Green Plum Fairy Road

Chapter 214: After the war

The moment the white jade arrow pierced Qiman's chest, Xia Yuan finally showed an ugly smile on the terrifying face.

As he pulled out this smile, the skin on Xia Yuan's face, like a dry river bed, was cracked, and the skin was peeled off inch by inch, but the look in his eyes was unprecedentedly shiny.

Blood was still flowing in Xia Yuan's chest. He knew that his life was about to come to an end. Qiman's weapon was not inferior to Tiange's halberd, so he pierced the weapon into Xia Yuan's chest. For a moment, Xia Yuan knew that he was definitely dead, maybe, even the chance to become a battle soul was gone.

Being able to issue this final attack, Xia Yuan could do it entirely by his own will. Now, Xia Yuan has succeeded. He is not Qiman's opponent, but he can drag him to death.

Xia Yuan has personally experienced the power of that white jade arrow. Even if Qi Mang is strong, there is absolutely no way to survive under this white jade arrow.

The fact is indeed the case. Qi Mang still clings to Tian Ge's halberd with both hands, but his movements have froze. The white jade arrow on his chest and the power contained in it have already smashed his body The flesh and blood and the demon pill were all crushed.

As the top bloodline of the Monster Race, Qi Mang knew what this power was, but he did not expect that such power would be used on his body, nor did he expect such power to appear in Xia Yuan’s hands. .

The blood-red light in his eyes gradually dimmed, and Qi Mang's heart was filled with incomparable unwillingness. He was unwilling to fall here, unwilling to die in the hands of this human race that had been defeated by him.

But no matter how unwilling he was, the white jade arrow stuck in his chest had already made this a foregone conclusion.

The breath of life in Qi Mang gradually began to dissipate, and at the same time, above the battlefield, a gap suddenly opened in the space. A large hand covered with red scales suddenly stretched out from the space, and then Photographed towards the battlefield below.

The goal of this big hand was very clear. It was Xia Yuan who was standing there, and Xia Yuan reacted very quickly at this time.

He stretched out his hand to hold the Tiange war halberd on the side, the blood flame on his body was burning, and the skin under his body was turned into ashes in the package of blood inflammation.


Xia Yuan exhausted his last strength, Tian Ge's halberd seemed to turn into a round of red sun, piercing towards the big falling hand, and his body was accompanied by blood on his body when he stabbed the halberd. The flame went out and quickly turned to ashes.

Tiange's halberd collided with that big hand covered with blood-red scales. This was Xia Yuan’s last attack in this world, but he could not create any miracles. The result of this confrontation was Tiange's halberd slammed his hand down and smashed into the ground heavily.

A gap appeared in the space again, a ray of sword light appeared out of nowhere, and it cut directly at the big hand, the sword light broke open, and the red scales on that big hand cut a wound with deep visible bones.


A low roar sounded, it seemed that the owner of this big hand was angry.

"You have crossed the line, don't roll, cut you!" Another voice sounded, without any emotion in his tone.

With the sound of this sound, the big hand covered with red scales exuded a powerful suction force, sucking the corpse of Qiman below and dozens of figures behind the monster clan.

When he wanted to continue to do something, the sword light appeared again, preventing him from continuing to do something.

"Get out!" The voice still doesn't carry any emotion, but it still makes people feel a cold killing intent.

This time, the blood-red big hand covered with scales slowly retracted, sank into the gap in the space, and then disappeared, and another gap in the space also disappeared.

Things happened too quickly, just in the blink of an eye. The commanders of both the Demon Race and the Human Race fell at the same time, and many of the Demon Races with the top bloodlines in the Demon Race were all taken away by that big red hand.

The two parties on the battlefield were at the same time caught in the embarrassing situation of a group of dragons without a leader, especially on the Yaozu side. From the momentary moments of morale to the now suddenly at a loss, the ups and downs came too fast.

Above the human camp, among the large battle flags, the side that represents Xia Yuan, also began to slowly disperse at this time, turning into iron-blooded evil spirits again.

The dispersal of this set of battle flags also awakened the soldiers on the human side, and a general's voice sounded on the battlefield.

"Slay these monster races, avenge the commander and the dead soldiers, kill!"

"Kill, avenge the commander and the dead soldiers!"

With the sound of this sound, the surrounding human race soldiers let out a roar at the same time, frantically launched a fierce attack on the surrounding monster race.

The time was also very coincidental, and it was almost at this time, behind the demon clan camp, the sky full of iron and blood rose, and the human army coming down from the back finally arrived.

With the arrival of the army from the rear of the human race, the monster race on the battlefield gradually began to become a little chaotic. Mo He found the four treasures of the monster race killing Tao in front of him, and it seemed that he was preparing to retreat.

Having been entangled for so long, seeing that the situation on the battlefield has finally reversed, how can these four treasures of killing be separated at this time?

There is no need for Mo He to remind, all the pure Yang masters in all formations have seen that the Yaozu has retired, manipulated three giant swords, and began to do their best to prevent the escape of these four treasures of killing. .

The Monster Race also understands the current situation very well. Among the four treasures of killing Taoism, the mountain formed by the accumulation of white bones suddenly dispersed, turning into countless flying bones, entangled three giant swords, and other The three treasures of the killing path quickly flew towards the back of the demon clan.

At the most critical juncture, the Yaozu chose to abandon one and protect three, abandon one treasure of killing the Tao, and keep the other three.

And this white bone mountain, after blocking three giant swords for a short time, was surrounded by a formation composed of three giant swords, and then with the help of the power of this formation, the white bone mountain peak was smoothly suppressed.

"My fellow Taoists, the overall situation is determined, withdraw!" The voice of the master of the exquisite fairy gate sounded, Mo He and the others manipulated three giant swords, wrapped the white bone mountain, and quickly returned to the **** barrier. .

When the three giant swords reached the center of the formation in the space, everyone stopped the operation of the Three Demon Slayers formation, and only then did they feel a strong sense of sleepiness.

Sensing the spiritual power in his body, Mo He discovered that before he knew it, the spiritual power in his body had been consumed as much as 60%. This was because he was a manipulator and did not input much spiritual power. .

All the experts in the Pure Yang realm around them were exhausted enough, especially those who transported spiritual power for the formation, the spiritual power in the body was almost exhausted.

Several people who manipulated the formation were even more physically and mentally exhausted, and their minds were extremely exhausted. In addition to the negative effects of manipulating these three giant swords, it should take a while to recover.

In contrast, Mo He's current state is very good. Although his mind and spiritual power are consumed severely, the negative effects of manipulating the three great swords are almost non-existent, as long as he recovers.

"Finally it's almost over!" Mo He thought in his heart when he looked at the White Bone Mountain that was also involved in the formation.

The overall situation is now set outside. The battle between Human Race and Demon Race should soon come to an end, and the ultimate winner is Human Race after all.

It's time to witness the victory of this battle. This battle will definitely be recorded in the annals of history and let future generations know. Although everyone including Mo He feels a little tired, everyone does not want to miss this witness race. Chance of victory.

After taking some pills to help recover, Mo He and others walked out of the small space and re-mounted the city wall to witness the moment of victory of the human race.

The moment the army from the rear came over, the victory of the human race was doomed, and even after a short period of chaos, the demon race who soon stabilized again struggled to resist, it would not change the outcome.

Under the attack from the front and back, the demon race quickly suffered heavy casualties, but there were too many demon races on the battlefield. Until the two armies before and after the human race met, there were still many demon races on the battlefield.

In the end, those demon races were not all beheaded, the surviving demon races continued to retreat towards the back of the demon race, and the army of the human race, led by Ding Yaohou Yang Yuan, pursued victories all the way.

The war was victorious, but the human race did suffer heavy casualties. At this time, Yang Yuan, who had guarded the **** barrier for many years,, would never give up this opportunity to expand the victory and eliminate as many demons as possible.

The defeated monsters of these monsters were rushed all the way to the wall where Zhi Ge was turned into Wudun, where countless corpses were left, but in the end, Zhige was Wudun plus the palaces accumulated by hundreds of schools for many years. Without leaving all the monsters behind, many monsters fled back.

Some Terran officers felt a little regretful, but most people on the Terran side were already satisfied with the result in their hearts.

There are too many of these monsters army. It is impossible to kill them all. The masters of the monsters above the realm of true spirit will never tolerate such things. They will definitely take action by then, even if there are some things. Crossing the boundary, it will not hesitate.

Thinking about it in another way, the Human Race is the same. If the Xuelieguan Pass is really facing the situation of breaking through and destroying people, then the true spirits behind the Human Race will definitely not sit idly by.

After this battle, the battle between the Human Race and the Monster Race was temporarily stopped. The Human Race once again pushed the line of defense beyond the **** barrier, which was the place where the Monster Race was originally blocked, relying on the palaces of the Hundred Schools. In addition, Zhige is a military shield, and a large number of Tiangong school students have established a new frontline for the human race in the shortest time.

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