Greek Mythology: I Opened A Treasure Chest At Olympus

Chapter 69 My eyes see through the past and see through the future


Apollo stood still in the temple, his golden eyes looked into the distance, and his brows were slightly wrinkled.

Of course, he felt the situation of Olympus. Typhon was able to defeat Zeus so quickly, which was somewhat beyond his expectations.

"Did Zeus hurt too badly on my hand, or did he have other plans and didn't really resist with all his strength?

While Apollo pondered, Artemis looked at him with slightly worried eyes.

"Don't worry, the matter of Olympus has nothing to do with us. We are the sin gods who are punished and imprisoned." Apollo said to her with a light smile.

Artemis nodded,

Tekasha and Chiron, who had just walked in, looked at each other strangely.

Chiron felt something slightly, and said to Apollo: "God of Light, is something wrong?

Apollo said lightly: "It's nothing major, that is, Olympus was captured by Typhon."

Chiron and Tekasha suddenly opened their mouths wide and looked at each other with shocked expressions.

Olympus has fallen?

That is the home of the gods, the center of the world.

Chiron was stunned for a while before speaking again: "God of light, how could Olympus fall, what about the king of the gods and the main gods?"

"Of course they were completely defeated, but they didn't fall so easily, we don't have to worry about them." Apollo's face was calm, and he suddenly focused his eyes on Chiron.

The centaur of the second-generation god-king blood suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

Although he worshipped Apollo as a god before, he was actually far ahead of Apollo in terms of age and generation, and he respected this young god, but he didn't actually have much reverence.

But when he saw Apollo again at this moment, he deeply felt an inexplicable majestic power, just like when he faced his father, the god-king Cronus, when he was young.

The sense of holiness and majesty on Apollo was even heavier than that.

A pair of golden eyes seemed to see through his past and future.

"Chiron, you think too much, this is the god of light, not the god of time, how can you say that you can see through the future. 35

Chiron said to himself like this, packing up his mood.

At this time, Apollo suddenly said: "Chiron, have you been in contact with the son of Iapetus, the great prophet, the fire thief?"

The voice was incomparably flat, but it was like thunder when it landed in Chiron's ear.

His eyes were wide open, full of inconceivable looking at the bright blonde figure in front of him.

It was the biggest secret of his life.

" did you know!"

Seeing Chiron even trembling, Artemis and Tekasha became curious.

Son of Iapetus, great prophet, fire thief, these terms refer to only one person.

Prometheus, the Titan prophet who was chained by Zeus in the Caucasus Mountains.

Although this person is a great figure among the gods, he is not so rude if he has been in contact with him, right?

Chiron was stunned in place for a long time, and it took a while before he came back to his senses.

Looking around, he sighed: "This is actually a long time ago~~.

"When I was Cronus and my mother gave birth to me, they turned my mother into a horse, so I was born a half-man, half-horse existence, so I was not accepted by my mother and abandoned me. Many people know it." Chiron's face was filled with reminiscence.

"Later I grew into the most outstanding hero on earth, the most learned sage, do you think an abandoned baby has the ability to achieve such an achievement?" he asked.

Tekasha immediately reacted and said in surprise: "Is Prometheus helping you? That's right, only a great prophet like him can teach you such an outstanding sage and hero.

"Actually, he never admitted that I was his student," Chiron smiled bitterly, "he said that he held the position of teaching the son of the god king in the Titan God Court, and I was also the son of the god king, so he fulfilled this responsibility, if If it wasn't for him, I, who was abandoned by my mother, may not have the chance to live to the present. 99

He raised his head sadly and stared at Apollo: "This is the biggest secret I have buried in my heart, how did you know it?"

"Because I saw your past and I saw your future.

Apollo's golden eyes were deep, and he spoke in a low voice.

In his eyes, Chiron was wrapped in a thread.

The end of the line was in the past, on the day he met the wise figure in the ice and snow.

The other end of the line is in the future, the day he set foot on the Caucasus Mountains to replace the bounded vicissitudes of life.

"The body is the cage of the spirit, and the world is the cage of the body."

"Perhaps on the first day you met him, you were already a prisoner bound by this thread."

Looking at the centaur in front of him, Apollo murmured in his heart.

His eyes pierced through the past and pierced into the future.

The whole time was under his eyes.

There are only a few places that he can't see clearly for the time being.

One is fate, the other is the ignorant era before the establishment of the first divine court, and the other is the great prophet who was bound.

"A woman, the most beautiful woman in the world, you have to find her."

"She was once blessed by the gods, and she came to the world to open the magic box that symbolized terror for mankind, but she only kept hope in it.

"Find her and you'll get 'hope'!"

Apollo's solemn voice echoed in Chiron's ears.

Chiron looked at him in astonishment, and found that both Tecasa and Artemis were completely unheard.

"The most beautiful woman in the world, once blessed by the gods, is a magic box for mankind, is this... finding 'hope'?

Chiron's heart trembled, and he felt that there were pictures in front of him, there was a past and a future.

When looking at Apollo, only the golden light flashing on the opponent's body is not dazzling golden.

But the flow of gold of the years.

Golden eyes, in the sky above time, overlooking the past and the future.

"Follow your oracles. 35

Under the surprised gazes of Tecasa and Artemis, Chiron's four hooves bowed slightly and suddenly bowed to Apollo.

Just as he was about to leave, the outside suddenly shook.

Artemis frowned and took out his bow and arrow.

Apollo stops her.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of her and said with a teasing, "Sister Artemis, what are you doing?"

"Athena, you don't want Apollo to help those gods like wild dogs on the roadside in Olympus." Artemis' eyes were cold.

As a god-level god, she can perceive the current situation of Olympus.

And she knew Athena's character very well.

Now I am here, not just to ask my brother to go out and help.

Hmph, my brother's injury is just right, why did you go out to help you deal with a terrifying existence like Typhon?

She locked Athena with cold eyes.

The goddess of wisdom has no doubt that if Apollo was not by her side, her sister would have come up to fight her.

"Oh, it's no wonder that he likes you so much, but he refuses to call me sister." Athena sighed lightly and looked at Apollo who was standing there with bright eyes.

Suddenly she felt something was wrong.

The familiar blonde figure in front of her seemed to be much more inscrutable than before, and a pair of eyes seemed to see through her.

This made her originally full of confidence fade a little.

"Athena, why are you afraid of him?

Although he is powerful, he is only a god who was born less than a hundred years ago. Didn't you basically predict what he did in the past?

"々, don't be fooled by appearances, you are the goddess of wisdom, the goddess who can control everything in the world with wisdom.

Telling herself this, Athena opened her mouth with a smile.

"Apollo, I am here on behalf of the gods to invite you to fight against Typhon. You should already know what happened to Olympus."

She waited for Apollo to ask, "Why should I help the gods of Olympus."

Unexpectedly, Apollo smiled lightly and walked slowly to her.

"Let me guess why you're going to convince me."

"Although Olympus fell, the main gods were not injured much, and there were two strong aids, Hades and Poseidon.

If I don't act, I will force the gods to take refuge in them and support them to become the king of the gods.

"Zeus seems to be defeated, but in fact he still has his back, you have mastered a secret, the secret of the fate of Zeus and Typhon.

If you want to stop Zeus' plan, you must first defeat Typhon before him.

"As long as I defeat Typhon, my prestige can surpass Zeus, and you can conquer the gods for me, and even if Zeus returns, you can take him down.

In this way, you can use the method of peaceful evolution, first make Zeus a puppet, and then force him to give me the position of the king of gods. This is your plan to get revenge on Zeus.

"He killed your mother, your brother, so you're pissed just to beat him.

You have to let him sit on the throne of the king of gods, (very good) step by step to watch the power that you value most is taken away, and the gods around him betray him one by one, this is the real revenge. "

Apollo's voice was like thunder, shaking in Athena's heart.

Her bright eyes widened involuntarily, staring at the golden figure in front of her.

All along, in the cooperation and communication with Apollo, she knew that this was a smart and powerful god.

But in the end it's just a... little brother!

She is the proudest goddess of wisdom.

She is confident she can handle everything.

But today Athena found herself wrong.

The once immature and young god has grown up and is beyond his own control.

I don't know why, this deep golden figure is so full of charm, which makes her heart tremble.

Stabilizing her inner thoughts, she maintained a confident smile and said:

"Although you have the priesthood of prophecy, you didn't speak in this way before. Human fortune-tellers like this, shocking the target with a frightening tone and taking the initiative. You have been in the human race for a long time and learned it?"

"No, I'm not trying to frighten you."

Apollo's expression was calm, and suddenly he leaned over to Athena's side, his handsome cheek against her ear.

The hot breath blew through Athena's crystal earlobes and her golden hair, and she heard a low voice:

"These words are what the future you said to me.

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