Chapter 185 Hera, the idiot

While Hephaestus was waiting for an opportunity, another unexpected visitor came to the underworld.

The meeting hall.

Hephaestus looked across and asked, "Queen of God, what is the reason for your sudden visit?"

Sitting across from him was a woman.

Blonde hair and blue eyes, graceful and elegant appearance, wearing a long dress full of extravagance. It was Hera, queen of the gods.

She looked directly into the eyes of Hephaestus at this moment, and said in a mysteriously low voice:

"Naturally, it's a big deal. Hephaestus, as you know, Zeus has broken through half a step to the original, and Erebus is behind him, and the position of the king of God is getting more and more secure. If we want to do it, we have to do it as soon as possible." "

This means that they overthrew the covenant of Zeus.

Hephaestus was very clear, but just looked at her calmly and didn't speak.

Hera also ignored it, her tone was slightly agitated, and she continued:

"Hephaestus, you have seriously injured Gaia recently. All the gods of Mount Olympus can see clearly and are very afraid in their hearts. Why don't you overthrow Zeus while the power is at its peak, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort.

At that time, I will become the king of gods, and our mother and son will be able to rule the world together!

Including Hai 17 Yang, it is not impossible to control it, Pontus and Thalassa are both defeated by your men, it is not difficult to subdue them..."

Said a lot.

Seeing that Hephaestus did not reply, Hera tentatively asked: "Hephaestus, what do you think?"

Hephaestus was silent for a moment, and said, "Whimsical."

The private alliance at the beginning, and the agreement to help Hera ascend to the throne of God King, was nothing but a temporary lie in order to disperse Zeus's power.

Up to now, Hephaestus has become the original god. Looking at the world, except for Chaos, almost no one is invincible. There is no need to use these tricks anymore, and this covenant is naturally invalidated.

But Hera couldn't understand this verse.

Still thinks that Hephaestus will help her become God King.

This is too childish.


Hera savored these four words, suddenly realized something, frowned, and asked, "What does this mean? Hephaestus?"

She thought Hephaestus was in trouble.

But she couldn't figure out what scruples a primordial god would have.

You are an existence that can defeat even Gaia!

What else can't be done?

Is it the fear of Erebus?

Hephaestus didn't bother to explain, and said: "It means that the covenant is void and you can leave."

Hera was stunned, and after a moment, her eyes widened, and she looked at Hephaestus in disbelief.

Hephaestus didn't care about her gaze and stood up and said, "Go slowly."

He had nothing to say to this stupid woman like Hera, so he spared words like gold.

Hera finally came to her senses, stood up, her face was pale, her thin lips trembled, and she said, "You are lying to me! Hephaestus! How can you be so despicable!"

She raised her voice a little higher.

It attracted the attention of the rainbow goddess Iris who was guarding outside.

Hephaestus didn't speak, just glanced at Hera lightly.

In an instant, the hall became dead silent.

Hera's anger subsided, and she couldn't help shivering.

She rushed in anger for a while, and even forgot that Hephaestus was an original god, and she was no longer a big man she could offend.

But her ambition has been inflated for so long, and it is really unbearable for her to be punctured by a needle here.

And being deceived by Hephaestus for so long made her feel ashamed and ashamed of herself!

Seeing her shut up, Hephaestus turned and left.

Seeing the back of Hephaestus leaving, Hera's lips moved, but she didn't say anything in the end.

It's a pity that she has planned and prepared for so long.

Without the support of Hephaestus, her preparations are of no avail.

This time the plan was completely ruined.

Suddenly, Hephaestus stopped walking as if sensing something.

He had just discovered a change in the future somewhere.

It seems to be about Mount Olympus.

Hephaestus turned around, glanced at Hera, turned his wrist, and a golden flame burned in his heart.

Hera was a little confused, so she looked at him silently.

The flames burn and rise, gradually reflecting scenes.

It's Mount Olympus.

The gods are being attacked by a man of enormous stature.

He is powerful, capricious, and also has the Kingdom of God, obviously an original god.

Zeus, Themis, these gods attack together, they are not his opponents.

There are countless weak gods who died.

This scene made Hera stunned, and she asked, "What is this?"

Hephaestus looked slightly condensed, and answered, "Olympus, what's about to happen."

After he was promoted to Yuanyuan, he could integrate prophecy and flames to reflect the past and future.

"What's going to happen to the Holy Mountain? Who is the man who attacked the Holy Mountain?"

At this time, Hera completely forgot all the unpleasantness before, and asked in surprise.

Hephaestus did not answer.

Because he didn't know that man either.

But as the original god, it is impossible to remain anonymous...

Hephaestus vaguely felt that she looked familiar.

"This is the first king of the gods, Uranus.

The majestic coercion struck.

A Miaoman figure appeared in the hall, wearing a black dress, it was Nyx, the goddess of the night.

She also felt a subtle change.

Hephaestus looked at her and murmured, "Uranus? He is the original god!"

It suddenly occurred to him that he had seen the statue of Uranus in the kingdom of Eros, the ancient goddess of love.

Hera on the side felt strange when she heard the name.

Although Uranus is her grandfather in terms of blood relationship, she has never met him.

We only know that Uranus, the god of heaven, was the first generation of god king. Later, with the help of Gaia, the second generation of god king Cronus overthrew Uranus.

Hera looked at the flame again, and asked in amazement, "But he...why did he attack the holy mountain?"

No one answered her.

Because the answer is obvious.


Mount Olympus.

The vision prophesied in the flames of Hephaestus soon became true reality.

A stream of light pierced the sky.

He broke through the mountain gate and stormed in violently.

It was Uranus.

The sky resonated with him, and the wind roared, shaking the entire Mount Olympus.

Soon, God King Zeus, Goddess of Justice and other strong men flew out one after another, attacking Uranus one after another.

As a result, they were seriously injured by Uranus like moths to a flame.

If Uranus hadn't kept his hands, there would be nothing left of them that would die.

Including half-step original Zeus.

Compared with the gods of the holy mountain, he is indeed very strong, but facing this first generation god king, his dear grandfather, he is as weak as a baby who can be suppressed with just ten moves, no matter how difficult it is to resist.

"Uranus! Don't think that Gaia is seriously injured! No one can stop you!!"

Zeus vomited blood, lay on the ground, and shouted angrily: "You are not the only original god!"

All around him were gods who were seriously injured and unconscious, like ants.

"Oh? Little Zeus, do you have other backers? Hahaha, what a joke, I want to see, I'm here to get back what belongs to me, who dares to intervene!"

Uranus stood in mid-air, looking down at the world and said.

The projection of the Kingdom of God appeared behind him, appearing incomparably mighty and unrivaled.

Zeus's face was ashen, without saying a word, he crushed the source crystal that Erebus gave him!.

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