Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 223 Above The Primordial: Hunyuan (Modify)

Chapter 223 Above the Primordial: Hunyuan

The space barrier shattered once.

Hephaestus is reinforced once.

He wants to completely trap Michael here! Avoid other archangels to rescue him.

After a while.

Hephaestus felt the powerful aura on Michael's body drop obviously, knowing that the other party's peak had passed, he said via voice transmission:

"He's going to exhaust himself, Odin, let's use all our strength together to keep him!"

"It's time to show this guy a taste!"

Odin sneered. He raised the spear of eternity and threw it at Michael again.

But this time it was not only the gun that flew out, but also himself.

The piercing divine light, wherever it passed, cracks appeared in the space barrier.

This blow contained all the power of Odin.

And Michael finally changed his face, the veins on his forehead popped up, and he slashed out with a sword with all his strength!

But not to Odin,

Instead, he slashed towards the space barrier!

Must escape!

Otherwise, if you take this blow, you will be seriously injured by Hephaestus who is watching from the side!


A small hole was opened in the space.

Michael turned into a blood shadow and flew away, but he was still a step behind.

Odin and the Gun of Eternity have arrived!

The piercing divine light whizzed through the thick protective holy light that pierced Michael's body, piercing through his solid armor and flesh! A straight hole pierced through it! Bringing up a pool of fiery blood!

Followed by.

With a wave of his hand, Hephaestus moved Odin out, directly detonating this space!

The dense flaming red lotus is in full bloom! Full of death and destruction!

This scene was reflected in Michael's eyes, and fear finally appeared on his pale face.


Without waiting for him to take any action.

Bang rumble~~!

An unprecedented big bang has erupted!

A majestic and huge pillar of fire, dyed everything red, crashed through this universe!

Many gods and angels who were fighting were blown thousands of miles away by the remaining power.

Gabriel and Raphael, the two archangels, showed even more frightened expressions.

They couldn't be sure if Michael would survive the ferocious blow!

But they didn't have the strength to rush to rescue them.

"Retreat first!"

Gabriel growled.

Two big angels flapped their bloody eight wings, protecting many angels and retreating.

Immediately afterwards, an earth-shattering sound swept in all directions.

The angels and gods all felt deaf at this moment. The sound was louder than the explosion of 10,000 ancient stars.

After a long time, the voice disappeared like the sigh of a dying old man.

The thick firelight also faded a lot.

"Not dead...?"

far away.

Hephaestus frowned at the center of the pillar of fire.

He could clearly sense that Michael's aura inside hadn't disappeared.

This means that the killing blow has not worked.

Michael still survived.

"With such a strong blow, the archangel must be dead, right?"

"Not necessarily, that is a ninth-level existence in the distance, almost chasing Lord Chaos..."

"God King Odin and Hephaestus join forces, how can they seriously damage this bird monster!"

"This blow is too strong..."

After the shock of the gods, there were many discussions.

The main gods of the two domains were protected by the space barrier at this time, and were not harmed by the aftermath.

"Hephaestus! I, Michael, swear! When the Heavenly Mountain army descends again! It will be the day when Chaos God's Domain will be completely destroyed!"

Hysterical shouts came from the pillar of fire.

A red light flashed.

Michael, with broken wings, flew out from inside, drenched in blood, sluggish, and ran towards the warships in embarrassment.

"Protect Michael!"

Seeing this, Gabriel and Raphael immediately flew back to protect Michael.

The army of angels also regrouped, retreated to the battleship, and left the place quickly.

This warship is quite fast.

Njord and Surter chased after him, but they hadn't caught up yet.

Hephaestus raised his hand, intending to use the power of time and space to keep these angels, but the divine power in his body was exhausted, and he had already bottomed out.

He can no longer use this ability on a large scale.

He turned to look at Odin next to him.

Odin turned pale, and shook his head slowly.

This means no.

"Njord, Surtur, stop chasing."

"Everyone go back to rest and recover immediately. Prepare for the next battle."

Hephaestus thought for a while, and ordered in a deep voice.

He has now killed two archangels and was able to forge two original artifacts.

It's better to improve your strength first, maybe you can catch up with these monsters by then.

The gods listened to the order, rectified, and returned to Chaos God Realm.

After Hephaestus confirmed that Hecate, who participated in the battle, was not injured, he immediately retreated and began to forge artifacts.

He is racing against time.

The god of fire is domestic.

The origin and flesh of the two angels were swallowed by flames.

There was a shrill scream inside, and then there was a dead silence.

The origins of the two archangels, Uriel and Raziel, were completely smelted.

Hephaestus was expressionless, and mixed a lot of materials into it, concentrating on manipulating power to forge the artifact.

He intends to forge a warship.

Hephaestus has many means of attack, but he lacks a guy who is on his way.

After forging the warship, it is just right to lead the gods to chase the fleeing Heavenly Mountain chaos army.

The flames were raging, and it didn't take long.

A huge warship took shape at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The black body has a shiny metallic luster. The deck is wide enough to accommodate thousands of people without any problem.


A tall mast was erected at the keel, and a red-gold banner fluttered above it, like a burning flame.

Peugeot is very eye-catching.

It is the crown of the god king on the head of Hephaestus.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for successfully forging the perfect original artifact! The system rewards [2.3 million years of divine power]!"

A look of joy flashed in Hephaestus' eyes.

This is enough for him to be promoted to the first rank.

Once promoted to the original ninth level, Cai Le will no longer be his opponent.

"let's start."

Hephaestus summoned the system panel with his mind and acted immediately.

The entire promotion process was extremely smooth, without any accidents.

But it caused many horror visions.

Fortunately, in the country of the god of fire, there is no threat to the outside world.

Hephaestus felt the surging divine power in his body gradually subside.

Open the system panel again, and see the column of strength level, which is already [Primary Ninth Level]!

"I don't know who is stronger or weaker than Odin now."

Hephaestus was thinking.

This thought came to him.

There was a kind voice from outside:

"God King Hephaestus, your breakthrough is so fast and your potential is extraordinary, I am afraid that you are expected to be a Hunyuan."

The owner of this voice is Odin.

Even if the movement of Hephaestus' breakthrough was small, he was still aware of it.

Hephaestus was slightly surprised by this, but was attracted by the quasi-hunyuan again, and asked: "Odin, the king of the gods, what does "hunyuan" mean? A realm above the original?"

Odin replied: "Exactly, above the original, there is Hunyuan Ten.".

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