Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 58 Unprecedented Siege, Shocking Battle (Asking For Subscription, Asking For Flowers, Asking

On rough sea.

The eyes of the gods froze, and they all looked closely at the god who came to report.

Zeus glared at him even more fiercely: "Say what you just said again, there must be no mistakes."

The god hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, we are ordered to check all parts of the land.

Not long ago, I discovered that on the Caucasus Mountains in the west of the land, someone was scolding you at some point.

So we wanted to arrest him, and found that the characteristics of that person were exactly the same as those of the fire thief.

Wearing a pitch-black cloak, with a weirdly distorted mask on his face, and the smell of fire remaining on his hands, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!"

After listening to him.

There, Poseidon suddenly sneered.

"Zeus, you keep saying that Prometheus is a fire thief, and my guarantee doesn't work.

Then why is the real fire thief appearing now?"

Prometheus also said to the goddess of justice holding a sword and covering her eyes with cloth strips:

"Goddess Themis, has the current situation proved my innocence?"

The dignified and solemn Lady Justice turned her face towards Zeus hesitantly.

The king of the gods clenched the lightning spear in his hand, his face was livid, and he suddenly snorted coldly:

"Who knows if this fire thief hidden under the cloak and mask was impersonated by someone in order to get rid of the crime?

Having said that, he pointed to the gods behind and ordered:

"Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, you three are going to the Caucasus Mountains.

Bring him back to me, I want to see the true face of the so-called fire thief!"

"Of order!" Hermes nodded immediately.

The sisters and brothers Apollo and Artemis stared at each other and walked out together with Hermes.

At this time, Ares in the team shouted eagerly: "Father God, I want to go too."

Hear his voice.

Hermes, who had just stepped out over there, couldn't help but stagnate.

experienced what happened last time.

Now he would rather take a lower god out than fight with this god of war.

But Zeus was very satisfied with Ares' initiative to ask for a fight.

Immediately nodded and agreed: "Okay, you go together."

Ares thanks ecstatically.

He drew out the big sword on his body on the spot, and said with flames in his eyes:

"Before in Olympus, this god of war was careless for a while, and let the thief who had destroyed the pavilion slip away.

This time, definitely cut him into eight pieces!"

"Haha, do you think I didn't see you being kicked like a dog eating shit this morning?"

Hermes wanted to laugh but couldn't.

Reluctantly fly in front.

And this time on the steep Caucasus Mountains.

Poros, covered by a black cloak and twisted mask, sat quietly.

Received the picture shared by Ocean Shadow.

He looked around and Prometheus arranged in an emergency formation.

He muttered in his mouth: "Zeus, you are not the first to come here, to enjoy this great gift I gave you, what a disappointment."

"But it doesn't matter, you still have to come here once after all."

While muttering softly, he slowly stood up.

Slowly came to the cliff in the distance, looking into the distance.

Not long.

Hermes, with black hair and brown pupils, was the first to appear from the horizon, holding a coiled snake golden staff.

"Apostle of Olympus, I knew you would be the first to come.

The deep voice seemed to carry a strange magic power.

From under the criss-crossed, twisted and weird mask, it came faintly.

Hermes in the air stopped in an instant.

Standing in the sky, watching the dark figure standing on the cliff with vigilance.

"Fire thief, who are you?"

The messenger of the gods asked.

"The name is never important, just like Zeus, are you more familiar with this name, or his title of King of the Gods?"

Under the mask, Poros let out a faint laugh.

"Then you take the name of Fire Stealer to steal fire for mankind?"

"No, you're wrong!"

"The eternal flame of Olympus, symbolized by the immortal Wang Quan of Zeus.

And this is the fire I want to steal!"

Under Hermes' frown, Poros gently raised his cloak-covered hands.

Stare at the sky and hold gently.

It's like holding the whole world in your hand.

"Arrogant, presumptuous!"

Hermes roared angrily.

He couldn't tolerate someone in front of him, swearing that he wanted to take away Wang Quan, his father.

The authority of 'travel' was activated suddenly.

His figure jumped continuously.

Approaching the cliffs where Poros stands from every angle.

"Come on, let me see the real face under your mask!"

When approached to a certain extent.

Hermes stretched out his palm, activated the 'stealing' authority, and grabbed Poros' face.

And at this moment, a faint sigh entered his ears.

"O emissary of the gods who are good at stealing, you know it.

If a thief is caught, he usually cuts off his hand?"

The voice just came into my ears.

Hermes felt dizzy for a while, and his thinking was frozen.

Can't do anything.

He was startled and shook his body trying to get out of this state.

But just finished the action of opening eyes.

I saw a face with intertwined lines, twisted and weird, and the deepness appeared in front of my eyes.

Then there was a sudden pain in the right wrist that had just been stretched out.

Like being cut by something sharp.

Made him want to scream in pain.

Then there was a muffled sound of being kicked in the abdomen.


Accompanied by a crisp crash.

The envoy of the gods who had just come aggressively "was kicked into the nearby mountain wall with ten feet.

The whole person is like a mold, completely embedded in the rocks.


Ares, who had just arrived and saw this astonishing scene, uttered a loud roar.

Not just him (bhee).

Now far away in the ocean.

Not long after the four main gods were sent out.

Zeus borrowed a crystal from his queen Hera.

In the face of the gods, shine in the direction of the Caucasus Mountains.

This crystal is the most precious artifact of the queen Hera.

Being able to directly see anything happening in every corner of the earth.

Usually, it is used by the jealous queen to watch over her erotic husband.

This is often one catch one accurate.

Even Zeus can't do anything with this crystal.

At this moment, he lent the mirror to let the gods of the ocean know his powerful performance as the main god of Olympus.

No idea, just started.

The first picture presented was his most trusted son, Hermes.

The wrist was cut off and embedded in the mountain wall.

This miserable scene immediately caused all the surrounding gods to discuss it.

Zeus immediately snorted coldly: "The strongest thing about Hermes is the flexible and changeable 'travel' ability.

But this 'Fire Stealer' seems to be able to see the trajectory of his jumping space in advance, so he suffered a disadvantage.

But Ares is different. His ability to fight head-on can definitely split the thief in half with a single sword. "

when he speaks.

In the crystal, Ares has indeed raised the generous sword in his hand.

Surrounded by the evil spirit of war, the flames of blood and fire are transpiring and burning.

Indescribably mighty and domineering.

People can't help but praise after seeing it.

What a mighty God of War!

"The thief who stole the fire, eat me with a sword!"

As the gods watched, Ares roared loudly, and the blood and fire burning sword tore through the space.

He swiftly slashed at the figure shrouded in the cloak.

But at this moment.

The space ahead suddenly trembled.

Poros' figure disappeared without a trace.

The God of War stood there stunned, not knowing where to cut the great sword full of bloody flames.

At this time, a chuckle suddenly came from my ear: "I kicked my waist in the morning, too, let's do it again!"

Accompanied by a muffled kicking sound.

Ares felt a heavy impact on his waist.

The body covered with thick armor suddenly tilted.

Fall face down from the air.

The gravel is splashing.

His nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

This scene fell into the eyes of the gods, and all of them suddenly laughed.

And Zeus's face was ashen and darker than that of God of War.

It is almost necessary to close the crystal directly.

Fortunately, at this moment, he saw two sharp arrows, one gold and one silver, shooting towards the cloaked figure through the air.

Here comes the spirit.

"Ares and Hermes are both mid-level and low-level main gods, and they are no match for this thief.

But Apollo and Artemis are my favorite sons and daughters, and each is a powerful god of the seventh level of the main god. "

"They shoot at the same time, and it won't take long for the thieves to transform into hedgehogs!"

The words of the king of the gods have been recognized by many gods.

Although the 'Fire Stealer' easily defeated the two main gods.

But the God of Light and the Goddess of Hunting are all famous high-level main gods.

Known as the long-range twins.

The same mother and compatriots, the same heart.

The two joined forces, even the most powerful gods at the apex of the main gods like Neptune and Pluto are enough to match.

Among the gods, outside the few primordials.

Only the king of the gods can fight against the two of them at the same time.

Among the gods, Athena who knows the true identity of the 'Fire Stealer' under the cloak.

See the gold and silver double arrows shot.

The bright eyes were no longer calm as before, but worried.

She has been in Olympus for many years, and she has a clear understanding of the background of each god.

Among the four generations of gods, Hermes, Ares, Hephaestus, etc., although the reputation is not small.

But in terms of strength, it's just that.

Only Apollo and Artemis made her afraid.

If she only meets one person alone, she still has the confidence to win.

But if you meet two of them at the same time, you will definitely lose.

"Poros, you must be careful.".

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