On the street not far from the naval base, Lua was basking in the sun leisurely, while confidently waiting for the arrival of the female Navy Dusty!

In the original book;

It was on this street that Zoro had a very interesting and beautiful encounter with Dusty, and Lua came here to cut off his beard!

This can be regarded as a relief for Sauron!


Sure enough;

Not for a while;

I saw two fierce and vicious lewd men running out to bully men and women, and a female navy who seemed to be very weak stood up straight and drew her sword at each other!

"Hey, hey, hey!".

Two lewd men laughed at her to their heart's content!


The female navy is like a bolt of lightning;

The figure flashed;

The next second;

The two lewd men fell to the ground at the same time

His eyes were full of disbelief!

Not bad!

This sassy female navy is none other than that;

It was Dusty who was favored by Lua!

Although the female Navy Dusty is only a small sergeant at this stage, she is one of the few strong and upright navies in the entire navy!

And that's not all;

As a traverser, Lua knows very well that Dusty is still a very kind girl, which can be used by him!


Thinking of this;

Seeing the female navy Dusty appear, Lua didn't say a word, and immediately tore the clothes on her body, and even grabbed a handful of dirt and wiped it on her face;

deliberately pretending to be very miserable;

Start performing!

It just so happened to be ......

Right now;

When Dusty had just knocked down two lewd men with a knife, her glasses accidentally fell to the ground, and she was highly myopic and immediately groped all over the ground

Seeing this, Lua stepped forward without hesitation, squatted down and picked up the glasses on the ground, and handed them into the hands of the female navy Dusty!

When Dusty hurriedly put back his glasses, the two of them happened to be looking at each other, however, Dusty didn't have time to see his appearance clearly;

Lu Ya immediately pretended to be decadent again, turned around and left!

"Hey, wait, you picked up my glasses, I haven't said thank you yet! I don't look right, is something wrong?".

Dusty hurriedly got up and chased after Lua when he saw it!

Lua knew that kindness was like Dusty would definitely catch up, but he still showed a look of being unapproachable and waved his hand to stop


"It's just a gesture to help you pick up your glasses!Nothing has happened to me!You'd better stay away from me!I'm an ominous person!".

"No, something very painful must have happened to you, right? You can't fool me, can you tell me, maybe I can help you!"

Female Navy Dusty showed an eager look on her face!

"You can't help me! No one can help me! Actually, I'm a bounty hunter, just a few days ago in a group action;

There were more than 10 of us at the same time

The results ......

All my teammates died for me!

I'm the only one who lives alone in this world!Why? Why am I still alive?

Why don't you just let me die too!".

As soon as the words fell;

As the so-called acting has to play a full set, Lu Ya pulled out the long sword on his waist without saying a word, and he was about to kiss himself on the neck and die!

In an instant;

You can imagine that;

How could a kind person like Dusty let this kind of thing happen? I saw that she didn't say a word, and directly took an arrow step, and took the long sword in Lua's hand

Shoot down to the ground!

At the same time......

Dusty didn't hesitate to hug him tightly from behind, and even in her eyes, tears instantly flooded like a flood:

"Your life is so miserable! Promise me! Live! Even if your teammates are gone, living is the best response to them!".

In this moment;

Lua also unceremoniously poured her whole body into Dusty's arms, enjoying the kindness and gentleness of this female navy!

"But...... I'm worthless after losing my teammates!".

"No! Everyone has their own value! You can start your life all over again! If you don't dislike it, our navy is recruiting miscellaneous officers!".


Dusty nodded seriously: "Yes, join our navy, even if you start from the miscellaneous service, I believe you will be famous in the sea!"


I saw Dusty help her glasses, and at this moment she happened to be looking at Lua, before that, she had not looked at this face seriously;

Suddenly such a close contact;

Dusty's face flushed in an instant!

Because ......

Decadence can't hide the light at all;

Lua's face is so handsome!

If it was her kindness to encourage Lua like that before, then at this moment, it was obvious that her heart had begun to ripple!


Over the next few days;

As a newly recruited naval handyman, Lua wanders around the East China Sea base, getting along with the female navy Dusty day and night, and even being inseparable;

It's like a couple in love;

Lang Qing concubine;

Like glue!

Finally ......

Two people on a stormy night, lonely men and widows, living in the same room, as if the whole world was the only two of them;

Be careful;

Taste the Forbidden Fruit!


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