Great Writer

Chapter 53: The conscience of the empire

  Wang Defu obviously didn't expect that the charming girl in front of him was so active, and the other party didn't feel like a girl of this era.

Seeing that Wang Defu has not yet responded, Chen Qingle's brain turned very fast, and she drove the train while it was hot: "I know that a man like you who has gone to a new-style university must pursue the so-called'free love'. In fact, I have also studied this in depth. The so-called "free love" is to cultivate the relationship before getting married, and then get married naturally; while the so-called "arranged marriage" is nothing more than marrying first and then nurturing the relationship. How big is the difference between the two? Now anyway, we The two are not married yet, they are just married, so you can fall in love first! We are also together through "free love"!"

Wang Defu only thinks that Chen Qingle, as expected, is still a teenage girl, too naive. Perhaps it is because of this that he acted so impulsively and recklessly. There are not many young girls who have been involved in the future. All kinds of scumbags deceive feelings.

Wang Defu finally said: "I won't fall in love with you. You are too young to understand what love is. However, we should meet each other today. It's okay to ask you to have a meal. Just watch a movie. Bar."

   Chen Qingle frowned her pretty willow eyebrows, and abruptly asked the question she almost blurted out. It was just that you guy asked my sister to watch a movie, why can't I?

   Chen Qingle only felt that from this incident, she found that her status in the other party's mind was not as good as her sister's after all. This made her who likes to fight everything and was very unconvinced.

But Chen Qingle was afraid that she would ask such a question, and the other party would resist her even more, so she endured it abruptly. Originally, she only liked Wang Defu only outwardly, as if she must get this toy. Now Wang Defu is right. Her sister's preference made her want to catch this man more so that she would not feel uncomfortable.

  Wang Defu just invited Chen Qingle to a potluck. The atmosphere between the two was not as good as Chen Qingle expected, which further stimulated her desire for challenge.

   Could it be that she Chen Qingle has honed for so many years and thinks she can please anyone, but in the end she can't make such a man who fits her eyes like her? Is she so unattractive?

   However, Chen Qingle felt relieved that at least Wang Defu sent her back to the First Girls High School very gentlemanly, but her sister did not receive this treatment.

This was purely because Chen Qingyan went too fast. Wang Defu hadn't reacted yet. Later, Chen Qingle, who was "never random" appeared, which caused him not to send Chen Qingyan or send the girl safely to the other party's residence, which is what he believed. Basic operations, unless the girl firmly does not need him to do so.


Before the new issue of "Xue Yan" came out, the literary and artistic youths of the Department of Literature of Soochow University who paid close attention to the school magazine had already received news that Wang Defu, the author of "Listening to the Snow Night", would publish in the school magazine again. A masterpiece, but it's no longer a prose, but an essay on current malpractices.

   Yes, it is a typical well-known article, criticizing the whole society and system problems!

   This essay is definitely more influential than Wang Defu’s previous prose "Listening to the Snow Night", because it will undoubtedly cause huge controversy!

In the past, perhaps even a madman like Huang Kan had to praise "Listening to the Snow Night" is wonderful, but Wang Defu's work was a fancy refutation of Huang Kan's "On Women", and it was almost he was directly directing it. To Huang Kan to write a battle book!

   Therefore, everyone originally thought that the previous school magazine that contained Wang Defu's "Ting Xue Zhi Ye" was the most concerned, but I did not expect that this issue of "Xue Jie" would receive even more attention!

Almost at the moment when "Xue Yan" was printed and sent to Soochow University, its spread speed and breadth were much faster than before, and Wang Defu's "Female Submission" was finally seen by many readers for the first time. Arrived!

Wang Defu’s article can be said to be quite in-depth. He is not only refuting Huang Kan’s "On Women", but directly criticizes and criticizes the political system and social system of Huaxia’s imperial empire, demanding that women be given it. The right to education, the right to work and the right to vote are equal to men.

In his article, from the perspective of the need for social progress, Wang Defu proposed that the issue of feminism should be resolved as soon as possible. He even raised this to the height of human progress. He boldly wrote: "I think that the social relationship between the two sexes should be regulated. The principle of “one gender is legally subordinate to another gender” is wrong in itself, and it has now become one of the main obstacles to human Defu advocates that women’s rights should be protected legally and women should be given the right to vote. Join the political power, improve the quality of women, and accept women into all the positions and occupations that have been monopolized by men so far.

   He believes that as a result of this, the entire human relationship will be rectified in general, and human nature will also be greatly benefited.

   How about Chen Qingyan, after reading Wang Defu’s "The Submission of Women", she admired him from the heart because she only thought about herself and hoped that she could enter Soochow University for higher education.

   As a result, Wang Defu believes that this is only the most basic right that women should have, and women should be able to do more. Even if one day becomes the prime minister of the empire, it is a matter of course, as long as she has enough abilities.

  Of course, women have more rights, and of course they have more obligations. Otherwise, how can there be such a good thing as only enjoying their rights and not fulfilling their obligations?

As soon as Wang Defu’s essay came out, the many Soochow University students who saw it for the first time fell into two groups. One group completely rejected Wang Defu’s essay, and the other group rejected him partially. In this article, I think there are some points in the article that are very reasonable, but some points are too radical and completely unrealistic!

But there is no doubt that this essay is like a depth bomb, sparking a wave of discussions on "how to liberate women and improve women’s rights". It centers on Soochow University and spreads to the entire empire. Go, just because this "Female Submission Status" is really suitable for reprinting.

   Writing essays and ostentation can only be famous in the school and get the title of "gifted man"; but writing essays, cursing society, and cursing the system, as long as you scold well, you can become the "conscience of the empire"!

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