Great Writer

Chapter 24: Invite

   Du Shuhuan actually saw Zhou Qiyun upset for a long time, not only because of the rejection of the manuscript by the writer Wang Defu he admired, but also of course because of the other party's ease at work and the vegetarian diet.

   It’s just that Du Shuhuan was too lazy to talk about him before. He just listened to the arrangements at home and came here to experience and experience. He has no sense of belonging to the Gusu Evening News.

He listened to his father’s teachings, just said less, did more, and did his own job well. With this kind of work experience, he went to the World Book Company, the publishing group’s most valued "World Journal" job, and naturally there would be nothing. I made a mistake, and finally took his father's class, which was perfect.

   Even if there is no sense of belonging, young people like Du Shuhuan certainly hope to increase the sales of this newspaper, and his resume will be more beautiful by then. Unfortunately, Zhou Qiyun, a dragging guy, ruined his ideas.

However, this did not make Du Shuhuan too much in his heart. It was also a thing that made him happy to help his friend Ling Jingsu and her magazine "Red Rose". He completely followed the route designed for him at home. He left, and Ling Jingsu was completely rebellious, which always admired him.

What Du Shuhuan was really upset about was that the work "Love and Sex" was so popular that it directly made a little-known new magazine become the dark horse of the entire Suzhou magazine industry. As a result, Zhou Qiyun's waste was still a duck. This is true. It's disgusting, he doesn't get angry, it's really panic!

Du Shuhuan is the kind of brother who has been taught very well since he was a child. He has a good temper. Maybe people who like to read miscellaneous books have no bad temper, but this does not mean that he has no temper. The most important thing is that he has no background to Zhou Qiyun. The guy is angry, he doesn't have to bear any consequences...

   His father always taught him that his eyes must be bright, and people who shouldn't be offended should not be offended, but don’t be afraid of troubles when it is critical. Du Shuhuan felt that he had well implemented what his father had taught him.

Zhou Qiyun was so stunned by Du Shuhuan, but he didn't dare to go back, but rather proficiently, and replied: "Although the editor-in-chief of the serialized novel section is me, it is not me who is responsible for the specific content. I am personally responsible. There is only the celebrity gossip section. If the novel section does have some vulgar and indecent content, I will definitely order rectification, so that our evening paper will maintain its style, and will never go with certain works!"

   Zhou Qiyun said this, he had secretly decided in his heart that he would immediately tell the writers who contributed to the novel to stop writing H when he returned, or else how could he stand on the commanding heights of morality and continue to attack "Love and Sex"?

   Anyway, he can only take advantage of the extreme kitsch of the novel to justify himself. Otherwise, when the editor-in-chief discovers his huge mistake, how can he continue to mix in the editorial department?

In any case, Zhou Qiyun cares about his job very much. Being an editor this year is also a decent job. The income is not low. He can also use his power to make extra money. If this job is lost, then He didn't know how to face the whole family when he went back.

In order to seize more handles of "Love and Sex" and have more confidence in scolding, Zhou Qiyun almost turned into a black fan of this era, and actually secretly bought a pirated booklet of this work, and read it carefully. Who dares? If he blows this work in the editorial department, then he will just black it out!

   It turns out that piracy is popular among readers in this era.

   What Zhou Qiyun absolutely does not admit is that while he blacked this work, he still watched it very happily. He was totally different from the attitude of completely refusing to accept the manuscript at the beginning!


Wang Defu naturally didn’t know that the editorial department of Gusu Evening News would be like this because of his work. At the beginning, he was upset by the middle-aged bald editor. "Accepted, he got the money he deserved, so he left the matter behind.

In addition to devoting his energy to the creation of "Love and Sex", he did not relax in his professional study. He himself is very interested in philosophy and will definitely create his own philosophical academic works in the future. This requires him to absorb the philosophical theories of the two worlds as nourishment.

Although the philosophical theory of this world lags far behind the development of the philosophical theory of his world, we should not underestimate the philosophers of this world because of this. The development of philosophy, like science, is never achieved overnight, and he treats it. The attitude of academic research is absolutely rigorous, with a tendency of perfectionism.

   In order to establish the perfect philosophical system in his own mind, he is willing to make a life-long effort. He believes that his own thoughts can certainly shine on the entire human race!

  While Wang Defu focused on this world's "History of Western Philosophy", he received a call from Ling Jingsu, the editor-in-chief of "Red Rose" and said that he had an appointment with Du Shuhuan, thank them very much.

   If it weren't for Du Shuhuan's insightful talents and Wang Defu's brilliant pens, then the fate of her magazine would be like a child who died at birth.

In her mind, she wanted to use "Red Rose" to counterattack "Violet" and face-slapped Shanghai school talented female writer Liu Xianran. She may only stay at the stage of thinking. It was Wang Defu who inserted her in her dream. wing.

  Wang Defu did not refuse Ling Jingsu’s invitation. As a literati, writer, future scholar, and people in the publishing industry, it is necessary for him to establish a good relationship with people in the publishing industry. It will be very convenient to publish academic monographs at that time.

   Moreover, Wang Defu must also admit that Ling Jingsu is an extremely beautiful, excellent temperament, and a rather independent young literary girl, which suits his taste, otherwise he would not give her the song "Rain Alley".

   As a man, you should face your own heart. If getting along with a lady is very comfortable and pleasant, why not get along with her more?

  Wang Defu didn't even have any idea of ​​going beyond the line, nor did he have a clear purpose. He treats the feelings of men and women just to go with the flow, do what he wants, and never force it.

Holding this kind of sentimental view, he will always look so calm and calm in front of women. Coupled with his handsome and extraordinary appearance, he will naturally become the "male god" in the minds of some women, and the rest of the women are afraid to be. I like the kind of licking dogs that kneel and lick them without a lower limit, but these women never touch them, just want to have a relationship with the male god...

Ling Jingsu chose a well-known Dongying restaurant in Suzhou. Dongying in this world belongs to a province in Huaxia’s imperial empire. It is a major tourist province, and its cuisine is also well-known in the world. It belongs to a famous Chinese cuisine. .

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