"Translucent mask, dark cloak... Could it be the person the Lord of the Stars encountered in the starry sky?" Apollo murmured in his heart.

He has always been very attentive to this mysterious figure mentioned by Astraeus, but even if the 'Omniscient' authority has probed many times, he has found that the other party has a faint connection with the great prophet who was bound on the Caucasus Mountains. .

He originally wanted to go to the Caucasus Mountains to meet this fire thief after leaving the underworld.

But I didn't expect to hear about each other in Hades.

"Sounds like this is a person with bad tastes who likes to direct 'story'." Apollo judged in his heart.

Seeing him lost in thought, Hecate blinked and asked, "You know that magician?"

"I don't even know you, the Queen of Magic, how could I know him. Apollo chuckled softly, and the 'Omniscient Eye' swept silently towards the young female soul in front of him.

In an instant, time was rewinded before his eyes.

When Apollo saw the girl's appearance when she was alive, she first had a very ordinary face, and then suddenly turned into a beautiful and extraordinary face.

He saw her being beaten out of the house by her parents and wandering the streets.

He saw her being chased by some vicious robbers and came to a cliff.

He saw her fall from the cliff, her legs were broken, crying in despair at the bottom of the dark cliff, slowly dying of thirst and starvation.

He even saw her childish appearance when she was born, her warm expression when she was cared for by her mother when she was a child, shy and reserved when she was pursued by the boy next door when she was a young girl... Her whole life was unobstructed under his eyes.

Only two key nodes are missing.

One is when she suddenly changed from an ordinary appearance to a beautiful appearance, in the display of the river of time, she just walked aimlessly on the street, and then slowly changed her face without warning.

The other is that when she died, one second she was struggling in despair, and the next second she swallowed her breath with anger and regret in her eyes.

These two time periods seem to be artificially distorted and do not exist in the passage of time.

But it is not a simple deletion or modification, but it is similar to time and history being deceived and fooled, and that time is automatically forgotten.

"The Lord of the Stars said that he has the ability to reduce people's thoughts and intelligence, can this not only affect living beings, but also affect anything, including the most fundamental rules of the world, even history and time?

Apollo pondered silently.

Seeing Apollo staring at her for a long time, the young female soul terrified and prayed: "O great god of light, it's great to be able to meet you here, I'm really wronged to die, I beg you to give me one more time. A new opportunity..."

Hecate interrupted her: "A person cannot be resurrected after death, not to mention that although you died due to a special accident, in the final analysis it was caused by your inner greed.

The soul girl suddenly lowered her head in grief, her eyes full of chagrin and remorse.

At this time, a bright light shone above her head, and Apollo's gentle voice came into her ears: "The light is willing to give every lost traveler a chance to return to the right path. Since you know your regrets, I can give it to you again. a chance."

Suddenly, a golden book appeared in his hand.

"Before my eyes, the believer who repented, encountered a girl who died mysteriously, and the light led her to escape from the kingdom of death and regain the dawn of life.

Sacred whispers echoed on the Nether River Styx, and the golden book suddenly burst into light, shrouding the girl's dead soul.

The gentle warmth spread all over the girl's soul, and she gradually floated up and flew to the outside world.

She opened her mouth and stared at the golden figure in the light with devout eyes. She wanted to say a prayer, but she realized that it was too late, so she tapped her forehead with her right fist, "Great God of Light, praise you..."


The next moment she completely disappeared into the underworld.

"You actually helped her resurrect, I don't remember you being such a kind god." Hecate unexpectedly looked at Apollo, who was holding the golden book of light and solemnity.

The latter smiled lightly and whispered: "If you were that magician, and found that in the story you directed, a character who should have died suddenly came back to life, would you come over to see it?"

"You want to draw out that magician?" Hecate understood, "but where did this existence come from, and even you need to use a trick to find it?"

"The mystery of this world is far beyond your imagination." Charon, who had been silent for a while, suddenly hoarse.

With his old eyes fixed on the golden book of light held by Apollo, he sighed softly: "What a powerful artifact, not inferior to Mother Earth's Bottle of Life and Mother's Black Dress of Eternal Night.

Apollo smiled faintly, put away the golden book of light, and asked: "I heard that you were ferrying the Styx River as early as the first generation of God's court. The real birth time should be before the first generation of God's court was built, right?"

"You want to ask about the ignorant era before the first court of God?" Charon knew what he was thinking.

Apollo did not shy away: "The first generation of the gods, the second generation of the gods, and even the current era, there are traces of history to follow, but the ignorant era before that seemed to be blank, only the first god king Uranus was known. The union with Mother Earth ended ignorance and ushered in a new era.""

"In the age of ignorance, that is a history that should not be mentioned." Charon's eyes were cloudy and he whispered hoarsely.

Hecate also became curious: "I also asked Goddess Nyx about things in the ignorant era, and her eyes were very complicated at that time, and she was unwilling to tell me the specific situation."

"What happened in that era, apart from the five primordial gods and the brothers of the first god king, are there other powerful gods?" Hecate's eyes were full of curiosity.

Charon shyly smiled: "Don't ask so much, I was also born at the end of the ignorant era, and I don't know much. But I think you have all noticed that the so-called five primordial gods are all later. In conclusion, there are indeed only these five.

Apollo and Hecate knew what he meant.

At this time, Apollo suddenly said: "As far as I know, the first god-king Uranus should have been born at the beginning and middle of the ignorant age. As the earliest child of the god of darkness and the goddess of the night, why were you born at the end of the ignorant age? ?"

Charon's face suddenly changed, and he slammed the boat back to the other side.

"That girl was sent away by you, I want to pick up another one, you should just fly over.

The change in his attitude made Hecate even more curious, and he snapped his fingers and said: "The god of darkness and the goddess of the night are both born of chaos. Speaking of which, they are born in the same generation as the sky, sea, and mountains that were conceived by the mother of the earth. Their children were born at the end of the ignorant age, and there was nothing, but Charon's reaction made me think there is a story.

Charon ignored her and rowed the boat on his own.

Hecate had no choice but to hold back her curiosity, and Yingying looked at Apollo beside her.

At this moment, Apollo suddenly chuckled and said to Charon: "The reason why I asked that question just now is because I found a problem in an ancient book that records the genealogy of the gods.

"Goddess Nyx has many children, some with the god of darkness, and some by herself. You are her eldest son with the god of darkness, but not her eldest son.

"The genealogy is arranged in the order of birth. Before you, there is another name, a name that should be the eldest son of Goddess Nyx, but was wiped blank by some force.

Apollo's calm words exploded in Charon's ears like thunder.

The old boatman suddenly dropped the oars in his hand.

He stared at the golden figure with turbid eyes, and said hoarsely: "Why, in the current era, someone still mentions his existence?

"He?" Apollo noted Charon's words.

In Chinese he and he are the same pronunciation, but in Greek, these are two words with different pronunciations.

He is divine, and he is personified.

Because the human nature of the gods is too obvious, whether they are each other or mortals, they generally refer to the gods in the third person of various genders.

It is rarely referred to by deified words.

Unless it is some indistinguishable god of gender, or some extremely great existence.

For example, Chaos, the god of chaos, is called 'He' in most cases.

What kind of situation did Charon call the eldest son of Nyx, whose name had been erased?

Both Hecate and Apollo had serious expressions.

"Don't ask any more, that's a taboo, a name that shouldn't be mentioned again, when he reappears, it will be the day when the disaster of the gods will come.

Charon shook his head, as if he had been drained of strength, slumped on the bow, staring at the dark sky with the most melancholy and fearful eyes, as if recalling some terrible nightmare.

He said in a persuasive tone:

"Young god, never mention him again, you can't understand and imagine how horrible it is.

"The gods are still in his shadow, and he has never left. 35

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