Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 248: Go to Shendu

Jinhou Su, as a family that has passed on for more than 30,000 years, the strength of course cannot be underestimated. It is just to help Su Bai gain a foothold in Haizhou. Jinhou Su has most of the power on the bright side. They were all invested in Haizhou, for a while, so after Su Bai's accident, there was no way to arrive at the first time to find Mohe.

As Su Bai's friend, Mo He also came to Qingmeiguan to meet Mo He on the way to the capital of Su Bai, which shows the friendship between the two.

Mo He didn't hesitate to follow the children of the Su clan of Jin Hou, preparing to go to the imperial capital together. As for his new disciples, now he can only let Wuyou help teach them.

With the current worry-free cultivation base and the cultivation knowledge he has mastered, teaching Ren Yunteng such things is more than enough for him.

In the view of Qingmei, watching Mo He and others leave, Ren Yunteng felt relieved. Mo He was not there, and Wuyou taught himself that he finally didn't have to be taken so hard by Mo He, so he could go out and relax.

"Brother, the master left because of something. I don't have any wine on my body. I need to go down the mountain to buy some. Brother, if there is anything I need to bring, I will help you buy it back together." Ren Yunteng said to Wuyou.

"Do you want to go down the mountain?" Hearing Ren Yunteng's words, Wuyou turned to look at him and asked directly.

"I'm just going down the mountain to buy something, and I'll be back soon, and I won't delay tomorrow's morning class." Ren Yunteng said to Wuyou with a harmless smile on his face.

"No, the master said, before he comes back, he wants me to teach you like he did before, so that you can't slack off." Wuyou said with a slight frown.

"Oh, brother, you can't be so rigid, I just go down the mountain to buy some necessary products, and I will be back soon, without delaying my cultivation, it is really not good, brother, you go with me." Ren Yunteng continued to persuade Wuyou.

"No, you can't go down the mountain until the master comes back. Now continue to study." After Ren Yunteng said this, Wuyou shook his head and prepared to continue teaching Ren Yunteng. No matter what Ren Yunteng said, he would not do anything. Moved.

Wuyou, whose cultivation level has reached the realm of Divine Soul, is time to gradually learn to be alone. The first step is to complete Mo He's entrustment and teach Ren Yunteng.

Mo He followed a few of the children of the Su Clan, and after leaving Zi'an County, he immediately hurried towards the direction of Huangchao Shendu.

During the conversation on the road, Mo He also got to know the children of the Su clan of Jin Hou.

They are not from a direct lineage. Compared to Su Bai, they may not be so good and don't have the style of Su Bai, but they all speak and behave very appropriately.

The head of the person, named Su Bin, is a child of the Su clan of Jinhou in Yunzhou. He mainly deals with some things in Yunzhou. The other people around him are also the children of the Su clan of Jinhou in the surrounding state capital.

In fact, some of them did not have the surname Su, but the descendants of those loyal ministers who had been loyal to the Su clan of Jin Hou from a long time ago, and they have been in close contact. It is not wrong to say that they are children of the Su clan of Jin Hou.

From Su Bin's mouth, Mo He got a rough idea of ​​Su Bai's disappearance.

Su Bin didn't know much, he only knew that Su Bai had disappeared five days after he left Mohe and was about to approach the Imperial Capital.

Through the laws of the dynasty, it is possible to find the place where Su Bai disappeared at that time, and even to reproduce the scene at that time. It is precisely because of this that what happened to Su Bai is now said to be missing, not death.

Mo He also learned that in the same encounter with Su Bai, there are actually two teams, both of whom are also venerable from the same house. They are both young and have profound backgrounds.

"According to the news from the Divine Capital, the matter may be the work of a group of ghost cultivators. As for which ghost cultivators and what they want to do, I don’t know yet. This time we went to the Divine Capital. The dynasty made contact to see how to find the missing person, and then tried to rescue it." On the flying boat heading to the dynasty **** capital, Su Bin continued to explain the current situation to Mo He.

Not much news is known now, and their trip to the Imperial Capital was mainly for the purpose of investigating news.

Among them, Mo He’s cultivation base is the highest, and when it comes to combat effectiveness, Mo He is not afraid of waiting for the pure sun master, even if he goes to the gods, there are many places to rely on, these things are naturally not Will hide it from Mohe.

Even without these reasons, it was directed at Mo He and Su Bai's friendship. Since Mo He was invited, the details of the matter must be told to Mo He.

"Gui Xiu!" Hearing Gui Xiu's intervention in this matter, Mo He frowned immediately.

He doesn't have a good impression of ghost cultivation, because none of the ghost cultivation he has encountered so far can make him feel good. When his cultivation level was still relatively low, he had seen ghost cultivation harm people.

There were also a large number of ghost repairs among the forces of the former dynasty, and the things that he did made Mo He only want to get rid of them and quickly, so when Su Bin talked about ghost cultivators, Mo He immediately thought of the former forces.

Mo He often obtains various information from the outside world through the channels of Baijia School. Although he lives in the view of green plums, he has been going down the mountain less and less frequently in recent years, but he also has an understanding of major events that are happening nowadays.

With the continuous improvement of cultivation base and horizons, and more and more information obtained, Mo He came to understand one thing, that is, the forces of the former dynasty, such as the people who raised troops in the world, and those former North Korea’s ghost repairs are actually not a group.

Although these two are the forces of the former dynasty, they are not much connected to each other, and most of the time, the legacy forces of the former dynasty in the world will distinguish themselves from those ghost cultivators.

Because these ghost cultivators’ behavior is mostly ghost tricks, and the methods are relatively cruel. Although they are a great help in strength, their reputation is really bad. They are involved in these ghost cultivators, but they are restored. The great cause is unfavorable.

Of course, it’s very clear on the bright side, and it may not be clear what the backside is. After all, there are some things that are not convenient to do on the bright side, and it is much more convenient to let these ghost repairs do it.

"It won’t take a few days. Since the new emperor ascended the throne, the first imperial ban on the heroic souls of the dead soldiers in the border gate is about to begin. These ghosts will attack Su Bai at this time. Are they trying to destroy this imperial ban? Wouldn't it be so unwise?" Mo He guessed the purpose of these ghost repairs in his heart, but he felt unlikely that his guess was correct.

It is about the placement of the heroic souls of the war-dead soldiers in the border, even if the previous forces want to restore, they should not destroy this matter at this point. In that case, it will anger the soldiers in the border and those who died in the war. Family, their great cause of restoration can be stopped, and the masters of the human race will not let them go.

"Are you completely fascinated by the evil spirit of the evil spirit, and you will soon be a new edict, and you have done such a stupid thing at this point. Do you want to completely cut off the great cause of restoration?" In the hidden place, Goudi said coldly to the dark mist in front of him.

In this pitch-black fog, you can clearly see the fog forming a picture. In the picture is a ghost who is shrouded in black robe, only revealing a pale face.

Hearing the questioning words from Goudi, the Guixiu was not angry, but a smile appeared on his delicate face, and then slowly said: "Don't worry, we are not that stupid, and we won't do anything on the seal. Yes, I just want to take this opportunity to help you get Mr. Liu out."

"Hmph, are you so kind? I'm afraid there are other purposes. The mysterious method should be perfected by you!" Gou Sun said with a cold snort.

Regarding the words of these ghost cultivators, you really can’t fully believe it, otherwise you will suffer a big loss. He doesn’t believe that these ghost cultivators are so kind, even if they were humans before they were alive and they were also on the side of the Second Dynasty, but he became After ghost repair, the mind has already begun to twist.

"Yes, we really want to take advantage of this incident to try and see if we can force Xia Qi's hiding mice out, but this is just a incidental purpose, and the main purpose is still the great cause of restoration." The handsome ghost repair continued Said.

"Do you think I would believe it?" Goudi said blankly.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. The important thing is that we have already started doing it, so we won't stop." A smile appeared on the handsome Gui Xiu's face.

"Moreover, I think you should support us. After all, now we ghost repairers are working hard for the restoration of the dynasty, right?"

Hearing this, Gou Sun did not refute this time, because the other party did make sense.

Although these ghost cultivators are unwise to do something at this time ~ ~, it is really better than doing nothing.

After Xia Xian ascended the throne, because of the emperor's emperor's emperor's emperor's emperor, these former forces had an excuse to raise troops, but the subsequent series of measures greatly weakened their strength. The great opportunity that was originally expected was not as expected It came as expected, but on the contrary, it also lost a lot of manpower. Even Mr. Liu, who had high hopes, was now imprisoned by Xia Xian.

Soon, the dynasty will hold a new edict to further restore the previously lost reputation, but they are not easy to take action to stop it. If the dynasty's luck gradually rises and stabilizes again, their rise will really become. a joke.

At this time, these ghost repairs can at least cause Xia Xian some trouble.

"What to do in detail, we know ourselves. If you have any inconvenience to do it yourself and need us to accomplish the purpose, let us know as soon as possible. Otherwise, try not to contact us during this period of time, otherwise , I'm afraid it will damage your reputation." The delicate ghost repair voice sounded again, and after speaking, the black mist twisted and disappeared.

. Steal fragrance

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