"Lua, you stinky boy swept away the old man's coffin, forget it! You even dare to kidnap the rear admiral, you are out of the way, right?"

Not bad!

The person who dared to roar at Lua in the midst of the phone bug was none other than Lua and Luffy's grandfather, a naval hero......


I think that Lua relied on his grandfather Karp, and the 100 million Bailey coffin book that he had saved after decades of hard work and married Nami!

Can you imagine Cap's mood when he found out that his coffin had been swept away by Lua? and most importantly, Lua went to be a pirate!


Even if Lua has done so many outrageous things, including defeating His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas in Alabastan and serving as his grandfather's hero Karp;

Actually, he doesn't care much!

This is exactly the reason why, before this, he took his own fleet, which had already rushed to Alabastan, but chose to retreat!


This time Lua did too much! Knocking down Admiral Qingzhi or something, Karp still didn't care, anyway, Qingzhi was in his eyes;

It's just a little Karami too!


Lu Ya should not have kidnapped the most bewitching female navy in the Navy headquarters, and she is also the most promising candidate to be a female admiral in the future!

Can he bear this?


Make no mistake;

This kind of thing Karp doesn't really matter!

The point is;

Can Karp endure Sengoku, can he endure it?

At this very moment;

In the office of the Supreme Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku held the only remaining bag of senbei in one hand and tightly grabbed Karp's collar with the other;

The vicious threat Karp said:

"Karp, old man, this is the last pack of senbei! If you want to eat it, call Lua, or the old man will break it to pieces!"


Sengoku immediately handed a phone bug to Karp's mouth, and at the same time exerted a little force, and instantly saw the sound of Xianbei shattering;

And so on!

Karp lowered his head helplessly;

That's when I had to make a phone call!

On the other end of the phone;

When Lua heard Grandpa Karp's roar, he was stunned for two seconds, and then said a word, which directly made Karp Warring States dumbfounded!

"Haha! Grandpa, it's you! Yes, yes, I did kidnap Peach Rabbit! However, the most promising female admiral in the future of your navy;

Peach free ......

It's your granddaughter-in-law now!"

"What? Do you say granddaughter-in-law? Lua, you kid is really doing a beautiful job! Remember! You must have a few more big fat boys!

Your dad is scrapped!

The Monchi family will depend on you in the future!"


After speaking;

Karp couldn't stop laughing, and at the same time hung up the phone bug directly, Sengoku's face was already as black as charcoal, and he crushed the whole bag of senbei!


At this very moment;

The general Qingzhi, who had just returned from the Island of Justice, pushed the door in, and he who had lost the frozen fruit not only did not look the slightest decadent;


More spirited!

It's like a person who once lost his dreams and finally found his dreams, but his body is filled with lost youth!

"Mr. Karp, I'm back! You once said that those who possess Devil Fruits will never comprehend the true meaning of the three-color domineering!


You don't really want to be my master!

Right now......

I'll get rid of the burden of the frozen fruit in the future! I'm a pure sorcerer now! Can I really call you Master now?"



In a split second;

Karp and Qingzhi hugged each other directly;

Both men couldn't hold back their tears!

At this moment;

Qingzhi raised his head, and the back of Lu Ya appeared directly in his mind, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile faintly, and at the same time clenched the fist in his hand:

"Lua, I'll keep chasing you!"

...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A few days later;

Robin, who has been pregnant for several months, has faintly shown signs of ripening thanks to the urging of growth factors, including Lua himself;

Everyone on Sky Island is getting nervous!


Lu Na, Lu Qi and Lu Wei, three little sisters;

Soon they will have a fourth little sister or little brother, and their three little sisters are more curious than others!

"Eldest sister, did you say that the fourth mother gave birth to a little brother or a little sister?"

"I want a little brother! because I already have two younger sisters!"

"Hmph! I don't want it! Eldest sister, second sister, you two already have a little sister, I don't have it yet! I want a little sister too!"

When the three little sisters, Lu Na, Lu Qi, and Lu Wei, talked about whether they wanted to have a little brother or a little sister, Lu Wei was not stupid!

Sure enough;

After a few minutes;

Their fourth mother, Robin, gave birth to a baby girl smoothly, and Xiao Luwei can be said to have got what she wanted, and her wish came true, she was so happy!

"Lua, congratulations, you have another baby girl!"

Following Lu Na, Lu Qi, and Lu Wei's three baby daughters, Lu Ya's fourth daughter was finally born, and the old father Lu Ya was overjoyed!


At this very moment;

Before Lua could express his excitement, he saw a roar from the gate of D, which was located at an altitude of 7,000 meters below the Sky Island;

Nora, the first guardian spirit beast of their D clan, the Lord of the Sky, suddenly became irritable, and waited until Lua and the others rushed over to take a look;

In a split second;

Everyone present was stunned!

Guess what they saw?

Between Qinghai and the White Sea, which is located under the Sky Island, there would have been a monster current every once in a while, but at this moment;

I don't know what happened, there are countless super-giant sea kings, many of which are located at the bottom of the deep sea and have never appeared;


There is even a Sea King Ancestor whose head is bigger than an island!

They scrambled as if they were rushing to worship, desperately squeezing into the white sea at the bottom of the Sky Island, bursting the monster current!

This pomp and circumstance;

Not to mention the others, even Lua can be said to be unheard of!

They were sprinting as hard as they could, and the others didn't know what they were trying to do, but Lua heard them clearly;

Lua, who can listen to the voice of all things, is nothing if he doesn't listen to it, and after listening to it, his whole person is completely stunned in place!


These sea king-like ancestors, who are bigger than an island, are calling the name of the queen in the mouths of each of them!


Lua's fourth baby daughter has just been born, and the ancestor of this group of sea kings has appeared, and he still wants to worship the queen!


In a split second;

Luya instantly understood, and sure enough, as he expected, just like his previous three concubines, the fourth child was also a monster!


"Lua, a vision from the sky, a strange movement in the sea, it seems that our precious daughter is not very worry-free! You should marry her a name, right?"

"Monchi D Runi!"

Lua herself planned to call Rubin, but it didn't feel good, and she ended up taking one of the Ni characters in her mother's Nicole Robin name!

It sounds a little cuter that way!

But... County...

Just born makes the whole sea so different;


This name will also become her biggest misunderstanding!


Don't say a word;

Luya hurriedly checked Xiao Luni's talent!


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