Greek Mythology: God Of The Gods

Chapter 141 Tomorrow's Me (Asking For Subscription, Asking For Flowers, Asking For Monthly Pass

"Mr. Prometheus, how is the situation now?"

After coming out, Poros came to his temple.

Prometheus and Hecate are in it.

Prometheus was the first to meet him.

The prophet said with a straight face: "There is no big problem in Hades, Hades has been missing for a while.

The underworld is already our people up and down, firmly controlled.

Hecate and I have just arranged for the gods captured from Olympus, and we are going to reform and incorporate them.

He paused, then said:

"But the situation in the ocean is less optimistic.

Zeus sent Athena to lead the gods to recover the ocean. "

Poros narrowed his eyes.

"Did he have doubts about his sister?"

"I think it's also possible that in order to cooperate with us, she didn't perform very well in the series of events at Olympus.

Moreover, the ocean was acquired hastily, and there are still many remnants of Poseidon and other gods hidden in the ocean, and the situation is very chaotic.

Prometheus said.

"Tell Pallas that if the situation does not allow, then contact your sister and get out of the ocean with a feint.

Poros said in a deep voice.

"One is to ensure that the vitality of the ocean is not lost, and the other is to give my sister enough merits to dispel Zeus' suspicion."

Hecate suddenly laughed and said, "You really deserve to be siblings. Goddess Athena sent a message just now, hoping that we will cooperate with her, and the plan is exactly the same as yours."

Poros smiled.

Hecate said again at this time: "I was taken aback when you told me about your true relationship with the goddess Athena.

"I didn't expect that you were not the child of the goddess Nyx, but the son of the goddess Metis who was predicted to be the king..."

"I wish I was the child of Goddess Nyx, but unfortunately I am not so lucky."

Poros' eyes were dark.

"As for the prophecy about being destined to become a god king, the fate of being born a king, those are just ridiculous words.

"The three goddesses of fate are just a trick to fool the world, but they themselves can change it as they say. 11

Hecate nodded slightly.

Suddenly murmured to him:

"I think in the eyes of Goddess Nyx, whether we are her own or not, we are still her most cherished children."

"She is in my heart, and she is also the best mother!"

Poros stared blankly at the depths of Hades, at the dark night surrounded by stars.

Vaguely, he seemed to see those stars, blinking at him like a pair of eyes.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He said to Prometheus and Hecate.

"Let's go, let's go and see this Hades that already belongs to us!"

Many years have passed.

The city of 'Saint Poros' was enlarged again.

The majestic city-state, like a bright pearl, is dotted on the dark land of Hades.


Poros traveled with Hecate and Prometheus.

I met many dead souls, and lived a busy life with a smile on my street and in front of my house.

"I remember that in the Hades (bhbd) before, the souls of the dead were all muddled, but now they have changed drastically."

Prometheus, who hadn't been to Hades for a long time, sighed with a strange expression.

"That's because someone used spirit summoning to call back all the souls of the dead.

They built homes and city-states in Hades, and naturally it became more and more lively.

Hecate smiled and glanced at Poros.

Poros smiled.

He just wanted to get some fame points at the beginning.

But the spirit of the dead was called back.

Extraordinarily full of enthusiasm for labor, he built the barren land of Hades into prosperity.

This is the greatness of intelligent life.

Even in the midst of difficulties and sufferings, they can explode with infinite power.

Always strive for a better life.

This is also the true meaning of "hope".

Work hard to create miracles!

The three walked quietly in the streets of the city of 'Saint Poros'.

Among the many dead souls coming and going, suddenly there was a sound of prayer.

"Great Lord of Hope, One and Only, O Most Holy and Good Poros!"

"You are opportunity, you are hope, you are beauty, you are the future, you are the way, and you are salvation!"

"You bestow a future on the living and the dead, you guide all the ignorant who are ignorant and lost, you light up the darkness without light...  

"All the souls of the dead are chanting your name, you are the Lord of all the dead, and you will become the king of all the living in the future!"

"Hey, Poros, why did your esteemed name change?" Hecate let out a light snort.

"It used to be the main god, but now it is the original.

It used to be the god of the underworld, but now it is the real master of the underworld, of course it will not be the same!"

"But I didn't expect that there would be people so soon.

Poros stared there.

Suddenly, he saw a slightly familiar figure.

He took the two of Hecate and walked over.

Looking ahead in front of the temple, the healthy girl prayed devoutly.

Hecate frowned slightly: "I seem to have a little impression of her."

"Have you forgotten that we were the ones who led her to Hades during the great flood?"

Poros smiled and came to the girl.

"Machine... Lord of Hope!"

A girl who is praying.

Shocked by the sudden appearance, it took a while to react.

Respectfully saluted the three Poros:

"Your Highness Poros, Goddess Hecate, and this one, are you the legendary prophet Prometheus?"

Prometheus nodded.

Hecate patted his head at this moment and said.

"I remembered, she is the dead soul who contradicted you."

She blinked her beautiful eyes and looked up and down at the girl in front of her.

"Goddess Hecate, you still remember me."

Kana saluted again, "I am already a believer in the Lord of Hope, and one of the priests of the city of 'Holy Poros'."

"You've done a good job all these years," Poros applauded.

"Your praise is my supreme glory, praise hope!"

"You are the Lord of all the dead, and you will also be the king of all the living in the future!"

The girl performed a 'hands-on salute', recited a prayer, and continued solemnly:

"The last time I saw you, I said that with a god like you, this world will finally usher in a new era.

Now you have indeed begun a new era.

The underworld and the ocean have escaped the rule of the cruel king of gods.

You will also save the sky and the earth from his hands!"

The three of Poros were a little surprised.

The news spread too fast, even the ghosts in the underworld knew about the shocking changes in Shenting.

The girl continued: "I have always firmly believed that you will be an unprecedented great king."

Gazing into her clear and devout eyes.

Poros smiled slightly, his eyes looking at the prosperous and bright city of 'Saint Poros.

"I accept your compliment!"

"A brand new era is ahead."

The turmoil and accidents are over.

Tranquility and serenity reigned over the world again.

In peaceful days, time always flies by quickly.

Forty years passed in the blink of an eye.

Under the entry of Prometheus and other gods from the sea, and the transformation of gods captured by Olympus.

Hades became more and more prosperous.

As for the ocean, with the cooperation of Pallas.

Athena led the gods of Olympus and achieved no small victory.

It also satisfied Zeus a lot, but the breath of life on his limbs became stronger and stronger.

It surprised many gods.

Discussing in private, the god king is about to give birth again, and this time there is more than one.

this day.

Over the dark underworld.

Poros stood in the endless darkness.

The action is a bit weird.

It's like wandering in a wide river.

The look on his face was equally strange.

There is a charm of time and years, which is looming, like the ripples of time.

Suddenly, his handsome face became blurred.

The surrounding space-time seems to be distorted.

Brilliant light and shadow are constantly interlaced.

It seemed faintly that there were two identical figures overlapping and separating.

This process went on for a while.

Finally, Poros suddenly opened his silver eyes, which were as bright as stars, with a solemn expression.

With the palm facing the front, make a fish-like movement.


It was like the sound of water being hit, echoing invisible.

The strong flavor of time is endlessly tumbling.

Centered on the palm of Poros.

A handsome and slender figure with blond hair and silver eyes slowly appeared in front of him.

Gradually solidified from illusion.

hold hands with him.

The four eyes are facing each other.

A smile formed on the corner of Poros' mouth.

"I finally fished you out, tomorrow's me!"

ps: The plot is at a turning point, and Calvin is more powerful.

Today's third update, I'm afraid it will still be around two o'clock in the afternoon, forgive me.

Well, let’s add more tomorrow to compensate everyone, I don’t have much time today. .

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