

"I know you are afraid, and I know that you are worried about hurting me." As he spoke, Nan Feng's tears also fell: "But now everything is different."

Mu Yang's body was trembling, her hands were shaking uncontrollably, and her voice was trembling: "Nan Feng, what you said--"

"I have bet on everything I have." Nan Feng smiled bitterly: "So, Mu Yang, can you pronounce a sentence today?"

"Even if your answers are all no."[1]

Mu Yang raised his hand and wiped Nan Feng's face with his fingertips. She looked at Nan Feng and suddenly remembered the first time she saw her. At that time, Nan Feng was still a little girl, training in the playground at noon for the Games. Mu Yang didn't even dare to think about what would happen to this child if he didn't pass there.

Later, seeing her reaction and seeing her appearance, Mu Yang suddenly felt a move in her heart——

Such a familiar feeling seems to have known each other for a long time. She looked at Nan Feng's face and suddenly thought, is this a gift from heaven to herself? God deprived him of everything, and then gave himself such a person.

Is it own-salvation?

Mu Yang was full of joy. She watched Nan Feng grow up, from a "little Taimei" to the province's college entrance examination champion. Mu Yang felt happy, but what followed was a huge gap. Mu Yang thought, so be it, even if you are alone in this life, so be it.

Until a few days ago, Nan Feng appeared in her life again-she would laugh, jump, and act like a baby at herself. She is no longer her own fantasy, she is a real person who appears in her life.

"What you it true?" Mu Yang confirmed again and again. It feels like you have bought a lottery ticket for a long time, but you never expected to win the lottery, but you still buy it every day-perhaps this has become an obsession of you, an idea of ​​yours. But suddenly one day, someone tells you that you have won a big prize, and even such a big prize is unique and no one has ever owned it.

"If you want to be with me, then this is true." Nan Feng smiled bitterly, and then said: "But-if you don't want to be with me, I will still tell you that it is true. "

She blocked all her retreats. She was unwilling to just look at her lover like this.

Nan Feng looked at her, looking at her expectantly, like a believer who was sincerely waiting for God's sentence.

Mu Yang's tears burst out suddenly.

Her tears couldn't stop falling, and she thought while shedding tears, this world is not very good to herself, but it is also very kind.


Mu Yang nodded lightly, just like all the heads she had nodded before. She looked at Nan Feng and said, "Hello, my girlfriend."

Nan Feng and Mu Yang had something wrong recently-this was suddenly discovered by the squad leader of the 3rd and 4th class. The two met, and after a long discussion, they finally affirmed--

"Yes! They are definitely in love!"

"It's real, it's real! Mom, I knocked it down!"

"Hey, how do you feel it?" The third class leader poked the fourth class leader.

The squad leader of Class 4 rolled his eyes: "You think I'm stupid? These two people come to school together every morning, either Mu Yang is riding a bike with Nan Feng, or Nan Feng is driving with Mu Yang-you say, What is this not cohabitation? Can it still be a neighbor?"

(Nan Feng: We are really neighbors!)

The monitor of the third class deeply agreed: "Right! There are more! You see. The two of them eat together every day, I don’t know about breakfast, but they must have lunch together! And I have also met them eating dinner outside. !"

"Hey fucking?" The squad leader of Class 4 widened his eyes: "How did you get out? Nan Jie gave you a fake slip???"

"Hush hush hush! Be quiet!" The squad leader of Class 3 covered the squad leader of Class 4 and whispered: "Did you know when Nan Jie fired our class for a full week? She took it from under the stage at the time. Fake note!" The squad leader of the third class lowered his voice for a few minutes, and said again: "Then I went to observe and found that she didn't take the false note away!"

"Don't say anything!" The monitor of Class 4 patted her shoulder: "Blessed and shared!"

"You two, do you want to be in trouble together?" A familiar voice sounded gloomily behind the two of them, and their hairs stood upright. Looking back, Nan Feng was standing in the office with two or three cups of milk tea. Doorway.

The squad leader of Class 3 and 4 looked at each other: broken! This is Mu Yang's office!

--its not right! The two stared at the same time: How could Nan Feng have the key to Mu Yang's office?

Nan Feng lifted the milk tea in his hand, sighed, and said with regret: "Hey, your teacher Mu originally understood your hard work and asked me to buy a cup of milk tea for you two. Now it seems..." Nan Feng Shrugged: "You two don't need it anymore."

The monitor of the third class said with a bitter face: "Teacher, we were both wrong..."

The squad leader of the fourth class immediately lowered his head to admit his mistake: "Yes, teacher, you adults don't remember the villain, forgive us both!"

Nan Feng snorted and put down two cups of milk tea.

The squad leader of Class 4 said without fear of death: "Teacher Nan! Who is your cup of milk tea for?"

As soon as this statement came out, the class leader of the third class wanted to strangle him: This is not your class teacher, you are unstoppable, this is my class teacher! Do you still want to let me mix in front of her!

Nan Feng was taken aback, and immediately put the milk tea on Mu Yang's table: "This belongs to your teacher Mu. She is still in class, so I will put it here for her first."

The monitors of the two shifts nodded dumbly.

It was not until Nan Feng left that the two of them tasted something wrong.

"Fuck? Really together?!"

Nan Feng returned to his office and began to deal with the affairs of Zhou Zhou. She learned from System 666 that after Cheng Zhou was fired by herself today, she did not go home, but went directly to his bar. He worked as a security guard there.

Said it is a security guard, in fact, he is a big gangster, the kind who helps people watch the scene.

Nan Feng moved her neck and stared at the image projected by System 666 in a daze. If she wants to destroy a person-can it be-let him lose everything first?

All he is proud of, and complacent, all will be let him lose.

Nan Feng exhaled gently, smiling at the corners of her lips.

She looked at the phone book in her hand, clicked on one of the names, took out her mobile phone and dialed: "Hello, is this Cheng Zhou's father?"

"I'm Cheng Zhou's class teacher. It's like this. Your child was late for many times, dyed hair, skipped classes, missed exams, contradicted the teacher, and even put one of our old teachers into the hospital for the second time." Nan Feng's lips corner The smile gradually expanded: "So, after our deliberations, we will give your child a full week and be expelled."

"Expelled?" The father's voice on the other end of the phone was almost lost. It was screaming. He said eagerly: "My child is so obedient and honest, how can he—how can he do these things?"

Nan Feng thought that it was indeed your previous child, but when your child got the defect system 8557 and became the protagonist of the world, everything he wanted was at his fingertips, almost effortlessly.

"You can ask your family members." Nan Feng knew that Cheng Zhou lived with his stepmother, and under the will of the world, his stepmother had begun to vaguely favor him: "Look. Is the fact the same as I said."

After all, she hung up the phone.

The bell rang after class, and Mu Yang pushed open the door of her office. Looking at her lover sitting alone in the office, Mu Yang smiled slightly, kissed gently between her brows, and said softly, "What's the matter, baby?"


Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo well

I came back from the field~ Meme da~ I just got home and hurriedly wrote three thousand words, please make up tomorrow~

Oh, love everyone~

right! Recently I will take time to change the back of the first world, which is too far-fetched (I can't stand it anymore)

I will tell everyone if I change it, da~

At that time, I will give everyone a red envelope lucky draw~


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-08-1204: 16: 28 ~ 2020-08-13 23: 31: 48~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the grenade: 1 good pigeon;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles for knowing why; 3 bottles for Erbai and Qike; 1 bottle for Xinghe Brilliant;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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