Greek Mythology: God Of Fire And Craftsmen

Chapter 213: Forging Archangel, Improving The Realm

Chapter 213 Forging an Archangel, the realm is further improved

The flame of God swept and churned.

The origin of the eight-winged seraphim was quickly refined.

Soon it was forged into an extremely sharp sword, with a cold light shining like a cloud of frost.

It is quite different from the angel sword used by Raguel before, but its power is stronger.

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the host for successfully forging the [Original Artifact]! The system rewards [1.1 million years of divine power]! [Holy title/judgment]!"

The system's cold and grand mechanical sound sounded.

Take away the God of Fire Kingdom and the original artifact.

Hephaestus immediately called up the system panel and began to promote~.

The rewards of the archangel's original forging artifact - are unexpectedly rich.

This can be regarded as supporting war with war, Hephaestus thought to himself.

Vast divine power surged within his body.

All kinds of grotesque Lu Li visions suddenly appeared around him.

Thunder and lightning, flames, raging waves, night, light... Wait, there was even a sharp itching from the shoulder blades on the back, as if eight wings like seraphim were about to emerge.

This is an additional effect of the Judgment Portfolio.

But Hephaestus didn't want to live with wings and become a bird monster like an angel, so in the end the wings were not formed.

Not long after all these visions subsided, Hephaestus opened the system panel and found that his cultivation realm had already been promoted to the eighth level of the original primordial realm!

With his strength, it is not difficult to leapfrog the battle.

So Hephaestus can almost be regarded as half of the original peak powerhouse.

Clenching his fists, Hephaestus gazed out into the distance, faintly revealing excitement.

Send a will to that distant battlefield.

"I have broken through the original eighth level, Lord Chaos, let us join forces and kill God."

This will spans the chaotic universe.

Received by that person.

Not long.

Hephaestus received a response, terribly brief:

"No, don't come here."

Hephaestus frowned slightly, guessing: "God is dead?"

Chaos responded again: "God is not dead. I made a new discovery. This God is just a clone. Even if we join hands to kill this clone, it will not help. It will even lead to God's real body coming. At that time It would be a truly devastating disaster.

Hephaestus looked surprised.


Was it just a clone who had been fighting Chaos outside the territory for so long?

So, how strong is Jehovah's real body? Could it be that he has surpassed the original realm?

Hephaestus thought for a while, and couldn't help but fell silent.

"I will hold back this avatar. Hephaestus, you must improve your strength as soon as possible, break through the original state as soon as possible, and reach a new level. The survival of Chaos God's Domain depends entirely on you

After the last will of Chaos was delivered, he disappeared completely.

The fighting spirit and surprise in Hephaestus' eyes quickly disappeared, and he returned to calm.

The strength is still not enough.

It is useless to be stronger than those archangels, you must be stronger than God to survive this catastrophe.

He will continue to grow stronger!

Nine worlds.

It's all calm here.

It is not yet known that in the distant universe, there was another fierce confrontation between the gods of Chaos God's Domain and the Angel Legion of Heaven Mountain.

Since Hephaestus forged artifacts for Odin, Asgard Asgard's evaluation of him is full of disgusting praise.

Including the kingdom of titan, the Vanir Protoss, and those who have received the favor of Hephaestus forging, all of them are full of gratitude and respect to him, and they praise everyone.

In just over half a month, he has almost become the most popular foreign god in the Nine Realms!

This is exactly what Hephaestus expected.

The better his reputation, the higher the success rate of the alliance with the Nine Realms of Gods.

Hephaestus knew that he would not be able to stand alone if the whole army attacked. Therefore, the ally of the gods of the Nine Realms must be won over.


Nine Realms, Nation of Fire, Moose Bellheim.

The space barrier was suddenly torn to create a hideous gap.

Three figures flew out of it one after another.

They are all handsome men.

Wearing a pure white robe.

The eight blood-red wings on the back are extremely conspicuous! It is the eight-winged seraphim of Tiantang Mountain!

......Master Uriel is also true, the Chaos God Domain has not been captured yet, what kind of Nine Realms are you fighting... Hey, this place is warm and comfortable.

One of the seraphs complained, stretched its wings, and squinted its eyes, revealing a look of intoxication.

"Speak carefully, Sir Uriel is one of the seven archangels before the imperial court. What we have to do is to carry out his orders. Instead of questioning.

"And this is called advance layout! Disrupt the Nine Realms so that we can attack later."

...... Seeking flowers 0

"That's right, Lord Uriel is furious this time, and he will definitely summon other imperial archangels to attack Chaos God's Domain, which will soon become the second Heavenly Mountain. The Nine Realms is our next goal."

The other two blazing angels spoke with each other.

Seraphim, who complained before, nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, I understand. Stop talking nonsense. "Let's act quickly. Have you collected the information of the Asgardian gods?"

The other flipped his wrist, and three groups of light spots appeared on his palm, saying: "This is a message from Thor, the son of Odin, Tyr, the god of war, and Baldr, the god of light.

He set aside two light spots and distributed them to the other two Seraphs.

Three light spots sank into the eyebrows one after another.

The three of them closed their eyes to digest for a moment, and their bodies changed together.

The first seraphim turned into a strong, masculine and mighty young man, wearing a golden scale armor and holding a lightning hammer.



The second seraphim turned into a more burly god, with a bare upper body, showing sculptural muscles, eyes full of hostility, and holding a bloody spear.

God of War Thor.

The third seraphim turned into a handsome god with a relatively thin figure, the corners of his mouth curled up in a half-smile, and a blazing sun-like light rested on his palm.

God of light Baldr.

All three were sons of Odin, king of the Asgardian gods.


God of War Tyre raised his spear and roared loudly.


Thor joins Baldr in agreement.

A fierce momentum erupted from the three of them, and they flew in different directions.


At the same time, the three of them released tens of thousands of blue-purple thunder dragons, countless white beams of light, and blood-colored spears piercing the world, attacking the creatures on the ground!

"It's Thor! Run away!"

"Asgard is attacking Moos Bellheim! Go and inform the king!"

"Help! Help! Help!"

for a while.

Many huge flame titans were massacred one after another.

Like a group of pigs and sheep, there is no history of resistance.

One by one scrambled to escape, crying for their parents and mothers, but not many escaped.

Even if they escaped, those blazing angels let them go on purpose.

How could the Nine Realms be in chaos if the king of Mus Bellheim didn't know who was attacking them? How could their Heavenly Mountain army have a good chance to attack the Nine Realms!.

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