Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 276: dull

.Ren Yunteng’s friend Liu Yin stayed at Qingmei Temple for only one night and left in the afternoon the next day.

But in this short day, Liu Yin also had a lot of gains. At least the morning class at Mochizuki Mountain made Liu Yin feel that he had benefited a lot.

It's not that Liu Yin has never seen others doing morning class, and even he has seen Qiong Huazong disciples doing morning class together. In contrast, Qingmeiguan only has three morning classes, but he feels even more touched.

Every sentence of Taoism chanted seems to have a magical power to penetrate deeper into people's hearts, firmly attract him, and can more clearly understand the subtle meaning of Taoism.

Later, when Mo He taught his disciples, he did not evade Liu Yin, and let him listen to him. As a senior, he taught him a little bit.

When Liu Yin left, he looked at Wangyue Mountain behind him, recalled the scenery he saw on the mountain, and other gains this time, he even felt reluctant to leave.

But no matter how good Mochizuki Mountain is, it is not his home after all. This time I mainly came to see Ren Yunteng. Now I see that Ren Yunteng is living so well, taught by a famous teacher, and has such a good cultivation environment. Liu Yin was completely relieved, even if he did not run in vain.

Moreover, when he came to Mochizuki Mountain, Liu Yin listened to Mo He's lecture for a day, and felt that he had also learned a lot. This was considered an extra gain, and he was not greedy, so that was enough.

Liu Yin left and returned to Qionghua Mansion. After he returned to Qionghua Mansion, Mochizuki Mountain's Qingmei Guan Modaochang's name was mentioned again in Qionghua Mansion, and it was all a good reputation. For example, There are masters of Taoism, good teachers and good teachers, willing to support younger generations, etc., and they have attracted some people to Wangyue Mountain, wanting to see if they can take Mohe as their teacher.

Time flies quickly. In an instant, it’s the end of the year and the new year is coming. Before this festive day, people’s lives will always appear to be busier than usual, because they have to prepare for the new year. Planting things is also to finish the things that have not been done as much as possible before the end of the year, and not to delay things until next year.

Mo He's younger siblings have also returned. Now they are not too young, and they don't need Mo He to pick them up anymore, they can come back from Yuhe Mansion by themselves.

It’s just that as they grow older and they know more and more things, Mo Qing and Mo Liu seem to have more and more respect for Mo He, but Mo He doesn’t really want to see this kind of respect, because it’s heavy. Respect also represents alienation.

But for such a thing, Mo He had nothing to do. He and Mo Qing and Mo Liu couldn't meet several times throughout the year. Without some company, naturally there was a sense of distance.

It is Wuyou and Mo He’s new disciple Ren Yunteng. They are very familiar with Mo Qing and Mo Liu. Wuyou is a playmate that the two have known for a long time, and Ren Yunteng is completely communicative. I got acquainted with my master's younger brother and sister.

At the time of the New Year's Pass, Mo He returned to his parents' home in Xiahegou Village with his disciples as in previous years, and spent another year together.

Now this small courtyard is so lively only at this time. This year, with the new disciple Ren Yunteng, who is sweet and talkative, the atmosphere is more lively than in previous years.

After the New Year’s Pass, Mo He and his two disciples returned to Mount Wangyue, together with Mo Qing and Mo Liu. Although the two of them did not kiss Mo He as much as they did when they were young, blood is thicker than water. May be alienated to that very outrageous point.

The current environment of Mochizuki Mountain makes Mo Qing and Mo Liu also like it very much, especially the library on the mountain, which is a place that surprises them. The 100 classics in it are not as good as those in the 100 schools. So many, but it is enough for the two of them, plus those books such as travel notes and Taoism, the collection of books is actually not small at all.

The two of them were studying on the mountain, while they could also learn from Mo He. Mo Qing practiced the medical techniques of hundreds of schools, the identification of various medicinal materials, and some common healing methods, which Mo He could teach him.

What Mo Liu learns is the technique of a hundred farms, and Mo He can also teach her a lot of corresponding things, and even the spiritual field on Mochizuki Mountain can be handed over to her for practical operation.

The two stayed on the mountain until the Baijia School was about to start again, and then they reluctantly left. If it was not for the start of school, they would continue to stay on Mochizuki Mountain because they learned a lot during this time. .

When the two of them just came back, they just learned about the technique of the Hundred Schools, and they already had some of the power of the Hundred Schools, which is almost equivalent to the level of the new Dao, and the level of the two is probably close to the Dao Mid-term.

Even though the speed of the practice of the Hundred Schools of Arts is very fast, but Mo Qing and Mo Liu can make such progress, good teachers, environment, resources, and their own efforts are all indispensable.

Seeing Mo Qing and Mo Liu leave, Mo He suddenly felt that the two little guys at the beginning have now grown up, they have their own ideas and some goals.

With the departure of Mo Qing and Mo Liu, life on Wangyue Mountain was back on track. During this period, Mo He received several news from hundreds of schools. Among them, Mo He was more concerned about two things.

The first thing is about the previous ghost repair forces. The Dynasty directly sue the entire human race to remove the remaining previous ghost repair forces. Whether it is to capture or kill, you can get the royal reward.

At the same time, it ordered the seizure of the evil spirits from various places. If anyone dares to use this sorcery to seize the position of any human god, then the dynasty will be mercilessly killed.

When Mo He saw the news, he paused for a while especially on the words "Human God".

As for the second matter, it is about the situation in Haizhou. After a few months, Haizhou once again suffered a defeat in the war, and a lot of lost ground has been recovered.

The specific reason is that it is said that there is a strong group of water monsters under the Water Vein Dragon Clan, which gathered a large number of water monsters in Wanjiang, causing Wanjiang to burst its embankment, breaking through the line of defense of Wanjiang in Haizhou, and the Water Vein Dragon Clan took the opportunity to counterattack. , Eventually led to a defeat for the human race.

Fortunately, the soldiers of Haizhou responded quickly. They immediately gave up the lost ground that had been recovered and quickly retreated. Although the land that was originally recovered was lost again, the casualties of the soldiers were not large.

When he saw this news, Mo He suddenly remembered what happened to him in Wanjiang, the girl from the Jade Race.

"It's not her?" Mo He guessed in his heart.

Haizhou was defeated in the war, but after saving its strength, it didn't take long for the human race to return to their colors.

Mo He had seen the bridge across the river on Wanjiang in Cangzhou, but he did not expect that the bridge across the river had extraordinary power.

Under the control of the masters of the Hundred Schools of School, the cross-river bridge in Cangzhou fell on the surface of the river and cut off the entire Wanjiang River. Below Cangzhou, the water monsters in the Wanjiang River were thoroughly cleaned up.

It's a pity that the master of the shark tribe was not discovered during this purge.

Because the Wanjiang River was cut off, Yuhe Mansion was also affected. The water in Yuhe River dried up for a while, and it didn't recover until five days later. However, the people of Yuhe Mansion were not affected by the dryness of the river. On the contrary, everyone was very surprised. happy.

After the river dried up, the fish in the river allowed the people of Yuhe Mansion to see the fish on the table for several days.

In the blink of an eye, it was the third month after the year, and Mochizuki Mountain was still very peaceful. Mohe's daily life consisted of practicing and teaching two disciples.

In fact, Wuyou has almost been able to get out of a teacher. Now the main target of Mo He's teaching is Ren Yunteng. In addition to normal practice, Wuyou will learn by himself most of the time. It is to tap the power of the little supernatural powers, and strive to be able to display the power of thunder and lightning through the little supernatural powers as Mo He thought.

"It should be within these few days that Wuyou's cultivation level can almost reach the late stage of the Divine Soul Realm. When the Wuyou cultivation base reaches the Yinshen Realm, he can almost let him go out for a tour by himself." Qingmei said, Mo He just finished answering Wuyou's question, watching Wuyou leaving behind, Mo He thought in his heart.

As a cultivator, blindly cultivating with closed doors is definitely not enough. You need to look around, gain insights, and experience the various aspects of life through various experiences in order to enhance your understanding of Tao.

Similarly, when a person grows to a certain level, he must also learn to be independent. Going out to experience something alone can also help people grow quickly.

However, Wuyou still has some troubles, so before Wuyou goes out, he must ensure that he has the ability to protect himself, otherwise it will be really troublesome if he encounters him.

And thinking of this Mo He is also somewhat puzzled. Since the last time he met Wen Ruo in Yunzhou and even fought against the opponent, Mo He returned to Qingmei Temple and passed the Baijia Academy. The channel reported the news about Yunshang Palace and the former court to the dynasty. After that, the Yunshang Palace was indeed destroyed by the dynasty.

Originally, Mo He thought that after this incident, Wen Ruo and Goudi should deal with him, but after such a long time, the other party didn't even react at all, which was a bit unexpected.

Mo He originally prepared some methods to guard against their retaliation, but he didn't expect to use it now.

Although these methods have not been used, Mo He did not relax his vigilance. The other party may have not taken a hand for a while. After all, during this period of time because of the ghost repairs of the previous period, the remaining power of the Second Dynasty has been hidden deeper. , The other party shouldn't want to appear at this time, then after this period of time, when they can make a move, things may come to the door.

But at that time, Mo He felt that it might be easier to deal with it by himself.



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